39 Year Old
From North Augusta, SC·
Invited by: Bella·
Joined on March 17, 2012
Born on May 18th
I have a crush on someone!
I am Homo...Hear me Meow! ok so im probably the straightest gay guy you know... been told i should love the Twat. but guess what... I dont. no offence to you if you do cause you can have my share lol. I have no interest in turning str8 men to the dark side cause thats just fucked up on more levels than i can count BUT if you are some secret homo in the closet... GET OFF MY PLANET!!! dont do closet queens and not interested in holding your hand to walk you out turn your gay ass around the door isnt locked
39 Year Old
From North Augusta, SC·
Invited by: Bella·
Joined on March 17, 2012
Born on May 18th
I have a crush on someone!
work work work... family work work work and food.... O yeah love me some music, Fall out Boy is my Fave and lots others. like music a bit hard and Loud... if its too loud well to damn bad turn your belltone off and youll be just fine
Latest Status
carolinadevil1 i so need to be cherry bombed to help level... anyone wanna show me some love:-)
Hello I hope your having a great afternoon I really hate to ask but all I need to level is points & a cherry bombing would really help a lot I thank you in advance if you can help me out