41 Year Old
Invited by: 886072·
Joined on June 4, 2007
Born on June 22nd
I have a crush on someone!
I am 5'9" and 120 lbs with natural blond hair. I have no credit card debt and always arrive on time. I am always pleasant and am the life of any party. I never drink to excess and always obey the law (especially speed limits). I work out every day and eat only healthful foods. My original artwork has won numerous awards. I have been on the moon, starred in three major motion pictures, graduated with honors from Harvard, and written a best-selling novel. I have develepod a cure for cancer, which is awaiting approval by the FDA. I've traveled the world to gain a better understanding of other cultures and am currently raising money for various good causes. My apartment is spotless and the dishes are done. I iron all my clothes and call my mother every day. And I never lie.
41 Year Old
Invited by: 886072·
Joined on June 4, 2007
Born on June 22nd
I have a crush on someone!
Welcome to Cherrytap Add some text, photos and visit the mumms add comments rate and fan users to build pointsJust get involved and have some fun etc I’d Give you 1000 points but they only allow 10If you have the time visit my page vote and fan me ,if you want too…. Layout Codes Myspace Resources Top Comment Graphics
Hi, :) I came by to show your page some love ♥ I rated your profile an 11 & become your newest fan! Please stop by my page when you get a chance to rate & fan me :) Keep in mind I'm a great friend (also a great comment bomber!) if you ever in need (of either) I'm only a PM away;)(hehe) Have an excellent week, I hope to hear from you soon!♥LaurieTheRedheadedCherry
Cool pics. Your name suits you, you look like a very happy person in yer pics hehe ^_^. Anyways just wanted to leave some luv on the page. Have a great day doll! =D