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NEW! Introducing the all new fubar trading card game. fubar trading cards are fun to print out and play with your family and friends. You can also print out fubar trading cards on adhesive paper and stick them to your kid's foreheads. Plus, you can make bumper stickers with your fubar trading cards and put them on cars, or print them out on photographic quality paper to pay for your pizza with them when you've discovered that you've misplaced your wallet.
Simply inquire to nyb about being included in the fubar trading card game. nyb will a) immediately start making your card or b) develop a list of interested participants and start creating cards.
fubar trading cards are based primarily on your instructions, but may include creative decisions made by nyb. Your instructions should include the details listed in the "general rules" category.
Rules (Short List):
1. You must define the picture the fubar trading card will display. You should choose a picture from your online fubar gallery. nyb will not accept c-mail attached with pictures. If your picture is not included, you must submit it to your gallery and send nyb the link to the desired photograph. nyb may make up different variant cards.
2. You must give yourself a "permanent name" for the card so that the fubar card playing community can identify you. nyb notices that many fubar users shift their name about, sometimes using special characters only they can see, and call themselves different things on many occasions. While that makes it confusing for nyb to identify you at times, it's your prerogative; however, if you wish to include yourself in the fubar trading game, your user id number is going to be added to the card underneath your picture so you should be somewhat consistent in your fubar playing card identity. If you change your name, nyb will NOT make several different versions of the card whenever you want. There are over a million fubar users, any of which who will also be wanting their fubar cards made for them. For instance, if your name is Jenny Doe, nyb will not make cards like Jenny Doe, fubar wifey of Malificience, Wreckdigger of the Oily Pirate Crew, Jenny Doe fan me, rate me, add me or Jenny Doe, one eyed dildo muncher, so on and so forth. Keep it somewhat simple for your potential internet viewing audience and most of all, nyb.
3. You should define what the card will do in an average game. You should choose your words carefully, as on most cases, nyb will be using those same, exact words to attribute to your card. If you need help with this, feel free to ask. In a typical game, players will battle their cards against each other, using resources or "mana," obtained in war. If you are familiar with other playing card games such as Magic the Gathering, or Star Wars and other playing card games, good. You're off to a decent start and it allows you to be as creative as you want to be in conceiving a card's objective. If you have no idea how to play, here is a magic the gathering resource to read.
Click here
4. You must choose between the following colors: Earth, Sky, Fire, Water. Quartz is reserved for special fubar members while Onyx is reserved for fu (mana) cards. Note that colored cards are not limited to the five options listed above. nyb reserves the right to invent new colors and elements, especially if you buy nyb fublasts, futickers, vip memberships and all that cool fustuff.
5. You must choose 1 to 7 of the following resources, or "mana," to be displayed on your cards. You will not be able to choose other icons other than the ones listed here, and especially no more than seven.

6. nyb may want to pick the quote on your custom fubar card, unless you have one you really, really, really want to use instead.
7. If you really don't know the first thing about this, but you want one anyway, just email me and I'll help you when I can. Don't shout. First come-first serve. You need to say "I want one," or it may take me a while to get to you. Thanks.

Rules (Long List):
A. If you play fubar with your marriage partner, you must cut the deck and relinquish half of the cards to your spouse upon marital termination.
B. the fubar playing card game can't be played in the following countries or territories: none listed yet.
C. Don't bug nyb to make you fifty cards. nyb does not live to make every card immediately. So far the waiting list includes the following:
$DJ Baby Boy$,
DJ Fiend Grrl,
norcal's finest 209,
Dominique - Dom's Kiva,
Mike the MD mobilmassone,
No Faul Play.
email nyb to be added to this list. If your name is not here, send me another email. Check back often.