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What are you waiting for?

Even as we fight to stop a federal proposal that could spark the slaughter of hundreds of wolves, the Idaho Anti-Wolf Coalition has launched a new initiative to eliminate all wolves from Idaho. This is the biggest battles for our wolves in years. To win, we need ongoing support from people like you!

Please consider making a monthly gift to join the Wildlife Guardians, the backbone of our efforts to save wolves and other wildlife!
Save America's Wolves

Answer the Call Today!
Howling Wolf Pup (FWS)
Tens of thousands of you have taken action, thousands have donated and hundreds have offered words of encouragement to those battling on the ground in the Northern Rockies.

But this is a big fight, and it will need lots of support from dedicated folks like you. Please help us reach our goal of 500 new wildlife guardians by this Friday!

YES! I want to become a Wildlife Guardian -- and provide critical monthly support to save wolves in the Northern Rockies and respond to other wildlife emergencies!

Donate Now!

Here’s what Defenders supporters from around the country are saying about the fight to save Northern Rockies wolves:

"We MUST preserve the lives of these creatures and only we can do that."
-- Debra from Old Town, FL

"It makes me feel really good to know that [through my support of Defenders] I am helping something I love survive."
-- Taisha from Duluth, MN

"I thank you, wolf defenders, for doing a valiant work for the wolves and for the rest of us who understand the value of diversity and the majesty of each creature."
-- Brigid from Eaux Claire, WI

"We want to help to prevent this unjustified massacre. We also want to have the opportunity to see wolves in the wild when we are older. Thank you for doing everything that you are doing to prevent this massacre."
-- Ed from Encitas, CA (on behalf of his 3 month-old twins)

Dear David,

Bad news from the Northern Rockies: Last weekend, the Idaho Anti-Wolf Coalition kicked off a new signature drive to eliminate all wolves from the state.

Thanks to people like you, we’ve made some great strides in the last few weeks. But our small team on the ground is totally overwhelmed in our fight to save hundreds of wolves in the Northern Rockies.

Please consider joining the Wildlife Guardians -- a special group of monthly givers who provide essential support to help us save wolves in the Northern Rockies and address other wildlife emergencies.

Your monthly gift of about 33 cents a day ($10 a month) over the next nine months will provide the crucial support for this and other important efforts to save wolves and other wildlife.

Here's why we need your help: Our staff has been working hard over the past few months, scrambling to stop Idaho and Wyoming’s wolf eradication plans. Each week, we’re spending thousands of dollars and investing hundreds of staff hours. 

But these hectic days and sleepless nights are getting results.

Our efforts to promote common sense wolf management have sparked unprecedented interest in our proactive work to compensate ranchers for wolf-related livestock losses and work to increase the use of non-lethal methods of wolf control.

Become a Wildlife Guardian today to help support this work. For just pennies a day, you can provide continuing support to save Northern Rockies wolves and other wildlife.

Because of the support of folks like you, we’ve been able to:

  • Fight for and win additional time for public comments and an additional hearing on the Bush/Cheney Administration’s proposal to remove critical protections for Northern Rockies wolves;
  • Send local Defenders staff to testify at every federal hearing on the wolf plan;
  • Rally hundreds of grassroots conservationists to attend hearings to speak out for commonsense wolf management and outnumber anti-wolf opposition;
  • Provide a leading voice for the coalition of Northern Rockies wolf conservation organizations to educate the public and fight the Bush/Cheney Administration's proposal; 
  • Counter the deluge of anti-wolf misinformation through media and public outreach; and
  • Hire emergency staff to help support our proactive conservation work with area ranchers and to ensure that we run the most effective campaign possible to save our wolves.

These efforts are crucial to preventing the wolf slaughter -- and our victories aren’t possible without your support. For a donation of just $10 a month -- only 33 cents a day -- you can help ensure we have the funds to win this battle on the ground.

Our campaign is far from over: 

  • Already, more than 43,000 of you have spoken out for our Northern Rockies wolves. With the extended deadline for public comments, we have more time, but we still need to mobilize thousands more to action.
  • With an additional public hearing scheduled in Cody, WY, we’ll need to mobilize and provide transportation to supporters to testify for our wolves.
  • We’re preparing the groundwork for a legal battle to fight the federal proposal, if it goes through.

