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Chapter 12- Emergency

Joseph clasped the woman hard to him he saw the blood on her chin.With a sinking feeling he knew the glass had penetrated deeper than he had thought. "Hold still dammit! You wanna die or something?" he growled at her out of concern. "Vincent! Want is the ETA for a medivac!" he yelled out to the empty bar room. "Fifteen minutes minimum Joseph. Does she have time?" Vincent replied through bars sound system. He had already looked up the emergency postings of the local hospitals when he saw the woman hit the floor earlier. No dammit! Get the bike out I am gonna have to take her in." Kit had slumped over on him once again her breath came in ragged gasps - blood still bubbled on her lips. Joseph got the T shirt on her like a child dressing a doll and made for the doors which Vincent opened ahead of him. The bars delivery elevator rattled and from the depth below the bar rose Joseph's Victory 2300. Joseph put Kit on laying her in front of him on top of the bikes big fuel cell and climbed on behind her pinning her to the big bike between his chest and the tank. With a flick of a switch the bike screamed to life. Joey popped the clutch and leaving a trail of rubber and black smoke rocketed down the sidewalk. He shot between the slow moving traffic zigging and zagging in deft display of coordination that was forged into the man's brain by years of urban combat. Kit coughed and a trail of blood rolled over the bright yellow tank. Joey popped the clutch and leaving a trail of rubber and black smoke rocketed down the sidewalk. He shot between the slow moving traffic zigging and zagging in deft display of coordination. "Don't you even think of dieing! Damn you!" Joey screamed over the rush of wind. He wrung the accelerator like he was trying to tear it off and the bike leapt forward with a scream as fuel hit the fires inside. Two more blocks was all. "Shit!" an automated delivery van suddenly crossed lanes blocking the narrow gauntlet of traffic the bike now flew through. He hit the brakes and jerked the bike into what he hoped was a wide enough gap between the cars flowing in his direction. He shot the gap but the big bike swung wide slamming into the side of a parked cab with metal crunching, teeth rattling force. The bikes safety bars kept his leg from being pulped but his shoulder hit the middle door post shattering both the rear and drivers windows. Joey ignored the pain that shot down his side. As the bike rebounded he rolled back the accelerator again and rocketed forward. The level hospital was in sight. They got through the intersection opposite and he jerked the bike over on to the sidewalk and slid to a halt sideways in front of the big front doors. Before the turbine had wound down he was off Kit cradled in his arms she was pale as a sheet and her head lolled on her thin neck. The front of the big mans tee shirt that covered her was red with blood. Joseph came up behind a thin orderly holding and digital pad who was chatting with the receptionist. "HEY!" Joseph yelled and the man jumped two feet straight up, landed and spun around, hand over his heart. His eyes went wide. "I need a doctor now!" the man stood stunned with his mouth hanging open apparently he had not expected a three hundred pound, half naked, screaming, blood spattered ex-terrorist commando to show up on his coffee break. Joseph leaned in close. "Look Len..nie.." he painfully read the mans name badge " if you don't get me a doctor and gurney in under 10 fucking seconds I am gonna cram that fucking notepad up your fucking ass so far they will have to cut open your chest to get it out." Joey issued the threat through clenched teeth in a low growling voice. The notepad made plastic crunching sound as it hit the floor. The gurney and three doctors, one still pulling a uniform shirt over his head, showed up in 8 seconds. Joey laid her down. "She was in a car wreck, piece glass lodged in her side. I thought I had her fixed but the glass musta gone deeper than I thought. It's got her lung fer sure." Joey said hurriedly to the doctors who had quickly forgotten about his intimidation of the orderly when they saw the state Kit was in. They took off with her at a trot. Joey started follow but the orderly stepped in his path with a grim look on his face. "Look they will take care of her I promise. I need some information.." he started his voice quavered to halt at Joseph's glare. Joseph reached into his back pocket and pulled out his thick plastic travel auth card which had GPF in red one inch letters and held it before the man. "I think that is all the damn information your gonna need. I don't know her background but she is to be booked in as Jane Doe she is uh needed by the GPF." Joseph's thoughts went back to the baby girl in Violet's arms. "When I say needed Lennie.. I mean you do whatever has to be done. If you do a half ass job.. I am coming back here Lennie and I'm gonna be in a much worse mood than I am now. Here." he shoved the travel auth practically under Lennie's nose. "Use this for the contact information, filing, charges and whatever the hell else." Lennie took the card and slid it down the side of the pad. The Inferno's address and net node id where stored, medical coverage read unlimited. "No problem.. Mr.. er.. Agent O'Connell" Lennie stammered out it was the first time he had ever seen any insurance with no errata or clauses. Joey's position with the GPF was just a bit more than honorary because he did from time to time play back up for Mr. Culver but those occasions were rare. "I gotta go see to a .. little.. situation. I will be back soon and that girl er woman better be on the mend." he whipped the travel auth out of Lennie's hand with a movement so quick it made the man a bit weak in the knees and turned and made for the door. Through all of the commotion Kit didn't stir on her own..but she could feel the heavy dull pressure on her side as she was tossed about and finally wheeled into the operating room... ...five hours later... The nurse sighed as she stood over Kit's bedside and took down notes. She looked over her vital signs and then pulled the covers up and over her shoulders and tucked it around her.. " you poor thing.." she sighed again and shook her head as she turned to leave..

