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Mr Wolfie's blog: "Clan Lupin"

created on 05/27/2007  |  http://fubar.com/clan-lupin/b86388

HI my beautiful yet crazy friends I am in a group called the OGC (Online Gaming Cartel) (facebook and Steam) an over 18 group for geeks and gamers alike even kinksters ;) we are growing in numbers and will soon be ready to take over the world.... i mean... um... yeah take over the world ^_^ if your interested in a place with no haters and decent admins (like me) then message me and i will add you :3 We also have a TeamSpeak, We have a wide range of gamers so far starting at indie games through Minecraft and Guildwars 2 as well as some WOW players come on over at anytime the TS is uk-voice2.fragnet.net:9999 you wont see anyone online but wait and if an admin is avalible they will ether come and say hello or pull you right into the guild loung ^_^ we love meeting new faces so don't be too shy we only bite a little ;)

Hey all Just wanted to promote my lounge a little ^_^ been in construction for a while now and now its open and kicking ^_^ come on in and chill! this is a lounge that you can goof off and chill in, no drama of any kind is tolerated ^_^ so come on in and join the family! We are currently looking for staff ^_^


Twisted Wolfie


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As of today the black Lupins are no more.... if you are interested in being one please mail me and i will see if you are worthy of the title or not.... this will not be some simple title or anything like that i will judge your honour and loyalty with the family L.D.C and so on! Dark Greetings there is a new directive in clan lupin. They are known only as black Lupin or Black Wolfen, they are here to serve in the same sense as the clan members! They are made up of a special breed of wolfen that have no distinction in the clan but “black” to become on you must reach guardian level in the clan for only respected and trusted members may be accepted in there ranks.. I will be writing more on there levels in time but you will be seeing more of them in time ^_^ ~HighElder Wolfe~((Founder)) L.D.C. (ClanLupin) Master of Angelic Mimi protector of Rebel Bitch

@ fubar

Clan Lupin Part 2 ((RULES))

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Welcome to Clan Lupin this blog is dedicated to the Wolfen Watchdogs of Lestat's Dark Covenant. Now these are the rules: Rule 1: Wolfen’s can not hold judgment over another member of the family unless directly ordered to do so by the founders or the creators. As a Watchdog we must hold ourselves distant when there is a crisis, we can not be ordered to attack or intervene on someone’s behalf unless it is a last resort and even then only the founders or creators can order us. Rule 2: Wolfen’s are not above the Creators or the Founders, Wolfen’s are not all powerful and any Wolfen found Abusing power will be Judged by the Clan first then they shall be given to the Founders for family judgment. Rule 3: Wolfen’s must bring any family problem or issue to the Founders, If one can not be found then High Elder Wolfe & Beta Goddess of oceans wild, and £ost Ín Ťhe Ðark♦Lycan Warrior must be contacted so that the problem/issue may be resolved. Rule 4: The Clan is Responsible for choosing new members and only Elder Wolfe can accept. The creators have a say whether they stay, (and as such members can only come from the L.D.C Family) Note: This part only applies if the elder of the clan is not able to be contacted as per rule (9) only the Elder is able to add outside the family, Guardians may however add from within the family(L.D.C) But again the Elder and Creators have a say as to whether this youngblood stays thank you. Rule 5: Wolfens may be personal body guards to up to two people and no more. Although wolfen's must protect all members of the L.D.C family and as such personal problems with members shall be forgotten as we are one family and shall not disrespect or slander or hurt any one, we may be attack dogs but that dose not mean we are always aggressive any Wolfen breaking this will be judged by the Clan! Then they will be given to the founders for family judgment. We have honour in the Clan and as such we will not tolerate disrespect in any form! Rule 6: if a dispute is found we are to take all parties to a founder or creator for we are not judges we are keepers of the peace and that is all. Rule 7: your Mistress or Lord may give you orders and you MUST for fill these orders Rule 8: Leaving or being disowned from the clan dose not means you have to leave the family it is up to you and the founders as to why you left/Disowned from the Clan. Rule 9: only High Elder Wolfe & Beta Goddess of oceans wild, and £ost Ín Ťhe Ðark♦Lycan Warrior will be able to add members from outside the family! Any one who wishes to apply will send a letter to ether Elders of the clan and await a reply if one is not given then send a shout to them but only one! As too many shouts will be taken as stalking and you will be band from applying to the Lupin Clan! Now! Even though you are not of the family! Upon being accepting, you MUST add L.D.C to your name to be taken as a true Wolfen of the Clan! And you MUST follow all rules and guidelines of the Clan and Family! Rule 10: When a crisis arises the clan is to go on lockdown all wolfen’s must keep close eyes on there charges and all members of the L.D.C! All guardians and Protectors must keep Youngblood’s on a short leash and await orders from the elder or Creators, Remembering the chain of command and all rules at all times! Remember wolfen’s our actions reflect upon the whole clan. Also Discretion is advised when talking about clan duty/orders while in a conference/lounge that has non clan members, unless they have been given permission by the Elder or guardians. Note for rule 10: If no order is given during a crisis then you must do nothing until an order is received by the Elder or guardians. If one can not be reached then follow the rules and always remember the chain of command, also during a crisis only the Elder under order from the Creators(L.D.C) may give an attack order. And as above if no order is received then no action is to be taken under any circumstance! Note on meeting please read: there will be a meet & greet every week to discos any non important information and questions, one dose not have to attend but if you are online you will at least say hello and give a good reason as to why you will not stay, these meetings are not needed to be recorded unless ordered otherwise. If an emergency meeting is called there is to be no talking unless ether you play a (1) in the conference/lounge or you are asked a question by the Elder or guardians, all members online are to attend there is no excuses as to why you could not attend this meeting unless you are offline, Emergency meetings will be recorded by a wolfen and given to any members that could not make it! There we go my Brothers and sisters this is the clan and its rules! If you have any question you may go to High Elder Wolfe & Beta Goddess of oceans wild, and £ost Ín Ťhe Ðark♦Lycan Warrior and they will gladly answer any questions you may have about the clan! There we go my Brothers and sisters this is the clan and its rules! If you have any question you may go to Elder Wolfe and he will gladly answer any questions you may have about the clan!

