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The Band H.I.M.

Well strike me as surprised. This band I haven't really heard anything out of here in the states, however for you Bam Magera fans, you know this band pretty well. Fram what I can gather this band was formed in Finland in 1995 H.I.M. stands for (His Infernal Majesty.) The band has reached success in Europe, however I have not heard anything from them here in the states. As formentioned, There is a ton of H.I.M. stuff out there. The thing that makes me remember them the most is the heartogram, which Bam showed in many episodes. It would appear that there is more songs out there then what I thought. As I looked them up on youtube.com, and got a lot of vidz for them. Some of which are in my stash. However, out of the 10 or so songs I listened to, Killing Loneliness was the one that I liked. I don't know why, this song is...well....I assume that it talks about losing a love. I'm not really sure what it's talking about, I haven't had time to listen to it over and over and analyze the lyerics as of yet. However, if the rest of there stuff sounds this good, then move up Top 10, because it's going to be a Top 11 with addition of H.I.M. I am finding that the songs that I listen to have that deep dark 'goth' side to them. Meaning that they too have traveled the path that so many before them have. I think it'd be safe to say that if you're an Evanescence fan, then you would pretty much like H.I.M. I am a HUGE Evanescence fan, and I think I"m starting to like the band myself. So give them a listen, and let me know your take on this band, because I don't know much about them. If you have information, please post it, I'd love to know more about them, and their music.

Hinder - Extreme Behavior

Alright, this is the one that you have waited for, the Hinder CD! The freshman album from the band Hinder is called Extreme Behavior. For some of you that don't know the history of the band, they were a myspace band at one time, before hitting it big, and launching into the music scene in a big fashion. The first song, 'Get Stoned' was in the top ten within weeks of it being released, and it had recieved a lot of airtime play here, and on line as well. the second song that was released Lips Of An Angel seemed to be the mood set for the band, and launched them even further into the music scene. I however never got the whole concept behind the song, I mean it's like it promoted cheating, or something like that. I would however say that the entire CD is a damn good buy. This band has their shit together, not only that, they seem to know what their fans want, as they are already hard at work on a second album. Hinder, from myspace band to huge news, they are well worth the 16.99 you'd pay for the CD at any local CD shop, or bigger chain of music. If you haven't already gotten your copy, I would highly encourage you to do so, and begin taking part in the Hinder Movement, because at the rate the songs are coming out, I don't think this band is going to stay still very long. I actually had the chance to see them in concert, and I will tell you first and formost, they fucking rock in concert. I think I'd have to almost compair them to Nickleback in concert. They were damn loud, and rocked the roof off. However, I was very sad when the concert ended. I will tell you that they did a hell of a show, and would encourage you to see them if you can. However, don't be disappointed when there is no more, as they will be back around soon enough with spankin new music. I would only hope that you would like the new as well as the old. So enjoy the first CD, and wait with me as I anticipate the release of the second!
This is Miranda's sophomore album that followed Kerosene. The current song that is released by her is 'Famous in a Small Town' which is the first release off that album. I have taken a chanc to listen to the whole CD, and I rather enjoyed the fiesty side of Miranda. This Cd is nothing like the first, where she talked about love, and losing love, and yeah you get the picture. This is more upbeat, and lively. I would venture to say that the sales of this one will surpass that of her first one. The track for which the CD is named for, is a wonderfully written, and upbeat song. I would suspect to say that it's going to be released soon, if it's not the next release. The current song is moving fast up the charts on both CMT's top 20, and GAC's countdown. I would highly encourage you to pick up a copy of this CD. Not only that, but if you liked the first one, you will love this new CD. I would venture to say that if you haven't heard anything out of this CD as of yet, then you are living in a world with no music. So check this one out, I'm almost sure that it's going to be a number one hit soon.

Papa Roach - Infest

The freshman album from the smash hit group PAPA ROACH. Infest was their first album, and ticket to the big time. The song 'Last Resort' was a smash hit, and went othte top of the charts, and in my opinion launched this band to what they are today. I would highly encourage you to check out their freshman album. Just the song 'Last Resort' alone gave fans, and new comers the ability to 'rage' about things, not only that, but to hear it from a group that would go on to being a chart topper. There are a number of great songs on this one album alone, for instance 'Blood Brothers' is a hell of a song, and there's many more to list. However, the only thing I can tell you is that thet aren't much different then when they started out. I think that the popluar opinion was that they were a 'grunge' band, however, in the past few years they seemed to have gone 'mainstream' around these parts. However, while going mainstream, they have yet to sell out, and I highly doubt they will. They didn't fall into the 'popular bands' with their freshman album, so I don't see why they would now. However, if you wish to hear this band for yourself, please by all means check youtube.com for vidz, and other fan developed songs. I will say that they are another one of my top ten bands of all time. Just for the simple fact that they started out so small, no one had ever heard of 'Papa Roach' and those that did, really didn't have any good things to say about them. However, as the years progressed, and the band fell into it's element, they became a band that would go into the history books. They are touring now, and have toured with Ozzy, KoRn, just to name a few, and those of you that know me, know that I am a HELLA huge KORN fan. So to place them into the top 10 where KORN is at, is an honor, and a pleasure. You can also check out my other review on Papa Roach the Paramour Sessions to get a better idea. I believe there their are Vidz in the Stash for them as well. At any rate if you haven't gotten a Papa Roach CD yet, I would highly encourage you to pull your head out of your ass, and go pick on up! Because if you don't, you're going to be left behind, and believe me, this isn't a band that's going to wait for anyone!

