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SCORPIO QUEEN's blog: "Idiots"

created on 03/21/2007  |  http://fubar.com/idiots/b66681

Gun Control

I swear, if I read so much as ONE MORE article on how we need gun control in this country, Im gonna vom. Yesterdays HORRIBLE shooting (and my thoughts, prayers and condolences do go out to all victims, including families and witnesses) was aired, here, with a large and lengthy segment of the type of guns used for the perpetration of the heinous acts. I just KNEW it was a precursor to the calls for gun control. Well, fuck that, thank you. Want to know how many guns kill people per year in this country? Well, Im happy to tell you my guess. NONE!! PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE!!!!! Unless I missed the newest issue of Guns & Ammo where the gun was introduced that will walk around of its own volition hitting targets it plans to, then people are still in control. What we need is PEOPLE control. Its already kinda tough for Law Abiding Joe Public to get a handgun/other, with the cooling off period and paperwork, etc. How many of the shooting crimes do you suppose are perpetrated BY the legal and registered owner of the weapon used? I dont have the statistics and, quite frankly, have had a shitty enough few days that I dont really care to try and dig, at present, but I will wager its a relatively small percentage we are talking about, here. Do you really think more legislation will prevent criminals from getting what they want? Has it ever? If Im not mistaken, which I may be and, again, I am really not in the mood to go look, there have been only two successful removals of guns from citizens in the world...one was Nazi Germany and the other a Castro Cuba. Gee, how wonderful that we could be just like those two. Personally, I believe in gun control, as follows: 1. Take a stable stance 2. Use both hands if necessary 3. Lean on item to stabalize, if necessary End of story
Want to know one more way to win that all-expense paid trip to "Iggy Island"? Lie to me. Thats right, lie and you are gone. Now, Im not talking about the little white lies like people tell to keep surprise parties secret or saying "no, dear, that outfit doesnt make you look too fat", etc. Im talking about the important ones. A lie shows a lack of respect, both directions. If you lie, you dont respect me and you obviously dont respect yourself because honor is one of the few things you can take with you all through life and it comes from the inside out. No one else can give it to you. If you have no honor, what good is there? If you are married, say you are married. I sure do. You should be proud of your husband or wife. If you are not proud and think you should be online lying about your status, then do both you and your spouse a favor and just end it. If you are lying to me, I will sniff you out in approximately 2.3 seconds and its off to "Iggy Island" for you. If you work at McDonalds, thats ok, just say you work at McDonalds. At least you have a job and are trying, right? Be proud of that. Dont say that you are a rocket scientist when you are a burger maker because I will sniff you out in about 2.3 seconds and then its off to "Iggy Island". You dont have to be from California or New York or wherever. Its ok to be from Kansas...well, ok, maybe not KANSAS but you get my point. It doesnt make you any cooler, or whatever, in my book to be from anywhere. Ive been in pretty much every state in the Union so lie to me and Ill sniff you out in around 2.3 seconds and its off to "Iggy Island". Are you seeing a pattern developing here? I sure hope so because I know you have a brain and can figure this out. I am a very, VERY intelligent woman. I remember things...lots of things. I have a mind like a steel trap and I dont forget. If you tell me one thing this week and something else next, I will bust you on the lie. Liars seldom keep track of what they say but I do. I abhor a liar and I wont abide a liar. Have some self-respect and respect me by just not lying. Now, I do realize that in certain jobs you have to tell a few lies, such as maybe what you do or where you are working or what your real name is. I understand those things and know who they apply to. I am not talking about mandatory lies to protect yourself or your job in that way. I am talking about other lies. The most common lie is being single instead of married. I never understand that one. What is the point to lie? Are you ashamed that you are a cheater/potential cheater? Then stop behaving like that and you wont be ashamed. If you are having issues you should be talking to your spouse about them, not me. If you cant, you shouldnt be married. If you cant stop behaving like that, then dump the marriage bc he/she deserves closure. Life is all about choices. People seem to think this internet is a breeding ground for suckers. The problem is that there are so many suckers out there. I am not one of them. I am usually pretty damned good about smelling out a lie and I will block your ass for it. A lie is a slap in the face and I dont take kindly to that. You wont get a lie from me. In fact, you'll probably get more truth than you ever wanted because I am a mouthy person with lots of opinions. Not a good combination, sometimes. There is no harm in the truth and if I think that you might be lying I will ask you, directly. If I ask you directly and you want to continue a semblance of friendship, dont lie because I will know it, Im telling you in all seriousness. My bullshit-o-meter works great. And if you are REALLY dumb enough to lie about things that ANY idiot could discover (like the man who claimed to be single from Georgia and be an Army Ranger when he had never actually even been in the USA or in the military and was married) then I wont even issue a warning, Ill just hit the ignore button, ok? Again, you be nice to me, Ill be nice to you. Its all about respect and choice. Think Im a bitch about it? Thats ok. I dont mind. Unlike most people on the WWW, I dont need your approval to go about my day. I have the approval of my husband, mine and my children's. In the grand scheme of things, you dont really matter because its just online and we dont really know each other and never will...youre not a part of my real life. You should feel the same about me.
