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conversation #1: sinmora: hes making fun of my style cunt me: wu-tang cunt style? sinmora: lmao sinmora: what exactly is wu tang cunt style sinmora: fill me in me: its where your vagina is so big, the hole looks like the wu tang logo? sinmora: lmao sinmora: I hate u fucker me: hahaha me: stretched out and a droopy clit to match... so whenever someone with a wutang cunt walks all you hear is "WU WU WU" coming from their naughty bits me: or you see a method man bobble head coming out of the snatch sinmora: OMFG sinmora: Yeah u have issues sinmora: u scare me a tad me: why because i invisioned a method man smiling bobble head coming out of some girls vagina? me: when haven't I had vagina issues me: like i just told kel... me: "and I'll try to be nice as again I was pretty caustic that weekend and im usually not that obnoxious hahah :p... that is unless your thing has teeth and attachable/detachable tenticles... then I dont think we can be friends anymore... :p" me: most people just think im fucked up anyway, so it fits :p sinmora: hahahhha me: i belong in germany me: with a case of method man bobble heads sinmora: yeah seriously u do me: i can walk around the streets going "heil shitzah!" and stick bobble heads in german girls vaginas... me: they seem easier over there anyway sinmora: aahahhahha me: then i come back sounding like a bad hanzel und gretyl with 1 method man bobble head left... i will talk about how the trip was so fucked up, and that I want to go back... sinmora: youd love it I'm sure me: and then i'll continue to try and stick method man bobble heads in girls vaginas in the US sinmora: ahahahha me: claiming its "eastside" sinmora: ahahahhahha me: being germany sinmora: ahh yeah youve lost it me: "all dem bitches on the east side do it... here's another $20" sinmora: u could wack off with a mcdonalds fry holder sinmora: in germany cause thats what satanists do over there me: sounds like my kind of town me: to never visit
conversation: #2 lisa: you were fucking texting me while you were getting a freakin blowjob?? me: uhh yeah? lisa: LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lisa: oh damn that's fucking priceless. me: i was drunk and that whole chain of events was just already bizzare... why not add to it... me: it enhances the experience lisa: so, she was also talking through the fucking thing??? me: well not the whole time... just when she'd come up for air lisa: LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a short time later all three of us get involved in this conv. sinmora: i swear to fuck if you ever text me whilst getting head I'll fucking puke on you me: and that right there... just enhances it lisa: you sir, are insane. heahaehaehehaehe, i just remember that you texted about 5 times...LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! lisa: heahaehaehaehaehehheahaehaehaehe sinmora: oh fuck u lisa: holy shit that's too fucking funny, i can't stop laughing lisa: i'm honestly suprised she could shut up long enough to finish, she didn't stop talking the entire time i was around her! sinmora: thinking about lissa while getting head aye? me: hahah we were texting on my way home sinmora: naturally me: it just continued as i was kinda pantsraped at the door sinmora: pantsraped!!!!!!!! sinmora: yeah your always getting pantsraped sinmora: by random 19 y/os me: yeah sinmora: poor thing sinmora: must be tough
so its been a while since I haven't bitched about people wasting my time, dumb shit that just irritates me, drunken spatterings or porn pictures...

so I figured I'd blabber in hopes of waking up so I can function...
video stuff:

so I have the first scene with Sinmora set up for April 21... so that means I have less than a month to test out all my new toys to make sure they work for what I need... and get some sort of audio recording rolling since the microphone I have seems to not be worth the $$ I paid for it :p

I got a bit of lighting in and will be working with Eric Freeman (darklord10000000 for those that know him locally) for some clothing and help with filming as he's all about putting some of his art together for the project so we can shoot some of it in with the porn... which should prove to be a bit off pudding within itself :p

not sure when we are doing the first party scene but that should come eventually... and since sinmora is local, it'd be easier to just shoot that part later so I don't have to rush it with everything else...

