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"Hello, Sir! I am Merkader." The short child looking man extends his little hand in greeting. "Well met, Merkader. I be Conner Destron, and a pleasure tis indeed to greet you to our little home here." says the huge half-ogre as he extends a finger to your little hand for a returned greeting. Merkader grips the half ogre finger in greeting shaking the ogre vigorously. How on earth is this little man so strong? "Well meet, well meet!" The other patrons here have grabbed their coin purses and leaped out of the way of the tiny halfling. "Is that one of your hard fought baubles?" Merakder now plays with like a toy right in front of Conner Conner chuckles as he offers to trade Merkander a lovely Wand of Wonder with at least three more charges left in it for his other possessions that the kender has apparently borrowed. Quickly grabbing the wand from his hand, a plethora of items the small halfling must have had hidden in his sleeves and other places, pour out at Conner's feet. At close examination none of these items appeared to be his. The armored paladin standing near the doorway, on the other hand appears to have spotted something that may belong to him by the angry look on his face. Having forgotten the halfling momentarily Conner was reminded of his presence by a very loud "BUR ZAP", and the sound of a squeaky voice saying,"Oh shit." Merkader digs through his pouches attempting to find the bauble he had borrowed from the half-ogre, forgetting for the moment about the Red Dragon and his potent breath that had just seared the kender. Grasping onto something smooth and round from his pouch he pulls it out and holds it before him. "Is this it?!" The Red Dragon very upset at being ignored roarers violent and lets out another wash flaming death. The kender now fully scorched and smoking from dragons hot breath realizes how rude he has been and drops the ring back in his pouch. (once again forgetting the half ogre's treasure he may have borrowed) "Hello good Dragon! I am Merkader." and he extends a small hand out to the dragon in greeting. Dismayed by this display of recluse courage, the dragon begins to choke on his own smoking breath. Wandering through a kobold trips over the dragon's tail and stumbles. He picks himself up and dusts himself off remain still oblivious to what caused him to fall. Looks up and sees Merkader. Staring eye to eye with the kender his excitement over whelms him, takes the kender's hand and shakes vigorously. "Your him aren't you?" Dunkelzahn's excitement getting the best of him "You know "Him". 'He who shale not be named', "Him"" The kobold continued with his excitement he rummaged through his bag in search of a gift. "I have something for you" Producing a bronze coin with a square hole drilled through the center. Faint characters can still be seen on its surface. A string ran through it to be worn as a necklace. "It's a gift, she said you will need this on your journey" Awestruck with the exchange before him the dragon considered the ramifications of extinguishing the existence of the duo before him. Considering that as harmless and insignificant as they were there was a certain entertainment value to them. As well as he was curious on what the fates had planned for the kobold and kender. Finally spying the dragon Dunkelzahn mouth dropped open and was silent for all of two seconds. Then the kobold bombarded the kender with questions. "Ooh nice pet, is he yours? what's his name? does he know any tricks? Are you hungry? we should eat" pulling out two loaves of bread and a tanker of ale from a bag to small for either. Dragon thinks for a moment, "maybe I should squish them it wouldn't take much" Grasping his new best friends hand tightly, Merkader shakes the kobold vigorously. "Well met my friend. This is my friend Conner. He may be ugly but he is very strong," Merkader gestures to the half-ogre standing behind him. "This dragon here is not my pet, but I would very much like to be it's friend, as long it is not an evil Arwanian, Arwanians are bad. And who is this guy who can't be named? And thank you for this new necklace..." The dragon had heard enough, he spread his wings and leaped out the front door and soared off into the distance. Rushing to look out the door the kender had forgotten to let go of the kobold he drug him to the door with him. Referring Merkader to the dragon "they do grow his kind big don't they sir" as the kobold was struggling trying to keep up with the kender. "Well met Mr Conner sir" he waves as he follows after Merkader. "Sir where are we going?"talking to Merkader "That one was a little one. I saw a HUGE one made of bones and that breathed flames 10x hotter then that little ones. There was also an elf with these big fangs, he tied me up and put me in a dungeon, but my friend Lute saved me. We have to find Lute he will know where the Book of Worlds is, come on lets go." Merkader lets go of the kobold leaving a wand in his hand. Merkader trudges down the street with a purpose not often displayed by his race. The Book of Worlds would he his ultimate gift to his lord Oghma, and nothing would stop him on his quest to find it. "An elf with fangs and a dragon made of bones that breathed fire, you've seen a lot. Have you been on a lot of adventures. I met a dog that breathed fire once ... wasn't pretty, wouldn't leave my cat alone." Dunkelzhan askeded "Where is Lute do you think he needs rescuing. I haven't rescued anyone in a long time" taking two steps to keep to Merkader's one even though they were the same size. "Where did you say you were from?" Merkader continued"I also saw a monk walk on water once?! And in the Plane of Ice I meet a goblin with weird color skin, I was trying to write my name in the snow near his house and Denton the Evil Paladin attacked me! I was able to get away by looking to the base of a tower off in the distance and picture myself there and POW! I was there. And there was a great big library in this tower, so after I helped destroy the spell weavers I went back to visit it, and discovered many wondrous things. There is a book called "The Book of Worlds" and any person who possess this book can find a map inside of it, by looking at a location he wants to go to and he will appear there. Can you imagine the wondrous places we can go if we have this book?! We can visit Conner anytime we want from anywhere we want!" Merkader pauses a moment to think. "We can even go visit that goblin on the plane of ice any time we feel like it! Oghma will be so proud of me once I find this book." Excited Dunkelzahn "Evil paladins and mojo slingers? how ever did you survive? One time I went to this one place that they had these huge constructs that could think and another place had giant bugs that ate horses and humans as if they were bite size snacks. I was to little for them to notice me." "You must be really brave and strong to face such monsters I want to be a hero just like you " Dunkelzahn thinks for a moment and forms a thought which eventually completes an idea. " so we find Lute. Loot the book. Then we and the awsomest half ogre I know. Well honestly he's the only half ogre I know, but any way yeah. what were we talking about?" pauses for a moment "Right, Conner, we can go on tour and see the known universe. From Menzoberranzan to Sharn. Ooh what about the Emerald City or Car Paravel... Ooh! ooh! what about Avalon." fueled Dunkelzahn's excitement as he thought of knew and bizarre places to visit. "I read about this one place in a book, the place was called Chicago,... I think it was a complete work of fiction. People and machines with out any magic."