Lets take a moment out of our busy day to clarify things a bit, shall we? Pretty much every day for the last several days I have had to delete and block people. Usually takes less than 10 minutes to figure it out. Why do I do that? Well, it usually boils down to two things. People just not taking the time to read my profile and, secondary to that is that people underestimate me and my ability/willingness to block you the hell out if you are an asshole. Yes, sometimes I like to chat with people on Yahoo or MSN. No, just because I have those programs doesnt mean that I am going to chat with you, just because you say hello to me in a shout. Only people who I suspect are not assholes ever make it to chat. Yes, I have a camera. No, just because I have a camera doesnt mean that you will get to see my camera turned on during a chat. I decide who sees what on my cam. That why its MY CAM. You can make the decisions about your own damned cam, ok? Yes, some people get to see me chat on camera. No, just because you get to see me on camera does NOT mean that you will get to see my boobs, or anything else. Thats the beauty of it being MY body on MY webcam. I make all the decisions about them, not you. Pestering me, repeatedly, to remove my clothing, stick my fingers in places, dressing for you, changing my clothes, or whatever wins you a one-way ticket to "Iggy Island". Yes, sometimes I will accept your offer to see your webcam. NO, that does NOT mean that I want to see your cock, watch you masturbate or any other damned thing. Try to wrap your mind around this one. Some people just like to see who they are chatting with. If you try and force me to watch you when I say I dont want to, or to try and bully me into letting you watch me, its "Iggy Island" for you, and it wont bother me one little bit to send you there, get it? Yes, I have NSFW pix. No, that doesnt mean that I sit around all day waiting for people online to cybersex with. I have a mind (and a pretty good one, I might add) and lots of interests OUTSIDE of sex. I can be one of the nicest, most caring, sweetest people you will ever come across in your whole life but, make no mistake about it, I can be a bitch, too, if thats what it is to delete and block some asshole who is acting like he is 17 on prom night. I can understand there are desperate times and moods but come on, seriously. Isnt there a better way to approach things than being pushy? Want to stay on my friends list and/or keep (or start) chatting with me? Talk about more than just sex, ok? I give three warnings that I am getting pissed about a line of conversation before I block someone. If you ignore the third one, I assume you are eihter an asshole or retarded and have no problem blocking you, at that point. Be nice, ok? You be nice and Ill be nice right back. If I feel like rewarding you for being nice, Ill let you know. I have online "friends" that Ive chatted with for two, three years and longer who have never seen me wearing less than a bikini. There is a reason they have been here so long. Its called respect. Try it, and you'll get it back, I promise.

Record Setting Dummy

Ok, I guess some people really dont read. Well, for those of you who dont and, obviously, that wont be applying to any of YOU because you obviously ARE reading, you just cant blame me for your ignorance. I say this with a point and as a result of a happening from this morning. Now, similar happenings occur on a regular basis. The most common annoyance are the umpteed fist-time messages/shouts from people saying "so, baby, you got a boyfriend or anything?". Well, to those delightful darlings, I dont even respond. Unless they get persistent I do give them the benefit of the doubt that, at some point, they will actually read, catch on that they came off looking like a dumb-ass, and I let them stay on. However, there are a few who get to the persistent/piss-me-the-fuck off point. Record setting start to delete-and-block case in point: Man shouts to me "Hey, baby, you look hot. I think you'd like to hook up with me the next time Im in Florida". I am happy to ignore him, smiling that A) he thinks so much of himself and B) that he thought he would stand a chance in hell, married or not, with that sort of shit. He knew not who he was messing with, evidently but I can forgive and ignore. Next is a question about where Im from. So, I assume its one of those "no one is FROM Florida things and I answer". We have a bit of a conversation and he wants to send me a video, asking for my email. I tell him "On CT is just fine, tyvm" so he sends it here, then shouts to tell me its in my box. Well, Im in the middle of doing something and there are 17 messages ahead of him so I say "when I am finished what what IM doing, Ill take a look". Now, me being busy, I happened to miss that about every minute, thereafter, he shouted "did you see it, yet". "Fan me when you see it so I know you liked it". "What did you think". Finally, I look up at the shout and read his messages, oldest to newest as I always do and have become annoyed before I ever got to the newest ones. The newest ones were "ok, I havent heard from you so I assume you dont like me", then "Well, thats what I get for being nice to YOU. I should have known better", followed closely by "People think that Im stupid because Im too kind well Im KIND, not STUPID". I am absolutely kidding you not that, from start to finish, the time lapsed was 7 minutes, tops. So, I took it upon myself to inform the lad (lad, he was in his 30's) that he was mistaken and that, yes, indeed, he IS stupid and that if he could have that sort of attitude bc I didnt jump right up to his shit when he graced my box with its presence that it was an indication he should maybe find a good therapist. Then, I happily went to the delete and block options. Well, kiddies, what did we learn today? Hopefully that its pays to read peoples profiles and that patience is a virtue. See, Im just the kind of person to dismiss, completely, anyone who is stupid enough to make demands on me. Ahhh, the internet. Its just as simple as a few clicks of a mouse. Bottom line is that I have things to do. If you leave me luv on my page or pictures, Ill get to returning the favor and reading messages and responding. I dont leave people out in the cold on a one-way street. However, its on my time, not yours. If you do have some sort of an emergency that you think your life will end if I dont do "whatever it is" right freakin' now, then KINDLY ask me if I could get to it as a priority and I may bend a bit (I am kinda flexible, when approached right) and Ill see what I can do but do NOT start freaking out on me or you get the one-way ticket to "Iggy Island".