Filter - Short Bus

Ahhhh I'm going to take you back to the old school and we're going to revisit Filter - Short Bus. Really the only good song that I have heard that's still played (movies, and such) is Nice Shot. Filter put out a few albums were never really a top ten band for some strange reason. I really enjoyed the entire CD of Short Bus, however, the song that stuck with me the most, by that of which I remember the bad for is Nice Shot. I wouldn't go as far as saying that the entire CD wasn't very great, however, when it was released there were more prominate bands still rocking it out during that time. Some of the older and later bands were that of STP, NIRVANA, EVER CLEAR, WEEZER, and too many more to name. I don't think that their careers were fully launched because of that fact. However, you can still pick up Short Bus at most music stores, and you can order it on line. However, if you don't already know the band, and don't know how they sound, I would discourage you from doing so. Because again, not all people who like the same genre of music like all of the bands, and I would hate for someone to waste their money on a band that they didn't know, or even like. So do some research on this band, and make your decision then...I don't havever have any songs from them in my Stash, so I am sorry for that.
Okay ladies and gents, another hot as hell band rippin up the airwaves STONE SOUR! I have had a chance to listen to this entire CD, and by far, and bar none, it's got to be one of the best out there. I would highly encourage you to get yourself a copy TODAY! With the recent release of 'Made of Scars' this band is now enjoying the success that it deserves. As I drive home mostly on the weekends, I hear this song, at least 12 times a day. Not to mention it's climbing up the charts, and even the old school rockers are talking about STONE SOUR. Now I like all kinds of music, I don't allow myself to be limited to just one type, however, this band is totally dominate over all other music. Stone Sour has that sound....it's a very catchy sound with better lyerics. The song currently out is 'Made Of Scars' and it would fit just about anyone. It talks about the different scars that he has, and how this one was because of that, or this one was bad, or I didn't even feel this one. I think in my honest and humble opinion this is probably the best song out today. When I think about it, I would almost compair it to the hellishly great sounds of the Smashing Pumpkins another all time fav band of mine. I would say that this song ranks in my top ten of all time, very easy. The top ten would include NIRVANA, STP, SMASHING PUMPKINS, STONE SOUR, SHINEDOWN, TAPROOT, and a few others. My over all review of this entire CD is very good to excellent. I would highly suggest you go and get your copy today. I bought this one at FYE and it was 16.99 I think, and it was in the heavy metal section. Very fitting if you ask me. However I will caution you, the lyerics are VERY addictive, and highly energized! By all means, an easy top 10 pick hands down. Give it a try, you can find the latiest vid in my stash under vidz, it's called STONE SOUR - MADE OF SCARS, it is track 5 on the CD. Check it out, if you don't like it, or just don't think it'd fit, tell me about it, I'd like to know how you percieve this band. And as always, check out the rest of the vidz in the Stash, and let me know what you do or don't like. I'm always open to hear questions or complaints. Anyhow, take'er easy, and enjoy the group.
For all of you true blue Gary Allan fans out there...this is it...the latest and greatest this is it! For those of you that don't know...this is the first album released since the death of his wife in late 2005. To the best of what I can gather...his wife committed suicide at their Hendersonville TN home in the early morning hours. This Album is the first since her death, with the first release of 'Best I Ever Had' A 'tribute' to his late wife. This album is a serious dive into the deep depressive, down and out, kind of emotions that Gary is feeling. The CD is a damn good CD, I would say his best yet, (I own all of his CDs to this point). The songs are really good, and really heartfelt for the most part, however Allan said in an interview that he wasn't really intrested in what songs went on the CD, just to cut it and get it out. With that said, I have found a few really good songs. 'Nickajack Cave' (a tribute to Johnny Cash), 'Tough All Over', 'He Can't Quit Her', 'What Kind Of Fool', and my personal fav...'I Just Got Back From Hell'. Nickajack Cave talks about Johnny Cash as sort of a 'tribute' to the man in black. He Can't Quit Her talks about how this guy falls in love for a whore, who will not give up her ways for him. So one night he sees her with another man, and the other man shoots him (so it leads you to believe). What Kind Of Fool talks about how a man leaves this 'beautiful' woman, and is wondering how could anyone do such a thing to a wonderful lady. And my Personal Fav is 'I Just Got Back From Hell' this song talks about his struggles with depression (hell) and how he wasn't sure that he could make it out alive, but somehow he did, and he's going to 'look up' from this point on. This is a VERY powerful song to anyone dealing with depression. It does show you that there is other life out there. I love that song. As before stated, this album is by far the BEST of his albums. I would give this one a 5 star rating HANDS DOWN! His latest album is a greatest hits album, that is in stores now. For all of you Gary Allan fans out there, check my stash out, there's a lot of Gary Allan videos there.
Another smash album to add to the collection of the 'number one hits' this duo has cranked out since the mid 90's. The latest album to grace the collection is Hillbilly Deluxe. This album's first release was the title track that is a high jumpin, down home fun time. This album is by far one of the greatest album's that they have released. I love the title track, and I don't know why, it's just a catchy kind of tune. It blinds just right...by that I mean that it blinds the banjo, the guitar, the drums, the dulcimer, together just right, to create this tune, that just talks to you. The video for this track is set out in the country, with 'country boys and girls' doing what they do best...cause trouble. Not to mention the pretty nice mudslinger, and the almost monster truck. I could not even begin to give you anymore then that. There's so much, the girls, the guys, the fight, the bonfire, the 'coonhounds' drinkin beer. If you have not heard this song yet, it is on CMT, and I believe I have the video in my stash somewhere. If you're a Brooks and Dunn fan, this is a must have for your collection. With smash hits such as, 'My Maria', 'Lost and Found', 'My Heart Is Lost To You', 'Neon Moon' and that's just to name a few. I have added this one to my collection, and I don't think that it'd be complete without it. Again, I have to give this album a 4, due to the fact that that's really the only decent song on the album. If you are a loyal Brooks and Dunn Fan, then by all means get it, however do not be disappointed if it's not what you were looking for.

