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41 Year Old · Male · From Spring Hill, FL · Invited by: 1206798 · Joined on October 7, 2007 · Born on March 16th
41 Year Old · Male · From Spring Hill, FL · Invited by: 1206798 · Joined on October 7, 2007 · Born on March 16th

I don't know what to say really. There isn't much to talk about. I'm a gamer and a kid at heart. I work in retail and if i'm not working i'm usually at home either gaming or watching movies. I'm not much for going out, mostly because i'm not good around people. Not because I don't like going out just because i'm shy. I'd go clubbing if I were any good at dancing, and right now I don't really have any friends to hang out with seeing as I just moved and all.
I used to be into art but i've kind of gotten out of it, I think i'd like to write instead. I think i'm a better writer then an artist, atleast I hope I am

41 Year Old · Male · From Spring Hill, FL · Invited by: 1206798 · Joined on October 7, 2007 · Born on March 16th
Like I said before, i'm big on video games and anime. Comic books as well. I'm a kid at heart, but or just a classic geek. Guess it depends on how you look at it. Those would be my main interests, I used to love drawing, now not so much. I still like to, i've just decided to try other things. Like writing, I realized I made a better writer then an artist. Atleast I hope I am
My taste in music is kind of weird, most of what I listen to comes from Japan. But i'd have to say my favorites would be JAM-Project, Eminem, Linkin Park, Grooeve Coverage, Stratovarius, The Minibosses, Masterplan, Kascada, Sonata Artica and Nightwish
Video Games
I'm a kid at heart, and a gamer by nature. Most people don't really like that, especially women but I don't see any need to change myself. Gamers can be sexier then people think as long as they don't let they're hobbies get in the way of they're friends, families and lovers. I play pretty much any kind of game except for sports, I figure we play games to do things we can't do in real life. Why play football or soccor when we can actually go out and do it? But thats just me. I play First person shooters, action games, platformers, Role-playing games and yes I play World of Warcraft so i'm pretty much damned.

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