Chapter 11- Hold on!

as she lay fallen and slowly being drenched in her own blood the small child began to squirm and cry louder and louder in the big man's arms..clinging to him helplessly..the entered Violet as Joseph echoed Kit.. "What is going on? What is that?" she did not register the girl as human offspring at first. "Shhh. It's ok darlin.." he tried to soothe the child as he pryed her loose from him and handed the once again squallng child to his bewildered android "little sister". Standing there was Android, Drednaught Violet Culver, 5'8", soft brown eyes stared almost blankly at the child..shoulder lenght brown hair swayed with her movements as she lifted her hands to take the child Joseph was throwing at her.. "For God sake Violet its a baby girl.. here take her or her uh sister there is gonna bleed her life out." her eyes switched to look at kit laying there on the floor. she held the screaming child at arms lenght as she shifted her gaze again to the little girl.. thigh high military style boots made soft thumping noises as she shifted her weight from one leg to the other, mimicking what she had seen her father doing when he was nervous.. Vincent's ( the net racer and companion of the DreadNaught Tyree Culver. Number one AI Dreadnaught and the very first and main copiant to the other AI systems.) reassuring low voice spoke within her. "Hold the child close it is suffering Violet. It longs for comfort through touch." She pulled the child to her and the girl clung to her buring her face into her shoulder still wailing. She stroked the childs matted hair emulating the comfort she found in the embrace of her father, Tyree Culver. "Violet remember back to the time when dark became light.. it is similar to how the child must feel." Vincent's voice instructed her again. All sentient beings even AI's suffered birth trauma - unfortunately an AI, when instructed, was one of the few sentient beings would could remember it with crystal clarity. Violet frowned heavily.. "It is empathy Violet, you feel for another for the first time. Comfort the child, do everything you can to help her in so doing you will find comfort." Vincent knew that this learning process was almost as traumatic as what the child had experienced for Violet. "Get Joseph the med kit from the bar Violet, hurry.." his voice was still calm and reassuring. Joseph stared at his grief stricken sister who moved to get the kit before he had said a word. The child had quieted but still sobbed almost in time with Violet. He took the med kit from her trembling hand. "It will be ok.. Violet.. I promise. The woman will be fine... we got to her before she lost too much blood. Take the baby girl up, feed her something small if she will eat and clean her up best you can ok?" the look of pain on Violet's face tore at his heart as she nodded. She turned and headed to the stockroom...dressed in ribbons and bows, but with a deadly sexeh look... Black ribbons and bows laced up the outsides of her calve muscles, then you saw a beautiful six inches of thigh before you reached the hem of her blck mini-which was short, not on for the devestating effect but to allow her a full range of movemenr in combat. Underneath the skirt, and against her wishes, but in accordance with the Dreadnought's adamant command. she wore french cut sythskin shorts. her leather jacket hung abou ther frame. a short silver chain that held the jacket at the throat, swept wider and ended the jacket in split tails that hung about three inches below the hem of her skirt. Underneath the jacket she wore an antique black lace bustier, which had been a hard won concession from the dreanought due to its imjmodest opacity. blood red lipstick on her full lips was applied with to a razor edge and contrasted vibrantly with her unnaturally clear porcelain skin, her fingernails supported the same deep color..and upon her face, black eyeliner to add abit of hardness to her doe like brown eyes.. still hugging to the child as she walked out she found herself softly humming with her eyes half closed as she realized it had become soothing to her mortal ears.. Joseph turned his complete focus to Kit now. He popped the med kit open and pulled forth antispetic spray, a small black medical staple gun and a can of spray foam dressing. He opened her wound and let it bleed clean for a second then pulled it shut, sprayed down the area with fhs antiseptic and sealed the wound with six of the little staples from the gun. He tore open a pack of steril wipes and cleaned the blood, which seemed to have about coated the left side the woman, away from the wound. He then sprayed on the dressing which foamed then hardened, adhering to her skin. Joseph took off his tight T shirt and draped it over Kit - who could have worn it as a dress. Violet stared down at Joseph - the massive muscles of his back rolled under skin that was almost a solid mass of lash scars. Violet shook as she realized with new eyes what hell Joseph had lived through. Joseph stood with Kit in his arms and turned to her. Joseph retrieved a fresh bar towel and wetted in the sink. He stode back out to the bar and sat down in a chair with Kit on his lap her head against his shoulder. He pulled back his shirt from her and washed the rest of the blood from her best he could and quickly covered her back up. He felt drained suddenly and hugged the small woman to him.. he would take her to Violet's room so she could awake to find the child with her.. but for now he just hugged her to him and leaned back and closed his eyes. The girl finally calmed down as Violet took her upstairs..she was so exhausted at this point..she had been through alot in the last couple of minutes and it was all alittle frightening for a little girl of her age..all she could think about was the blood that poured from the woman's side..was she hurt? would she go away and leave her forever? she sobbed softly as her eyes started to close..they were heavy from all the crying and yet her small form was about gone she was so hungry..her small tummy growled.. Kit moaned so softly it could barely be heard and she rolled over onto her side coughing..small pitters of blood formed on her lips as she hesitated to breath.. every once inawhile her lungs would expand to try and gather air..but her right lung was slowly collasping..she coughed again as she tried to breath..other small amounts of blood began to trickle down her chin. squirming she tried to fall out of the big man's arms, but his firm grip held her from hitting the floor..

