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What are you waiting for?

you don't mean it

what good does it make when
you write love poems about someone
who dosen't love you back?

When i was little i never needed anyone
but now i need you more than anything
you said you'll never break my heart 
but it already been done.

what good does it make to watch someone you love with someone else
what good does it make when the person 
you thought you can trust is not worth trusting

when people say i love you
they don't get how powerful the meaning of love is.
and fools like me will trust anyone who says
i love you to them 

Questions of Why

For the first time in a long time, I felt so happy, so rejoiced You came to me when I was in dire need of a shoulder. You showed me there was hope after tragedy. You became my bestfriend. The times we laughed and the times we shared Were priceless beyond anything I could imagine We never knew the meaning of uncertainty and difficulty I showed you what it was like to be a fool, a good fool And in return, you taught me new ways of life The more we connected, the more we grew as people, friends and partners You made me feel like I could trust and love again Words uttered out of your mouth that made me feel safe and wanted "Love is not a strong enough word to describe how I feel. I adore you really" I was caught. My problems were yours as yours were mine Blooming into something so deep, something so special We were blinded by nothing but each other The hours turned to days and days turned to months Promises were never broken and feelings seem to flourish This was real. So I thought... Just as everything was going so well The distance began to win our battle of being together Drifting apart, we dedicated ourselves to making this work We tried and tried. And just as everything was returning to they way they were Love, devotion, and adorement You vanished into thin air as if you were just a dream To this day, my mind wonders how could something so strong be defeated so easily No words could express the confusion, the doubt, the feeling of foolishness That runs through me as time goes by with an answer of Why? The last question left unanswered: Were you real or were you just one of my needs? That is something that needs to be answered One day, one lifetime Very soon I promise!

The Pain Inside Me

I write poetry to soothe my pain
Because all the world just seems the same
This twisting, burning, breaking
All because of one little game

What you said to me.
How you hurt me so.
The cut is just too deep.
Deepness scereing into my heart.

I want to know why...
This pain inside me,
Just will not stop.
The burning, breaking pain.

The cut you left is hard to heal
And i cant seem to stop the bleeding.
I hope you are happy now.
With the pain you made me feel. 

It's Ok

Moment of soreness, has long past Cloudy emotion hope won't last My hazed judgment makes it all wrong Wondering will it one day makes me strong The warm touch is still missing Laid restlessly weeping Contemplate the bitterness are only choice The only way to tranquil my inner noise It's almost a year since Mesmerize every past doing Train goes, gone leaving it empty Shallow and disgrace with no sympathy My bed are cold, my thoughts are fumble U gone, leaving to avoid struggle Wealth, status is your only aim For your eyes what's the point be in the game Ur soul lost in the middle of the ocean No way to go & no true direction Baby boy just been born Sadden by the last name Ever wondering was I to be blamed:..

The Hole in My Heart

When you left,
You took a piece of me.
I constantly find myself
Down on bended knee.

I see you in my dreams
Every night and day,
I run to be in your loving arms
But you slowly walk away.

Why do you do this?
Why do you run?
I'm afraid to think
You're seeing someone.

I love you dearly,
And I wish you could see,
What in the world,
You're doing to me.  

It's His Fault

Why do you beat yourself up because you had the courage to love gave all of yourself in hopes that he was the one Why do you beat yourself up When it was his choice to be unfaithful His choice to hurt you Why do you beat yourself up Knowing that you had done everything for him supported him, comforted him, loved him more than you loved yourself Why after his lies and deceit do you still love him? and want him to love you Why after the repeat of hurt and trust being lost do you think that he deserves a love as pure as yours Why do you beat yourself up over what you could have done better when you know deep down there was nothing What makes you search for answers as to why when they will not change the past Nor mend your broken heart Why when a man decides to cheat do we blame ourselves? why does it make us question every little detail about who we are Make us think that we are not worthy of love Why when a man cheats do we still long for him to change Realize how wrong he was, and fall in love with us again Why do you beat yourself up When you deserve more When all that you have done is loved someone completely Give yourself time and the pain will subside and the mourning will cease You will see that you are still you Still wonderful, beautiful you Nothing has changed except your experience in love And your determination to share love with another As you can never truly love someone until you learn to love yourself I love you Chad, and I will be there any time you need me...No one has ever made me write a poem before so I hope you understand how much I love you.