Nobel Peace Prize

THIS is who we look to for guidance?!?!?!? As if I needed to remind you, yet again, of the folly of your ways in this whole "we created global warming" thing, let me show you who you are dealing with for opinions and answers: Mammogram...sonogram...honey graham... At an event in Las Vegas on Monday, 09/1800, Gore declared potential breast cancer victims faced "a long waiting line before they could get a biopsy or, uh, or a uh, another kind of, what am I looking for, a sonogram or...." People in the crowd shouted "mammogram." (Source: Fox News 09/18/00; MSNBC 09/21/00 - The News with Brian Williams) "Had that happened to Bush the news media would have used it to further the theme that the Texas Governor has a troubled relationship with the English language." - Brian Williams 09/21/00 Equal...if not more so? "When my sister and I were growing up," Mr. Gore told a small audience made up mostly of women, "there was never any doubt in our minds that men and women were equal, if not more so." (Source: NY Times, 08/12/00) Equal - if not more so? More so what? More "equal"? Who is more so? If two things are equal, what is the "more so" for? Gore didn't reverse John 3:16, but he DID reverse Matthew 6:21 During the second debate, while discussing the environment, Gore said: "And I'm a grandfather now. I want to be able to tell my grandson, when I'm in my later years, that I didn't turn away from the evidence that showed that we were doing some serious harm. In my faith tradition, it is written in the book of Matthew, 'Where your heart is, there's your treasure also.' And I believe that we ought to recognize the value to our children and grandchildren of taking steps that preserve the environment in a way that's good for them." Gore got the quote from Matthew 6:21 backwards. Matthew 6:21 states: "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." This follows verses 19 and 20 which say: "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal; but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal." This quote has nothing to do with the environment; it has to do with devotion to salvation The Bible verses specifically refer to being careful where you store your treasures - it follows the the reason would have to be because heart follows treasures. So not only did he misquote and misuse the quote - it is obvious he didn't know the context of the verse. One thousand billion million trillion... Oct. 25 2000 JACKSON, Tenn. (Reuters) — Criticizing Bush's Social Security privatization plan at a rally in Tennessee, Gore said, "He is proposing to privatize a big part of Social Security and he's proposing to take $1 trillion, a million billion dollars out of the Social Security trust fund and give it as a tax incentive to young workers." A trillion is one thousand billion, not a million billion. (Source: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/wires/1025/p_rt_1025_41.sml) Execute a pregnant woman? Uhh... I don't know On July 16, 2000 during a "Meet the Press" interview, Gore was asked if he would be in favor of postponing the execution of a pregnant woman. His hesitant response was "I'd have to think about it". Apparently not prepared for this curve ball of a question, Gore must have been so conscientious about upsetting his pro-choice constituency that he couldn't even give the answer that was obvious to every member of the House which in uncharacteristically unanimous fashion passed legislation shortly after this interview to prohibit such a practice. RUSSERT: Right now there's legislation which says that a woman on death row, if she's pregnant, she should not be executed. Do you support that? GORE: I don't what you're talking about. RUSSERT: It's a federal statue on the books that if a woman is pregnant and she's on death row, she should not be executed. GORE: Well, I don't know what the circumstances would be in that situation. I would--you know, it's an interesting fact situation. I'd want to think (OFF-MIKE). The full transcript is available here. $29 dollars a week can buy a lot of Diet Cokes In his 2000 convention acceptance speech, Gore said the Bush tax cut would save the average family 62 cents a week ("enough for a diet coke"). He later clarified it and said 62 cents a day per family... which is still wrong. Even at 62 cents a day, that's only a little over $226 a year. Under the Bush tax plan, the average family would save $1500 -- $4.20 a day, which is almost $29 dollars a week. Collecting cans for prescription drug benefits! During the October 3, 2000 Presidential debate, Gore mentioned 79-year-old Winifred Skinner, who has become the campaign's mascot for his Medicare prescription-drug program. "In order to pay for her prescription drug benefits, she has to go out seven days a week, several hours a day, picking up cans ," Gore said. "She came all the way from Iowa in a Winnebago with her poodle in order to attend here tonight." However, Skinner doesn't need to collect cans for her medication. Her son, Earl King, who formerly owned his own business and now lives on an 80-acre ranch and describes his lifestyle as "comfortable," has offered repeatedly to help her make ends meet. She continually declines his offers. In addition, the Winnebago Gore referred to, as well as the gas, was paid for by the Gore campaign. Five campaign workers accompanied Skinner, a longtime Democrat and former union organizer. (Source: New York Post, October 5, 2000 "Gore's nose is growing again"; Washington