Blind Faith??
Even though we stumble,or even though we fall,God is there to lift us up and offer his hand so that we can rise. Our spirit goes through a battle every day of our lifes. They say the human spirit is unrelentless and Independant. So is that why we try to pull out of things on our own? Why is it, that we do this,then yell at God,for not succeding in our"prideful" ways and not letting God take our hand, when he so graciously held it out for us? Why is it that our mind is capable of so many things, yet when we fall on our face, after we didn't grab that hand that he held out for us, we blame the one thing, that if we had layed down our pride, could of helped us before we even fell? This Baffles me you guys.
Just imagine this story.
"Oh God" the girl cried again.
The girls love of her life had just went into the hospital. She was depressed for many days. She asked everyone around her to pray, yet she was so obsessed with the fact that her love was in the hospital, that she passed up God's hand that had been sticking out right in front of her face, for her to take. Well the doctor came in and told her that her love, had worsened and that he was dying. The girl didn't know what to do, she was so frightened. She began to curse and blame God. "God" she yelled "You said that you know my heart, well this man is my heart, and yet you let him die!, why God, how can you do this to me" she was so angry at him and so hurt that every word that came out of her mouth hurt Gods heart worse than hers ever could have. Then God began to speak to her. "MY CHILD", why is it that I stand here waiting for you, yet you try to lean on your own understanding, and when things don't come to pass you blame ME, when all I have tried to do is love you, Have I not given you my son, so that you may live, Have I not carried you out of all your troubles, Have I not protected you and nurtured you, and even in your hardest times and when your burdens became to much I have lifted it off of your shoulders and placed them on my own, and even now I hold out my hands for you to take and yet you pass me by as if I have never been here?" The girl fell on her knees and cried "Oh God I am so sorry Lord, please forgive me, I want him to live oh God, please all my faith is in you, I now place all my trust in you, you have gave me no reason not too, and I am sorry" God touched her head "Oh my child, there will be many more times in your life where your faith will be tested, so remember this, and never gorget I am always here." As she got up, her love walked into the waiting room "Why are you crying love" the girl quickly turned around and smiled " You wouldn't believe me honey, just remember this, you walk now because the one that is higher than us loved you and me enough to heal you" then after this they kissed and held each other.
Now me being wiccian believe in many gods and goddesses So its all of them I pray to when I pray and there is a God and Godess for everything in this world living and dead and everything has a soul even the trees and bugs cause they are all living things.
be good to nature and others and they will be good to you
thanks for reading my ramblings and blog enteries