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57 Year Old · Female · From Summerdale, AL · Joined on July 25, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 8th · 11 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
57 Year Old · Female · From Summerdale, AL · Joined on July 25, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 8th · 11 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

Hello. My name is Angie. I have three beautiful children. My middle and youngest is Stevie and Kevin. My oldest is Jessie whom is with a man named Jason that I look at as a son. He is so good to her They are perfect together. They have two very handsome boys. Yes, I’m a grandma and I love it. They are my sunshine. They are all my life. My children and family comes before anyone. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for them.
I am here for just friends. If your wanting cam or phone ‘stuff’ don’t bother me at all. If you just want me to add you on here for points that is fine but don’t ask me for my yahoo messenger cause I don’t give it out until I get to know a person better and I like them. I’m not trying to be a bitch but I’m really tired of the perves on here that only want one thing. I am interested in FRIENDS and to meet new people. I also try to return any luv that was given to me. Show me the luv and I will try to show it back as much as possible.
Also don’t bother me if you’re a hater. If you don’t like what you see please leave my page now. I don’t want or need any drama. There is too much drama in life to have it on here too. Besides I am so tired of people that think they are better than others because of their skin color, religion, sexual preference or whatever. I’m tired of racist, hood wearing chicken $hit$ that think they are better than everyone else (and if your not chicken $hit, then why wear a hood?). Guess it’s the hippy in me. I believe in judging a person by the way they act and the way they treat others and not by there outer appearance. I believe in love, peace and harmony. But I also believe in standing up for my beliefs, guess that’s the redneck in me. I wave my rebel flag but as in Heritage, Not Hate. I’m still a southern gal.
I like a person who is honest with me as I will be with them. Honesty being the key factor because I'm so tired of the lies. I have been lied to so much by my ex’s that I just can’t take any more. The truth hurts sometimes but it’s better than being lied to and finding out the truth later. It hurts more.
Just in case ya want to know more about me, my favorite colors is black and purple, even on flowers. I drink but not often, just every now and then. My poison is Jack and Coke. I never cared for beer. Yes I’m a smoker. I quit four times but can’t seem to stay quit. I love Alabama college football and the Boston Red Socks. I would love to go to Fenway Park, to watch the Red Socks stomp the Yankees. That is a dream of mine. Of course watching Alabama stick it to Auburn in person would be great also. As far as basketball goes, I would rather play it than watch it.
Well that is all for now. If ya want to know more about me just ask. Have a wonderful day. Peace, luv and hugs to all.

I belong to a great family called the Fu-Bomers. Check us out here:

@ fubar

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57 Year Old · Female · From Summerdale, AL · Joined on July 25, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 8th · 11 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!


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