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Wicked Lil Girl's blog: "Wicked Fun"

created on 11/14/2006  |  http://fubar.com/wicked-fun/b24670

Boredom Has Overcome Me

1. Name Please? Miss Jessie 2. Okay, who was the last person who held your hand? Fuck if I know, Jason probably 3. Have you ever kissed someone with braces? Uh, hmmmm . . . . Oh yeah I guess I have 4. Who is the fourth received call on your call log? Reverse 911 call from working searching for squad coverage 5. If you could change your eye color what would it be? I guess just black, oh maybe red, hehehe 6. What is the wallpaper on your phone? Happy Bunny (Cute but Kinda Evil) 7. How many pillows on your bed? 8 I think 8. Who was the last text message you sent to? Telling my lil bitch Merry Christmas 9. Is there someone you can't stop thinking about? That is really none of your business now is it? 10. What was the best thing that happened to you this year? Oh hell I don’t even know - still have a few days 11. Have you ever had a surprise birthday party? Nope 12. Who/What is the third person on your contact list? Amber 13. When was the last time you cried? Last week 14. What school did you attend in elementary? Oak & Olney 15. Do you have a crush on somebody? Don’t really do crushes 16. Who was the last person that made you laugh? Might have been Jeff 18. Who do you make fun of the most? Everyone 19. What's the longest you've ever talked on the phone? Hell I was a teenage girl once who knows 20. How many 20 dollar bills do you have on you right now? Non, but may be some in my purse 21. Have you seen your best friend cry? Too many times 22. Where did you last go out to eat? I went to Arby’s with the girlfriend the other day 23. Do you dance in the car? Nope I photograph the wife doing it though 24. What do you think of hunting and fishing? Not my thing 26. What is one thing that you cannot stand? People in general 27. Does your mom vacuum early in the morning, when you're sleeping? How would I know? 28. Are your parents in love? Once upon a time maybe 30. How did you get your last bruise? No idea 31. Would you rather sleep at a friend's or have them over? My house 32. Who is in your house right now? Just me 33 Have you ever thought you were gonna die? Been dead twice doesn’t worry me anymore 34. How do you like your steak? Medium to well done 35. What do you smell like right now? Dark Vanilla 36. Do you have a hard time admitting you're wrong? Nope 38. What shoes did you wear today? Shox 39. What makes you lose your appetite? All sorts of things 41. Does your mom make you wear a winter coat? Uh, no 42. Does it contain fur? Are you serious? 43. Do you own any Hollister polos? HA 44. Do you think those stores are too expensive? Yes 45. Where do you shop at most? As if I have time to shop 47. What‘s your favorite piece of clothing? Not sure 48. Can you go on MySpace from school or work? Sure can’t, lol 49. Do your parents have a MySpace account? Not sure my mom can turn on a computer 50. What are you wishing for right now? You’ll never know 51. Whats your favorite season? Spring I think 52. Whats your favorite number? 9, hell I don’t know 53. Do you get along with your parents? She is still alive right? 54. What are you listening to? VH1’s Top 100 Songs of the 90s 55.What is your fav color? Black & silver 56. Have you ever been in lust? Constantly 58. Have you ever thought that your life was so bad you wanted to give up? More than you’ll ever know 59. Do you have any tattoos? Yeah 60. How many piercings do you have? Just the ears and nipple now 61. Last expensive purchase you made? Xbox 360 62. Last drunken experience? Been a while