I've penciled the show we're doing for June 1, but I have a feeling I'm going to push that back in the coming weeks... the show will have Ventana headlining (unless the national bands I contacted would be interested in headlining otherwise) and a couple of other local bands playing as part of one of the scenes I'm throwing together at Peabodys...

and after that Im looking to do 1-2 scenes a month until this is finished up... I already have a few suprised set up but so far its coming along a bit later than I wanted, but smoothly... which im sure will fuck up quickly hahaha...

plus now with budgeting that and getting webcams up on these sites, I've got a full schedule of coding and legal BS to worry about so I'll be happy when summer's over from this aspect hahaha...
website crap:

I put a new face to:
http://www.spookygirls.com / http://www.chaoschicks.com / http://www.blackmetalbitches.com for easier navigation and also easier member areas as well...

not so happy with the blackmetalbitches.com site, so i'll be reworking that shortly in the coming weeks...

Peabodys site has been under mutany by their selection of webhost so their email, and access has been cut for the past 2-3 weeks so I haven't been able to do shit with it... so thats becoming a headache...

Rob Rotten's site needs an overhaul too... he's finally starting to film again (one already scheduled for Penthouse and two more for Metro are in the works) so hes hyped to work on that now... and im just happy for the work with someone as fucked up/off as I am hahaha...

Rob's also got a new motorcross racing team rolling, so I have been drafted to work on that site as well... which should pose slightly comical as I know 0 about motocross hahaah... but I'll try and fuck it up where I can...
other shit:

as mentioned Rob Rotten's doing at least 3 movies coming up... he's again mentioned in bringing me out to be the ADHD BTS guy, which im all about as I have not actually been a part of any larger porn production so Im sure my head will explode (and my alcohol tolerence will improve) within the time that I'm in LA coming up...

Im kinda hyped as he's mentioned this before but he actually has the slot now, and I'm wondering how well he and I will work together as we were already talking about doing the summer traveling doing a bunch of POV footage for our assorted web projects...

but im sure i'll be in total awe of everything... or just scared of what its like in the REAL porn industry ahahaha... yikes...
new blood:

so as posted previously my first real employee dicked me and is now shitcanned before even showing up heh...

a few people emailed saying I was bitter and how I had attachment to the chick... honestly, she was a friend... but an unreliable one... and I gave her too many chances to make up for lost time... and yes she had a pattern in emailing, calling, whatever whenever she wanted a booty call, but as I haven't seen the chick in 6-8 months, its apparent that Im not attached to her or "pussywhipped" (thanks chris, i so owe you a punch in the face now hahaha) as it were...

I'm just fucked off that she has continually wasted my time, my resources, made me look like a prick because of her unreliabity and left me stuck with a purchase I really didn't need to do... and all of those things piss me off and I wasn't having it...

so past her being a flake, I ran into an ex-employee last night that used to work for me at the store...

previously this employee terminated her time with me in walking out and quiting one day... but as this was 4 years ago, and I was not the MOST pleasureable person to work for then, and also as she was 19 (I think) and growing pains have settled a bit, things might be easier to work up this shot around...

not sure if it would end in the same result, as im still the same sarcastic prick i've always been... (if not worse) but I think this time she'd be able to handle me (and vice versa without her sister here) a bit better as well :p
anyway... not that any of you cared about this... but i just needed to get a few things off my chest to kinda organize myself and also see how things are rolling out...

I know a few of you had mentioned about the movie stuff, so there it is... as far as coming out to cali... I'll post it when i know and we'll gather it up then...

peace bitches! :p

strike 3

this is posted out to no one you know... just a general rant about someone who has wasted my time more tiems than I should have let her over the past months
so yeah... im not sure what the deal is here but I'm up to strike 3 with you... you've pretty much dicked me around for "shooting" and then backing down on several occasions, locally and in dayton... yanked my chain and pretty much fucked up my travel schedule on more than one occasion... I then got a pair of boots for you in shooting, that I "can" use in the future in shooting someone else... but it was just easier to not have gotten them in the first place... and now after a week of you wanting to work for me and me busting my ass to get you started here... you ditch me again without even a call or anything from you... you seem to be able to get a hold of me when you want to get dick, but you can't when it comes to anything else in life... I was pretty pissed last time in wasting time and $$ on the dayton trip that never happened... which also got a few other people out there pissy with me in the end result of you dragging my chain... but this is just stupid... so dont worry about the job thing... I'm already hiring someone else who is actually dependable and coming out tomorrow in your place... I already had a low bullshit tolerence with you, but im not dealing with this kind of crap anymore...
im just tired of most vagina anymore... dont want to piss me off? dont waste my time...

