57 Year Old
From Little Rock, AR·
Invited by: 73699·
Joined on December 10, 2006
Born on May 26th
·31 referrals joined!
1 person has a crush on me!
57 Year Old
From Little Rock, AR·
Invited by: 73699·
Joined on December 10, 2006
Born on May 26th
·31 referrals joined!
1 person has a crush on me!
Do People Read This Chit???
I am NOT here to date...just to make some friends and look at the ladies pics! LOL
If you stop by...Please leave a comment or rate my profile or pics with a 10 or 11! Fans are great! Jeez...This isn't rocket science!
To the guys and gals that are bored and rate pics and move on...well, if you don't at least visit my page, I will not visit your page.
I am not in a popularity contest with anyone, so please no BS drama...I get enough of that in the real world. Love is all it takes!
I am just a normal guy, who really luvs the CT community! I like to flirt, so I love the girls here...they make me laugh, a lot! I try to help all my fans and family...I love to keep in touch!!!
I don't mind if you are straight, bi or gay...Especially if you are a girl! *big grin* I have an open mind; I think...you can tell me what you think.
I don't read the bulletins much, nor will I EVER do chain mail. If there is anything you would like to know, just ask.
57 Year Old
From Little Rock, AR·
Invited by: 73699·
Joined on December 10, 2006
Born on May 26th
·31 referrals joined!
1 person has a crush on me!
Booze, Sex and Rock and Roll! The Blues! 70’s and 80’s Music! And, Just about EVERYTHING else!