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43 Year Old · Female · From Florida · Owned by Boreas and is worth 1 coin. · Joined on November 28, 2006 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 27th · 74 referrals joined! · 43 different people have a crush on me!

_____ThE NiNjA KiTtY FaCtS_____

Trust me when I say- that if I could reach through my monitor- I would FOR REAL slap some of y'all with my left Adidas sandal.

- I am simple, yet complicated.
- I'm sweet as can be until you cross me or simply piss me off.
- I am SINGLE. <--------Did you read that?! Don't be stupid and ask me if I am. It's on my profile TWICE, mind you. Seriously, take some time to read over this. It may save you AND ME some time.
- I am a kid at heart. I certainly don't feel like I'm that ALMOST 40 number. So, if you ask me, first I'll tell you my age- but then I'll quickly let you know that I'm 29 and holding.
- My life is MY life. If I want to tell you about it- I will.
- I will also tell you now- that I think I must've been a cartoon and a cat in one of my previous lives. Why? If only you knew. LoL- I'm like a cross between Garfield (his sarcasm) and Bonkers the Cat- he was a police officer- Disney cartoon from a LONG time ago- (Bonkers crazy-fun personality).
- I love to draw.
- I LOVE cartoons. But none of that BULLSHIT they have going today. They call them cartoons? Most are a disgrace to the cartoon and art world.
- I LOVE Disney, Pixar, and Dreamworks Animations. And damn near every other genre.
- I LOVE movies.
- I LOVE hammocks. Just the idea of laying in a hammock on a nice, warm, breezy day- is quite relaxing to me. I like it- if you don't- get over it. Quickly.
- I like Cherry Coke & Sweet Tea, and Water.
- I absolutely LOVE the river. Springs are awesome!! Truly.
- I will BLOCK you if I feel it's necessary. I know- sometimes some of y'all can't help but be a twat monkey.
- I am not here to trade NSFW pix with you, so DON'T ASK.
- I wont post any NSFW pix either.
- I respect me and you should as well.
- I like earthy colors such as browns, whites, khaki colors, as well as purple, blue, and green and black, of course. I absolutely hate the colors pink and red.
- I have this crazy obsession for Disney's Stitch character. He's my fave of all. He's cute and fluffy and steals everybody's left shoe.
- I have this massive M&M collection of various M&M collectibles. Red M&M is my favorite.
- I like art museums.
- I like all music- generally speaking.
- I like to sing. And I sing good too. Throughout school, I was in chorus & performing arts. However, if i catch you listening to me singing- I will mos likely deliberately sing the song I'm singing all kinds of wacky by throwing in different tones in my voice & singing with a cartoony-like craziness. I performed more than enough growing up from school to church- therefore, I don't sing for anyone else except my son and daughter.
- I DON'T like beer. It's disgusting. Wine- is even worse. Who the hell's idea was that?
- I DO drink though- liquor- but not excessively. Only on occasion and when I feel like I want a nightcap. Whiskey is my preferred poison as some would put it.
- I'm VERY good at playing the bartender role*.
- I love my Zoey Kitty. She crossed the rainbow bridge last year 2hrs before my birthday. I miss her dearly. All animals for the most part really.
- This past April, I adopted two sibling brother kitties- their names are Whiskey and Vex. They are crazy fun!! I have just as much love for them as any other fur baby I've had.
- I dislike people in general. Unless you show that you aren't the same as the rest of those neanderthal knuckle-draggin' nitwits out there- I'll have nothing to do with you.
- You cannot have my number or exact location EITHER!! Geez..
- I don't want your drama or your bullshit. Go somewhere else with that.
- DON'T let your only words in my SB be 'Yo' or 'wat up' as some of you seem to only know how to say. I mean, geez, WTF- can you seriously not spell out the word 'what'?
- ALSO- if you are sooo LAZY that you have to type 'hru' to me- DON'T BOTHER messaging me. I hate that. Seriously. Oh- and I hate the phrase- 'Git 'er done'. Overused & overrated.
- Another thing- if I don't answer my SB right away- don't take it personal. I'm not always at the pc. For those of you who jump to the conclusion of 'Oh, you must not want to talk to me or you're trying to get rid me' crap- If I find you interesting, I will talk to you. If I feel that you're just another dipshit- I WILL tell you so & tell you to politely fuck off in the process.

My motto is "No lies, no bullshit" And that's that.

Anywho- that's it for now.

A quote for you: Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.

hmmm....about me..I don't know where to begin because everything there is to know about me just seems to never end. To sum me up is a task deemed impossible. An unequal proportional ball full of sass, romantic tendencies, sarcasm, intelligence, and a bit of bitterness held against this world that I was born to lose in, but a hint of stubbornness that I refuse to be held down, and live to win from.If you are a pretentious idiot that uses immaturity to solve things, kindly fuck off. I don't need your drama. I'm known to have a split personality. Depending on how I feel, or who I talk to, will determine which person you will encounter.

I am driven by music. I've been known to stare into space and forget everything around me. The world fades into the back because the TV shows in my head are always better.
Emotional, temperamental and highly unpredictable. I'm a walking contradiction at times. Feisty to the core, I'll tear you a new asshole if you get on my nerves.

If you've managed to actually read this & you're still here- I like you already.


43 Year Old · Female · From Florida · Owned by Boreas and is worth 1 coin. · Joined on November 28, 2006 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 27th · 74 referrals joined! · 43 different people have a crush on me!

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