creepy new vid...

this one stuck out to me: http://www.myspace.com/elproducto some of his stuff I didnt get into but the video I saw on his profile I really dug... or as they are having issues posting randomly: http://elp.imeem.com/video/9HNsgg8M/deep_space_9mm/ its kinda "normal" looking but its hella creepy with people following him with bright red guns everywhere... might actually pick that up... even if he has worked with trent reznor v2.(sux)0(r)
court tv at peabodys... random other shit... and more... so pardon the drunkeness as i'm kinda hammered thanks to peabodys... and the (i dont remember howm any shots were fed to me by hot girls tonight) drinks at the club... but tonight was insane... I show up at 530 to shoot a few of the staff for a local magazine highlighting local bars... well COURT TV is there videotaping the whole thing so im already off mygame but damn near entertained... I shoot anette, sam and courtney behind rockstar and after about an hour I pack up... well hours later im half hammered and julia shows up half hookered out and looking to party... little did I know I was going to be cockblock for the night... a few bands play and I lose count of what drink im on and all of a sudden i notice im not walking straight... penny, who i haven't seen in a while, was there with nikki... and of course the harassment beigns instantly (and without drama)... so that turns into foul play pretty quickly and of course I get drunkenly sidetracked and go back to cockblock for julia... julia is hammered, I'm pretty much lit and this guy is all over her... so I attempt to save her and start working on getting her sober... well in an attempt to get her water and get another drink.. I see two girls making out in front of a camera ... so of course I hand them porn flyers and the one chick (who is totally hammered and gave a fuck who it was at this point) shoves her tounge down my throat and (of course as im a makeout whore, and being she was cute) I followed with it for about 10 mins... courtney then yells at me from behind the bar about whatever I ordered and the chick i was making out with hands me a card... im assuming this chick will be very confused when I call her in the coming days to say "hey you made out with me the other night" when I did tell her my name after making out, but im assuming she wont remember until she sobers up and remembers i'm not some hunk of a rockstar... anyway past that... ZEUS (Devo from the movie Friday) is the guest celebrity that shows up at peabodys as part of the court TV thing... (which they already staged one fight... but now there's a celeb?) and then ghetto bob slugs him and there's a huge fight and ghetto bob (who works at the club) got kicked out... which was just kind of odd but I saw him later and was too entertained with vagina and playing cockblock to ask 20 questions or care at this point... anyway, the chaos of the night ensues... a few more bands and a couple cockblocks for julia later... im up in rockstar bs'ing with chrisz who fed me a supershot and im already hammered and out of my mind as it is... julia is hammered and we all have to leave... well julia in a drunken stupor and waiting for her ride hops on my lap in effort to keep warm (which I totally didnt expect) and im getting texted from a friend at the same time so we're both vibrating in odd humor... julia gets picked up and I go home calling a frined that I saw tonight that I haven't seen in ages... who is randomly coming over as she wont be back for weeks and I so miss her wutang cuddle style... so its trouble and cuddling from here... update tomorrow as I head back to peabodys for another shoot at 2pm and then a show at 7... yay... heh...
(fast forward a few hours) so I wake up to Dave calling my cel and kicking ms wutang style out of my house as she had to run to work... (and I've kept up on my non putting out streak... but obviously making out cuddlingwere so in the game plan hahaha)... and it seems that in the midst of last nights activities before and after the show, my nipples seemed to have laser beams to attract people and they got grabbed about 50 times last night and they are now in pain and I want to rip them off... it seems that I was a jager whore last night and TOTALLY forgot that I had another night on the stripper pole upstairs in a oh so drunken (and photographed) stupor... "will strip for jager" seems to be the new gameplan... ech... ill have pics in a day or so as it wasnt my camera but I was reminded of that this morning... and I checked into the chick that probably doesn't remember my name that I made out with... she works for/with a guy that used to want me to shoot for him like a year ago and things just went oddly akward... i things just got better/worse hahahaha... eh well chalk another one up for my anti fan club :p
so i just got off the phone with rotten tonight as we're going over a bit on his new project(s) that I'm going to be heading up on the web...

he's amazed at the amount of work I'm doing on the road in traveling to shoot wherever...

