I don't remember exactly how they did it, but mom and dad did make it into work that day. They left us kids at home because they felt we had enough to eat and drink and that we were safe. Both of them got stuck in their stores and couldn't make it home to us. Finally dad had the law bring him home on a snowmobile. Mom stayed at her store. The snow had drifted so high that you could see the snow stacked up above the windows. We had to dig our way out of the front door. For us kids, it was fun. We made paths in the snow like a maze. We spent hours out there because under the snow you couldn't feel the below zero winds. Not to mention that we didn't have to go to school.
Like I said earlier, I had several males attempt to kiss me, touch me, or have sex with me. Before school one day the boy I liked had come to see me. I don't remember where my siblings were, but they weren't there with me and my bf. He had experience where I didn't. He kissed my passionately kinda like my cousin did, but it was different. My hormones had matured since then. I allowed him to fondle me on the outside of my clothes. I even let him touch my tits under my shirt. He had me sitting on the back of the couch, from behind the couch, with my legs spread and him between my legs. We were both dressed but I could feel his excitement pressed up against my crotch. This by itself excited me alot. When he tried to get me to let him get inside my pants with his hand, I froze. I just couldn't allow this. He was upset with me and left shortly after being turned down. Within a week I was being called "spread eagle" at school. He had told everyone that I had sex with him and that I was easy. This of course had caused even more unsolicited fondling by the boys in my school.
This was only a part of what I had endured during those young years. I had also began to get molested by my brother. He would sneak into my room while everyone else was asleep and fondled me. I would lie there acting like I was asleep thinking it would make him go away, but it didn't. He even went as far as to plug my nose and put his dick on my lips in hopes that I would have to open my mouth to breath and then take advantage of the opportunity. I would always turn away as I grasped for air so to stop this act. From 13 to 16 this molestation continued. Sometime during this "play" he started rubbing his dick on my pussy through our clothes. I always acted asleep. I was so ashamed of myself because this felt good to me. I knew it was wrong but did nothing to stop it. I even had a few orgasms during the molestation. My brother was only 1 1/2 years older than I. At one point (at age 13), my brother, my younger sister, and I had a "play" session while awake. We all 3 explored each others bodies with our hands. I don't remember if my sister and I were undressed, but I do remember seeing my brothers penis. This was the first time I had seen a penis up close and in person. This only happened one time like this, and to my knowledge,the only time my little sister was involved with my brother.
Shortly after the incident with the 3 of us, my older sister told my mother that my dad had been fondling her. I don't think I really believed her till the day I went in to mom and dads bedroom to give them a kiss and hug good morning. When I entered their bedroom I found only dad was awake. I didn't think anything bad would happen because I was still daddy's little girl. Well, at least in my eyes I was. When I climbed up on the bed to kiss my father I got more than I had ever expected. My father didn't kiss me like his little girl. He kissed me like a lover. He held me tightly as he kissed me then ran his hands on my breasts, squeezing them with his man hands. I was in a state of shock. It all happened so fast. Then he placed his hand on my crotch, rubbing me like a father had no right to do. He asked me, "Can I do this?" I was so thrown back that all I could think of was getting away. I told my dad that I had to go pee. He told me to hurry back. I didn't hurry back. I went back to bed and stayed there till I had heard several voices and knew that he and I wouldn't be alone.
went to the living room where everyone but my eldest sister was. She was the only one still in bed. I sat on the gas forced air vent with a blanket wrapped around me to catch the heat. I watched dad trying to figure out what had happened just a few hours before. Dad seemed upset and I thought it was with me since I didn't go back, but he surprised me. He was mad at my oldest sister. He told my mother that he was tired of us kids getting up for the day and then going back to bed. He said that once we were up we needed to stay up. I told my dad that Sunset had not been up yet, that she hadn't gotten up and went back to bed. This angered my dad. He told me, "Yes she was up! She came into my room this morning to give me a good morning hug and kiss!" With his statement out in the open, I informed him that it wasn't her that came in to him. It was me. My dad gave me a surprised look. After that day my dad began doing to me just exactly what he had been doing to Sunset. All of us kids, and my mother, like to have our back stroked since we kids were very small. It wasn't anything unusual to have dad stroke our backs, or each other for that matter. But now it took on a whole new light. Dad would sneak his hand around my side to fondle my breast. He did it even when mom was in the room but would go to the side of my body opposite where mom could see.
Sunset finally told mom what dad had been doing to her. When mom confronted him, he told her, "I thought she wanted me to.". Mom bought this excuse as a good enough reason for what he had been doing. With this in mind, I decided it best not to tell her about what he had done to me. Sunset was told by mom, " What do you expect? He is a man after all. With the way you sit and squirm on his lap. He thought that is what you wanted from him." This was the first time I had tried to kill myself. I was to go babysit. I took my younger sister with me so when I died the kids would not be alone. Little did I know that 5-6 pills wasn't enough to do you in.I don't even remember what pills I took all those years ago.