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Mr Wolfie's blog: "PiSsEd OfF!!!!!"

created on 06/22/2007  |  http://fubar.com/pissed-off/b94211

just another rant lol..

A shadow surrounds me, it grows and breaths… looking around this world I just see the growing stupidity of the human race, why just today I watched as a man drove by reading a book while steering…. The book was placed on the steering wheel so he could read it better…. What the hell is wrong with people? The more I look at life the more stupidity I see.

Take my last land lord…. Wow… I once knew a cat lady and I would have to say she is about the same, though there was this one time I went into help the old cat lady move her bed and gods…. I could not wash enough to get the stink off… and the room I slept in was disgusting… I kept quiet because I hate making waves but good gods…. I steam cleaned the floors 5 times and the stink just would not go….I don’t know honestly what the hell had wondered into that room and died but good gods… you know I was as kind as anything and still the bitch stole all my things I mean come on… my writing books would not be any use to her and she would not return them to me… I am slowly getting my life back but the memories those books held will be lost forever and I will get my revenge… It will come suddenly and I will make sure it’s never forgotten… ^_^

So anyway… she is not something to worry about… just a slag who messed with married man and disgusting people for fun…. Don’t know why I ever offered to help IT… lmfao… hmmmmm what else… OH how about this… I was walking down the street and this car almost took me out, I was like…. DUDE WTF…. People just don’t know how to drive I swear….anyway this bores me now so I’m off to do something more constructive lol.

Hello world, I’m sure you will hear plenty of lies about me from my
EX house mate… Well I say go for it, I know that my true friends will never believe their lies. I am not going to string up lies or gripe about the shit they have put on us... but I will say that I have lost more than they ever will! I have lost my swords and blades, I have lost the art given to me by dear friends and I have lost MY writing books with MY writings in them! All of my works now open for them to steal and dirty… I am sick of people I think as friends’ doing this to me… this is the second and last time I will EVER trust someone... I met them on Fetlife and thought that they were good people but I guess that was nothing but a lie! So now I have one less person in my life that lies to me... they were afraid of me and worried that I was going to hurt them you all know even though I am a dark person at heart I would never EVER hurt anyone!
They didn’t even give me back photos of my girlfriend!! Or my baby photos or my mum’s family photos!! What the fuck is wrong with people that would do something like this? Huh tell me that! I tried my fucking hardest to make it all work and I CAN say that with honesty… I made some mistakes in that house I agree but none that would count to me being dangerous… I collect knives and swords… do I hide that fact? I like the lifestyle… did I hide that fact too? NO never did! But for some reason that was something to …. Suddenly fear even thought they knew it… you know what I give up with people… if no one can be honest about how they feel about you then they can just all fuck off and leave me the hell alone! And this is one thing I mean! When I get back online I am going to go through my friends and sort out which of you are good or not…  and if you’re not then I will delete you and block you cos I do not need this shit in my life anymore! I want real friend’s not fake ass bitches!
So now I have to start over from nothing once again… this time around I will never help anyone again! OH decided to take up martial arts again… found a good trainer and club… so we will see how that worse out huh! ^_^ anyway that’s it for now… might add some later… ^_^
Well got an update now some of my family went over there to get the last of our stuff for us since we are not allowed to go near that place and get this shit! They told my family that we had already picked it all up! Fucking cunts have stolen my life and I can do nothing cos it’s my word against hers! So fine! This will be remembered forever and as long as I live I will get what was mine! No one stabs me in the back and gets away with it! Fucking cunts will [DELETED] O.o okay… that was odd… hmmm ok so I won’t say anything more on this but I am very very unhappy to put it lightly!
That’s it from me for now ^_^ hopefully I will not have to add to this before I upload it online for you all ^_^
OK so now I’m adding more lol… I am liking the new place a lot; it’s very quiet and feels so safe. I still need to get a proper base for my bed but other than that my aunty has helped me out with a lot for my room and also the land lord as well ^_^ we have a nice neighbor  who just came over to say hi. Haven’t met the others yet but it is a nice place… lots of hills though so by the end of the year I should be fit as lmfao… my hate and anger is still seething for that whore and her goat lover… but they did take a lot of personal things I can never replace ever again… lots of one of a kind things that I WILL GET VENGANCE FOR!
Anyway... im off again... ttyl

I feel anger in me far beyond any I have felt before! Why must I carry this so? Why can’t I just write my poetry without hurting people why must I constantly watch my hand for fear of hurting those I love? I am sitting here drowning myself in a bottle of Jim beam and now I am almost finished it and still my anger is so strong that I am yet to actually get drunk! I was happy... I really was! After a week of feeling like half myself I was actually happy!!!! FUCK!!! I am not now.... and this just hurts me! You know that! I’m writing this now beacos if I wait I will never write this! ... Something you should all know!! And I mean YOU ALL SHOULD KNOW! I don’t ever mean I LOVE YOU! The only person I mean that to is Suzan that’s why I try not to say it! I will say lurv or ...no that’s it..... luv just doesn’t sound right ether!..... I see I am bad and I have been shown that as well! I’m almost out of coke so I’m taking double shots and half the coke!....... my JB is really feeling good now!....I’m wanting to cry!... but I wont! No... not now! No tears from my eyes! I’m hurt! I wrote what I did out of poetry! She knows that! Fuck!... gods will burn for this but I only love one fucking person and she should fucking know this!!!! Gods! This other person fucking knows that I only love one person!.....oh and I don’t care if this is confusing I really could not fucking care one fucking bit! You don’t understand this shit go fuck your self and just leave me alone and nener nener! Lmfao!!!!! Ok I just want to pray for a sec ok?.....”please mistress of darkness kill all emo’s... please let them all rot in you 6 cold hells!” ok thanks ..... just wanted to do that!..... Fuck this shit is really strong now! Lmfao.... I’m seeing double.... weeeeeeeee speaking of wee brb I need to drain the lizard.... ^_^ Ok I’m back now! Wow... that was a lot! Lmfao! Marines fucking rule man!!!!!!!! Burritos!!!!!!!!!! Fucking hell they taste good.... Lol...think I under cooked the onions.....ah well! Still taste good though!... please don’t even ask where I got the burrito from! -_- regardless it tastes good! Nice and spicy!..... Ok I should stop now but fuck am I pissed!.... I’m so fucking finishing this 700ml bottle of Jim beam!!! Lol...... ok fuck you all later! Lol...... just joking.... talk soon!
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