Post, October 5, 2000, page A20) I was there with James Lee Witt...oh, wait.... In the Presidential debate on October 3, 2000, Governor George W. Bush gave credit to the Federal Emergency Management Service (FEMA) for their work in Texas during fires and floods in Parker County. Vice President Al Gore said "I accompanied James Lee Witt down to Texas when those fires broke out." Carl Cameron, of Fox News first reported that Gore had not, in fact, been to Texas with Witt to look at the damage in Parker County. Gore WAS in Texas, but FEMA officials said Witt never went to Texas to deal with the 1998 fires. To say that he was traveling with Witt implies strongly that Gore was traveling to a location in an official capacity. Gore was on his way to a fundraiser, and happened to run into FEMA people at the airport. The purpose of his trip was to attend a fundraiser, NOT to see the damage, as Gore implies. While Gore has accompanied Witt on other occasions, Gore didn't on this occasion, AND the purpose of this particular trip wasn't even connected with the disasters. Some claim Gore just "forgot" that Witt wasn't with him on this occasion... did Gore also forget the purpose of this particular trip? "If James Lee was there before or after, then you know, I got that wrong then," Gore said on ABC's Good Morning America on October 4, 2000. (Source: New York Post, October 5, 2000 "Gore's nose is growing again") I was part of those discussions! Really! At a Sept. 22 press conference, Gore stated "I've been a part of the discussions on the strategic reserve since the days when it was first established." However, President Ford established the Strategic Petroleum Reserves when he signed the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA) on December 22, 1975 — two years before Al Gore became a congressman (Source: Washington Post, Sept. 24 2000) (note: it was actually 13 months, not 2 years as the Post states) Now, technically, 1975 was when it was declared U.S. policy to establish a reserve, but the reserve was not established (sites purchased or built, etc) until 1977, when Gore was in Congress. However, isn't this yet another case of "fuzzy wording"? Gore phrases the initial statement to give the impression that he was somehow responsible or "part of something" from the outset, but leaves wiggle room so that he can later justify the statement. And isn't saying he was part of "discussions on the strategic reserve" meant to leave the impression that he was was part of the planning process, prior to the sites being purchased, etc? Decide for yourself. A dog's health care costs less than my mother-in-law's! Vice President Al Gore, reaching for a personal example to illustrate the breathtaking costs of some prescription drugs, told seniors in Florida that his mother-in-law pays nearly three times as much for the same arthritis medicine used for his ailing dog, Shiloh. "That's pretty bad when you have got to pretend to be a dog or a cat to get a price break" he stated. Gore's mother-in-law does pay more for her medication, but the generic brand of the drug, which 85% of Americans now use as a cheaper alternative, costs half as much, or one and a half times what it costs for the pooch - not three times. In addition, given the complexities of the marketplace, and the steps people take to get a better deal, it can work the other way around: Pets "pretending" to be humans. The Gore campaign also admitted that it lifted those costs not from his family's bills, but from a House Democratic study, and that Gore misused even those numbers: They represent the manufacturer's price to wholesalers, not the retail price of the brand-name product. Drug costs often cost more for humans, though, because they are more heavily regulated. Jeff Trewhett, the spokesman for the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers Association of America, said the higher costs for the human version of patented drugs is justified because the research, development, and approval costs can surpass $500 million per drug. But once the drug is approved for humans, the cost to test and approve it for animals is minimal, he said. Interestingly enough, Gore is proposing more regulations on on top of what we have now. Our food also costs 3 times as much as the dog's... will Gore say that we have to pretend to be dogs to get affordable food? (Source: "Gore misstates facts in drug-cost pitch" Boston Globe, 9/18/2000 ) Dairy Farm Expert in a Day Milwaukee, WI - "I'm very familiar with the importance of dairy farming in Wisconsin. I've spent the night on a dairy farm here in Wisconsin, once. If I'm entrusted with the presidency, you'll have someone who is VERY familiar with what the Wisconsin dairy industry is all about." (Sources: Sunday, June 18, Atlanta Journal Constitution and The Washington Post, June 14, 2000) Hey! I am an expert in hospital administration in NJ, and the hotel industry in several states - having spent more than one night there! Hey! It's Super Tuesday... oh wait... Several Tennesseans tried to cast votes in the presidential primary, thinking that their state was part of Super Tuesday. They weren't alone. Vice President Al Gore seemed to think so, too. Knox County registrar Pat Crippens said, "I just got off the phone with a gentleman. I had to explain we're not Super Tuesday, we're just next Tuesday." His office got about 30 calls from confused voters. In 1988, Tennessee and 12 other Southern states decided to hold their presidential