Chapter 10 - Nasty Cops

They continued to rock and as soon as the knock came upon the large doors her breath caught in her throat..she had to cover the small girls mouth and absently rub her stomach to get her to calm down so that they wouldn't be heard. the big man started to act confused about the whole situation but the knock upon the door came again and he moved to open them.. the commotion outside made Kit shiver and she hugged the girl that much closer to her as she heard the large mans voice get louder..everything seemed to be in a blur..her vision was tainted and her body was hurt in places she hadn't begun to feel yet..all that mattered was that the local police left her to herself.. in her arms the little girl turned and burried her face in Kits chest, her arms wrapping and grasping around her waist and shirt..her little eyes were closed as tightly as they could be for one so young and she took in a deep breath and then let it out heavily against her..Kit could barely smell the smoke that still radiated from the small girls hair..it was thick..and it started to give her a headache.. "Were closed." he said in a matter of fact voice to a rather pudgy cop in the blue jumpsuit uniform of the NYPD. "Yeah and you have a corpse on your front step and a flaming car down the street too." the cop said in a biting voice. the big man looked down and saw what appeared to be drunk sprawled on the steps. He could not believe he had passed that by without noticing it earlier. "Well, I ain't got a fuckin thing to do with it. I just woke up when that car went off was on my way to see what the hell was going on when you came bangin' on the door. Plus whoever the hell that is was probably drivin' the damn thing anyway. If you ain't got a warrant come back during business hours - I'm going back to bed. Oh since your here - get that son of a bitch in a bag and off my steps!" he was starting to get a bit red in the face .. the wise ass cop was not doing himself any favors. The cop's partner who had been back taking video of the corpse stepped up. "Uh.. Stan I believe we better leave Mr. O'Connell to his sleep." The second cop knew all about Joey and had helped to sort out an incident which involved Joseph and 11 dead gang members about half a year ago.. the fact that Joseph O'Connell had been the only one alive and unarmed practically had become legend in the local station. There was no way he wanted this man pissed off over what actually probably had nothing to do with him. "But Bud he.." The fat cop started. "Shut up and get in the fucking car Stan.." evidently Stan was new to the area Joey thought.. good thing his partner wasn't. "Sorry for the hassle Mr. O'Connell. We will have this mess cleaned up real quick. Ok?" this much more survival oriented policeman's words brought Joey back down from the edge. Joseph glared past the cop to the fat sweaty one climbing into the car. "Yeah fine.. but he better watch the attitude down here.." Joseph said slowly after a slight pause that had given the cop in front of him a watery feeling in his bowels. Joey slammed the blast door in his face. He walked over to the table and squatted down looking at the two still clinging to one another. Kit let out a breath of relief but still hugged the little girl to her, even as Joseph bent down and started talking to them again..she didn't hear anything..just knew that he was speaking due to the constant ringing in her ears..she only knew that the little girl was safe..and that the cops had gone.. "Come on out.. the ass hole patrol is gone. I aint had my breakfast yet - you two hungry? Come out.. eat with me and tell me what the hell happened out there." a strange look crossed his face and he added "Please?" she looked down and rubbed the girls cheeks.." hey..shhh..come on now..its over..come on.." she looked up to the man as the girls grip loosened from kit's sides.. Kits arms pushed on the girls small frame gently and mvoed her towards the big man..her large soft doe brown eyes pooled as she struggled to grasp for kit..but she was moved into Josephs arms and he took her quickly and stood.. the girl screamed loudly, her little voice echoing through the bar, and then she was quiet as she clung to the big man.. Kit crawled slowly out from under the table and stood.." shit!.." she looked down..the clothing on her right side was starting to seep blood, her clothing collecting the liquid..it hit her right then..that she wasn't exactly alright..her eyes rolled back in her head and she fell with a thud to the floor, blood pooling now around her fallen form..

