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Been awhile

Wow if a profile can grow cobwebs this one would have one. I cann't even recall how long it's been. Maybe an ice age or two... who can tell I'm in Minnesota and there is always snow. Well at least nine months out of the year. I may be exagerating but a few of the locals tell me otherwise. Where have I been having issues the physical health ones lead to psychological health ones it's a vicous cycle. Have these issues resolved ... Hell no! but hey such is life ... suck it up and make the most of it. My opinion will change when the majority of my social circle suggest some kind of group home for the disabled (fuck that) Pride yeah that'll keep me out for a while longer. we'll see by next summer Have a day!!! ;oP Enjoy life make the most of it - Cpt Chaos

What kind of Angel are you?

blue_drk_corner1.gif blue_drk_corner2.gif
What Kind of Angel are you?
ANGEL OF WINSDOMYou rule yourself, sometimes hepl, sometimes destroy... but you still have a soul
Take this quiz!

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What Old School Disney Villain Are You?
Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty)
I have two words for you: Bad Ass. You can turn into a dragon! Alright, probably not you, but Maleficent could. You have a brilliant ability to hold a grudge, and you build up small slights into massive wrongs overnight to justify to scary tirades you're prone to. You might want to look into the ancient concept of Forgive and Forget. Just a thought. On the other hand, that whole dragon business is way cool, so I think you're alright.
Take The Quiz Now!Quizzes by myYearbook.com

Vampire Persona Quiz

1122561237blade03.jpg You scored as Blade. Thats right you are the booty kicking you cross me and I will stomp a mudhole in your butt type. Sexy and a great fighter with mad fighting skills





Deacon Frost
















Whose your Vampire personality? (images)
created with QuizFarm.com
Quote: "Open season on all suck heads"
Your results:
You are Spider-Man
The Flash
Green Lantern
Wonder Woman
Iron Man
You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero are you?" quiz...

Tag your it

*lol* now you gotta post 6 werid things about yourself in a blog and then tag 6 more people ha ha ha :D 1) I'm a gamer ... those who know, know ;) 2) I've traveled throughout the US with out the ability to drive :D 3) I have nothing to show for my achievments, but I have tales that life has given me 4) I have a passion for art rather I practice the media or not. 5) If everybody knows something and no body knows everything then I have no secrets to be burdened with 6) I have loves in my life but no lover to share my life Capt Chaos

Nice Guys Finish Last

To every guy that's said, "Sex can wait." To every guy that's said, "You're beautiful." To every guy that was never too busy to drive across town (or across the state) to see her. To every guy that gives flowers and a card when she is sick. To every guy who has given her flowers just because. To every guy that said he would die for her. To every guy that really would. To every guy that did what she wanted to do. To every guy that cried in front of her. To every guy that she cried in front of. (and didn't cause it!) To every guy that holds hands with her. To every guy that kisses her with meaning. To every guy that hugs her when she's sad. To every guy that hugs her for no reason at all. To every guy who would give their jacket up for her. To every guy that calls to make sure she got home safe. TO EVERY GUY THAT WOULD SIT AND WAIT FOR HER FOR HOURS JUST TO SEE HER FOR TEN MINUTES. To every guy that would give his seat up. To every guy that just wants to cuddle. To every guy that reassured her that she was beautiful no matter what. To every guy who told his secrets to her. To every guy that tried to show how much he cared through every word and every breath. To every guy that thought maybe this could be the one. To every guy that believed in her dreams. To every guy that would have done anything so she could achieve them. To every guy that never laughed at her when she told him her dreams. To every guy that walked her to her car. To every guy that wasn't just trying to get laid. To every guy that gave his heart. TO EVERY GUY WHO PRAYS THAT SHE IS HAPPY EVEN IF YOU ARE NOT WITH HER This is one bulletin for you... Not many girls appreciate nice guys anymore... And because of this, there are not many left out there... If you are a nice guy repost this with "Nice guys finish last." If you are a girl that thinks every guy should try to acomplish even a few of these repost this with: "To the nice guys left."

