Lmao! Ok I love that pick just wanted to get your attention! I had a blog here before but thankfully you all didn’t see it!...... that would have been hard to explain.......
Ok then what to write about? Let me think...... :-? ..... so much has happened in this daY that I just don’t know! So much......
Meh fuck it! Like I care! Ok let’s see! I’ll tell ya the truth and yes I know! :-O but just settle down and let me finish ok!
No first im a fake!.... and a big one! My whole life is fake! From the beginning to the end!..... and I know im getting ahead of myself but I know my death is going to be a crock a shit too!........ anyway!... im dark! Fucking darker then you all think! My soul is tainted and that not something you can get rid of!.... I pray to ..... ok I’m not telling ya that :P
No I did stuff in my past that would make a priest shit himself! And well I liked it! And blood... ahhh gods! Please I long for that taste!!!! Just gimmy a virgin and I will suckle all fucking night!...... and make it feel like the fuck of a life time too!!!!!
I was upset a while ago! Even wrote a blog and all but deleted it before you could see it!.... maybe if your lucky I will post it when im dead! =)) nahhhhh im not gonna do that soza!....... awwwwww don cry its ok.... I’ll do it when im pissed off again! But ya gotta be quick to see it!.....
Now where was I :-? Ahhh yes now I remember! Fuck me!! Please? *BONG* lol jay & silent bob fucking rule!!!!! Ok..... now back to busyness I wish I had some grog! Fuck this shit!...... now ahhhh fuck it I forgot now!...... ok start again....awwww no ones online to talk to me! Now that’s just fucked up!!!..... only Sophie! She’s a cool chick! Been my friend for a year or two now! And still she talks to me!...... don’t know why though =)) but I guess she has her reasons.... any way I ain’t saying you lot are ass hols I know ya chat things be it yahoo or msn are all fucking retarded! The one person I need to talk to. to feel remotely better is sleeping the little bugger!..... my lil sis she’s a bonza babe! Im telling you! Doesn’t matter what pro bi got she will sit there and listen and then turn to me and tell me the best things like “just fucking kill them” owwwwww she is the best!...... ah well another few hours and she might wake up.... I don’t know the time difference!!!........
Ok any way my legs hurting so im off to stretch it! =))
*cough cough* I didn’t say that! Don’t fuck time its dangerous! =)) *BONG!?!*