Chapter 9- My Hero

laying there in a screen of smoke she coughed lightly and listened to the small girl as she whined lightly..kit tried to take a hand to her, to make sure she was alright..but she went unconscious and her head slumped against the door of the car..thankfully the small girl had been thrown into the floorboard and was unharmed except for a small bump on the head, but she was scared and she whined alittle louder as Kit passed out.. she climbed the best she could out of the floorboard and pressed her face to the windshield, there was a fire starting under the motor and it caused the heat within the vechile to rise..tears streamed her face as the cool glass soothed her reddened cheeks.. suddenly a really big man had shown up out of no where and yelled..." Cover yer face!!" and showed her what to do..quickly she covered her face with her arms and fell over top of Kit on instinct as the big mans hands went crashing through the windshield.. glass shattered around the two of them and before the girl had a chance to react he was diving inside of the car with his massive arms and grabbed hold of her to toss her out of the car..he placed her down a good ways away and ordered her to run and hide behind a dumpster across the street..bare feet padded across the cool pavement as her little heart began to race..the man turned to grab ahold of kit but grasped her chest accidently.. after readjusting his grip he pulled her free of the car. In a quick motion he rushed to take up the child again in a scooping motion..they ran towards the Inferno and half way there an explosion caused the small childs voice to ring out again..bits and pieces of dubre rained down around them once saftly inside the Inferno the man sat the girl on the floor and then laid Kit on the bar and placed a rolled up bar towel under her head, followed by an ice pack.. "Babygirl, is this your mama?" he asked the tiny girl as she stared up at him. she shook her head and watched him look over kits body..her eyes slowly opened.. Through all of the commotion the little girl stared, tears streaming her face..even the gurgle in her stomach didn't seem to bother her anymore as she crawled up into a barstool and stared, her little lip quivering..she shifted her gaze back and forth between the large man and the woman layin on the bar..she didn't even know the womans name..and that made her cry alittle harder.. not realizing the small pitter of blood that fell over her forehead and down to mingle with her tears she tried to get as close to Kit as she could without crawling ontop of the bar..her momma and daddy just pushed her towards this woman and told her to do what the woman said..to behave and that they would see her in a couple of days..now the woman was dead on the counter and it was all her fault..! she jumped down and out of the stoll and patted her small feet across the flooring of the Inferno to hide under one of the tables in the booths..she curled up in the dark corner against the wall and tugged the small dirty dress around her knees and down to her ankles..she shivered while she cried and she rocked slowly whispering over and over again.." no...no no...no..no.." As the big man puts an icepack on her forehead, she felt the chill pass over her and her eyes started to flutter open..at first she seemed in a daze..just staring upwards until her vision started to clear..realizing she had no idea where she was she started to panick..she was in the secret laboratory..and that..ugly bastard had caught her..then her mind rambled to the girl..did that even happen..holy shit where was she..she sat up quickly and looked around frantically.. her breathing intensified as she couldn't gather her surroundings..her eyes landed on the big man as he stared at her almost in disbliefe.. " oh my god i've died..and..and..and gone to.." she trailed off and shook her head a good time..the collision and the sight of the big green thing in the rear view mirrior..a wreck..and then she was here..the little girl was real..but..where was she.. Kit lifted her gaze from the man to look around the Bar.." where..?" kit jumped down from the bar.." The..the girl..she.." she panicked again and she threw herself down onto the floor of the Inferno and looked into her hands.." tell me..that..i didn't.." she took a deep breath..and shuddered with tears.." is she..did she.." her heart stopped as she held her breath.. " FUCK! Where is the girl!" she cried out and then stood looking to Joey..then she heard the sirens as the local cops and fire fighters started to arrive on the scene.. the firefighters were first to arrive and they quickly started about putting out the flames that tore at what was left of the car and then some that licked at the walls of a remaning building..Kit had left her mark..but not just on one person..this time on a whole city.. then she heard the familiar sounds of the police and she rushed to Joey..her eyes pleading.." Please..shit!..oh..please don't let anyone know i'm here..i'm just trying to get away...i was going to take the kid with me..we were..ya know going to be happy..and..and.." the sound of car doors slammed and they started towards the closest building to question a couple of people within the place.. she looked from the door to the man again and cried out softly.." please..." her eyes almost watered as she became ancy..the big man shrugged and nodded..still alittle confused and Kit ran to duck and hide under one of the booths tables to..she tried scooting into the farthest and darkest corner but the little girl raised her foot to stop her from squishing her.. " ahhh.." the girl whined and Kit turned to look at her..reliefe washed over her as she scopped her up and into her lap..kit moved to the corner and gathered her feet from the light..the girl started to whimper lightly as Kit raised her hand to cover the girls mouth.. " sh..shhh...shh..shh..shh" she whispered over and over in the girls ear.." Shhh..just be quiet..it'll all be over soon okay.." she whispered gently in the girls ear..her whimpers died as a Knock came upon the door of the Inferno..
the two of them were silent as they rolled along the roads of old new york..tension had set in at least on Kits behalf as wide blue eyes, once staring out the window, errily turned to stare at her..she had a blank expression on her face and her fingers absently rubbed over the smooth leather of the seats..she sat snug in the corner of the door and her seat with her feet tangle up underneath her weight.. Her long brown hair sat kinked and knotted around her petit frame and as Kit drove, her eyes watched the girl every once in awhile, but tried to keep from making eye contact..her fingers absently drummed on the steering wheel as the girl just stared.. uneasily as they neared the Diner where Kit had performed her little musical dance... they got closer to the morgue still creeping along and suddenly she was struck by the site of the doors flipping outward and splintering..she raised a brow and then her eyes grew wide with fright..that..that..thing.."HOLY SHIT!" she squealed as the first one was swept by his feet and he fell heavily..it was all slow motion as she turned her eyes to silently watch the girl was stabbed with a long sharp claw and then fell too..both of them lay passed out and once her brain began to function she floored it and went speeding by as fast as she could.. she rounded this bend and that..and no matter how fast she could make the car go..it just wasn't going fast enough..it hadn't even been but maybe an hour or two since she witnessed two others being torn apart..she dared to glance up at the rearview mirror and then she panicked.. it seemed that all her senses dissappeared for a split second as her eyes locked upon the hideous form of the Nilth as he chased the car..she swurved this way and that..horns buzzing at her as she ditched tow head on collisions..the child to her right had quickly moved to lay against her..a tightening grip of fragile arms were wrapped about Kit's Lithe frame.. A tentical flew out as it caught up and and knocked the back bumper of the car making it fishtail out of control..it flew around a corner and tipped to rest of its wheels before falling and rolling over double before the car landed in a pike of flames and black smoke.. Nilth quickly examined the car..heat sensored vision checking as the two hearts slowly started to fade..quickly growing bored with the slowed breathing he turned satisfied that his work was done.. moments after his dissappearence..soft coughing could be heard..and a gentle choking cry came from the overtipped car.. Suddenly the alarms of the city rang out as they recognized the familiar gas of Monoxide as it filled the air..
