I am here to spread smiles, have fun! Don’t bring drama I don’t tolerate it! This is a game and I have a few very close friends here mess with them yes you will get messed with the same! If you don’t like a joke I send it is meant in no way to harm or make anyone feel bad!
Huge Sports fan and love everything Colorado born and raised and growing old here lol! Huge hockey fan and yes The Colorado Avalanche are my team followed by all Canadian team they did create the sport! Die hard Bronco fan since 6 that’s a long time lol! Have been known to break a phone over their poor play
! Lastly I am an avid photographer and video producer I love the beauty of the world
All music has its time and place! To say one band currently it’s Imagine Dragons, but love Billy Joel, Bare Naked Ladies, Pink Floyd, Prince is god and did more with music than many! I even love a little Michael Jackson on Halloween
Comedy or Action a huge Star Wars geek and proud of it.. love Monty Python and wish I was Ferris Buehler!! American pie, Meet the Parents, love then all!
Steve Jobs is my idol! Passionate about his work, people and his dreams! I would follow that example anywhere!
Video Games
Occlus, Love Forenza to take it back SSTricky and Mortal combat..come here