primaries on the second Tuesday of March, dubbing it "Super Tuesday" in hopes of gaining national political clout. Several Northern states also held their primaries that day. More than a dozen states have since moved their primaries to the first Tuesday of the month, creating a new "Super Tuesday." Tennessee - the vice president's home state - is among six that have stuck with March 14. As reporters and photographers watched from the lobby of his Nashville headquarters on Tuesday, Gore called a "Miss Ferris" and told her, "Today is the presidential primary in Tennessee ." His expression changed as he listened to her. "Well, you know, that is right. You are absolutely right," he said before hanging up and quickly dialing the next number on his voter call list. (Source: Houston Chronicle 3/8/2000 by Houston Chronicle News Services) The Republicans controlled the Senate in '93? Do the Democrats know this? From Meet the Press 12/19/99 MR. RUSSERT: Senator, what did you think of the 1996 Clinton-Gore campaign's approach to fund-raising? MR. BRADLEY: I thought that a lot of people in politics were embarrassed by it, quite frankly. I think Republicans and Democrats were disgraceful in that fund-raising program in 1996. Now, I think Al had the right point. It's the lessons that you learn. In 1990, I raised a lot of money for my Senate race. I raised too much money. I discovered that you can have too much money in a political campaign. I think that's what George Bush is going to discover. Now, in Al's case, the attorney general investigated it fully and determined that an independent counsel was not needed. And so - and the Republicans might make that an issue, but that's the reality. But I think the question is what you learn from this. And what I learned is that you've had seven years to actually do something on campaign-finance reform, and nothing has happened. I remember visiting the White House in 1993, Democratic Congress, both Senate and House, and urging the president to act on campaign-finance reform. Now, I don't know if you were in the loop or not, but the fact of the matter is that no action took place. And when we say what we... VICE PRES. GORE: Because all the Republicans voted against it. MR. BRADLEY: ...what we need to do... VICE PRES. GORE: And they controlled the Senate. MR. BRADLEY: ...what we - where was the effort made, Al, in 1993? VICE PRES. GORE: We got every single Democratic senator to vote for it. Gore and the Internet "During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet" Gore said when asked to cite accomplishments that separate him from another Democratic presidential hopeful, former Sen. Bill Bradley of New Jersey, during an interview with Wolf Blitzer on CNN on March 9, 1999. Gore supported technological advances related to the advancement of the Internet, but to say that HE took the initiative in creating the Internet is a bit much. (Sources: Transcript http://www.wired.com/news/news/politics/story/18390.html ) (Note: Lots of people seem to enjoy e-mailing me, professing that my information about Gore saying he "invented" the Internet is wrong, that he did support things which helped get the Internet moving, etc. First, I know he never said he "invented" the Internet. Please notice the quote above. Second, saying that he took the initiative in CREATING the Internet is still a funny statement since the Internet was already created and being used (ex: file copying via the UUCP protocol and e-mail) by the time he was elected to Congress. One can't take the "initiative" to "create" something which has already been created.) A spotted Zebra. "A zebra does not change its spots." - Al Gore, attacking President George Bush in 1992. (Sources: The Toronto Sun, 11/19/95; May 13th page of the "365 stupidest things ever said, 1999 Calendar." ALL quotes from this calendar are from a book called "The 700 Stupidest Things Ever Said") The book and calendar are by a brother and sister team called Ross and Kathryn Petras. The original book "The 776 Stupidest things ever said" was printed in March 1993, and the calendar was printed August 1998.) E plu...what? "We can build a collective civic space large enough for all our separate identities, that we can be e pluribus unum -- out of one, many." E Pluribus Unum is the motto on the Great Seal of the United States of America, and is Latin for "out of many, one," not "out of one, many." (Source: January 1994. From a Milwaukee speech to the Institute of World Affairs as quoted in Investor's Business Daily, October 25, 1996.) Who ARE these people?? Listen to Al Gore (Algore) asking who the busts of our Founding Fathers are at Monticello before the Inauguration. DUH. gore.au (71k) Watch the video of this! Mary and Joseph were homeless?? "Speaking from my own religious tradition in this Christmas season, 2,000 years ago a homeless woman gave birth to a homeless child in a manger because the inn was full." Hello! Mary and Joseph were not homeless! They were only going to register their family, as the entire countryside had been ordered to do...thats why the inn was full. (Sources: Press Conference at HUD, 12/22/97; George Will column, Sunday May 17 1998) A new type of tree! Al Gore, giving a speech for Yellowstone National Park's 125th Anniversary, Albright Visitors Center, Sunday, August 17, 1997: "When we come here, we see the longpole pine and the Douglas fir." Sorry Al, it's LODGEpole. There is no such thing as a LONGpole pine. Michael who? Maybe Michael