Survey Survey Blah Blah

Question #1: Something that keeps you going everyday? Most days I have no fucking clue Question #2: Do you own a gun? They have laws saying that I can’t dammit Question #3: Do you like who you are? Most days Question #4: Do you have A.D.D.? Who me? Nah never, I don’t think. What do you think? Question #5: Country you've been in? Spend most of my time here in the US but been to Canada, England, and Italy as well Question #6: Aren’t thunderstorms awesome? Better with someone else Question #7: Who is your cell carrier? Sprint/Nextel Question #8: Would you rather be rich or famous? Not rich per se but comfortable would be nice Question #9: Do you like the cold? Oh good god no Question #10: Are you happy you are alive? Certain days Question #11: Do you think gay marriage is wrong? Why the hell would I? Question #12: Do you like looking up at the stars? Depends on what is on my mind Question #13: Would you ever cheat on anyone? Don’t think I have that in me honestly Question #14: Do you want to move? Of course I do Question #15: Do you burn or tan? Burn then burn then become a darker shade of pale Question #16: Are your parents still married? Technically Question #17: Are you happier single or in a relationship? Think in a relationship with the RIGHT person Question #18: Do you have any children? Some may call him that Question #19: What other languages do you speak? Can speak very lil Spanish, Italian, and Swahili Question #20: Do you daydream a lot? Why? So I can feel even worse about my daily life Question #21: Do you like swimming? Uh, no Question #22: What is the make and model of your phone? Hell if I know - Motorola something Question #23: Would you ask your crush out? Do I have a crush? Question #24: Do you like the ocean? Yeah I do Question #25: What are your thoughts on stay at home moms? Not for me but hey all for it if it works for ya Question #26: What are your thoughts ..ion? What the hell is this? Question #27: What are your thoughts on affirmative action? Does it still exist? Question #28: Who did you last get angry with? That’s be Papa Question #29: Do you still live with your parents? No, but could have mom here soon I guess Question #30: Coke or Pepsi? Coke the answer is always Coke Question #31: How many credit cards do you own? As if they’d ever give me one Question #32: Liberal or Conservative? Just Jessie Question #33: Would you ever go skydiving? Probably Question #34: Have you lost any one close to you? Many many people Question #35: How many times did you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock this morning? No alarm this morning Question #36: Do you think you are smart? Sometimes Question #37: Talk to any of your ex's 98% of them Question #38: How old were you when you got your first kiss? Uhm, 8 or so I guess Question #39: Do you do your own laundry? Are you offering? Question #40: Do you want to get married? Nah it’d take a hell of a man to make me want that Question #41: Do you want kids? I think I already have one Question #42: Are you shy? Only around certain people Question #43: How many times have you moved? Since I have been an adult only twice Question #44: Do you hear voices? Only the ones that tell me to kill you Question #45: Who is the last person to call you? Ray Who ran off with Question #46? Question #47: What is in your nightstand draw? Do you mean drawer? And if you haven’t seen then you don’t need to know Question #48: Are you religious? Nope, I will let others worry about my everlasting soul Question #49: How do you feel when someone betrays you? Depends on who it is

More Stupid Questions

have you ever seen a live bat? ~Hmmm, well you can’t really live a life like mine and not have run into a couple Is there anyone you hate? ~Nah not sure I’ve ever loved someone enough to hate them now Are you single? ~Terminally so Do you like the color orange? ~Not ever sure why it is even a color Do you find it in your heart to forgive? ~Too often Would you rather not drink alcohol or not sleep? ~You can’t make me choose Do tattoos and piercings excite you on the opposite sex? ~Oh god yes Whats your favorite season? ~One that does not contain snow Do you care if people talk smack about you? ~Fuck no, their problem not mine At what age do you want to get married? ~Death Are you in a good mood? ~I’m not even in a mood Do you believe in luck? ~Of the bad variety Everything happens for a reason, righit? ~Sure Would you rather sky dive or bungee jump? ~Sky dive I bounce enough without the help of a bungee Do you like snakes? ~Don’t care about them one way or another Where is one place that you'd like to visit? ~Reality Do you like waffles? ~Yep Anything your looking forward to? ~Death Do you have more or less than five best friends? ~I have many amazing friends What would you do if the friend you talk to most stopped talking to you? ~Cry Be honest, do you like people in general? ~No Where was your last ride home from? ~J.R. & Christie’s Big or small dogs? ~Both Do you like Big Macs? ~Uh, no Did someone bother you today? ~Everyone Sometimes, do you wish you were someone else? ~Every damn day Does someone love you? ~Nope Do you know anyone named Dave? ~Yep and he makes a killer drink Has anyone ever mistaken you for a family member? ~Yes Have you ever tried Gatorade? ~When did it become an illegal drink? What color are the walls of your bedroom? ~Some fucked up white-ish cream-ish, eggshell-ish Do you think that Starbucks is expensive? ~Don’t drink it so I don’t care Are you named after a family member? ~No I am a one of a kind Say you were given a drug test right now. Would you pass or fail? ~They may find Gatorade I better be careful Are you taller than 5'6"? ~I am 5’6” Ever see a dead body? ~Uhm, they were like that when I found them Recently kissed anyone with the name starting with a S? ~S? No Do you like the color blue? ~Eh How are you? ~A fucking mess Who slapped your butt last? ~The girlfriend Last restaurant you went to? ~Hmmm, does Subway count? What is the weather like today? ~Fucking snow and freezing rain What's the "first" thing you would do with five million dollars? ~Pay the taxes and lose half of it How many hours did you sleep last night? ~None Who's the last person that you felt was stalking you? ~Not getting into stalkers Have you ever been on your school's track team? ~Have you seen me? Do I look as if I run track? What clothes are you wearing? ~Old ripped jeans and a grey sweatshirt If all of your friends were going on a road trip, would you? ~Sure as hell would Have you cried today? ~How I started the day Do you think that someone is thinking about you right now? ~Nah Does it annoy you when someone says they'll call but never do? ~Only if it is someone I really wanna talk to What did you dress up as for your first Halloween? ~How many years ago was that? What is the wallpaper on your computer? ~Tig Dog sticking out his tongue Who last made you smile? ~Geoff had me laughing