This is one fight we have to win. But we can’t save wolves without your help, so please become a Wildlife Guardian and for as little as $10 per month, you can provide ongoing support for our campaign to save wolves in the Northern Rockies.

Rodger Schlickeisen, President (c)Daniel J. Cox/www.naturalexpos Sincerely,
Rodger Schlickeisen, President Signature
Rodger Schlickeisen
Defenders of Wildlife

P.S. Wolves in Yellowstone begin mating around Valentine’s Day -- and pups are born in April and May. Even these wolves could be shot on sight as they leave the safety of Yellowstone if federal protections are lifted in Idaho and Wyoming. Becoming a Wildlife Guardian online will make an immediate impact for these wolves. You can also make a contribution over the phone by calling 1-800-385-9712.

Defenders Home | Privacy Policy | Contact Us | Donate Now

Defenders of Wildlife is a national, nonprofit membership organization dedicated to the protection of all native wild animals and plants in their natural communities.

Defenders of Wildlife can be contacted at:
1130 17th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036

This week, the Alaska governor announced an awful expansion of the state’s controversial wolf management programs: plans to pay a $150 bounty for any wolf killed in specified management zones provided that shooters turn in the dismembered legs of the wolves they kill<

We’re taking emergency action to halt these plans, but we need your help to win! Click here to support our campaign to stop the Alaska Wolf Massacre…



A New Outrage in Alaska

Wolf Mother and Pup (Large) (c) Corel Corp.

Even as wolves are preparing to den and birth new pups in Alaska, the governor is preparing to ramp up efforts to kill wolves using bounties, helicopters and other tactics.

Donate Now!

Help us save wolves! Help us meet our $100,000 goal by March 30th $24,000 will be matched dollar for dollar. That means…

$30 ... is worth $60
$50 ... is worth $100
$100 ... is worth $200
$250 ... is worth $500
Another Amount ... could be doubled, too.

Fast Facts

  • More than 600 wolves have been killed since Alaska reinstated its controversial aerial gunning program four years ago.
  • State officials estimate that there are 7,000 to 11,000 wolves in Alaska. However, this information is not based on a sound survey but, instead, largely on reports from hunters. Fewer wolves may have been killed this year because fewer wolves exist than the state believes.
  • Alaska voters have twice voted to restrict the aerial gunning method, only to have the state’s legislature and unelected Board of Game work to overturn their vote and expand aerial gunning.
Dear David,

I can’t believe it. Even after Alaska voters twice voted to restrict aerial gunning of wolves and more than 42,000 registered Alaska voters have endorsed a ballot measure to restrict aerial gunning of wolves, state officials are now pushing even more extreme measures to kill more wolves.

Earlier this week, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin’s administration announced plans to pay a $150 bounty for any wolf killed in specified management zones -- provided that the shooter turns in the dismembered legs of wolves they’ve killed as proof.

Her office also left open the possibility that wolf shooters be able to use not just fixed-wing aircraft, but also helicopters, to kill wolves. Not even notoriously anti-wolf former Governor Frank Murkowski would allow that!

We’ve launched an emergency campaign to stop this terrible expansion of Alaska’s reckless wolf killing, but we need your support to pay for these efforts. Please make an emergency contribution right now!

The threat is so grave that one of our generous donors has even promised to match every contribution dollar for dollar until 5 PM this Monday (up to $24,000).

That means that your $30 contribution is worth $60 to our Campaign to Stop the Alaska Wolf Massacre. Your $50 donation is worth $100, and your $100 contribution will result in $200 worth of support for our efforts to mobilize grassroots activists, lobby state and federal officials, educate the media and the public about this awful proposal, and other activities.

Alaska officials hope to kill up to 664 wolves before the aerial gunning season’s scheduled end on April 30 (more than 40 have been killed so far). Hundreds of wolves -- including pregnant mothers preparing to den -- could be gunned down and dismembered in the next five weeks unless we can stop them.