so he brought up the idea (obviously around his shooting schedule and my touring schedule for ozzfest) that we should team up and go on a rampage shooting for whatever projects we have lined up in the assorted cities I already shoot in or the ones I need to go shoot in...

which is a totally killer idea as we'll both get a ton of work for our sites... and get all the models 2x the work as well...

but I think one of us will end up dead in a hotel along the way due to too much *insert poison of the weekend here* hahahaha...

however if that happens, my blogs will be 12x as entertaining and the book idea will be filled by that point im sure hahaahha...
also I heard from the main contact for us with ozzfest...

seems that vendors this year are out of the ozzfest field of play... and the carnies that have been there for the past 11 years quit... so I might not even do the tour anyway (which I was already second guessing to begin with)...

im to get a call back in about a month from the same guy to see if he can get in 6-8 vendors (instead of the usual 16-20) and if they offer is there and we get invited... I'm all over the damn tour as that would take out the majority of the competition and also give us a better spot placement so even at the shitty venues, we'd still get a decent spot to peddle horrormerch...

but the lineup still isn't confirmed... so im thinking that it might just tank if freefest cant get a solid lineup going...

which as a fans perspective would suck hard... but from a business point of view I totally understand...
ah well... back to editing vagina for hours...

ozz...errr 'free fest'?

so the "breaking news" (which i thought was going to be the lineup) for ozzfest is out...I'm kinda confused as to how this is going to work... and how the corps/bands/etc. get paid... plus if its any clusterfuck like last years family values and how the tickets were cheap and then nobody brought $$ for merchants... you can count me off the tour pronto heh... ech

and ps...
live nation is actually clear channel...

funny that...


"This will change everybody's impression of the way touring in the summer in America should be."--Sharon Osbourne

Imagine a day of wall-to-wall hard rock.

Imagine the world's greatest headliner sharing a bill with cutting edge new artists.

Imagine if this brass-knuckled beast was hellbent on coming to your town.

Imagine this earth-pounding event...FOR FREE.

2007 will forever mark the year OZZFEST spiked the concert industry's punch and gave every head-banging American kid a reason to strap on an air guitar with the historic announcement that tickets to the summer's premiere touring concert festival won't cost fans a dime.

Testing one, two, three...

That's right, OZZY and SHARON OSBOURNE and tour producer LIVE NATION broke the news today at the Concert Industry Consortium in Los Angeles that their 12th annual hard rock spectacular--a 25-date extravaganza launching July 7 in Los Angeles--is pulling the plug on ticket prices and giving the power back to the fans calling this summer's OZZFEST "FreeFest." The other OZZFEST cities as of now are San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, Denver, Albuquerque, Phoenix, Dallas, San Antonio, Kansas City, St Louis, Chicago, Indianapolis, Columbus, Pittsburgh, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Hartford, Charlotte, Atlanta, West Palm Beach, Nashville. Note: a final confirmed list of cities and dates is forthcoming.

"For the last few years," says SHARON, "ticket prices have steadily climbed as artists demand more and more money for summer tours. We certainly want everybody to make money, however we also want the kids to be able to afford to come out and have an incredible experience. If we continued with the traditional touring festival model, we would have no choice but to raise ticket prices again this year."

Cited as "one of rock's biggest juggernauts" in the cover feature of Sunday's New York Times' "Arts and Leisure" section (6/25/06), OZZFEST and Live Nation will turn to sponsors to provide added support for the festival's new incarnation. This summer's OZZFEST will provide select sponsors with a unique opportunity to engage fans one-on-one utilizing one of music's best known brands.

"We're reaching the same point we did years ago when kids no longer wanted to pay for overpriced CDs," compares Sharon. "As a result, they found alternative ways of getting music. That's what's happening with summer touring in this country, it's out-pricing itself. We started this and we want to keep it and we want to make it bigger and bigger each year by getting bigger sponsors to be involved with the festival and underwriting the festival. That's what it's about."

"For the past 11 years, music fans have made OZZFEST the most successful and enduring rock music festival in the United States," said Jason Garner, Live Nation President of North American Concerts. "What better way to say 'Thank You' to the music fans who have made this possible than inviting them to attend OZZFEST for free."

To gain entry into the event, fans will go to www.ozzfest.com or www.livenation.com to find links that will direct them to special sponsor sites where tickets can be secured. More details regarding the process are forthcoming.