Jordan hasn't made an indelible impression on everyone outside Chicago. Speaking at a D.C. function, Vice President Al Gore, wowed by the Bulls, said: "I tell you that Michael Jackson is unbelievable, isn't he. He's just unbelievable." ( Source: The Chicago Tribune June 17, 1998 ) James who? In his first appearance in a nationally televised candidates forum, Gore was asked to name a past US president from whom he drew personal inspiration. He replied that he especially admired another "dark horse" candidate, and a product of his home state, the great "president James Knox". The only problem is that the history books show that nobody named Knox ever occupied the White House. He most likely meant James Knox Polk. (Source: Chicago Tribune of 7/24/87; The British Sunday Times; Michael Medved of KVI radio (570 AM based in Seattle). Manliness Thanks! In 1996, Al Gore visited a school in a largely Hispanic portion of Albuquerque, New Mexico. In an effort to fit in, he decided it would be appropriate to say something in Spanish as he took the stage. He was probably supposed to say "Muchisimas Gracias", which means "Very, very much thanks" or possibly "Muchas Gracias", which means "thank you very much." Instead, he walked on stage saying "Machismo Gracias" - roughly translated to "manliness thanks." There's a video clip of the press in Albuquerque giggling about it and saying, "Oh well, he's trying." (Source: KOB-TV in Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1996 -- does anyone have the exact date or can anyone confirm this?) Daily Town Hall Meetings "I certainly learned a great deal from 3,000 town hall meetings across my home state of Tennessee over a 16-year period" in Congress, the vice president told NPR's Bob Edwards. Do the math. That's 187 town hall meetings per year, or a meeting in Tennessee every other day for 16 years, including weekends, holidays, vacations, and time spent running for president in 1988 and for vice president in 1992. Now, Gore never specifically claimed that he was actually at all of the Town Hall meetings, but it certainly sounds like he is trying to imply that he was there when he states that he learned a great deal from 3,000 meetings! (Source: http://www.cei.org/UpdateReader.asp?ID=777) Special exception for Clinton. "I seek this office to restore the rule of law and respect for common sense to the White House." ... "Americans in every region and in both political parties have been shaken by the betrayal of public trust ... and the dishonesty of the public officials."... "Any government official who ... lies to the United States Congress will be fired immediately." (Source: Seattle Times, June 29, 1987) Gore must be talking about the standards he'd apply to a Republican White House! After all, he referred to Clinton as "one of our greatest presidents" at the White House Post-Impeachment Pep Rally on December 19, 1998. Gore Loves Courtney Love. Finding himself talking to the controversial rock star Courtney Love at a Hollywood party, Mr. Gore attempted to charm her by telling her he was a fan. Rather than just accepting the easy compliment, Love cross-examined him. "He goes 'I'm a really big fan'," said Love. "And I was like 'Yeah, right. Name a song, Al'." The answer came limply back: "I can't name a song, I'm just a really big fan." Mr. Gore and his wife, Tipper, were the driving forces behind the campaign to make record companies put stickers on records that contained lyrics with sexually explicit content. (Sources: The [London] Times, 10/1/98; Courtney Love recounted this event on the May 20, 1999 Late Show with David Letterman ) He can't use a computer? Pete Talek, a U.S. Steel employee speaking with Al Gore: "I am a few credits shy of earning a master's degree and could use federal funds to help defray tuition costs because he also is putting a daughter through community college. "I worked with a 14-inch pipe wrench for years and a coal shovel." Adding that he since has added a computer keyboard to the list of tools he can now use. "Gore smiled and admitted that he, too, has trouble turning on a computer - let alone using one." (Source: "Gore Touts Job-Training Programs at Pittsburgh Factory" Associated Press September 4, 1998) Which is it Al? Articles paint you as a techie nerdie type with early, and possibly fairly substantive knowledge of computers and networks, but you can't use a computer? You used Arpanet in the 70's but now have trouble turning on a computer? Where am I again? Al Gore visited Minneapolis Minnesota on October 12, 1998 and raised several hundred thousand dollars for DFL gubernatorial nominee Hubert Humphrey III and two Democratic congressmen. Too bad he forgot which state he was in. Gore misspoke when he tried to summarize their commitment to education. "They will be the education team that Missouri needs to move into the 21st century," he said. (Source: Minneapolis Star Tribune, October 13, 1998) The earth is upside down! In the spring 1998 - Gore called The Washington Post's executive editor to tip him off on an ''error'' in the paper. ''I decided I just had to call because you've printed a picture of the Earth upside down on the front page of the paper,'' Gore said. (Source: Florida Times Union 4/3/98 ) There is no ''up'' in space; only on maps that orient the Earth's surface north and south. (Like most of the visionaries on the far left, Vice President Al Gore opposed President Reagan's space shield proposal. Now, Gore has his own ideas about