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41 Year Old · Female · From Topeka, KS · Joined on September 30, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on February 2nd · 4 referrals joined! · 8 different people have a crush on me!
41 Year Old · Female · From Topeka, KS · Joined on September 30, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on February 2nd · 4 referrals joined! · 8 different people have a crush on me!

Name is Angela. I have been on Fubar, off and on, for several years. I enjoy making new friends! I don't get too hung up on if you've fanned me or what you're rating me. However, I will not accept an empty friend request. Give me a few lines about you, it's a simple thing.

Please don't hop right into my SB expecting naughty chat. I do not do NSFW. There are plenty of people here who do, and if that is what you are after, please move along. Smile2.gif

I am a fan of baseball, music, horror flicks and vintage stuffs. Just to name a few things.

If you have a question about something here, or need a little extra help, please feel free to ask! I am always willing to help a friend!

Now that you've read some about me, go love on my family. They are awesome, and totally deserve it.


41 Year Old · Female · From Topeka, KS · Joined on September 30, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on February 2nd · 4 referrals joined! · 8 different people have a crush on me!
Music is life Smile2.gif
It is incredibly hard for me to list every genre and or band that I adore. Most of it would be considered Rock/Screamo/Emo/Metal/Alternative.
I am a big fan of Tim Burton. My favorite movie being Tim Burton's the Nightmare Before Christmas, and the next 12 on my list are from him also. There is just something about his work that grabs me. The romantisism of it all probably. Also the images...amazing. Other than that I like a lot of comedy, and horror flicks. I am all about gore, blood and guts kinda movies. BUT not scary. I can do without the scare factor. I am a fan of the old school horror flicks though, Halloween-Mike Myers being my favorite, and yes I loved the Rob Zombie remakes. I thought he did an awesome job at making them feel like the original but in a new twist. I loved it!
I can't say that I idolize anyone. I am a super fan of a few peoples. Marilyn Monroe and Judy Garland to name a couple. Idolizing to me means you wanna be just like someone in any way that you can be, and I am perfectly happy in my own skin. Although, it is nice to be a fan of someone who is so amazing in their own rights Manic.gif
Video Games
RPGS and FPS are what I am into. Although, Zelda was and always will be my first love! I am a Nintendo girl, through and through and own every system they ever had. Outside of video games I play RPGs also, Dungeons and Dragons and Mutants and Masterminds. Old fashioned with the 20 sided die and pen and paper. Nerdy girl fo sho.

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