the car came to a sudden stop..she threw it in park..and then tossed her hands in the air..they came in contact with the ceiling of the car and she quickly brought her hands down and back up in a forceful fit.." FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!" her breathing had started coming on fast and blood rushed to her face to let it glow a soft cherry as her temper flared..~ what the fuck happened back there?~ she closed her eyes tightly and then slumped down into the seat and against the steering wheel.. she was parked there in the middle of the street and as she threw her fit a couple of people huddled together on the streets had lifted their heads to watch..a few even dared a laugh..She threw her hazel eyes at them and let them have the look of a thousand deaths as she opened the car door and hoped out.. slamming the door she slowly made her way around the car..her eyes looking everywhich way as she moved to the curb and shoving a hand into her front right pocket she pulled out a crinkled pack of ciggeretts..idly she pulled one from its holding spot and straightened it..she placed it between her lips..shoved the pack back in her pocket and pulled out a lighter..carefully she shielded her face while she lit it and then lowered her hands, twirling the lighter in her right hand absently.. she took another step towards the people on the corner staring at her with curiousness placed over their features.. " You think thats funny?.." she lowered her gaze and let a smirk slowly slide across her lips..it tugged in the corner of her face and then she dropped her tongue to prod at the small amount of flesh between her lips.. moving her eyes sluggisly from the ground to the huddled mass, she continued to fidget with the lighter..then raising her hand high in the air she threw it hard towards the group and let it hit the ground forcefully only about a foot from them..she narrowed her eyes as the impact of the lighter and the ground made the surrounding Oxygen catch and burst flames..the group slid closer together and tightened as Kit creeped towards them..she crouched down to her haunches and placed her first and middle finger and she literally crawled towards them.. her eyes narrowed to lowered slits and only the whites of her eyes could be seen as she opened her mouth to expose her teeth.." If you had something with long...sharp..dagger like claws..coming after you..impaling you through the chest and then devouring your flesh leaving your rotting dead carcass on the ground for everyone to see..." she laughed.." You'd be freaking out too.." her voice was slow and deep as she hissed..hearing a couple of gasps coming from the crowd she stood up and bounded around clapping her hands.. "freaks.." she whispered as she shook her head and went back to the car without a second thought.. ******************************************************** once back inside the car she sighed and shut the door..right now she needed to listen to Bryan..she smiled and started down the road again as she tuned into the only known radio station that played her beloved.. the soft melody of Everything I do began to melt through the interior of the car..she hummed along until the verse started.. ........."look into my eyes...you will see..what..you mean..tooo me..search your heart..search your soul..when you'll find me there..you'll search..no more.." the tears started flowing from her eyes as she forgot about the recent events.. she rolled through the city..farther away from Johnny than she thought..but all she could do was think about him and how long they had been together..what they had been through.. "...Don't tell me...its not worth tryin for..can't tell me..its not worth diein for..you know its true..everything I do..I do it for you.." she sang out with the song as it hit her deep..she had to get this last good cry out..she had to say goodbye..she was moving on.. "...look into your heart..you will find..theres no..thin..left to hiiide..take me as I am..Taaake my liife..I would give it uupp..I would sacrifice.." she took a deep breath and raised her voice.. " Don't tell me..its not worth fighting fooorr..I can't help it..theres nothing I want mooree..you know its true...everything I do..I do it for you.." a brief pause and she rounded a corner and then parked in some no name back alley..she locked the car..turned off the engine..and then raised the volume to max.. "theres no love...like your love..and no other..could feel more love.." -tap tap tap- the music shut off and she sat staring blanky out in front of her..a pair of eyes gleamed from the darkness out probably just a foot from the bumper of the car..instant her heart sank to her stomach and she stopped breathing.. " this is it...i've lived a long life.." she whispered to herself and then grabbed the wheel and held on tight.." Bring it on fucker..I'm ready to die!" she yelled out..her face beaming red as she strained her voice.. She watched the eyes move to her left and into the light of one of the nearby street lamps..Kit followed them with her own eyes and then felt floored as a small girl of only three or four pattered bare foot on the cold sidewalk.. instantly..Kit's heart sank even lower..the girl looked about scared to death..Kit hopped from the car and walked over towards her.. " oh my god kid..you scared me.." looking around she raised a slender brow and then looked back into the pooling blue eyes of the little girl.." wheres your parents.." the girl seemed abit shocked that Kit was staring at her..but she shook her head silently and let her eyes fall to the ground as her palms gripped the edges of her long tattered sleeves.. it suddenly hit Kit square in the jaw..this girl was another one of the huddled mass that lived on the streets and fought day for day to survive..this girl lokoed malnurished..and Kit bent at the waist and let her voice drop to a smooth velvet.." Are you hungry?" she smiled softly and trust sat in her hazel eyes..the small child must've seen it, because she nodded her head.. standing Kit motioned to the car.." Alright squirt..in the car..we're going to put some food into your belly.." she beamed as the little girl padded over to the car..gave her a quick look over and then climbed up and into the seats.. Kit followed quickly behind but before she took her seat she caught her eyes drifting around one last time to check for signs of anyone that may have lost their child.. not seeing two bodies shivering together in the dark corner of the alley she slipped back into her seat and shut the door..throwing the car into reverse she spun out..the girl latched onto the door handle and the seat buckle..long brown hairbadly in need of a washing flung around her.. not exactly used to having anyone around other than herself and a bunch of adults she looked over to the child and when she put the car in gear..she crept along.. " so uhhh..whats your name?" her body relaxed as the girl took a deep breath and sank into the leather of the seats..Kit stared ahead..daring a glance every now and again.