how to best use space: Send up a satellite that will broadcast pictures of the Earth on a dedicated cable channel. ''With global warming a growing concern, and with problems like El Nino causing growing concern, this will be of tremendous value,'' he said recently. It's bad enough that he thinks the disputed possibility of global warming is a more serious threat to public safety than a nuclear missile attack. But he should know there are eight weather satellites doing what he proposes. (He should also know satellite data have shown no global warming for 18 years.) Gore, who purports to be Mr. Information Superhighway, doesn't seem to know that anyone can view pictures from space on the Internet already. And, they are right side up. Not long ago, Gore called The Washington Post's executive editor to tip him off on an ''error'' in the paper. ''I decided I just had to call because you've printed a picture of the Earth upside down'' on the front page of the paper, Gore said. There is no ''up'' in space; only on maps that orient the Earth's surface north and south. Last September, Gore hiked reporters up to a glacier in Montana to point out that it was melting. Imagine: ice melting in the summertime. Although this photo op was supposed to demonstrate ''global warming,'' summer daytime temperatures in western Montana haven't risen in 100 years. Gore is called ''brainy'' by the liberal media, but has been labeled ''Capt. Planet'' by some critics of his extreme environmental views. Seems to fit.) Is it a train? An eagle? In a letter, an elderly couple, Mr. and Mrs. Delgadillo explained to Al Gore how much they rely on the government-owned Amtrak trains to visit their children and grandchildren in Chicago and on each coast. The couple reminded the vice president that President Clinton relied on train travel to reach the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. "The train has been our main-stay," the couple states. "Yet your administration is killing our Texas Eagle. This makes us sick." The Texas Eagle is the Amtrak train that for years has operated between Chicago, St. Louis, Little Rock, Dallas, Fort Worth and San Antonio. But facing a $243 million shortfall in 1997, Amtrak President Thomas Downs recently targeted four Amtrak routes for elimination, including the Texas Eagle service between St. Louis and San Antonio. "What can you do to save our Eagle?" the couple pleaded to the vice president. Gore responded with: "Dear Mr. and Mrs. Delgadillo, Thank you for your letter regarding the protection of the Texas eagle. I appreciate hearing from you. "I share your view that the urgent problem of species extinction and the conservation of biological diversity should be addressed. The first step in saving any plant or animal from extinction is to become aware of and respect the fragile ecosystems that make up our environment ... "Again, thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. I look forward to working with you for the future of our planet." It's strange he should talk about the ecosystem and extinction since the Texas Eagle is a TRAIN! (Sources: reported on Fox News Sunday on December 3, 1996, as well as quoted in the National Review and reported in the 12/6/96 Washington Times "Inside the Beltway" by John McCaslin) Rip-Tootin' At the opening of the new Gore 2000 HQ, Gore said something about a "rip-tootin'" campaign. Maybe he meant "rip-snortin'" or "rip-roarin'" or "rootin'-tootin'"? (Source WTVF (TV) News, Nashville, Tenn. 10/6/99) It was a Buddhist Temple? Al Gore, when asked about his illegal fundraising activities that took place in a Buddhist temple: "I didn't realize I was in a Buddhist temple." Yeah...I know a lot of places where bald men run around in orange robes with incense burning. (A Senate committee investigating campaign finance voted to issue 43 new subpoenas, including 23 connected to a Democratic fund-raising event at the Hsi Lai Buddhist temple in California that was attended by Vice President Al Gore. Participants paid $2,500 each to attend, in apparent violation of the temple's tax-free status as a non-political religious group (5/23/1997) Wait though... he may have not realized it was a fundraiser because he was in the bathroom! But Mr. Gore said he was sometimes inattentive and missed parts of fund-raising meetings. He told the F.B.I., according to notes of a 1998 interview, that "he drank a lot of iced tea during meetings, which could have necessitated a restroom break." New York Times, 3/11/00 Gore in Malaysia. "Democracy confers a stamp of legitimacy that reforms must have in order to be effective. And so, among nations suffering economic crises, we continue to hear calls for democracy, calls for reform in many languages - people's power, doi moi, reformasi. We hear them today, right here, right now, among the brave people of Malaysia." This was part of a speech that Al Gore gave during the Apec Business Summit dinner in Malaysia. After giving this speech which was supporting the meaningless reformasi movement in Malaysia, Gore walked out of the hall without even taking his dinner. This is a clear insult to the host nation, Malaysia and shows how arrogant, rude, and insensitive Al Gore is, and in the process, angered Malaysians along with its neighbours who condemned Al Gore for giving the speech at the wrong time and place. This was submitted to this page by someone who lives in Malaysia YEAH, OK, IM REALLY GONNA LISTEN TO THIS MAN'S ADVICE ABOUT ANYTHING OF IMPORTANCE.
