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so last night was a small/slow night at peabodys in general...

more so due to the day after the holiday syndrome that most people had but also just because of the lack of promotion for the acid rain thing... however why a new revolution downstairs was pretty sparce would be due to the holiday thing... esp at a $5 ticket and a bunch of freebies handed out...

anyway at somepoint of the night I ran out to see friends and was cornered by this chick on the way back up to spin more...

she was cute, looked kinda drunk and really familiar but i couldn't place it...

anyway we make small talk for about 2 seconds and she asked why i was going back upstairs, and I said to dj the stuff up there... she said you should stay down with her crew because djing gives you herpes...

I just looked at her confused and said "thanks for the advice" and walked upstairs...

the night slowly rolls on, I end up jetting out to meet samantha and krystle (who wasnt there) at the hifi...

akwardness filled the bar as it was mostly flamingly gay men which was humerous and a screamo band with bad haircuts, rolled up pants and flipflops...

kinda like chick capris, but rolled up and on guys... and not looking any better than they would on chicks...

anyway past waiting around for a while I end up ditching samantha and her crew due to a phonecall I really didnt want to take at 4am and went home to edit...

pissed that I missed the FREE emperor show in chicago i grudenly edited one oral scene for this company I "unoffically" work with (but they pay me) and crashed out
today after waking up a bit late I roll into the PO to drop off/pickup stuff and this had arrived:


part birthday present for someone/part obnoxious toy-gag for myself to harass others with...

so now i have 15 plastic fetuses (or is it fetii?) on my desk... next to porn and horrormerch flyers...

something seems wrong about this idea hahaha
me: when i have downtime I tend to think too much me: and sitting at a pretty empty club for 4 hours does that hahah me: and this chick that came up to me didnt help either jez: was she mean? me: thankfully i wasnt drinking or i would have spit in her face probably me: no just really disgusting me: she was cute just personally fucked jez: hahaha jez: lol oh dear jez: how so jez: what did she do lol me: she grabbed me and steev from skinlab over with her and said "you have to come upstairs for comedy night" me: we both look at each other like wtf is this? me: she's like come upstairs you wont miss the show... and we're both confused and said ok sure whatever... jez: lol me: shes like... do you mean it? and we're like sure? jez: hahaha me: "ill show you my tits if you come up" me: "i edit vagina for a living, get a new line" me: shes like cmon and then grabs BOTH of our junk me: we both just go wtf and jump back me: she then grabs my goatee and said howabout if i just grab this while i ride your face... me: and i told her to get the fuck off me and go manhandle some other poor schmuck me: steev just laughed and walked off me: i was pissed... me: its just been a fucked up night more so me: that was just the kicker hahah jez: lol you poor thing i dont get people sometimes... they say porn is degrading to women... but sometimes women go far and beyond the call of duty all by themselves...

driving daniel ash...

so I get a call from ed in sandusky... "what are you doing may 27th" "uhhh why? "can you do me a big favor?" "heh what?" "i need someome relable whos not a fanboy" "heh.... ok?" "daniel ash wants to drive from cleveland to detroit may 27th, would you be able to drive him?" "wtf are you on?" looks like daniel ash is coming in for a guest dj night may 25th at the phantasy (why cleveland? I have no idea) and then doing the same in detroit the following week... however as he's not wanting to fly, he needs a solid state of transport... and im guessing the grehound is too dodgy (and i dont blame him) heh... so if im in town (as i might be back out in la that weekend shooting with rotten if all goes well this week *knock on wood*) i told him i'd do it... I know a bit about bahaus but im not a huge fan... and I guess since ed knows I deal with "rockstars" already this wouldnt be a big deal and I wouldn't be a fanboy about it... but it should be a cool trip as I always like to hear some fucked up tour stories along the way hahaha... add that onto list of just odd shit im doing this year...
so as I awoke, in different clothing that I went to the show in... I tried to piece back together hazy memories of last night...

so in trying to go backwards in thought...

i notice im only wearing a hoodie (and thankfully woke up alone)
im still drunk
i wake up in my bed wondering what mess/who ended up at my place  that I have to deal with
[insert 3-7 hours]
i realize my bathtub was somehow comfy and it seems to be a good place to deposit too much jager/mr hero and thats why my back hurts as I fell into it before getting comfy
i dont remember getting home or who drove me
i was a cheap date and was walked out at 1am or so
trevor escorted me out of peabodys (i MUST have made an ass of myself to get walked out with him laughing at me heh)
i was on auto pilot and the stories are still coming in with my lapse of memory...
i saw fla for two songs
acumen and cynotic played at the same time so it sucked to run back and forth to watch them both
i grossed scooter out in showing him the cat cyst that sonni gave me as a birthday present
jason was entertained by the irony of me telling stinger to stay away from drama queens
sonni gives me a cat cyst
keratomas set was really good
my spider sense tingles as i sense a fight coming on...
i freak out some chick as I'm laughing hystericly and accidentally said "what do you mean she wont do an anal shoot?" a weeee bit too loud by the girls bathroom
rotten calls and we have a long conv about the coming week
i ran into too many people I hadn't seen in years (and some i never wanted to see again)
jen and i get to peabodys around 6
mmmm mr hero is delish

well from what I remember, I didnt get in a fight... the cat cyst is MIA and I somehow remembered to cash out my tab at the end of the night...

i still want to know who drove me home, and what I did to get walked out hahah...

ugghh... time to clean my bathroom


heh so i ordered a few more szeki kurva cds from india early april...

well as i didn't get the package today I was wondering why it was stuck in customs for a long period of time...

well notice the highlighted part of the shipping tag here:

great... im probably red flagged now... grah!

hey satan... you rock..

