Let's see here its always been of how to word things unless I am writing a story.
I am a 52 year young BBW witch. Yes I practice every day at being wiccan. I am also very proud of it.

Hosted by Sparkle Tags
I work mostly with healing laying on of hands. I even have my own book of shadows, with my own spells I wrote.
I am also a big lover of dragons....I have cds of dragon graphics.....and am hoping soon to add a few dragon tats to the lower part of my leg.

Hosted by Sparkle Tags
I am from upstate NY moved to Florida like 5 years ago now, I hate every day here lol.But if you were to hear me talk you would know after like 5 words that I am from NY. It's hard to hide the way of talking but also the NY attude.
NY Yankees Rule

Hosted by Sparkle Tags
Ok now on to the boring stuff.....I love movies have around 300 of them I have burned......collect dragons and bears of all kinds......love working with graphics...I even have my own MSN group...and am a Moderator on a few others......love meeting new people from all over I have made some great friends on my computer some I have met in person some I plan on meeting one day others are over seas and I'll never met them (I don't never ever fly).
Enough about me for now.
Thanks for reading
Hugs Pammy