Please let me know first and not just flag my image. I'd appreciate it so I'm not warned by SCRAPPER or the bouncers that I'm loading multiple NSFW images, and get punished one way or another. It's a common courtesy (and probably better manners) to approach an offender and threaten them that you are going to flag the picture if they don't flag it first. I know, I know. You can get away with flagging them anonymously...but I pay minimal attention to what I'm uploading, and don't flag any image from my friends. Flagging pics bugs a lot of people who have different opinions or lifestyles than you (or may be planning to rereview the uploaded images theirselves). Having my images flagged instantly bugs me, too, and borders on cowardice. I'd appreciate an initial heads up if an image offends you. I promise to be courteous enough to flag the picture myself if it bugs you. Thank you!! Comment here, please! Have a great happy hour!! Friday the 13th June 13, 2008 10:00pm EST