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65 Year Old · Male · From Ocala, FL · Joined on October 17, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on November 12th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
65 Year Old · Male · From Ocala, FL · Joined on October 17, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on November 12th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!

Scroller by MasterGreetings

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****** If You Would Like To See My Pics... Click On My Profile Picture! Thanks!!

65 Year Old · Male · From Ocala, FL · Joined on October 17, 2010 · Relationship status: Single · Born on November 12th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
Ipromise to always love you, until my dying day
I'll never leave your side, forever I will stay
I promise to always be faithful, true to you I'll be
Together forever, forever you and me
I promise to always be there, even when I'm away
You'll remain in my heart, never slipping astray
I promise to always be honest, truthful and sincere
Don't worry my darling', lies you will never hear
I promise to always support you, on everything you do
My blessing you will have, in whatever you pursue
I promise to always remember, even the smallest thing
I won't forget your birthday, or whatever time may bring
I promise to always cherish you, giving you my best
I'll never take you for granted, put me to the test
I promise to always listen, to your each and every word
But wait the most important thing you have not heard
I promise to always keep my promises, for the rest of my life
For I promise you one day, we will be husband and wife
I promise to be your warm spot to cuddle up to when you feel cold
I promise to be your soft place to land if you should fall
I promise to be the first one to say I am sorry (even if I was right)
I promise to be there for you in all of your times of joy and sorrow
I promise to support you no matter what your decision (even if I don't agree )
I promise to make a new memory with you each and every day
I promise to love you without change
I promise to make you laugh
I promise to make you cry
I promise to give you strength when you are weak
I promise to love you forever
I promise to cherish you and your love
I promise to compromise with you
I promise to make you and our children my first priority
I promise to never take your love for granted
I promise to never lose faith in you
I promise to never give you a reason to distrust me
I promise to always trust you
I promise to work with you to resolve our conflicts
I promise to always be proud of you
I promise to never let you feel alone in this world
I promise to find new ways everyday to keep the fires of passion burning
I promise to be the best mom I can to our children
I promise to always keep you as an equal partner
I promise to never say things to you in anger
I promise to be your partner for life
I promise to be your shelter from the storm
I promise you a love everlasting.
For those of you who do not understand the reasoning behind this posting, many sites are now a publicly traded entity. Unless you state otherwise, anyone can infringe on your right to privacy once you post to this site. It is recommended that you and other members post a similar notice as this, or you may copy and paste this version. If you
do not post such a statement once, then you are indirectly allowing public use of items such as your photos and the information contained in your status. YOU HAVE TO COPY AND PASTE!

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