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Theresa's blog: "Crap"

created on 04/12/2007  |  http://fubar.com/crap/b73221

Happy Birthday Baby!

Today, October 14th, is my Fu-Hubby's Birthday! Go show him some love and let's see if we can make him a Fuberlord before the day is done! Thanks guys, ya'll are the best! jokerLUVSboobs.. I can't help it they're just so much fun!!

@ fubar Love you babe, wish I was there!

Damn Conscience

There are times that I wish I could be one of those cruel, heartless people that just doesn't care about others and their feelings. Why do I have to have such a strong conscience and why in the hell do I always have to listen to it? LOL I know it's because it's the right thing to do, etc but sometimes, I don't want to do the right thing. I finally reconnected with someone from my past who I have never stopped loving and never stopped caring for and about. Life took us down our different paths, so we lost contact until recently. I'll be damned if the first time we saw each other it wasn't like a day had passed. All those original feelings came flooding back and I wanted nothing more than to pick up where we left off. Unfortunatley, or fortuantely, I don't know which yet LOL, my conscience kicked in and I just couldn't do it. I can't just act like the last 2 years of my life have meant nothing. Luckily he agreed. :) This is why I still love him. I still don't remember what went wrong, and neither does he, but we thought we had lost what we had then. Guess not. I just hate knowing that what I have longed for all these years is right there, but I can't just walk away from the past 2 years hoping that things will be like they were before, if not better. I hate trying to get my head to reason with my heart, because I know that you should always follow your heart. I can't right now, because I know if I follow my heart, I'm going to hurt a lot of people, and I just can't do that. So, once again, it looks like I'm going to sacrifice what I want for what I think is right for everyone else. I just hope I'm making the right decision....

Gotta Vent

After almost 2 freaking years together, you would think I would be used to this by now. Just because you don't feel good doesn't mean, nor give you the right, to be a complete and total a$$ hole to those around you that you're supposed to love and care about. I understand not feeling well, and being under stress, etc. who doesn't? Does that mean I have to be a complete and total biotch to everyone around me? NO!!!!!!!!!!! It means you vent, and then get over it! I'm sorry we don't have a lot of money, I'm sorry you got laid off and had to take a lower paying job, I'm sorry I'm not the freaking perfect girlfriend. You know where the door is. I'm about to explode. I'm tired of trying to please you and having you 'whatever' or 'that's nice' me. Just get over yourself and realize just how good you really do have it before it's too late.

Help Find Caylee

Please go to www.HelpFindCaylee.com for up to date information. Help find her! 407-254-7000 or 407-836-HELP (4357): Orange County Missing Persons Unit 1-800-423-TIPS (8477): Crimeline My name is Caylee Marie Anthony. Photobucket I am almost 3 years old. I have shoulder-length, light brown hair and i have dark hazel (brown/green) eyes. I have a birth mark on my left shoulder/arm. I'm approximately 3 feet tall, and weigh about 35 lbs. I have been missing since Monday, June 9, 2008. Last seen with Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez. If you have any information, please contact my family at the following numbers: Casey Anthony(mother) 407.619.9286 Cindy Anthony(grandmother) 407.808.4731 George Anthony(grandfather) 407.403.3564 Lee Anthony(uncle) 407.808.5132 House of Anthony 407.275.4909 ------------------------------------------ If you have any information on the whereabouts or well-being of Caylee Marie Anthony since June 9, 2008 to the current day please do not hesitate to contact the phone numbers below: Orange County Missing Persons Unit 407-254-7000 407-836-HELP (4357) Detective Yuri Melich office 407.254.7000 (ext. 70633) Crimeline: 1-800-423-TIPS (8477) Anthony Family Residence 407.275.4909 Cindy Anthony(grandmother) 407.808.4731 George Anthony(grandfather) 407.403.3564 Lee Anthony(uncle) 407.808.5132 Casey Anthony(mother) 407.619.9286 If you are contacted by any media outlet looking for a statement relating to Casey or Caylee please DO NOT issue your own statement. Please direct them to the family at 407-275-4909 or to the Orange County Police Department Missing Persons Unit at 407.254.7000. Two flyers, approved by the Anthony family, have been produced and made available through the Orange County Missing Persons Unit. The direct link to these flyers can be found here: 1. http://www. childrescuenetwork. org/images/missing_children/Anthony_Caylee. pdf You can also find this flyer by visiting www. childrescuenetwork. org where Caylee's information is currently on the homepage. http://missingkids. com/missingkids/servlet/PubCaseSearchServlet?act=viewPoster&caseNum=1100742&orgPrefix=NCMC&searchLang=en_US You can also find this flyer by visiting www. missingkids. com, clicking on "More search options" which can be found in white lettering in the middle of the homepage. From there you can search Caylee Anthony and the link for the flyer will be provided. Above all we ask for your continued support by focusing on the task at hand, which is finding our precious little girl. The love that this family has for one another has and will never waiver. From Cindy, George, Lee, Casey, Caylee, all of our family, friends, and loved ones we pray that you remain focused and positive. -The Anthony Family


