Ladies, and Gents.
On December 5th of this year, I broke my foot in five places. I was just walking around the house, and I heard a snap, my knee buckled, and fat man hit the floor. I honestly thought I'd broken my tib or fib by the way it sounded. When I looked down, holy hell, my foot was like the size of a soft ball and a half. After the shock wore off, I called dad, and he called the Ambo and they took me to the hospital.
On the way to the hospital I was in so much pain. I was screaming, and cussing. The paramedic gave me 50mg of Demorol, and then another 25mg. They had to cut me out of my socks, boxers and such. I laid in the ER while they were trying to figure out what to do, they gave me something, and boom I was out. I don't remember a damn thing. Mom and dad said I was very combative, and I have no idea. I remember laying in the ER, and that was it. I woke up in another room, and my family was there. I still hurt like a son of a bitch, but they hooked me up to a pain pump....YUCKIE, I'd rather had the shots or the pills. I remember going to surgery, seeing my doc, and that was it, boom! next thing I know I was in a whole new bed, a new room, and I hurt like fucking hell. I could hit the pain pump once every 8 minutes. I finally had enough, so the pain was getting worse, so I asked the nurse for a lil something more, and that put me out. I stayed in a daze for 4 days. I was able to hit my pain pump, I woke up long enough to look around, maybe drink something, and I was back out again. I didn't eat much, so that wasn't a problem. When I finally came around. That was when I actually found out what happened.
I ended up breaking my foot in 5 different places. There's a name for it, I just don't remember it. The Doctor said that it's more like what they'd see in a horse rider, as far as the break. They had to put 8 screws and pins in to stabilize the bones so they will grow, and after they heal, I have to go back and have the surgery to remove them, because if not, I'd end up breaking the bones again because they were growing and healing.
Needless to say I have spent a week in the hospital hoping that this heals right. I must relearn to walk again, and do the basics without a cast, or anything else. It's going to be a long and hard road to do anything. I can't put any weight on it at this point, if I do, it might break it. I am in a splint which will come off Friday. My foot after surgery was so swollen, it actually pushed, and cut into the splint. My foot is still bruised, and is healing okay. I"ll let ya know more on friday.
My next subject is Acute Kidney failure. I had no idea that I was in acute renal failure. The medicine that the doc gave me, combined, and raised hormone levels that almost killed my kidneys. I am very lucky to be here and not anyplace else. They were watching that along with my progression with walking, and such. I'm not going to lie, it's hard work, and it sucks. I have never felt so helpless in my entire life. I have to have other people take care of me, and I don't want that. But my parents are doing a great job, then again I have no choice until I can get up and walk around. That should be in a few weeks, which is fine with me, I have no problems in rushing this, I want it to heal correctly with no problems.
It sucked staying in the hospital alone, being there alone after everyone went home. I honestly wished I'd had someone just to be there. But I guess you live and you learn. Alls well that ends well. Matt