You broke my heart in two And took me like a bet, with all you put me through I have so many regrets. To lose you was worth it, although I wasn't sure, it seemed to make me happy, but still so insecure. We always said Forever we would take it to the end never give it up but this time my heart couldn't mend. It cut so deep into me I guess it hurt you too but when you did it, then you lied I had to say "we're through." I gave you all I had I tried to make it last but now all we have are memories from the past. So look me in the eye and tell me what you see a girl so broke inside who's been through misery. And now I’m moving on with the pain that kills inside but I’m starting to forget by reminding myself, how you lied! I have somebody new someone to treat me right, to talk to lovingly and to hold me all night. He's there for me when I need him to give me love and support to hold me close and wipe away all my signs of hurt. To kiss me softly every night and let me know he's there to call me just because, just to tell me that he cares. Now here I go again fallen so hard, so deep but this time it's different, this is one I want to keep!

Tears Of A Broken Heart

I have given all my love to you, but what do I get in return? A broken heart. I have given you my heart, and you stomp on it like a doormat. I have given you my youth and you took advantage of my un-experienced heart and played with my emotions. I gave you all the trust, but you misused it. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, and you proved everyone right. I gave you my life and you killed me day by day. I want to pull my aching heart and tear it piece by piece, So I no longer love you. I want to loose my memory so I no longer think of you. I want to go so far so I no longer have to see you. I want to cry but I no longer have any more tears to fall down my sad lonely face. I want to sleep but my dreams haunt me with you in them. I can’t seem to find a way out. What do I do? I don’t want anyone to see this not even you. How do I get out of this? How do I stop this misery? How do solve this mystery? I can’t seem to find anyone to make feel the way you do, The way you look at me, the way you say my name, the sound of your voice when you tell me that you care. I love you so much I think I’m going to die from this pain that haunts day and night. How can forget you? If the only love I know is you. How can I move on? If life is not the same with out you. I want to brake free and move on but I think I’ll be doing something wrong. I just have to close my eyes and let things fly and let the days pass me by. Source: Tears Of A Broken Heart, Hurting Poems http://www.familyfriendpoems.com/sad_love/poetry.asp?poem=22554#ixzz0nsuTH2ns

Teach Me To Let Go

Teach me to stop caring
When I think of what we were
Teach me to stop crying
When I see you there with her

Show me how to live again
When you're not here with me
Show me how to fight the fact
That we're not meant to be

Tell me that I'll be alright
And my life will be okay
Without you right here by my side
To hold my hand each day

Let these teardrops wash away
Don't let this heartbreak last...
Let me let go like you did
For you've forgotten me so fast  

I loved you too

So many thoughts,
I don't know where to begin,
I'll start from my heart,
and what I feel within.

I still have feelings,
which haven't changed,
because when you left me
my life was re-arranged.

I used to cry
so many times a day,
but lately those tears
have been fading away.

I am hoping that
my brighter day soon will come,
and maybe, just maybe,
I'll find that special someone.

Yes, it's been hard,
but I'm getting back my life,
I've even managed
to put away the knife.

I will find someone
who's right for me,
who loves me
and lets me be all I can be.

Yet the thought of you and her,
is tearing me apart,
because you will always have a special place
in my broken heart.

Do I still love you?
Yes, I do,
but another part of me
is getting over you.

I never thought I would say this,
but I simply have to confess,
with each and every day that goes by,
I love you less and less.

I just wanted to be with you,
but now you're gone,
and the time has come
for me to move on.

You meant so much to me,
in fact, you still do,
from the bottom of my heart,
I loved you too. 

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8 years ago
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