Well to start I want to tell all my CT friends i am very sorry for not being around like i use to be.
But with moving and getting settled things in real time has taken over my life once again.......but its not just the move its that thing i live with.....he wont get a job and its killing me stress wise......no matter what i say or do he still refuses to get a job.......its not for not having a car cause my best friend lives 2 doors up from me and has offered many times to take him out looking and for interviews.......I am disabled and live on 600 a month that has to pay for my phone,internet, cable,elec.,computer payments and lot rent......i own the trailer thanks to my best friend......i cant even get him to apply for his own food stamps and mine is not making it for all month and every time i turn around he is wanting something and when work on the trailer needs doing all i get are excuses.......so being so depressed and overly stressed over all this all i do is sit and play games on my computer all day....i dont want any of you my friends to think i have been ignoring any of you