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66 Year Old · Female · Invited by: 766294 · Joined on September 11, 2007 · Born on December 25th · 3 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
66 Year Old · Female · Invited by: 766294 · Joined on September 11, 2007 · Born on December 25th · 3 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

Well, I've been on this site off and on for a few years now. Life gets crazy busy sometimes and then months go by where I don't visit here. Then life settles down a bit and I have time to play online again. If so, I usually come on here a couple times a week if I have the time or the inclination.
I have fun on this site when I come here.
Not on here to get hooked up with anyone. Just here to socialize and have some fun. Don't own a web cam and am not into cyber-sex or any of that crap so if that is your thing just leave me out of it 'cause I am not interested, thank you very much.
I do enjoy intelligent conversation and if I ask to friend you or chat with you it does not mean I am "warm for your form' or interested in anything more than a casual online friendship. Not a big fan of emailing back and forth so I will not be sharing my email address with anyone. Hate talking on the phone, did telephone tech support 12 hours a day for too many years and that kind of killed that for me so no-one will be getting my phone number either.
I do however, enjoy a good chat so if you can carry on a good conversation, of more than three word sentences, and have something interesting to say by all means hit that chat button.
If you have any questions, anything you'd like to know about me feel free to ask. I'm not shy... well yes I am, but only in a room full of strangers and then only till I get to know them, lol. I'm the most introverted extrovert I know.
I am the queen of the smart asses. I have an acerbic acid wit and a quirky sense of humor. I enjoy a good debate and I have only one rule when it comes to that. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and that opinion has value but "mine is the only one that counts." Just kidding, there's that quirky sense of humor of mine,lol. Seriously though, if I do engage in debate with anyone we do have to agree to disagree and to honor the VALUE of the other person's opinion and their RIGHT to that opinion. Remember it's all just good clean fun and is not ever to be meant as a personal attack. Life is too short to take every little thing too seriously. As they say, "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff." Sorry kids, I can't remember the name of the author of that book, but they are a damned fine writer and they make a hell of a lot of sense.

Animated, Animations

Animations - Animated Graphics for Myspace, Hi5, Orkut

Myspace Comments, Hi5 & Friendster graphics: CoolMyspaceComments.com

fun quizzes and meme for blog

Lets101 Quizzes - Fun Quizzes

fun quiz for myspace profile and blog

Googleskins.net - Google Skins

NzE2YjU2NDU5ZmEyOWQwMTZkZTkxM2VkMDc=.gifAcrostic Name Poem by Wishafriend
Acrostic Name Poem by WishAFriend.com

66 Year Old · Female · Invited by: 766294 · Joined on September 11, 2007 · Born on December 25th · 3 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
beaches and boats, amateur photography, hiking, fishing, camping, free hold rock climbing, 4x4ing, motorcycling, gourmet cooking (I am a chef; finished top of my class with 98 % when I took my chef training, and yes I AM proud of that), museums, art shows, antique shops, theater, symphony, dancing/clubbing, reading, creative writing, & poetry to name a few
Love music of all kinds, everything from hip hop to classical. Beethoven rocks!!!! Course the louder the better so I can sing along and no one can hear me, lol. Like rock, love the classics. Used to like country but there is very little of it I can stand anymore, just have outgrown it I guess.
When it comes to movies I love sci-fi and fantasy the best. Also like a good comedy that is based on real humor and not just stupidity. Some of my favorite movies are the Lord of the Rings movies, can't wait for them to make The Hobbit. All the Matrix movies, all the Star Wars movies.
Loved the movie Jumangi, wish I could have seen it on the big screen but I missed that opportunity. Love most of the stuff Robin Williams has done.
Also love all of Will Smith's stuff. Haven't seen one of his yet that I didn't like.
I am totally into special effects; if a movie has awesome special effects chances are I'm gonna like it.
Musically speaking I have to say Beethoven. The man was a genius and most of his stuff was written AFTER he went deaf!!! Now THAT is talent.
Don't really have any movie idols though I do have to say that Sean Connery is still damned sexy even if he is an old fart of 80 something now.
When it comes to non-human, characters (whether animated, fantasy or puppets) Kermie is my hero. I absolutely love Kermit the frog. Maybe because I like real frogs so much. They are just so darn cute!
Video Games
I love to play online games. Mostly puzzle games and arcade games. Not into those interactive games.
Mahjong is one of my all time favorites. Also like Shape Shifter, Magic Inlay and Big Kahuna Reef to name a few.

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