Work in progress

A jolt went through the bed. Ryon stirred, resting his head comfortably against warm soft skin and hair that smelled of peaches. Another jolt tremored through the bed. " Get up !!" a voice boomed Ryon's eyes opened, leaving his body still he mumbled "I was having a good dream" still half asleep "You are needed, ... sir" the guard added the 'Sir' reluctantly "Who summons this 'You', you speak of," Ryon mumbled rolling over to view who he's talking to. and why address me as 'Sir'?" "Crucifer sent for you, he says it's urgent." replyed the guard "tell Crucifer I said to go gratify himself with his horse" Ryon said as he rolled over and pulled the covers to his head. From behind the guard, a man steped quietly and pulled the covers free from the bed exposing Ryon and the fair maiden. Ryon sat up with a fright and the maiden screamed awake and scured for a sheet to cover herself. Ryon sat exposed looking at Crucifer he frees sleep from his face, and a grin took it's place. "So my old friend, what can I do you for?" Smiled Ryon. "Start by getting dress and meeting me down stairs for breakfest." Crucifer said coldly and left. **** Ryon got dressed and carried his sword to the downstairs lounge of the inn. Breakfast had already been ordered and sat at the table. With Crucifer, sat two guest that the innkeeper would not have been to happy to accommodate. A gnome that stood an average of a foot tall and and a kobold a small race, kin to dragons, they average the same as gnomes this one was a massive two foot tall. Not only were they smaller than the average customer their races are known enemies. The gnome wore brown breaches and a white tunic and a chain mail shirt, armed with a crossbow. The kobold was dressed in custom plate mail a number of factors made him a frightful sight. One that he could afford such armor, a second he must be intelligent for the quality in the armor was not shoddy. Finally he was armed with a long sword. Now a long sword to a kobold was as a greatsword to a man. Here sat these two, seemingly best of friends drinking and carrying on. Sharing with Crucifer their great tales and journeys. Now most, would not believe them except they wore more than the average could afford Crucifer stood as Ryon approached and the other two stood as well. "Ryon,"Crucifer addressed Ryon to the gnome and kobold. "This is Jax the Giant Slayer" pointing to the gnome and the gnome nodded, "and this is Quamingrad the Brave" addressing the kobold and the kobold nodded acknowledgement. Ryon sized the two up and smiled to stifle a laugh, "Pleasure to meet you." We seek the aid of the two of you, your finesse with delicate situations are phenomenal." Quamingrad said with a sly hint of sarcasm. "Why does the way you say that scares me?" Ryon inquired "Ryon you worry to much we can handle it" Crucifer grinned Ryon scowled "I'm going to hate you, aren't I ?" "Just like old times!" Crucifer grinned Jax looked at Quamingrad, then to Crucifer," Aren't you going to tell him where you two will be going?" asked the gnome. "Oh, by all that is sane, where are we going?"Ryon asked "You'll love it, it's to DIE for." Crucifer hinted as he got up to leave. Ryon banged his head against the table "Why me?" Jax looked to Quamingrad a few minutes with out words "What!" snapped the kobold Jax shook his head in disbelief "He's as bad as you are." the gnome nodded towards where Crucifer went.

In Our World

inourworld.gif The more I know you The more I find myself You speak your mind You know your heart Groping blindly through a viscouse void trying to grasp a fragmented reality finding only a misty fantasy of desire Living should be more than existance Words should be more than key strokes Love should be more than a lust filled fantasy
poem by Kayo Picture by Social MisFit

Love or Illusion

loveorreality.gif Myths and everafters, fill our childhood dreams Lust and passion, fuel adolescence fires love and life, newly wed, love newly define sunsets and sunrises, the golden years brings golden love
Poem by Kayo picture by Social MisFit
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