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Anime Addict's blog: "Serious Stuff"

created on 05/23/2007  |  http://fubar.com/serious-stuff/b85285
Are YOU a snowbird, or have parents who are? Don't want to do 'the drive' to the winter home this year? Then hire me! See the following web site for more details! HireMeToDriveYourCar


----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Dave Date: Jul 17, 2007 11:36 AM our beautiful planet!!!


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Yes, you can make a difference! You can help HEAL OUR PLANET

No matter what you religious, political, social or cultural beliefs are.

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"When the earth is sick and polluted, human health is impossible.... To heal ourselves we must heal our planet, and to heal our planet we must heal ourselves.- Bobby McLeod

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Namaste My Friend, Together We are More!

Harnessing the Power of Online Spending to Support Charity

If you look at these pictures at his site and think this was NO ACCIDENT

TEll him. LEAVE HIM A MESSAGE This case needs to be reopened!

OR (even better yet!), please CALL the Coroners office and tell them they need to open their eyes! The number is on his page. Here's the story behind the horror:

My 22 year old son, Nate, lived at home with us. Basically, he was hit in the head, knocked out dragged through our yard etc. etc. and thrown in the shallowest end of our swimming pool about 2 feet deep to drown. I found him Monday morning, August 28th, 2006 wearing his 2 bloody t-shirts, his boxers and his socks in the shallowest end of our pool. Besides the clearly visible injuries to my son's head, nose, chest and legs,the smoking gun in my mind is the one and only one needle puncture that my private coroner found on my son's body and the lethal level of cocaine that was in his system. My son had no tattoos, no piercings. He hated needles. There is absolutely no needle to be found. Who has it? One other tidbit of information my son's life was threatened 7 days before he died. 3 individuals looked at me in my eyes and said "Your son is a deadman" . This happened when my son was trying to protect a very good friend of his from these 3 individuals. The Mesa, Az. police department were given the name and phone number of these individuals the day that I found my son. An Accident?? NO WAY !!! If you would like more information please let me know. Please feel free to repost this bulletin. The more people that I can make aware of my son, Robert Nathaniel Kirk, "Nate's" MURDER, the better. I have this information posted on my profile now as well. ...Jim Kirk
How many people are diagnosed with Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis, Or Emphysema? ALOT

Is it LAM?


Hi Everyone,
My name is June. I'm 35 years old and I was recently diagnosed with a rare,progressive,fatal lung disease I had never ever heard of.
In fact, not many people have.
In September of 2006 After a catscan of my chest I was diagnosed with the beginning of Emphysema.
It was misdiagnosed as it often is.I was also told prior I had Asthma, and Chronic Bronchitis. The disease I have is called Lymphangioleiomyomatosis. also known as "Lam" and as of yet there is no cure.

Lymphangioleiomyomatosis is pronounced lim-fan-gee-o-ly-o-my-o-ma-to-sis. "Lymph" and "angio" refer to the lymph and blood vessels, "Leiomy" means smooth muscle, and "oma" is a tumor. The last part "tosis" refers to a disease condition. I have 25-30 cysts in my lungs. At times I get very tired.I cough alot and am short of breath most of the time and am easily fatigued.
My recent catscan is now much worse. Along with all the cysts I have multiple "nodules" in both lungs.
The disease has progressed.

LAM is a metastatic disease affecting the lungs, the kidneys, the lymphatic system, and at times, the brain.

LAM is fatal in the lungs as thin-walled cysts progressively destroy healthy lung tissue.

Well if I had LAM wouldn't I look sick?


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Now look at a catscan with someone with LAM!

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There is no effective treatment and no cure.
It kills women from all races, class backgrounds and countries by suffocating them to death.

Well, wouldn't my doctor know if I had LAM?
Not unless he ordered a high resolution catscan!

I have only found 10 doctors in the United States who even know about LAM!

The Life expectancy for someone with Lam is 7-10 years from onset of the disease.
Time is running out for me and other woman with Lam.
I need YOUR help.

I've turned to myspace to raise awareness and try and educate the community so nobody else goes undiagnosed or is misdiagnosed.

Doctors say LAM affects 1 in 3 million people.
I don't believe this.

If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis, Or Emphysema you need to read about LAM.

For more information on Lam and the Signs and Symptoms,

please visit The June Christine Lembo LAM Foundation at www.myspace.com/hope4lam

Click the below banner link.

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PLEASE help me raise awareness for LAM and "PAY IT FORWARD" and repost this to your friends.
"A man leaves all kinds of footprints when he walks through life. Some you can see ... others are invisible, like the prints he leaves across other people's lives." -- Margaret Lee Runbeck -- "The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep." -- Robert Frost -- Click HERE for Walkthewalk07
1. The June Christine Lembo Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) non- profit organization. All donations are dedicated to raising awareness of Lam and funding research. It is essential to raise awareness in both the medical/scientific as well as the lay communities in order to encourage the interest required to further research. E.I.N.# 03-0613422.
From June Lembo: My name is June. I'm 35 years old and I was recently diagnosed with a rare,progressive,fatal lung disease I had never ever heard of. in fact, not many people have. In September of 2006 After a catscan of my chest I was diagnosed with the beginning of Emphesema.It was misdiagnosed as it often is. The disease I have is called Lymphangioleiomyomatosis "Lam" and as of yet there is no cure Lymphangioleiomyomatosis is pronounced lim-fan-gee-o-ly-o-my-o-ma-to-sis. "Lymph" and "angio" refer to the lymph and blood vessels, respectively. "Leiomy" means smooth muscle, and "oma" is a tumor. The last part "tosis" refers to a disease condition. I have 25-30 cysts in my lungs. At times I get very tired. LAM is a metastatic disease affecting the lungs, the kidneys, the lymphatic system, and at times, the brain. LAM is fatal in the lungs as thin-walled cysts progressively destroy healthy lung tissue. There is no effective treatment and no cure. It kills women from all races, class backgrounds and countries by suffocating them to death. The June Christine Lembo Lam Foundation is committed to funding science to find a cure,educating the medical and lay communities and raising awareness of this disease that so few physicians have heard of. and making sure every physician knows what Lam is. Lam is often misdiagnosed as Asthma,Chronic Bronchitis,Emphysema or even worse it goes undiagnosed. The Life expectancy for someone with Lam is 8-10 years. Time is running out.for me and other woman with Lam. That can change with your help. I am not a movie star I never went to Princeton. I'm a very real person pleading for a real cure. Heres how you can help this, and the other following causes: Please give what you can to: The June Christine Lembo Lam Foundation P.O Box 3367 Pawtucket,Rhode Island 02861

2. Chronic Fatigue Research:

3. All Chronic Illness Support:




"I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do." ~~Helen Keller

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