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Paris Hilton turned herself in and reported to L.A. County Jail. Hey....if you do the crime, you must do the time. In leu of Ms. Hilton's trip to her new simple life, i say, let's have a party! Wil Deynes Performing Live - Paris hilton goes to jail celebration! Julep (NYC) 9 Ave A between 1st and 2nd street Friday June 8th 11PM I'm bringing the music! WilDeynes.com
Author Leidra Lawson's ten years of experience as a sugar baby--and having given many men and women "sugar baby/sugardaddy dating lessons"--led her to write this unique book. Sugar Daddy 101 will show you how to meet rich men. You can get a sugar daddy to: pay for college, give you a monthly allowance, put you into his will, get money to start a business! A sugar daddy can show you how to make money and open a business. Some women have paved to road to success with help from a sugardaddy and learned how to get rich. Learn how to use online dating to date a millionaire and marry rich. A rich benefactor can make a good sugar daddy. Learn how online dating is a great way to meet successful men. Wealthy dating is what ladies love to do today. Learn how many wealthy men use online dating and the personals to find women for pampering and spoiling. Learn how some women can even marry a millionaire or marry a billionaire, while other women choose to be a kept woman by dating rich men. You can meet a sugar daddy anywhere - even unexpected places: home improvement stores, gourmet supermarkets, banks, in upscale neighborhoods, and many more... Sugar Daddy 101 includes: ¤ Step-by-step guide how to get a sugar daddy. ¤ Numerous provocative stories from Leidra and her sugar baby buddies. ¤ Quick reference guide, a worksheet, and a glossary so that "sugar-babies-in-training" can learn quickly and get out there and meet their own sugar daddy! Leidra's Sugar Daddy Dating Tips: 1. A rich man is most likely not looking for a gold digger. He wants to share his money and lifestyle with a woman that likes him for more than just his money. 2. Single millionaires like to spoil women that are pretty and intelligent. 3. Some sugar babies marry money to find true happiness. 4. Dating older men is as great way to search for a good sugar daddy. 5. Just being rich is NOT what leads to long-term happiness.


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999 Ways 2 Say No 2 A "No-Good Man" takes an uncensored look into the ways of the no-good man and exposes him for who he truly is: a dog disguised as a human. While promoting women to think with the head and not with the heart in matters of love, this book unveils what every woman may or may not want to know but needs to know about the canine, who may not currently be in her life, but may someday bring his paws to her doorstep. 999 Ways reveals the internal pollution that allows a woman to tolerate his ways, encouraging her to confront and transform this into strength. It reemphasizes the fact that the very structure of a woman is composed of strength. It is just a matter of finding its location then continuing on with application. From Love 2 Be Defined to the Colorful Commentary and Excerpts of Encouragement, the usage of poetic expression will provoke thought and laughter to uplift the spirit. A.A.D. is the phrase that pays: Acknowledge, Act, Depart. So enter at your risk because only the brave souls will survive this literary experience.

New State Mottos - Mostly Rejected ! Alabama: Like the third world, but closer. Don't tell MS, but we're ALL sportin' boners right now! Because SC is a Little Too Progressive for Some of Us Keeping it in the family since 1819. Alaska: Colder Than a Witch's Tit -- and Prettier, Too! Yeah, but it's a dry cold. We Get to Kill Whales and You Don't! We're cold and lonely: LET US HAVE OUR POT BACK! Arizona: The Pacific Coast State! Oh, crap. I guess now WE'RE gonna need a new motto, too. Arkansas: It's Trailer-rific!!! Honest, we were just try'n to get that sheep back over the fence. Attention, K-Mart Shoppers! ) California: Caution: Large Fake Breasts On Board! With Satan, too, all things are possible -- and way more fun! What the hell's up with VT??? Silicon Valley in the North, Silicone Hills in the South! Colorado: Now 100% John Denver free! Connecticut: The "C" is Silent, Casshole! Florida: Half a Million Cubans Can't All Be Wrong Hey you kids, get off of my state! We make the US look like it's pissing on Cuba. So close, you can smell Fidel. The Phallic Symbol State More than just a great place to die. Now With 25% More Cubans! Where the 3 R's are for Rednecks, Retirees and Raft Arrivals With Elian gone and Spring Break over, we're once again safe for Grandma. Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free... and we'll send 'em back to you free of charge! Come See Your Grandparents Before They Die Hawaii: Why Does Everybody Think Putting Ham and Pineapple on Something Makes it "Hawaiian"? Idaho: You Can Be Da Ho Next! Get Your Whites Their Whitest! Cogito ergo spud: I think, therefore I yam. Illinois: Stop pronouncing the "S", or we're gonna kick your ass! The "I See Dead Voters" State Indiana: Dan Quayle's Favorite Country! Where EVERY year is 1957. Iowa: Future Birthplace of Captain James T. Kirk Our Trees Bend North Because Minnesota Sucks. Kansas: We aren't all that crazy about Newton and his "gravity", either. More hills than Nebraska! Kentucky: Come for the Bluegrass -- Stay for the Incest! Shallowest gene pool in the Union We've Heard ALL the Hillbilly Jokes, So Don't Even Bother. Massachusetts: Now with 30% fewer Kennedys! Michigan: It's not just cold. It's ass-biting cold. Auto strikes, disgruntled postal workers, and a surplus of Canadians, oh my! Forget Detroit, it's actually part of Canada. Minnesota: First Line of Defense Against the Canadians Those guys in Fargo lived in ND, okay? Mississippi: We're Hard-on Crime Foiling Spelling Bees for over 150 years Keeping Louisiana from being last in *every* quality of life category. Don't even *think* about it, Chester! Missouri: Missouri Loves Company Montana: One nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all. Unless, of course, you don't believe in that sort of thing, in which case you can find a patch of land, build and arsenol, write a manefesto and start your own damned government. Anti-Government-Isolationist-Compound Conventions Welcome! Now with 50% fewer radical dissidents. Nebraska: The "N" is for "Knowledge!" You're Not in Kansas Anymore! New Jersey: Come for the beaches. Stay for the gambling, crack and hookers. What smell? Home of Jimmy Hoffa's grave... somewhere. Hey, Quit Laughing!! All those chemical waste sites and Trump's Taj Mahal, too! New York: The Go F#@$% Yourself State New Safe Version -- Now With 30% Fewer Murders! Just try to spend more for gas! Come for the skyline, stay because you were mugged and don't have money for a taxi to the airport. North Carolina: Sure, we've got weird, blue-skinned, inbred mountain dwellers, but at least we don't still fly the confederate flag! North Dakota: Last one to leave, turn out the light. You probably don't want to visit any more than we want to live here. Ohio: We're Full of Inbreds, Too -- We Just Have a Better PR Firm. It's more than just "hello" in Japanese. With God, All Things Are Possible -- and a little hush money to the Supreme Court doesn't hurt, either In God We Trust (C'mon -- we dare you to strike *this* one down!) With an omnipotent universal supreme being of undetermined gender which may or may not exist, all things are technically possible! With God, all things except keeping our state motto are possible. Oklahoma: We're like the Canada of TX! Oklahoma: Named After an Indian Tribe We Slaughtered Oregon: Home of quality babes like Tonya Harding and Monica Lewinski. Pennsylvania: Under Construction With goats, all things are possible. Rhode Island: Small? Yes, But We Know What To Do With It Yes, we know what a "peninsula" is. South Carolina: Oh, yeah -- like *we're* going to be concerned about an NAACP tourism boycott. Ya don't think removin' that flag changes nothin', do ya, boy? If at first you don't secede: try, try again. The OTHER white state. South Dakota: Hello? Can anyone hear me? Hey! Over here! Tennessee: The Darwin State Established in 1796 by Al Gore Texas: We Let America See Our Bush! The Criminal's Lethal Injection Connection We Kill 'em So YOU Don't Have To We put the "Ex" in "execution"! Better Behave, or We'll Fry Your Ass With your father as ex-president, all things are possible. West Virginia: Got Teeth? Because somebody has to make Virginia look good. It seemed like a good idea at the time. The State of Brotherly and Sisterly Love Oh, honestly, people. We have a world-class orchestra. We have a university. We... hey, Joe-Bob, pass me the chewin' tobakky, willya? Utah: Now open 7 days a week. Michael Jackson is *almost* white enough to live here now. With OUR God, all things are possible. It really sucked giving up multiple wives. Putting the "white" in "red, white, and blue." Vermont: We don't care who you marry, as long as we get the license fee. Virginia: Contrary to our name, our women are actually pretty slutty! Washington: Come for the Protests -- Stay for the Coffee! Where even the Tear Gas is environmentally friendly. With Gates, all things are possible. Wisconsin: Badgers?! We don't need no stinkin' badgers. Cutting the Cheese Since 1848 You're Among Cows. Puerto Rico: Ready to Screw Up 40 Years of Flag Symmetry Dumb Guys Think We're a State! We want statehood! No, we don't! Yes, we do! Victoria: Ever-tolerant of those xenophobic bastards in the Northern Hemisphere Canada: It's only a matter of time.
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