For all of you mindless sheep who really believed the farsical "Inconvenient Truth", I roll my eyes at you. If you REALLY want an inconvenient truth, here it is. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS MAN-MADE GLOBAL WARMING, YOU FREAKIN' IDIOTS!! Throughout the dawn of time, there have been cycles from ice age to hot. They have been tracked, they have been monitored, they have been recorded. Since the dawn of time, when this "heating trend" has happened, there HAVE BEEN NO CARS, INDUSTRIAL PLANTS, OR EVEN ENOUGH PEOPLE ON THE PLANET. WHAT CAUSED IT ALL THOSE TIMES??? Want to know what causes global warming? THE FREAKING SUN, YOU MORONS!! If someone, be it politician or group, creates a widespread panic, such as this, what better way to line their pockets than to get in bed with "solutions" such as certain cars (AHEM) and other things. Can we say KICK BACK?? Are you all BLIND???? If that absolute IDIOT in charge of this load of horse manure was REALLY concerned about such utter nonsense, DONT YOU THINK THAT HE WOULD BE CHANGING HIS OWN WAY OF LIFE AND DO WHAT HE IS TELLING ALL THE REST OF US TO DO???? What nincompoop to think that mankind can affect weather on a global scale when all of our resources and all of our so-called knowlege and vast technology can not only NOT effect the fall of so much as one rain drop, WE CANT EVEN ACCURATELY PREDICT OUR OWN LOCAL WEATHER, FOR GOD'S SAKE!!! How arrogant to think we can affect a global climate shift. I bet God is just laughing his butt off at us. If that doesnt start to slap some sense into your feeble minds how about the fact that for as many record highs that were set, THERE WERE AS MANY RECORD LOWS!!!! Come on, either its all getting too hot, these days, globally, or its not. If its such a cause for concern, this constant rise in temps, THEN WHY ARE WE STILL GETTING RECORD LOW TEMPERATURES???? DO YOU PEOPLE NOT EVEN THINK? ARE YOU SO MINDLESS THAT YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO WHATEVER GARBAGE IS SPREAD? Need a reminder of how stupid people are in believing everything they hear, how about the panic caused by Orson Wells with his announcement that hostile aliens had landed. It was meant to be a joke but what happened? Mass hysteria. How about avian flu panic? How many have died from that? ONE??? TWO???? Exactly how many Communists did the McArthy Hearings uncover??? Lets go back really far. How about the Spanish Inquisition? HOW ABOUT THE Y2K SCARE??? TALK ABOUT MASS HYSTERIA OVER NOTHING BUT ALL THAT HYPE MADE YOU PEOPLE PANIC (I say you people because I didnt so much as buy one extra bottle of water for all that crap, laughing at all of you filling your pantries and making plans as to where they would go when the world we know fell apart). What about the COOLING SCARE of the 1970's when they were worried we were entering into an ice age. Money was spent, then, in consideration of such remedies like putting dust and dirt over the top of the polar ice caps. What about the reason catalytic convertors are in our automobiles? It was the hype that the emissions of carbon monoxide was going to kill us all. How about the great uses of Thalidamyde? Everyone jumped onto that bandwagon, too, and just look what happened. Think back to when smoking was such a great thing. Remember the old television shows where ashtrays were in every office, on every table and there was a cigarette in everyones mouth, when magazines had cigarette ads on every other page and there were cute little cigarette people dancing all over the commercials on tv? PEOPLE ARE FREAKING SHEEP AND ITS PATHETIC!! WHERE HAS THE ABILITY TO THINK FOR YOURSELF, TO QUESTION FOR YOURSELF GONE? It was Adolf Hitler who said "the greater the lie, the more people will believe it" and he was RIGHT! Well, Ill tell you what, you just go right on ahead spouting your uninformed, self-aggrandizing, idiotic nonsense to make yourself feel like you are part of the in-crowd and know something of vast import but I, like usual, will be sitting back and laughing at all of you, shaking my head that we are even in the same species.
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