HI my beautiful yet crazy friends I am in a group called the OGC (Online Gaming Cartel) (facebook and Steam) an over 18 group for geeks and gamers alike even kinksters ;) we are growing in numbers and will soon be ready to take over the world.... i mean... um... yeah take over the world ^_^ if your interested in a place with no haters and decent admins (like me) then message me and i will add you :3 We also have a TeamSpeak, We have a wide range of gamers so far starting at indie games through Minecraft and Guildwars 2 as well as some WOW players come on over at anytime the TS is uk-voice2.fragnet.net:9999 you wont see anyone online but wait and if an admin is avalible they will ether come and say hello or pull you right into the guild loung ^_^ we love meeting new faces so don't be too shy we only bite a little ;)
Hey all Just wanted to promote my lounge a little ^_^ been in construction for a while now and now its open and kicking ^_^ come on in and chill! this is a lounge that you can goof off and chill in, no drama of any kind is tolerated ^_^ so come on in and join the family! We are currently looking for staff ^_^