Cursing the bot as he left she bent down onto the table and poped her head on the surface a couple of times, each thud made a slight echoing sound and in turn it made her laugh lightly.. Sitting up quickly she threw her arms up as she forced all of the air otu of her lungs with a quick.."Daaammmnnn" and then let them fall dramatically to her sides, her hands flopping on the tight red leather seat..she was instantly struck with boredom and she let it show by slamming her palms down on the table top and drumming her fingers again, but bobbing her head to a def beat...then she wrinkled her nose and stood up into the seat and her eyes shifted all around her to those seated within the diner.. a devilish smile crossed her lips as she began to sing at the top of her lungs..."Got my first real six string..BOUGHT it at the five and dime...played it til my fingers bled...was the summer of 69!! Me and some guys from school had a band and we tried real hard..jimmy quit and jody got married..should've known we'd never get far..but when i look back now..the summer seemed to last forever...and if i had the choice..yeah i would always wanna be there...those were the best days of my life!" she propped a foot up onto the table of the diner and then made her way to standing atop of it..a hand out..pointing at random people, as her face twisted into a serious one.. " There anit no use in complainin..when you gotta job to do..spent my nights down at the drive in.." a hand went up to clutch her chest and her other hand flew out, palm open..her right foot started to tap a beat.." AND THATS WHEN I MET YOU..YEAH!" she spun around quickly and then haunced over and did a back flip off of the table and landed with a thud on the floor facing the windows...by this time everyone in the place was staring at her strangely.. " Standin on your momma's porch..You told me that you'd wait forever..and when you held my hand..." she bawled her fists together and shook them around.."I knew that it was now or never..Those were the best days of my LIFFFEEE!" she turned silently and leaned against the bench and looked at the floor.. After a brief pause she looked up again and started to dance again her booted feet thumpin gout the perfect rythym.. " Back in the summer of 69!.........Man we were killin time..we were young and restless..we just needed to unwind.." at this point everyone in the Diner had caught on and were up an dout of their chairs dancing in tune to the Beat in Kit's head.. " I guess nothin could last forever....forever..yeah..." she suddenly slowed down and taking her lead the audience slowed and started to sway with her..the bright yellow lights were twisted to shine as a spotlight by the cook behind the counter.. In a soft voice.." ...and now the times are changing..look at everything thats come and gone...sometimes when I play my own six string..I think about you wonderin what went wrong..standin on your mommas porch...you told me that it'd last forever..and when you held my hand.." she brought her hand to her chest and hung her head.." I knew that it was now or never..those were the best days of my liiiiffee.." she sighed softly.. *************************** " Your order..black coffee and a bisuit..I will recieve payment now.." the bot stood there and stared at her as she snapped back to reality and raised a brow at him..her eyes glanced around and she laughed.."HA..what the hell was THAT...!" driving her hand into her shorts pocket she pulled out a wad of cash and laid an amount on the table... snatching up the biscuit in one hand and grabbing the coffee with the other she stood and nodded to everyone..and she went to the door..winking at a man nearby she laughed again ..." weirdos.." she stepped outside and then shoved the bread into her mouth.. she turned and head down the same direction she had come as thoughts of the Inferno raced through her mind..she rounded a corner and there it was..gothic virtual flames lighting the front wall of the Bar and the low hanging neon sign..." Inferno.." she smirked and stopped leaning against the wall on the opposite side of the street just alittle ways before you got to the bar.. she brought the cup up to her lips and started to blow softly..just getting ready to take a sip when she heard the familiar crunch of a skull being crushed..Wide eyes shifted to her right as she watched a first man fall and the second man being impaled by a rather large claw and carried up and away.. " shhh..shhh..shhhiiittt.." she whispered as her entire body began to shake..she hadn't gotten a very good glimpse at the thing that did it..just knew that there was a dead body laying there..on the sidewalk...the hand holding the coffee began to tremble fiercely and she just about lost her cup except she dropped the bisuit to stop herself from making any kind of stupid sound to bring that...thing back in her direction... " fuuuhh..fuhh..FUCK!" she muttered to herself as she turned and ran her happy little ass as quickly to the car as possible and fumbling she rushed it snapping her finger to pop the top and emitt the wire she cursed.." fuck fuck fuck!!!" she cried out as she finally unlocked the door with an unsteady hand, dropped the damn cup and slid inside..~ as if this car is going to protect me..!~ panicking she threw the car into reverse..revved the engine and hauled ass down towards the western part of the city... the tires squealed as she rounded a couple of corners just alittle to fast..but the agility and handling of the Sabre46 was the best of the best and merely let you to think that the tires would fall off.. Once she got a good distance away she felt like she could slow down and the grip on the steering wheel showed white knucles as she held onto it for dear life..her breath was short and fast and her gaze was straight forward..." What in the fuck..was that!" she huffed...

