41 Year Old
Joined on July 28, 2011
Relationship status: Single
Born on February 3rd
2 different people have a crush on me!
So you want to know about me. Well where do i begin. The name is Reese. I am probably the most eccentric, eclectic person you will ever have the chance to encounter. I love doing anything that keeps me smiling, hate to be bored! Not here to have virtual sex or discuss anything sexual. But if you want to know more about Reese you can just message me and if you say the right thing maybe i will hit you back!
41 Year Old
Joined on July 28, 2011
Relationship status: Single
Born on February 3rd
2 different people have a crush on me!
Latest Status
CocoaPassions8301 all that glitters is not gold, heck it may not be silver either. Dont get caught up in all the hype. Have a beautiful day FUS! MUCH LOVE!