Clan Lupin Part 1

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Welcome to Clan Lupin this blog is dedicated to the Wolfen Watchdogs of Lestat's Dark Covenant. For many years the Wolfen or werewolves have guarded the family with there lives, now it is once more time to make our clan strong as this wonderful family needs our kind once more, we are the watchdogs and personal body guard¡¯s to the family, members that are dedicated to the family and everything it stands for, High Elder Wolfe Alpha Of the Clan. We are now able to except applications for the clan from outside the family look at rule 9 for more details thank you ^_^ To join one must be loyal to the Clan & the family and faithful to the point that you Could turn away from friends, now I don't say this lightly as if it where some game! The Wolfen must be Watchdogs to the family and as such we are honor bound to the family if you think you have what it takes to be a Wolfen of Clan Lupin then go to ether High Elder Wolfe and £ost ÍnŤheÐark Secound whose links are on this blog. ~HighElder Wolfe~((Founder)) L.D.C. (ClanLupin) Master of Angelic Mimi protector of Rebel Bitch

@ fubar Goddess_Of_Oceans_Wild Beta of clan Lupin (L.D.C)

@ fubar £ost ÍnŤheÐark♦£DCF♦Dare Devil in The New Justice League♦Warrior For The Clan

@ fubar Dark God of Bondaged Souls ...Co-Founder of Lestat's Dark Covenant Family - Youngblood of the Lupin Clan - Guardian protector of Shaniqua

@ CherryTAP Dark God of Bondaged Souls - Co-Founder of LDCF -

@ fubar Goddess of Afrika of LDC, Trueblood of clan Lupin wife of Dark God of Bondaged Souls and shaniqua~Co-Founder of WNC ~Psycho Witch ~Protected by Dark

@ fubar DJ Dark Wolfe Princess LDC/Lycan Diplomat~DJ& MGR@TBR/ACE CAFE/Switch'sLover~LF

@ fubar ♥ Mẫĵ ♥ Own by N_B_K~~LDC~Clan Lupin

@ fubar

Chain of command

Darkest Greetings My wolens This is your Alpha speaking and I would like you all to know the new chain of command for the clan and also the new ranking system! firstly we shall start with the ranking system! Alpha = Wolfe Beta = Goddess_Of_Oceans_Wild Lycan Warrior/Recruiter =Level 1 Lycan Diplomat = Level 2 Lycan Soldier = Level 3 PureBlood = Level 4 TrueBlood = Level 5 Youngblood = level 6 now as you can see there is a new style of ranking in the clan!... now I have no Beta yet but this will be a female and I am only adding this as with all clans there must be a female and male aspect! but I alone will hold all authority! lol.... now as you can see Level 1 has two options! now the Recruiter option is only available to those who show great dedication and serves to the clan! and Level 2 Diplomat they are only chosen from those ho have shown great honour and detachment from Drama and stalker problems as you can guess diplomats will be the ones to talk to other family’s to discus truces and peace treaties. now the chain of command will now be as followed! and please let me remind you that this must!! be followed at all times! Chain of Command for Clan Lupin... 1. Wolfe=Alpha / Goddess_Of_Oceans_Wild=Beta 2. Lost in the Dark=Lycan Warrior 3. Dark Wolf Princess=Lycan Diplomat 4. Goddess of Afrika=TrueBlood 5. Dark God of Bondaged Souls=TrueBlood 6. ♥ Mẫĵ ♥=TrueBlood thank you all for your time I hope to add members to the clan when I get the chance!
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