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69 Year Old · Female · Joined on October 15, 2012 · Relationship status: Married · Born on May 21st · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
69 Year Old · Female · Joined on October 15, 2012 · Relationship status: Married · Born on May 21st · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!

I am I think a very warm hearted person. I am married to Rob8559 so I am not here to get picked up. I don't like looking at someone else's nude pics so don't even try it. I don't like lounges except the fubar help one. I don't like nasty sex talking. I DO NOT do cams. Don't even ask! I can dish out the shit like everyone else. Don' start a chat if u just want to talk shit. I don't do Fu Mafia. Don't even ask. Those are a few things I can tell u.

I do luv people and do luv to talk to people. I will help in anyway I can hopefully get some Blings in which that will be awhile but HEY it's still all about FRIENDSHIP here.
I luv to add on people and will save room for family adds.

All in all if u are nice to me, I will be nice to u. I just want some respect and I will gladly give respect. Please don't call me babe or doll. I will ignore u. I would luv to get Blings if there is someone generous enough.

I am limited, wishing I could give all my friends Blings My ol man is young 48, but fell 35 ft to ground. Broken back in 4 places,1 ankle, heel crushed and wrist makes u hurt a little. He's a trooper though. I take care of him. As I said we are limited right now until the Government finally decides to pay him. I get a whole $857 a month and I am telling u this so to say I am not bullshitting u. This will say I got nothing to hide. I am an honest person. This is probably being too honest LOL. I doubt anyone will actually read this though.

Like I said just be nice and I can become a good friend. I swear like a trooper when pissed off so excuse my language on my page. If I swear, I have a problem and hope u are not the problem. If I don't all is clear.

I am a very understanding person so u have questions? If I can answer it I will. No sex questions though please. Just have fun on here and click my like and rate button if u will. LOL. U want a good friend? I can be there. U want to be an asshole? I can be worse.

69 Year Old · Female · Joined on October 15, 2012 · Relationship status: Married · Born on May 21st · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
I luv animals horses, cats, rats ( I've had many of rats and they are loving animals) and dogs, particularly pit bulls. They are the most loving animals u have ever seen. They will luv u, watch over u and just lick u and wag their tales. I luv bats, tigers, lions and all tame animals and wild.

I luv Harley's. Used to ride with guy friends awhile back. Hubby used to own one. I luv the wind blowing through my hair and the humming of the engine as u go along free and happy.

I luv Nascar, guitars and basically bands like Motly Crue, Scorpions, Annihilator, Pa Pa Roach, Iron Maiden and many more. I am basically a Hard Rock and Metal head.

I actually started to write some poems. I really don't do much. I take care of my hubby, clean, and all the other shit. I have seen some great people on here and have asked them to be my friend. Sunset is one of the greatest woman on earth. Hurt her and u hurt me along with others. I have my family and it is growing. Luv them all.

I walk to keep losing the weight I've gain. 115 lbs. to 140 down to 125 so far. LOL. Got to get rid of it. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Have to learn all the actions u do to make a smile and things like that. I know the smile and the heart. Woopie! Right? LOL

I live on a North end and over a packy. There are many who have problems with alcohol but I befriend some. They are sweet but have a problem. I understand that problem because I was once an alcoholic like them. 18 yrs since I have been in their shoes but as I said I understand. I have a very good ear. Don't take it as I will listen to anything. I just ban what I don't like. Watch what u say as the matter of sex and objects. Banned it will be.
My music varies. I am basically into metal old and new. It could be light or hard or in between. It could be Seether, Old Motley Crue to new, Ozzy, Pantera, Annihilator, so many more. I will add them when I I think of them.

D T Riot is one as well as Doomsdayinc,Ininspired, and more.
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