Hey Everyone,
Hey How are You all doing? I am doing really Good. I am currently seeing a wonderful woman In My Life. Her and I have alot in common an very strongly in Love with One another. She Means The world To Me Like You wouldn't belive. Life Has Been pretty Good so Far and Been really busy takenin care of the house and what not. But Yeah Like I said before in this blog and The Woman Of My Life is My world and My Breath and The reason I wake up in the Morning and The reason For Living each and everyday to the fullest I can do and ask For. Her and I Have Been datin For about a week now and each and every day that goes by and It just keeps gettin stronger and stronger. I can't ask for Much More. There are Nights I lay in bed and just sit there an think about that day an when it comes an I'll get to see her. It Tears Me Up alot an But I know the wait an pain sometimes will be WORTH THE WAIT I KNOW FOR SURE IT WILL BE. I Love You Baby SO Much and You Have no Clue How Much You Truely Mean To Me.
Anyways Though and On To More News and I have been going bowling with My bestfriend for like 8months now and about 5months ago I messed up my left foot pretty good. I was bowling and walked into the gutter and twisted my ankel and pulled the muscles an tendens in the bottom of my foot. SO It has been really hurtin alot an the docs have done a few different things an But It's not actually helpin it any what so ever. But What The Hell an Doctors Think They all know what the hell there doin an talkin about and but half the time there full of shit. lmaooo
An again ON to some More News, Well My oldest sister and nephews have been livin with me since about june or july of last yr. It has been a ok thing an but kinda rocky here there. But fuck what do ya execpt when you live with family lol. But My second oldest nephew has been really pissing me off lately. He's 14 and thinks he has life by the balls. He likes to run his mouth to Much and Hes gunna get his ass kicked one day, Because he's "writtin Checks an his ass Can't Cash" But Yeah an He is very rude an disrepectful to my his mother an witch really pisses me off majorly! I swear One day I'm gunna whip his ass! He treats his mom like shit an then turns around and exepcts her to fuckin do what he wants an she don't an he gets pissed. Oh well an fuckin have respect for her an treat with respect and she might do what you need or ask, Right??? Well there is what has been goin on in my life and I'll post more in time to come.