We have only a short time, but Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund is working hard with our sister organization Defenders of Wildlife and local partners to prevent this state-sponsored killing spree.

Help us raise the $100,000 we need to secure by March 30th to save wolves and other wildlife. Make your donation right away, and it could be matched dollar for dollar.

We’ve got lots of work to do in the coming weeks -- including grassroots mobilization, lobbying and media and public outreach -- and we’re going to need your help to do it. I hope you’ll support these vital efforts.

Best Regards,

Rodger Schlickeisen, President Rodger Schlickeisen, President Signature
Rodger Schlickeisen
Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund

P.S. Donate online now to help make an immediate difference, or call 1-800-425-4632 to contribute over the phone.

P.P.S. In the days ahead, we’ll be asking you to participate in our national call-in campaign to hold the Palin Administration accountable for their misguided wolf plan. Stay tuned for details… and thanks for your support of this important work.


Privacy Policy | Contact Us | Donate | Defenders Action Fund Home


Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund provides a powerful voice in Washington to Americans who value our conservation heritage. Through grassroots lobbying, issue advocacy and political campaigns, the Action Fund champions those laws and lawmakers that protect wildlife and wild places while working against those that do them harm.

Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund can be contacted at:
1130 17th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036

Paid for by Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund at http://www.defendersactionfund.org/ and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Morphing Web Site

There's a cool new site where you can "morph" your pictures into photos of wolves, tigers, chimpanzees and other wildlife:
While you're there, you can sign a petition to encourage President Bush and U.S. Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne to protect our vanishing wildlife and great wild places.
More and more of our great wild places are being sacrificed to mining, drilling, logging, highways and real estate development. These special places are home to wolves, polar bears, and other imperiled wildlife, and they must be protected.
I sent a message to the Bush administration, and I hope you will, too. It's easy -- just visit the site below to start having fun with your photos and making a difference for our widlife:
I got this in my e-mail from a GREAT FRIEND:

AMERICAN CHERRY~~ Ct wifey of Mlaw~~

Wolf Fondation

http://groups.msn.com/SaveTheWolvesFoundation/newwebpage.msnw Of all the animal spirits, the wolf is probably the most misunderstood, feared and hated. Tales of evil and terror regarding them have been around for centuries, and yet there has never been any documented or confirmed attacks or killings of a human by a healthy wolf. They have been hunted, trapped and brutally killed to the point of extinction for many breeds and others are highly endangered at this point in time. Many say the howl of the wolf is eerie, lonely, terrifying, etc. I find the howl a beautiful song of joy and communication between these animals. Each howl contains a message -- to a mate or the pack. Sometimes it is, simply, a song of joy and celebration of spirit. Contrary to many beliefs, the wolf is a friendly, social, loyal and highly intelligent animal. They are very "family oriented" and live within certain rules and rituals. If you relate strongly to the "Spirit of the Wolf" you are very loyal -- to family, friends, principles and ideals. You will protect your loved ones, especially your children, with strength and conviction. Like the wolf itself, you do not like to fight unnecessarily -- you will, in fact, go out of your way to avoid that type of situation. Wolves use body language in communication and many people in tune with this spirit have expressive eyes, hands and posture and use them when communicating with others. You believe in a strong family structure and realize that your elders and your children all have something to teach you, to share with you. You take the responsibility of teaching your children to respect the rights of others very seriously. You want them to be loving and kind, but strong in life. You seek knowledge, new ideas and new adventures in your life. You like sharing what you learn and teaching others. As with the wolf, you have a keener sense of smell and hearing than the average person. Strong, unpleasant odors can actually make you sick to your stomach and loud or piercing noise is distracting and can "put you on edge". You love the smell of flowers, rain, etc. and the soft voices of nature -- the sound of a creek running, birds singing. http://groups.msn.com/SaveTheWolvesFoundation/newwebpage.msnw
Here is an E-mail I Got from Defenders of WildLife:

This week, nearly 57,000 signatures calling for a state ballot measure to ban same-day airborne shooting of wolves and bears were submitted to the Alaska Division of Elections. It was the culmination of more than a year of hard work … and it couldn’t have happened without wildlife supporters like you.