Gotta get this out and this is the only place I have. How in the hell can anyone be so freaking disrespectful???? You're going to lie right to my face and try to blame it on my 12 year old? Screw you, you need to grow the freak up!!!!!!! A house guest???? My arse, you're a freaking mooch and won't be out of here fast enough to please me. You eat like it's going out of style, never freaking shower, and won't leave my love seat. OMG 2 weeks???? More like 2 1/2 months!!!!!!! Generosity is one thing, you have more than overstayed your welcome and you're lucky I don't tell you to get the freak out right now. OMG I'm so pissed. Not only are you causing me more stress than what I really need right now, you're putting one hell of a strain on my relationship. Oh I'll be so glad when you're gone and I will know that the food I bought for my family will be there when we need it. GRRRRRRRRRRR

Science Project Help

Angelica is doing a science project that is due Monday. The teacher gave it to them today, nice warning huh? Anyway, she has to poll people on some questions and I would greatly appreciate your input. You can reply in a comment or send me a message with your opinion on the following questions. 1 - What do you think of animal research for make-up, shampoo, etc? Thing that humans would use on themselves, not animals. 2 - Do you like animals? 3 - Do you feel bad for the animals that the testing is being done on? 4 - Do you think animal research is necessary for the make-up, shampoo, etc? 5 - Do you have any pets? Thanks in advance for your responses!!!


Need to get this out and I don't care what anyone has to say. Hell, I just don't care about anything anymore. I'm sorry I'm not the perfect girl. I'm sorry my life has been turned upside down and all around and that I just don't seem to have time for anything anymore. I explained, got the brush off, and I'm just not sure anymore. I'm starting to see why people feel the way they do about you and it makes me question my sticking up for and standing by you. Was it really worth it? Am I really still all that special to you? Do you really still give a shit about me anymore? Oh who cares, maybe it's time I take all that shit off my name and just say screw it. I'll go back to just being me and not giving a shit about things and/or certain people, much the same way they seem to be feeling about me. I do and will always love you, even if I don't have time. You don't have the time either and when I do make the effort, I get blown off. When you decide what you want, tell me. Then I'll decide if you're really still worth it.
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1.) I am quickly becoming an overworked and underpaid slave 2.) My kids are THE most important thing in my life. (Even though I only have one) 3.) I am and always will be in love with who I need to be in love with. :) 4.) I have a huge headache already. 5.) I am obsessed with Angelica and her safety. 6.) I HATE child molesters, liars, cheaters, haters. 7.) I love my family and a few others. 8.) I have a lot of Girl Scout cookies to get rid of. 9.) two words: Life sucks 10.) I own a bunch of shit.

