As you know, we welcome, love and respect everyone, but feel the need to set some ground rules and make them clear to all members and anyone who might like to join.
Wolves are HONORABLE!
As such, these rules are cardinal:
There will be NO public humiliation or bashing of ANYONE! Family or otherwise.
(if they have done you wrong, block them from you, and send ONE again 1 notification to family that the member and you have irreconcilable differences WITHOUT ISSUING DETAILS!)
Do not worry, the family will back you without being involved in drama.
NO attack on ANY pack member, present or former will be tolerated. PERIOD!
Only Theresa or myself can have morphs made for the members. Please, DO NOT have our morpher do a morph for you without first consulting one of us.
We also ask that you only vote for fellow family members in contests. If you have a friend in a contest you would like to vote for, and no pack member is contesting, it is fine. If a pack member is contesting, our loyalty is first to family, feel free to help your friend, but please focus on family first. If they wish to be a member of our pack, the entire family will help.
Wolferz is responsible for the L.R.L. Society. All recruiters and members are asked to help strengthen our family by bringing in loyal and HONORABLE people.
If you are causing drama, you will be asked to refrain or please let us part in peace before any harsh feeling occur.
Remember! We are all online for friends, lovers, companionship, etc. We did not join to make enemies!!!
We don't mean to sound harsh, but the L.R.L. does stand for Loyalty, Respect and Love. We would like to be known as a loyal, respectful, honorable family that many will be glad to join.
With that being said, we are glad you have joined our family, or are thinking about it. We welcome, love, and respect everyone equally.
Blessings be to you all!
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