Help support these and other efforts to end Alaska’s brutal aerial gunning program with your donation to our Campaign to Stop the Alaska Wolf Massacre.


Help Stop the Massacre

Gray Wolf on WhiteWith another bloody aerial gunning season just weeks away, Alaska wolves need your help.

Help us raise $40,000 by November 2nd to stop the massacre and protect imperiled wildlife.

Yes!I want to help save Alaska wolves and other imperiled wildlife with my donation of…

Radio Button $25
Radio Button (unchecked) $50
Radio Button (unchecked) $100
Radio Button (unchecked) Another Amount

Donate Now

Please forward this message to anyone you know who cares about protecting wolves and saving imperiled wildlife.

Dear David,

What an amazing week!

On Tuesday, Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund and Defenders of Wildlife joined our allies at Alaskans for Wildlife and the Alaska Wildlife Alliance in celebrating the completion of more than a year of hard work: the submission of nearly 57,000 signatures from across Alaska to secure a place on a future ballot for a measure to end Alaska’s brutal aerial gunning programs.

With this year’s aerial gunning season set to begin in just weeks, we’re not about to let up now.

Help support our work to end the needless and brutal killing of wolves on the Last Frontier. Please make a donation now to support our Campaign to Stop the Alaska Wolf Massacre.

Alaskans have twice voted to ban same-day airborne shooting of wolves. But the Alaska legislature, the state’s outgoing anti-wolf governor and his hand-picked Board of Game have all worked to keep the state’s aerial gunning programs alive.

This time will be different.

Current Governor Frank Murkowski lost his bid for re-election in the primary and won’t be returning to office. Some of the most anti-wolf legislators are also facing tough challenges.

Whichever way the political wind blows, we’ll be ready.

Along with our allies in Alaska, we’ve launched a multi-pronged strategy that includes...
  • Working to enforce and clarify federal law.

    For the past three years -- in over 50,000 square miles of Alaska -- private citizens with state permits have been able to gun down wolves from the air or use aircraft to chase them to exhaustion, then land and kill them.

    The Federal Airborne Hunting Act was passed to end just that type of killing, but federal officials need to enforce it. The Bush Administration hasn’t. So we’re working with conservation groups and other allies on Congressional and administrative action to close the loophole the administration has exploited to avoid its responsibility to stop Alaska’s needless wolf slaughter.
  • Educating the public.

    We’re making sure the public knows the truth: The state’s aerial gunning programs have no scientific basis. Aerial gunning is now allowed in areas where wolves pose no special threat to the population levels of caribou and other prey species… purely for sport and to artificially increase the game population for out-of-state hunters.
  • Challenging the programs in court.

    We’re supporting Defenders of Wildlife’s litigation that calls for science-based conservation and rejects the backroom decision-making that has plagued Alaska’s wolf management.

Gray Wolf in Alaska Snow (USFWS)

Wolves are easy targets against the fallen snow. Help Save them...

Help support our efforts to protect Alaska wolves and other imperiled wildlife. Please make a donation now.

We don’t have much time. As soon as the first heavy snow falls, the killing could begin again.

Opponents of aerial gunning won an important victory this week. But with more than 150 wolves killed last year alone and the start of a new aerial gunning season just weeks away, we still need your help to end aerial gunning.

Will you stand with us?

For the Wild Ones,

Rodger Schlickeisen, President Rodger Schlickeisen, President Signature
Rodger Schlickeisen
Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund

P.S. You can donate online to start making a difference immediately or donate over the phone by calling 1-800-425-4632.


Privacy Policy | Contact Us | Donate | Defenders Action Fund Home


Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund provides a powerful voice in Washington to Americans who value our conservation heritage. Through grassroots lobbying, issue advocacy and political campaigns, the Action Fund champions those laws and lawmakers that protect wildlife and wild places while working against those that do them harm.

Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund can be contacted at:
1130 17th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036

Paid for by Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund at http://www.defendersactionfund.org/ and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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