50 Questions

50 ODD Things about you! If you opened this, FILL IT OUT! Learn~ 50 things about your friends and let them learn 50 things about you! 1. Do you like bleu cheese? Not particularly 2. Have you ever smoked heroin? Smoked? No 3. Do you own a gun? There are laws against it 4. Your favorite song of all time? Sweet Child O’ Mine 5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Should I? 6. What do you think of hot dogs? I don’t 7. Favorite Christmas song? I despise Christmas 8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? I prefer not to be awake in the morning 9. Can you do push ups? Can and do are two completely different things 10. Name 3 things you’ll do this weekend Probably not a damn thing honestly 11. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? Don’t like jewelry 12. Favorite hobby? Masturbation 13. Secret weapon to get the opposite sex? I’m guessing since I am and have been single forever now this does not apply to me 14. Do you have A.D.D.? I don’t think so 15. What one trait do you hate about yourself? Everything 16. Middle Name? Ivana 17. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment 1. I hate my life 2. I need a vacation 3. I need to get drunk 18. Name 3 things you bought yesterday Subway sub bottle of Coke Can of Monster 19. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? Orange juice. Monster, Coke 20. Current worry right now? Life 21. Current hate right now? Life 22. Favorite place to be? Anywhere but here 23. How did you ring in the New Year? At work 24. Where would you like to go now? Anywhere but here 25. What is on the walls of your room? Nothing 26. Do you own slippers? Yeah dog ones 27. What shirt are you wearing? Grey sweatshirt 28. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Not really 29. Can you whistle? Yeah I guess 30. Favorite color? Black or silver 31. Would you be a pirate? I guess they are mean enough that I could be one 32. What songs do you sing in the shower? I don’t sing in the shower regularly 33. Favorite girl name? Taylor 34. Favorite Boy name? Austin 35. What's in your pocket right now? They are all emoty 36. Last thing that made you laugh. Geoff 37. Best bed sheets as a child? As if I remember 38. Worst injury you've ever had? God there were too many 39. Do you love where you live? Good god no 40. How many TVs do you have in your house? 3 41. Who is your loudest friend? Tina (the girlfriend) 42. How many dogs do you have? Technically none 43. Does someone have a crush on you? Nope sure don’t 44. What was your childhood dream? Had many that never came true 45. What is your favorite book? I enjoy many books 46. What is your favorite candy? Not a candy fan 47. Favorite Sports Team? Don’t really care 48. What song do you want played at your funeral? Free Bird maybe 49. What were you doing at 12 AM last night? Crying 50. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? God why am I awake

92% I Guess

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7 Years To Go Huh?

Ok so I went to www.deathclock.com to see when the hell I was gonna die. Apparently it will be October 29, 2014 So, that gives me roughly 7 years to fuck up the world correct? Hehehe, I must get a jump on it if I'm gonna make a lasting impression . . . serial killers and mass genocide do not happen over night ya know (c'mon it sounds good). Hehehe, gotta love sarcasm mixed with internet stupidity

