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54 Year Old · Male · From Ithaca, NY · Joined on July 11, 2006 · Born on September 13th · 3 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
54 Year Old · Male · From Ithaca, NY · Joined on July 11, 2006 · Born on September 13th · 3 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!

Relationship status is not in profile because it's not a defining characteristic. What it is, for what it's worth: single, not looking.

Welcome, you who bring good will, an active mind and a smile. (Can't keep the others away, but when can you...)

I used to have a half-ton of dos and don'ts, some at this blog, some elsewhere. Deciding to rely on "common sense" has only produced more anger and general ill-feeling, however, with at least two people "un-listing" me recently because, I assume, they thought I was applying unfair rules to them or fair rules unfairly, or whathave. (In one case, actually - a broad interpretation of _site_ rules, not mine. In another... eh. It doesn't even seem to merit explaining, really. After all, if I've been acquainted with someone for several years and they break it over slight things... I've probably done the same, more fool me is all I say :( )

*** There's nothing racy in my family-only sections, but there is stuff I consider especially for-only-limited-access (pardon grammar), so..
.you don't get in my family unless I trust you. Not for heavy rating, not for tickers, not for favors, not because you put me in yours, not for special-ability bling. It's because there's room, and I think I especially trust you. I probably haven't been especially consistent about this actually, and it's burnt me in fortunately minor ways. But that is the idea.

So. On to the more important stuff, what you should consider - because if you didn't know it you may think you were given a pig in a poke, friendwise.

First - happy (as much as your average bear!) atheist and rationalist (I'd write that I'm an "unashamed atheist" but why should I _be_ ashamed

54 Year Old · Male · From Ithaca, NY · Joined on July 11, 2006 · Born on September 13th · 3 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
Moving all these overlong sections to a blog entry.

I'm a classical-obsessed person. Show-tunes too, started there...

Music - Music on right now and especially dear to me- Le Tombeau de Couperin by Maurice Ravel (orchestral arrangement, performed by Claudio Abbado and the London Symphony Orchestra, on classical music choice TV. I have an older recording, myself.) This piece is both an homage, by a composer writing 90 years ago just after World War I, to one of the greatest French composers two centuries before that- and an homage, too, to friends of his who had died in the war, each movement being preceded by an inscription...

And to my ears it is not all that "light-hearted" a piece! -

(a note about a webpage of mine:

my MIDIs page is here .)


Composers: Beethoven, JS Bach, Mozart, Brahms

Pieces: Beethoven string quartets, Mozart piano concertos, fourth piano sonata by M. Weinberg (Polish-Russian composer 1919-1996, see http://home.wanadoo.nl/ovar/vainberg.htm) from 1955, fourth string quartet by W. Stenhammar, are my favorites, but my almost-favorites become a long list. And I like making lists, and have nothing much else to do... so here's a partial list. (Saving early and saving often in this weather.)

(7-18-06 - hrm, this is getting just-a-bit lengthy. Will change the format a bit in a few ways and move parts of the content to another site later, after I've gotten some more written. Of course for now I have a few more important things to do, like some LilyPond material, university temporary work, and &c.)

Had a lot lengthier descriptions in the B area and under "Medtner" :) , but since this section is limited to 15,000 characters, I'm moving them elsewhere, then abbreviating them and moving them back in when I do not have a (was tearing when I wrote this months back, now another headache, but weaker. Yay cycles- coincidental, not biological ones) headache

Transferring the lists to a blog... (length limit was well exceeded when they were here.)

Tend to do much music writing elsewhere (esp. contributing to articles on Wikipedia - also have written two prefaces to published scores released by Musikproduktion Jurgen Hoflich and have had some brief composer profiles posted to MusicWeb International.

I haven't seen that many movies more than once. The ones at the top of the list I have; the ones towards the center I probably haven't but still liked far more than enough to include. Not really in a particular order at the moment, though Andrei Rublev is my favorite.
(This is old by several years and needs updating. Recentish favorites include "How to Train your Dragon" and "Fantastic Mr. Fox").
Andrei Rublev
You Can Count on Me
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (I always manage to forget how often I've seen this movie, but not the movie itself!)
A Mighty Wind
Manufacturing Consent
Naked Gun
Never Say Never Again
Amazon Women on the Moon
The Incredibles
O Brother, Where Art Thou?
Twelve Angry Men
Take the Money and Run (keep meaning to include this one in this list of films I've seen often and enjoyed, keep forgetting it!)
The Fantastic Mr. Fox
Despicable Me
How to Train Your Dragon

Movies seen recently enough and recommended:
How to Train Your Dragon (2010)
Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)

Movies seen in theaters since November '05 , only once, but very strongly recommended: (outdated, need to update, have seen quite a bit since I last worked on this list)
16 Blocks
The Guardian
All the King's Men
The Family Stone
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
None. But my family and best friends are my heroes- and if unlike for idols I know that they are made with feet of clay (I'm an atheist but that line is stunning metaphor...) - their work to overcome both their external troubles and their own failings - makes them more the heroes.

The people I list on CT as my family (and the people on MySpace on my front page- I've known those for at least three years, I think...) - are worth at least considering adding, if I may put on the annoying promoter hat.
Video Games

Seeing if I can place my list of bookish interests here instead. If not- then... nope; and they're saved elsewhere and I'll try not to lose the rest of my profile while doing so.

(No current reading just now March 11 08, though otherwise it alternates... directly put.)

Have often read and re-read Alfred (yes) Einstein's Mozart: His Character, His Work.

Moved guestbook to my stash so that I wouldn't destroy it the first time I got a bouncer ID check wrong (which strips the area of all links, it seems, at least in my case :) - probably because links are exactly what spammers are notorious for leaving! )

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