Hey Fu Land,
Hey How You doing lately??? Well I am doing So Much Better. I have alot of peronsal issuse going on in my life and I finally haven't been so stressed lately and I am starting to do better for my self in my life. The Biggest Thing That has happend to me recently is I have Met the Most Amazing Woman in the World.
I Met Her Back In Novemeber and Her and I have been talking for a few weekds now. When I first ever laided eyes on her, on fubar. Yes Fubar, But Hey who gives a shit right? As long as you guys are happy and Love eachother for who they truely are That's all it should matter Right?
Well Anyways back to what I was saying, I Met her on Fubar, We exchange yim names an ect ya know lmao. But She Is very very beauitful an Her personality is 100% Just Like Me To a T. She Has The Most Beauitful Smile. She's The Most Caring Person I have Met, She Totally understands Me and Doesn't ever Judge Me for who I am. She Very Charming, wonderful, IN EVERY WAY POSSIABLE. I hope to one day Be Married to Her. Shes the Love Of My Life. My True Soul Mate. Yes I do Believe that Your soul Mate don't just live down the Road to you. I am truely truely Happy and I am going to do what My heart feels and reach out and do what My heart tells me. I couldn't ever ask for an any better woman.
You All Honestly don't have a clue happy this beauitful Girl Makes Me Feel and How Happy I am. When she Calls Me in the Morning or when I see that My phone rang or anything like that My face just lights up and My Heart just glows in love and shes The Best I could ever ask for and In The Morning when I hear Her voice and It really means alot and Puts me in the mood of havin a good day, But until I hear her voice and I don't know how my days going to be. If I didn't have her in my life I don't think I would ever have a Complete Life to live. I Love You Calie. You are The Love Of My Life, and Pride and Joy. You Mean The World to Me and I would do anything for you Babe. I Love Hear with all My Heart and Soul.
Well Every one I am going to go for now and Please leave comments and Love Thanks.