As OZZFEST's founder and namesake, OZZY will make his triumphant return to the headlining position on this year's mainstage after surprising fans last year by performing on the down-and-dirty second stage at a handful of dates. Audiences can expect the Prince of Darkness to unveil new songs from his forthcoming studio album, OZZY's first disc of new material since 2001. While the rest of the in-progress bill is under wraps, Sharon points out, "we have bands committed, but we're hoping that after today's announcement we'll have a whole influx of artists who want to be a part of something this ground breaking. We know there aren't any major headlining acts that would tour all summer for nothing, but we're confident we can turn some of the genre's biggest bands on to what we're doing and have them come out to play a date or two. If they're in town and want the rush of performing in front of 20,000 frenzied kids, they're more than welcome to join us. They can sell their t-shirts, CDs and whatever else they've got. They're also welcome to book their own shows in local venues on the day of OZZFEST. I'm not stopping them. People have to be creative and think of alternatives."

Since 1996, OZZFEST has been a virtual breeding ground for rising bands. The festival has been instrumental in igniting the careers of platinum-selling artists like System of a Down, Disturbed, Linkin Park, Incubus, Slipknot, Queens of the Stoneage and Godsmack. Along with supporting bands on the rise including Avenged Sevenfold, Mudvayne, Lamb of God, Killswitch Engage and Lacuna Coli, among others.

"OZZFEST was created to keep this genre of music alive by showcasing new talent," states Sharon. "You better believe we're going to keep perpetuating that by hand-picking compelling new bands that are hungry for OZZFEST's career-making exposure."

heh so I went out to see CoF again last night... and it was a bit of chaos... finding dave/sarah was no easy task in the cold weather... esp without a celphone... so after waiting a bit anderson (my tour driver/now tour manager) ran into them in walking around and we all met up at a sushi place called "japan yum yum" i think it was... we make fun of the death still wiggling in daves bowl and bs for a good hour plus about summer plans (and if all goes well, we'll be seeing them this summer on the tour we're probably going on as well) and fanagle from there...
the show again was great, way better mix than the previous night and also a bit less intoxicating as well... the 69 eyes still arent musically my scene but I get what they are doing and appreciate it for waht it is... but im still all about 3 inches of blood hahaha... and im wondering when cradles stage setup is finally going to arrive heh...
anyway I flyer for about 30 mins in the f'n cold waiting for bus call and im sure i'll be sick this weekend to show for it :p but we roll back to the busses to catch dave before heading out and see that regardless of the area of parking the fans still line up... but as cool as they are dave, dani, paul all come out and sign shit for the fans... suprsied to see dani more so, but im really more so appreciative of their personalities that they give a fuck about the fans than most bands who are (albeit i understand why) annoyed and just dont come out...
anyway, I'm off to portland to catch them there and in SF (while running into Rob Rotten along the way) so the small 4-5 days im spending on the west coast should be an amazing drunken fiasco... more pics when I get them... but in case you missed my first post... here it is again:

so tonight was... interesting...

after trying to hit up dave as I've been talking to him for the past few months again I go to the cradle show in CLE for the night...

supposing to text/call him I get no answer but go anyway and get in... so i just get a ticket and roll in... getting ready to piss in his email box when I get home...

the show was reallllly good... however seeing that cradle had plants all along their stage set, led me to believe that some death metal gardener would come out and water their shit and help it grow... or maybe that the tour was sponsored by miracle-gro... (dave mentioned later that all of their props have not yet shown up so it will make sense in future shows heh)...

anyway, 3 inches of blood is amazing (well everyone else i was with hated it, but I was all about it), but then again I like metal/core guitars and hair metal vocals... so it worked for me :p

69 eyes wasn't 100% in my scene but after meeting the guys I was actually more into hearing their stuff again... but its not realllllly my deal but the guys are actually nice (and drinkers at that) so it was cool to know a bit more about them before really taking final judgement...
the after show however was funny...