Chapter 5- old time diner

she brought a hand to quickly cover her tummy..she hadn't exactly eaten in the past few days and the rumbling in her belly made it perfectly clear that if she didn't eat soon she would wither away and die.."Dumb luck" she let a push of air pass her lips as she revved the motor and headed down the street she needed a place to eat.. tuning into the cars AI she pressed a button or two on the radio pad.. "I'm hungry where can I get some grub.." she spoke loud and clear and then raised a brow as the radio began to emitt and low humming sound..the AI spoke loudly.."You do not have authorization to drive this vehicle.." a nice small pause.." You do not have authorization to drive this vehicle.." over and over again it repeated until she pressed the off button and threw both of her hands on the wheel..the thin wire stretching from the gears to the wheel as it reeled from the tip of her finger.. she muttered and pouted her lips.." stupid car..I didn't want your opinion anyway.." she huffed and then luck would have it that out of the corner of her eyes she saw the sign.."Eat At Joes.." she debated it and then shrugged.." oh how cliche.." she stuck out her tongue.." good a place as any I assume.." with a start she parked the car and hopped out of it..she locked the doors and then laughed lightly..she she turned on her heel and headed through the doors.. once inside she was blinded by the yellow light that surged the place..old red booths line each wall on either side of her and directly infront was the long row of red covered leather stools seated at the bar.. she looked around..the few people in the world that ever got up round about this early were all staring at her..they were nicely dressed and heading their way to the upper levels to work..she stood there with one shoulder hanging loose of the overlay and a neat little white strap covered only a couple of the freckles that played there.. She strode in and then pulled out her one handed gun and pointed a finger at a few people laughing and shooting..."piyow, piyow, piyow" she shook her head, brought a finger tip to her lips and blew on it as if to cool it off and then shoved it into her pocket as she slid into a booth nearby.. the people there disregarded her and continued their meals..the glass topped table was scratched all to hell as she drummed her fingers on the surface waiting to be served.. she only had to wait a few moments before a server bot wheeled his way over to her.."G'Mornin Miss..what shall you have first?" his recorded voice was made to sound like a british butler and it made her laugh..clasping her hands together she leaned towards the bot and whispered.. "you know you sound pretty hot..can our personalities meet later.." she looked back and forth and then probbed the crevice of her lips again..as her eyes moved back to the bot.."ya know i'm dieing to see how a europien butler makes his moves.." she winked and then sat up and looked forward again and yanked a menu from its resting spot at the end of the table.. the bot just sat there for a moment..if he could have blushed he probably would have..his personality chip was little more advanced then she thought it would be as he responded.. " Miss..I am not here for you to enjoy yourself..If you will please tell me what you are having so I may do my job.." the bots many lights blinked and twisted and she sucked her lips.." touchy.." she snapped and then threw the menu across the table.. " coffee..make it strong..and a biscuit..thats it.." she looked to the bot as he sat processing her order.. " your order comes to.." he printed a reciept and as she took it he hurried away to fill her order..she glanced at the bill and then layed it on the table...

