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47 Year Old · Female · From San Antonio, TX · Owned by Holydiver SDMF and is worth 1 coin. · Joined on April 21, 2007 · Born on January 17th · 15 referrals joined! · 8 different people have a crush on me!
47 Year Old · Female · From San Antonio, TX · Owned by Holydiver SDMF and is worth 1 coin. · Joined on April 21, 2007 · Born on January 17th · 15 referrals joined! · 8 different people have a crush on me!

I am not sure if anyone even takes the time to read these anymore, but here goes.

I'm pretty laid back & chill. I tend to be the glass is half-full, optimistic type "A" personality. I'm sweet until you disrespect me or piss me off. I love music of all genres, So, if you have recommendations, please share. I'm a bit of a nerd. I'm pretty simple. I'm goofy and sarcastic and love to laugh with people. I'm kind and will give you the shirt off my back if you need it. I'm honest in a way that's never cruel, only pure and unfiltered. I can be blunt, so don't ask me for my opinion if you're not ready to hear it.

I hate drama and by saying this, I hate being involved in drama. If you come to me with drama, then you can just row, row, row your boat the hell away from me. Additionally, women putting other women down is so Cringe!Kindness is in such short supply these days and it takes zero effort. Life is hard enough without people being assholes

I'm here to make friends. This includes talking and getting to know someone.
I think we have forgotten how to connect with people these days. I am not interested in popularity contests on these social sites.

If you send me a friend request, Say hello and get to know me.
What I am Looking For

Friends from all walks of life
Exciting people to Converse with
Introduction to New Music and Bands

47 Year Old · Female · From San Antonio, TX · Owned by Holydiver SDMF and is worth 1 coin. · Joined on April 21, 2007 · Born on January 17th · 15 referrals joined! · 8 different people have a crush on me!


12 Stones


Billie Holiday

80's Hair bands

Kelly Clarkson

Carrie Underwood


Beth Hart


Vince Gill


Too many more to list, I am Versatile .....

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The Notebook

Pride & Prejudice

Imitation of Life

Lady Sings the Blues

Stir of Echoes

Steel Magnolias

Shawn of the Dead

Fried Green Tomatoes

AnyHorror Flicks

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  • AXESS DENIED Sometimes the universe puts you in the same situation again to see if you’re still stupid.
    1 month ago · Comment

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