so over the past few weeks, I've been a bit busy with webcrap and getting things rolling...
new shit thats finally live:
Peabodys site -
(just the skeleton over the next 2-3 months I'll be doing a totally automated updates and a ticket selling system to both benefit the club and the bands heh)
Rob Rottens -
Punx Productions
(check out the shoots from his new video Sperm Sponges heh... his site is really busy so as he gets back into shooting in a couple of weeks I will be overhauling the site in total... so dont yell at me for how busy it is hahah)
and my first attempt at getting into "vanilla porn"
(which was content I aquired from someone on the west coast... not realllllllllly that amazing as its all POV and I had 0 to do with the camera/editing so i'm not totally happy with the end product, but its a start heh)
comments would be appreciated esp for the peabodys site in case I broke something hahaha...