Sometimes I feel like deep down inside that I am not the one that should be who I am. That perhaps I am meant to be someone else, or no one else. Deep down inside my gut starts to churn and my emotions burn. I want to scream at the top of my lungs from all the pressure, but I know if i did no one would hear. And if they did they'd be to worried about their own problems to take a second and worry about mine to begin with.
All this negative energy builds up and builds up from my everyday life, until I feel like i should just explode, but i can't. I'm forced to swallow it all and just accept what it is. the only problem is that..I hate what it is, and what it is, is nothing but what it is.. Life.
One day I'm just going to run away. I'm going to pack what little bit of stuff I can into my car and run away. Odds are I wont even tell anyone I'm leaving until after I'm gone.
I know ranting and raving and then ultimately running away isn't going to solve my problems..but a nice vacation with no one but myself, sounds like a good idea. To be free of everyone for at least a couple of days...