A Taste of Seduction

I sit there, talking to you, getting to know you. I massage your shoulders and rub neck, letting your body lay relaxed against mine, the rhythm of your breathing becomes a comfort to me. I move slightly to pull something from a hiding place, being careful not disturb you. I brush something against your lips. I watch you lick your lips and open your eyes. Something bitter and sweet tantilizes your tongue. I hide the item behind me and cover your eyes. Whispering softly in your ears, so softly that it almost tickles “Trust me” Covering your eyes with a blindfold, I bring forth the object to seduce your lips. Your tongue caresses it. A sweet, smooth texture with a bitter after taste. I pull away the object letting you think about the texture and flavor. Your tongue and memory reveal the presence of chocolate. While you analyze the taste, I kiss your fore head. I caress your lips once again, with the chocolate shape. I watch your tongue dance over the dimensions of the object. Occasionally I move it to only be touched by the tip of your tongue, teasing you seductively. Finally,, after a length of time torturmenting your sense of taste. I put the tip of the object to your mouth. Your tongue glides over the contours; narrow at one end and wide at it's opposite. Not more than an inch in length. Your mouth opens to accept it. Your teeth gingerly gauge the toughness of the object and punctures through the chocolate shell. A soft substance beneath gives way. Your tongue is entertained the chocolate mingles with the tart flavor. The flavors complement each other well. I’d gently kiss you, where the juice escapes from your mouth ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The End~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Credits: I like writing. Writing about food like this sounded like fun This was just one chocolate covered strawberry. Depending on the effect it has on you reveals if I'm any good. *Grin*
This is something I've grown accustomed to keeping to myself. I had this friend that keeps reminding me that keeping my feelings bottled is a bad thing. Although I know I can talk to several people about things. I fear misinterpretation in some form or another. Let me start by saying, love is a confusing bitch. There are so many ways for it ot be misread and there are so many kinds of love. There is someone my heart aches for that I have kept ot myself I have expressed it subtly to her as well as my best friend. This is not a person on the LC she is a dear friend that has be come engaged to my best friend. The three of us were close when they hooked up and I don't hate him for being with her; or her for choosing him - I'm not clear on how to discribe the love for them, it isn't lust, and it's more than friendship and different than one would have for family. These are friends that in some ways I have gone through hell for or with. I so want to be around them again... I fear and loath my feelings because they get me to do semi stupid to uterly stupid shit

Personality Quizes

Your Values Profile

You value loyalty a fair amount.
You're loyal to your friends... to a point.
But if they cross you, you will reconsider your loyalties.
Staying true to others is important to you, but you also stay true to yourself.


You don't really value honesty.
You do value getting your way, no matter what.
And if a little lying is required to do that, no problem.
A few white lies never hurt anyone (at least, that's what you tell yourself!)


You value generosity a fair amount.
You are all about giving, as long as there's some give and take.
Supportive and kind, you don't mind helping out a friend in need.
But you know when you've given too much. You have no problem saying "no"!


You value humility highly.
You have the self-confidence to be happy with who you are.
And you don't need to seek praise to make yourself feel better.
You're very modest, and you're keep the drama factor low.


You value tolerance highly.
Not only do you enjoy the company of those very different from you...
You do all that you can to seek it out interesting and unique friends.
You think there are many truths in life, and you're open to many of them.

You Are An INFP
The Idealist

You are creative with a great imagination, living in your own inner world.
Open minded and accepting, you strive for harmony in your important relationships.
It takes a long time for people to get to know you. You are hesitant to let people get close.
But once you care for someone, you do everything you can to help them grow and develop.

You would make an excellent writer, psychologist, or artist.
1112562653Angel2.JPG You scored as Angel. Angel: Angels are the guardians of all things, from the smallest ant to the tallest tree. They give inspiration, love, hope, and positive emotion. They live among humans without being seen. They are the good in all things, and if you feel alone, don't fear. They are always watching. Often times they merely stand by, whispering into the ears of those who feel lost. They would love nothing more then to reveal themselves, but in today's society, this would bring havoc and many unneeded questions. Give thanks to all things beautiful, for you are an Angel.













What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
created with QuizFarm.com
Your Rising Sign is Scorpio
You're so intense and passionate - you're on fire!
You want to be an angel or a devil... you can't decide which.

No wonder you seem moody and even a little dangerious.
You've got some major mystery going on, so work it!

Your personality is the strongest of all signs, making you hard to deal with.
While you're ruthless to your enemies, you're loyal to your one true love.

Your Birth Month is June
Peaceful and harmonious, you seek the gentle side of life.
Your warmth and consideration touches many.

Your soul reflects: Friendship, love, and beauty

Your gemstone: Pearl

Your flower: Rose

Your colors: Light blue, white, and cream
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