Chapter 4- New York City

" I got my first real 6 string..over at the five and dime! played it till my fingers bled..it was the summer of 69!" The sound got louder and louder as her voice echoed through the valley.. " oh baby Bryan..sing it to me.." she squealed and wrinkled her nose..a faint glow had risen in her skin..she knew she couldn't stay in the sun for long due to certain bionical parts she had gotten long ago..but the thought was nice and the sun felt great..brown eyes opened and looked around as she sat up.. " damnit!" she cursed as she slid off of the car and pulled her overlay back onto her arms.." come here to get away and relax and its to freggin quiet!" she sighed and tossed her sunglasses back into her shirt pocket and she opened the car door..a blast of cold air hit her in the face and she chuckled.. " go figure..I say i'm tired and you give me the cold shoulder.." laughing she slid inside the car and started the engine.. she looked around and raised a brow.." where the hell am I?" this was probably the last known valley in the world..hell she hadn't even thought about it when she was driving through and then stopped..btu it rested on her mind that sono this place too would be destroyed as everything else had.. oh well..best to just kiss it goodbye and leave.." she raised a hand to her mouth, kissed her palm and then tossed it out for the world to see.." goodbye sucker!" she yelled out as she rammed the car into gear and took off..she had no clue where she was going or why..she just went..and somehow she ended up in newyork... the city came on strong and dark...but thankfully her passport was still valid as she pulled up to the guard booth..she rolled down her window and tilted her head... the guard gave her an alarmed look when he saw the condition of her dress attire and then looked over the car she was driving.. " got a problem bub?" her lips puffed and her eyes widened to him.." its my dads.." the guard nodded and then reached his hand out for her passport..he checked it for validation and then handed it back to her then turned and pointed behind him.." the lifts are over there..swipe your pass to get them to move..cars to your right..single person to your left.." she grinned as she took back the card and gave him a salute along with a wink and then slowly edged her way towards the lift.."sucker.." she whispered as her car loaded the next lift as it rounded..she stuck the card through the swipe and it registered green..thankfully she wasn't going anywhere in particular..so she decided that she was headed to the slums..she pressed a button and the lift slowly decended..the ride took a good five minutes or so before it stopped and she edged her way out of the lift and towards the inner city.. she scanned the area and her wide eyes beamed with interest.." Where am I? I've gone and died and went to hell it seems.." she laughed.." Hell yeah..!" she sped through the city streets now at a roaring 20 mph as stated by the city limit signs.. "god i'm such a snail.." she wrinkled her nose.." could i possibly go any slower?" she choked out, "HA!" and then her gage went down another 10 mph.. looking around again she noticed the large amount of grey and black that huddled in the streets..the net junkies all curled around each other for warmth even though there was barely any chill in the area it still hung around..she raised a brow.." poor things.." then shook her head and she kept creepin along.." glad its not me.." the buildings around her finally sprung up.. "so this is..newyork? I'da never thunk.." she raised another slender brow and eyed the buildings around her..they stood almost crumbling and everywhere..but every so often she came across one of those buildings that seemed in almost perfect condition, but being the worst possible part of town..that was saying alot.. she rode on until she saw an old flickering neon light on the right hand side of the road, it was also surrounded by a bunch of hallographic torches.."interesting enough.." she slowed down almost to a stop as she leaned over the passenger seat and stared at the building.. "The Inferno.." off to her left she saw a catlike robot dissappearing into the shadows and then looked back to the doors.." what the hell kind of name is that?" she shrugged and sped up as she continued her way through the city..
After a few moments of twisting this, checking that, turning that knob bumping on that..she pulled herself from under the car and rolled her eyes back.." oh baby..you make me so hot..!" she cried out and then looked over towards the guards and gave them an insane smile.. "wassup boies" she raised a brow and then pulled herself from the ground to stand and slowly move towards them..shoving her hands back into her back pockets she tilted her head tonguing her own mouth and stopping in the crease again..she raised a brow in their direction..."nothin?" she bent over laughing and then flung herself backwards to laugh out loudly, her voice ringing in the breeze.. then she looked back at them and with a wide set grin she choked.." HA!" she turned to walk back towards the car.." didn't think so.." the two men exchanged glances and then shook their heads, returning to duty. Again she grasped the door handle..lucky bastards didn't know what hit them as she slid into the drivers seat an shut the door..at first glance one would just think she was sitting there fondling the steering wheel until her hand fell from it to the seat beside her..she let her gaze become fixed as she let her hand roam over the seats surface..it was a deep sensual brown..it really made her body sweat just thinking that it was really beneath her bottom..she looked up at the guards and then to the second story window..she could see the makeline of John as he argued his point.. she licked her lips softly and then poped the top on her finger, a small hinge creaked as a small wire protruded and sank into the gear shift beside her..she had rigged the engine to start upon electrical charge and as soon as she started to rub her thighs together..two small plates that had been bio engineered and transplanted there clicked and hummed..the friction causing her flesh to become flush.. the heat of the plates sparked with the electricity flowing through her body at the various small mechanical parts she had bought many years ago...yes she was a cheater..but she had never been caught..perhaps because she quit the game after winning the first few races..the car's engine bellowed out as she continued the constant friction between her thighs.she tipped off the guards with a two finger salute and floored the car in reverse and she went spinning out of the drive way..knocking it back into drive she sped out and onto the old dirt road and she headed to town.. As the car dissappeared the men in the house became frantic and began to panick..feeling they had been set up they came down hard on poor old Johnny. Cornering him they beat him pretty bad..the guards came running at the first sound of commotion and upon seeing the sight they ranged open fire on the men.. about an hour later she had already passed the town and decided to kept going.. once she got out into the open country she slammed on brakes and turned the car around in a quick slinging motion, the tires made a creeping noise as they slid through the dirt and the dust trying to keep the car on all fours..it came to a dropping halt " ah ha haha.." she held tight to the wheel.." that was sweet baby!!!" she hoped out of the car and unplugged herself from it..she eyed the gas tank and smirked as it still held a 1/3 of a gallon..looking up she eyed the sun roof and she beamed with delight.. throwing herself out of the car she slammed the door and pulled the green overlay from her shoulders, not worrying about the last two buttons as they snapped from their resting spots..she tossed the cloth ontop of the car and then climbed up herself..using it to shield her from the cold emitting from the car's exterior she layed upon it and then reached into the shirts pocket.. she pulled a pair of shades out and layed them over her eyes, the ear holds have long since been gone and she could really care less.. she lifted the same finger she used to jack the car and with a pull of the radio waves in the air she tuned into a good station and stretched out on the car basking in the sun..
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