I come home after cradles set and see sarah online... I msg her harassing her about her geekdom within 45 mins of the set finishing and she tells me to go meet dave at the local bar...

well as im 10 mins away, im all over it and run over there... and thats when it became retarded...

so i head to some local tavern and we meet up with some of the cradle crew and 69eyes crew...

dave is instantly open arms and apologetic as it seems modern technology failed us and I was actually on the list, but still paid to get in... and that i actaully ragged them later was bonus hahaha...

one bar and 4 drinks later its last call and we stumble to the bus...

the guys in 69 eyes are hammered pretty much after a bunch of rum, vodka, whatever else was passed around the bus and dave and I are just laughing at the side show....

then someone decides "what a great idea, lets do shots in our eye" (as pictured below)...

not sure who thought this up... and why pretty much most of the people on the bus did this... but I wasn't having it and just laughed my ass off at their red eyes as they were in pain...

what you do is take a bottle of liquor... put it to your eye... pull it back... and then pull forward... thenĀ  you open your eye and let it burn...

again, not sure of the rocket scientest behind this... but I wasn't having it hahaha...

anyway the drunken bus party rages... dave tells me i have open entry for the whole tour... which to me is a total loaded gun... as I can now come to any show, anywhere on the tour and just roll... so I'm all about seeing more of the tour now...

so im totally pumped to see ** shows on the tour now... but due to budget and my "other woman" chaining me to the desk... im kinda fucked to do so :p

but anyway, past all that gloating BS... heres a few pics from buscall
random drunken fun... (im in the decendents hat on the right)

this is what "whiskey eye" really comes from...

and this is the first time I've seen this in a tour bus bathroom
more updates later as I'm looking to hit the cbus show tomorrow... that is if whatever I ingested doesn't give me a total feel like shit hangover heh...
so tonight was... interesting...

after trying to hit up dave as I've been talking to him for the past few months again I go to the cradle show in CLE for the night...

supposing to text/call him I get no answer but go anyway and get in... so i just get a ticket and roll in... getting ready to piss in his email box when I get home...

the show was reallllly good... however seeing that cradle had plants all along their stage set, led me to believe that some death metal gardener would come out and water their shit and help it grow... or maybe that the tour was sponsored by miracle-gro... (dave mentioned later that all of their props have not yet shown up so it will make sense in future shows heh)...

anyway, 3 inches of blood is amazing (well everyone else i was with hated it, but I was all about it), but then again I like metal/core guitars and hair metal vocals... so it worked for me :p

69 eyes wasn't 100% in my scene but after meeting the guys I was actually more into hearing their stuff again... but its not realllllly my deal but the guys are actually nice (and drinkers at that) so it was cool to know a bit more about them before really taking final judgement...
the after show however was funny...

I come home after cradles set and see sarah online... I msg her harassing her about her geekdom within 45 mins of the set finishing and she tells me to go meet dave at the local bar...

well as im 10 mins away, im all over it and run over there... and thats when it became retarded...

so i head to some local tavern and we meet up with some of the cradle crew and 69eyes crew...

dave is instantly open arms and apologetic as it seems modern technology failed us and I was actually on the list, but still paid to get in... and that i actaully ragged them later was bonus hahaha...

one bar and 4 drinks later its last call and we stumble to the bus...

the guys in 69 eyes are hammered pretty much after a bunch of rum, vodka, whatever else was passed around the bus and dave and I are just laughing at the side show....

then someone decides "what a great idea, lets do shots in our eye" (as pictured below)...

not sure who thought this up... and why pretty much most of the people on the bus did this... but I wasn't having it and just laughed my ass off at their red eyes as they were in pain...

what you do is take a bottle of liquor... put it to your eye... pull it back... and then pull forward... then  you open your eye and let it burn...

again, not sure of the rocket scientest behind this... but I wasn't having it hahaha...

anyway the drunken bus party rages... dave tells me i have open entry for the whole tour... which to me is a total loaded gun... as I can now come to any show, anywhere on the tour and just roll... so I'm all about seeing more of the tour now...

so im totally pumped to see ** shows on the tour now... but due to budget and my "other woman" chaining me to the desk... im kinda fucked to do so :p

but anyway, past all that gloating BS... heres a few pics from buscall
random drunken fun... (im in the decendents hat on the right)

this is what "whiskey eye" really comes from...

and this is the first time I've seen this in a tour bus bathroom
more updates later as I'm looking to hit the cbus show tomorrow... that is if whatever I ingested doesn't give me a total feel like shit hangover heh...
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16 years ago
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