WOW, this is just like a bar! everyone who comes here has some major problems. To illustrate, I just posted a mumm a second ago about beer. I wanted a simple picture to put up in my mumm so it wasn't just black and white. I went with this.

The question was Should I drink all my beers (18 bottles) in one night or save em and drink them once a night?
Instead of voting, "Maestro" just says "That picture is disgusing and offensive." He didn't vote--(which is kinda why the mumms are THERE in the first place) then I tried shouting at him, all friendly like...and come to find out, he blocked me.
That's the second person who did this. Actually, more than the second one, but it's been happening more often lately: People who mouth off at you, call you names, or give you their opinion, and then block you without giving you a chance to respond to them.
This is just like a bar. A lot of you have some major fucking problems. A couple in particular are Maestro and Axetapper. You know what, guys? I'm glad we were friends online, because I doubt their would be a chance in hell that I'd be your friend in real life, unless you both grew a pair.