Therapy? › Hey Satan - You Rock
Wanna spend my whole life drunk, never wanna give a fuck
Wanna walk through gates of heaven, backstage pass in hand
St. Peter, park my car, there's angels on my mind
Fix me up some manna, where d'ya keep the wine?

Venom on the jukebox
Postcards to hell, hey Satan - you rock
Get me Mary, she's a fox
Postcards to hell, hey Satan - you rock

Hey Satan - you rock

I wanna spend my whole life drunk, never wanna give a fuck
Wanna storm through gates of heaven, backstage pass in hand
St. Peter, park my car, there's angels on my mind
Take me through to see the big man, where d'ya keep the wine?

Venom on the jukebox
Postcards to hell, hey Satan - you rock
Get me Mary, she's a fox
Postcards to hell, hey Satan - you rock

Hey Satan - you rock

Venom on the jukebox
Postcards to hell, hey Satan - you rock
Get me Mary, she's a fox
Postcards to hell, hey Satan - you rock

Hey Satan - you rock
so i finally finished with my paperwork to update: www.punxproductions.com pretty hyped at the sketch of the site and will be finishing up more details and graphics stuff later... thankfully Rotten has me working on rottenracing.com as well so added to the 4 other sites im doing now, I wont be in short supply of work heh... I'm still super hyped about this LA trip in finally working with him as it sounds like a sweet clusterfuck of a deal haahha... and also with my other shoot schedule around his, I will have too many new girls to post on here for whoever reads this to see hahaha... anyway, will update from the road as time permits (for those that care hahaha)...
so I finally got my ticket and im locked/loaded for my headspinning shoot in LA... along with 3 shoots in CLT and MSP each... 05/08/07 : Cleveland Hopkins International (CLE) to Charlotte Douglas (CLT) (shoot 2 photosets, 1 video) 05/09/07 : Charlotte Douglas (CLT) to Minneapolis St Paul Intl (MSP) (shoot 2 photosets, 1 video) 05/10/07 : Minneapolis St Paul Intl (MSP) to Los Angeles International (LAX) 05/11/07 : shooting bts stuff for the Metro's 'Swallow My Children' with rotten (shoot approx 9.5 videos) 05/12/07 : shooting bts stuff for the Metro's 'Swallow My Children' with rotten (shoot approx 9.5 videos) 05/13/07 : Los Angeles International (LAX) to Cleveland Hopkins International (CLE) (sleep) 05/14/07 : (death) funny side note, I got this flight for $666 ($666.32 includes tax) on priceline... my head is so going to explode by the time I get back... uggggh... anyway for those of you in those towns, on those days, if I have any cancellations... lets gather up :p

home HIV tests

So along with my 3 month AIM (adult industry medical) test, I found out about this little ditty: http://www.homeaccess.com (which is the ONLY FDA APPROVED at home HIV test kit) and I just tried one of those out as well... the clean AIM test I needed for my upcoming time out in LA... but for my own personal desire to double check I snagged a home access kit... this thing was nice, easy and most of all anonymous... (is it really? read more heh) anyway, I ordered a kit and got it in about 2 days from home access directly... the use of the kit was easy and totally painless as you just get a packet full of 2 capped pinsticks, swabs, gauze, band aid and a mini packet with a target on it... it's an interesting system, but its easy and anyone can pretty much figure it out :p... you take the pinstick which is in a rectangular tube, you stick your fingertip over it and put a bit of pressure on it... the pin sticks out and then you bleed drops at a time... as you bleed little bitty drops, you use these drops to fill in a circular target on some sort of tissue paper type thing... (and yes you can color outside the lines... IN BLOOD hhahaha...) let it air dry, seal it up and send it back with the pre-marked envelope to the test spot... so as easy as that is, whats the confidentiality? well the test kids come with an 11 digit pin, you write the # down on the card you send in, and you keep the copy of the pin that you have as well... and you just call an 800 # for an automated message (also the results are read to you via automated service as well)... so basically the service itself is pretty secure and anonymous...
now what about me who has a bit of paranoia about everything? this package can be store bought from cvs, walgreens, etc... however good luck in finding it there as stores within 60 miles of me didn't have it in calling it seems, or else i was asking for the wrong thing heh... but if you buy it from a store, the face to face checkout might be a bit embarassing so buying it realtime might be a bit much... but what about ordering it? although the results ARE anonymous... whoever orders it from somewhere has their name, billing info, etc on file... so thats really not so anonymous is it? then again you could be ordering it for someone else right? fingerprints/dna match.... well even if the most sceptical types wear gloves to hide all fingerprints within the packaging, testing and sending... your DNA is still within this blood splot you just sent in... dried or not, its still readable by modern technology...
now ALTHOUGH, as I seriously doubt a fingerprint/DNA match by anyone sending results in... I would still recommend this kit for ANYONE that is kinda freaked out in finding out if the have HIV and too freaked out to go to a clinic or tell anyone that they would be hesitant in being infected... now I know I have been a bit "risky" in my past with people i've "encountered" as it were... but as I test regularly and have cleaned up my act by 100% (although my blogs might not sound it heh) its still f'n scary to wait those 3-4 days to see what the results are... and thankfully, the care center at home access is there to also help in either case of positive or negative results... and also provide you with paperwork etc... however if you are negative and you need the paperwork saying you are, then this wont help you as it is anonymous so you would need to do another test otherwise... but this would be a good starter if you're freaked out by other methods and would want to get tested this way first...
anyway, thats enough PSA out of me about HIV, DNA and AEIOU heh... mmm coloring outside the lines in blood...
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