Jason Aldean - Relentless

Jason Aldean has done it once again, from the smash of his first album, to the sophmore album Relentless is a killer 'next step' up for this young and upcoming singer. This album is totally off the charts. With the first song, nearly going to the top of the charts 'Johnny Cash' is by far the best song on this entire album. In the way of country music, there is always some sad and slow songs on every album. However, the catch is with this one....to live it up with the higher energy songs. Johnny Cash is fastly becoming the 'country boy's' song. With the catchy liner notes, to telling his boss off this is sure to be a chart topper. However, not to be outdone...his first album is bonafide hit. Coming off the likes of 'Why' a song that asks the question 'why do we do the things that we do in relationships.' Not to be outdone by 'Amarillo Sky' a song that talks about farm life in Texas. The first hit of his life was 'Hicktown' a downhome 'country boy' kind of song. To the slower song of 'I'm Just A Man' which talks about doing all that he can, and the mistakes that he's made, however, that he can only do so much because he's 'just a man.' The album is a perfect follow up to an already great career. If you haven't heard anything out of this guy, I would highly suggest that you go out and buy this CD, because it only encases the totalness of who he really is. My rating of this album is a 5 star, because it's just that damn good. It's in stores, and you can find the video 'Johnny Cash' on CMT, or on You Tube.
This CD is by far the most highly energized CD that I have heard. I consider myself a music fan, and I will admit that this CD is by far the best one that they have put out, alas...the first one is always the best one....Infest will remain my fav. CD by Papa Roach. This CD has a lot of very good songs on it, the most popular one out that's off this CD is 'Forever'. This song sits the whole tone for the album. However, it is not to be totally the entire album. For you MONDAY NIGHT RAW fans, the intro music from (...TO BE LOVED) is also included in this CD, it's the first track. For those of you that didn't know, PAPA ROACH has been used for WWF/WWE events for a while now. Along with the greats of OZZY, SLIPKNOT, MEGADEATH, and TOOL to name a few. This is by far the BEST CD for the money. I went to three local music shops before I found a copy of it. From what I get at the local Guru store here, it's been that way for a few months. I would highly suggest that if you are a PAPA ROACH FAN, that you buy this album, I promise you won't be sorry. With that said, without running a track by track but the two most popular songs, I would say that anyone would have a hard time beating this album for what it is. Again, you can find this album at any local music guru, or anyplace that sells this type of music. My overall rating of this Album is 5 stars. I love it that much. With that said, enjoy the music.
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