1. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months without cheating?
~ If I could find myself in a relationship sure I could remain faithful but seeing as how I am terminally single not going to be proving this one anytime soon
2. What color are your eyes?
~ A deep odd brownish color
3. What are you doing now?
~ Answering these questions so as to avoid what is really on my mind
4. What is one thing you question a lot?
~ My life in general, everything about it
5. Do you think you lead people on?
~ I try not to, but there are always going to be exceptions to this
6. Are you married?
~ No that would be why I mentioned terminally single, a lil hard to be both
7. Have you ever told someone of the opposite sex that you loved them?
~ Yes I have but it has been a long time and I am not sure if I will ever be able to say it to anyone again
8. Is there anyone who doesn't like you?
~ Oh sure there are plenty of people that don’t like me, I just don’t care that they don’t
9. Do you miss someone?
~ More than they will ever know
10. Did any of your friends go out with any of your ex's?
~ In the past it has occurred but most of the time my friends get to know them while I am with them and realize from my relationship that they don’t even want to venture into that area
11. Are looks important?
~ Important? No, but they do play a role, there has to be some sort of attraction to be with someone
12. What are you wearing?
A pair of white socks, a pair of holey jeans, a black bra, and a grey tee-shirt
13. Are you mad at someone right now?
~ No, I have no emotional spirit left at the moment
14. Are you talking to anyone?
~ Depends on what you mean by talking to someone I guess
~ Why is one of thes questions always gone by the time I get them?
16. Where do you keep your money?
~ I keep money all over the place, in my wallet, in my purse, in my pocket, in a jar, etc
17. How did you wake up this morning?
~ I had a dream that frightened me
18. Which is more romantic: sunrise or sunset?
~ With the right person it would be either
19. Quick say a verse from any song.
~ “Hey hey you you I don’t like your girlfriend
No way no way I think you need a new one
Hey hey you you I could be your girlfriend”
20. Would you die for someone?
~ Only a very select few
21. Last time in the hospital?
~ I’m not sure it’s been a while
22. How many letters are in your last name?
~ Six
23. Do you love anyone?
~ Oh I love a lot of people it is just a matter of not being in love with anyone at the moment
24. What book did you read last?
~ I’m not sure actually
25. How was your day?
~ It was just another sad day where nothing that I hoped would happen did and I accepted that as it was
27. Are you scared of spiders?
~ No I am not, no reason to be
28. Do you have any tattoos or piercings?
~ Yeah I have my cross on my back, the heart on my ankle and my ears and one nipple still pierced
29. How do you Walk?
~ Depends on who you ask
30. What do you think of Fergie?
~ She is sexy as hell with such a gorgeous body
31. Do you believe in love?
~ I believe in love I am just not sure that I believe that everyone in life finds love, or if they do that they know what to do with it when they do find it
32. How old do you want to be when you have kids?
~ I was 17
33. When was the last time you threw up?
~ I was sick last week for days
34. Do you curse a lot?
~ I honestly try not to
35. What do you know about the future
~ That whatever will be will be
36. Do you hate your last boyfriend/girlfriend?
~ I really have no time in my life for hate
37. Do you only drink bottled water?
~ I don’t really drink water at all
38. Are you happier single or in a relationship?
~ I am lonely and miserable right now so maybe in a relationship
39. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
~ I think they do but that doesn’t always mean that the chance can be given
40. Would you believe your ex if she/he said they love you?
~ I wouldn’t care if they loved me or not, if they are an ex I have chosen to not base my life upon theirs
41. Most hated food?
~ That would any and all types of seafood
42. do you wish someone would call you?
~ Yes I do and I hate that I want him to
44. What's something you wish you could understand better?
~ The only thing in life that I would really like to understand anymore is myself and I am sure that will never happen
45. If someone doesn't like you, it's usually because?
~ I don’t know, each person has their own reason, you’d have to ask them
~ Another question gone I see
47.What are you excited about?
~ Things that I should not be
48. Kissed someone in the last 24 hrs?
~ No not in 24 hours
49.Have you lost friends in the past years?
~ I have lost some very good friends in my life
50. What's your favorite food?
~ It really all depends on my mood