Still in shock

I just had to put this somewhere because it shows me just how much he truly loves me and how completely amazing he really is. For Christmas, Donnie got me an absolutely gorgeous diamond cross necklace and diamond and sapphire ring. My mom said there was a story behind the ring, but Donnie would have to tell me....he couldn't tell me to my face, he had to do it over messenger, so here is the convo. I'm still shocked, and finally realizing that he really does love me. Donnie: so I never did tell you about that ring and what led up to it Me: no you didn't lol Donnie: Well here is the deal. I was going to ask you to marry me. I talked to Jelly, and your mom. your mom thought it was a great Idea and without hesitation Jelly flat out said no Me: omg are you serious? did jelly tell you why? Donnie: I told jelly that I would not do it because she was not ready, she had a look of horror on her face and I could tell she was very uncomfortable with the idea Me: wow, i think i know why Donnie: Because the other guy asked you I think is what she said Me: and it's not because of you. she's the one that said we'd be married in 5 years. yeah, on Christmas day. that would be something hard for her to handle i think. i know she loves you with all her little heart, and doesn't want you to go anywhere Donnie: But I told her that she could not change her mind and it might be another year before I could or would do it. so her answer was final and if tomorrow she said it would be ok, I was not going to just do it cause she was ready Me: understandably. i know and ty Donnie: I was ready and now I need to get ready again Me: yeah Donnie: so the ring was kind of a well I thought about it and I wanted to but now you have to wait Last night, when we were home, he talked a little more about it. He said my mom said it was the best idea he'd ever had and what took him so long, but Jelly went white like she had seen a ghost and was emphatic about no. He and Jelly were in the car and he called my mom and basically asked both of them at the same time. My mom was like what do you mean no when she talked to Jelly and she just didn't want to talk about it. The ass that molested her had proposed to me on Christmas day. She's been through counseling and is ok with everything, as ok as she can be, but I think it just brought back so many bad memories for her. She loves Donnie to death, trust me. So, when Donnie and Jelly are ready, I guess I'll be getting engaged LOL Hell, he was even trying to convince her in the jewelry store! He said he told her, I can spend this much on this and this much on this or for this much more, I can get this. She said no, again. He explained to the lady there that he came in with the intention of buying an engagement ring but the boss (Jelly) said no. He said the lady nearly lost it she was laughing so hard. I'm not even upset, I am so thankful that Donnie was man enough to respect my daughter's wishes. That's more than I can say for most men I've known.
Even if you don't like country music, you've gotta listen to this song. I just heard it for the first time on the radio on my way in and was laughing so hard I nearly cried. Merry Christmas From The Family lyrics Mom got drunk and Dad got drunk At our Christmas party We were drinkin' champagne punch And homemade eggnog Little sister brought her new boyfriend He was a Mexican We didn't know what to think of him Til he sang Feliz Navidad Feliz Navidad Brother Ken brought his kids with him The three from his first wife Lynn And the two identical twins From his second wife Mary Nell Of course he brought his new wife Kaye Who talks all about AA Chain smokin' while the stereo plays Noel, Noel, The first Noel Carve the turkey turn the ball game on Mix Margaritas when the eggnog's gone Send somebody to the Quik-Pak store We need some ice and an extension cord A can of bean dip and some Diet Rite A box of pampers , some Marlboro Lights Hallelujah everybody say cheese Merry Christmas from the family Fran and Rita drove from Harlingen I can't remember how I'm kin to them But when they tried to plug their motor home in They blew our christmas lights Cousin David knew just what went wrong So we all waited on our front lawn He threw the breaker and the lights came on And we sang Silent Night Oh Silent Night o' holy night Carve the turkey turn the ballgame on Mix Bloody Marys cause we all want one Send somebody to the Stop 'n Go We need some celery and a can of fake snow A bag of lemons and some Diet Sprite A box of midol, some Salem Lights Hallelujah everybody say cheese Merry Christmas from the family Feliz Navidad
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