Eh I Was Bored

1. What is your best friend's Dad's name? Now that is gonna depend on which best friend we are speaking of 2. What body part do you hate on everybody? Yeah there are feet and noses, not a big fan of either really 3. Who was the hottest teacher you ever had? I really am not sure I ever had a hot teacher, well one that I found hot since my idea of hot does not match every one elses 4. Have you ever made out in a basement? Yeah but never with anyone I ever wanted to 5. What body part do you wash first in the shower? Now, am I in this shower alone 6. Do you have any piercings?.. Down to just my ear and my nipple now 7. Do you have any tattoos? No really good ones yet 8. Is your driveway steep? If I had one I would make sure it was 9. What's your favorite flavored Pringles? Hmmm, not a potato chip fan really 10. Have you ever been tied up? Not by who I want to tie me up dammit 11. What was the worst thing you ever got grounded for? Oh good lord who knows, getting caught fucking on the front porch maybe . . . Or was caught kissing the girl in my bedroom (cause being a lesbian is bad) 12. Have you ever had two dates in one night? Have I ever had 1 date in a night? 13. How many times have you been cursed at? Lets see I am 30 so you figure at lease 12 times a day for a good 20 of those years - oh you do the math 14. Which shoe do you put on first? Which ever one I am not throwing at you 15. How old are you? Still 30 16. Have you ever been to a gay bar? Many of them 17. Have you ever had any Friends with Benefits? A few of them 18. What's one thing you and your mother have in common? Um same last name 19?? Where the hell did it go? 20 Have you ever been cow-tipping or snipe-hunting? Uh gonna point to the fear of cows at this point 21. Who is the last person you usually think about before you fall asleep? Well now if I tell you then I’m gonna have to admit something I don’t want to admit 22. Have you ever had a song written about you? Once, and I shoulda kept him for it huh 23. If you had to choose to not ever wash your bed sheets or your towel ever again which would you pick? Guess my towel because I am at least clean when I use it, lord knows what gets on those sheets . . . hehehe 24. Have you ever found anything in your parents' bedroom that was questionable? Yes, my mother 25. What was/is your childhood nickname? Oh there were so many 26. When was the last time you played the air guitar? Good question 27. Have you ever peeked in the opposite sex's locker room? Peeked no, walked right on in, yes 28. What's the oddest thing you have done while driving? Let’s just leave that one to the naught imaginations to those who read this 29. Have you ever bitten your toenails? Not that I am remembering 30. How do you normally eat your Oreo cookies? Hmm, I guess with milk 31. Name something you do when your same sex friends aren't around. Oh I do the same shit with all my friends around same sex, opposite sex, they are all subjected to my ways 32. How many drinks does it take before you get drunk? Well that depends on the drink 33. Why are you doing this survey? Why not? 34. What was the best year of your life? I haven’t died yet so I have no idea 35. Any strange phobias? Farm animals 36. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose? Not that I remember 37. When is the last time you threw up? Friday 38. Have you ever called your love interest by another girl/guys name? I have a love interest? 39. Have you ever gotten caught sleeping while on a date? Um fell asleep during sex does that count? 40. Have you ever played naked Twister? No needs to see that 41. Have you ever been drunk at work/school? At school hell yeah
1. When was the last time you shaved your legs? I have a troop of midgets that do that for me actually 2. What were you doing this morning at 8? Searching all over for my troops dammit 3. What were you doing 15 minutes ago? Caressing . . . . Uh yeah caressing 4. What are you wearing right now? I left a ladder outside the window did you not use it 5. Are you mad at anyone right now? I am mad at everyone 6. The last two people to say they loved you? Yeah I am so not the lovable type 7. Kissed someone in the last 24 hrs? Oh yeah I didn’t put the ladder out there til afterwards huh 8. Are you happy with your living arrangements? No I need lower windows for easier access 9. Last thing received in the mail? It was in brown paper wrapping 10. Do you have any famous relatives? Just myself 11. Have you ever had sex in a public place? Need I even answer this really 12. Have you ever been searched by the cops? Demanded a strip search I did 13. How is your hair? It’s very hair-ish today 14. How many different drinks have you had today? Are we counting people in this? 15. What have you eaten today? Again I ask are we counting people in this? 16. Are you any good at math? I can count to 10 17. What did you do Friday night? Sure as hell wasn’t what I wanted to do 18. Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach? Have you seen how pale I am? Do you think I go to the beach? 19. Are you taken for granted? I am so NOT ever taken 20. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight? Yes every time I don’t fall asleep for 48 hours straight 21. Do you like the ocean? Eh, kinda salty and not in a good way 22. Did you stay friends with your ex's? friends!? My ex’s didn’t have friends which is why they were attracted to me in the first place 23. What are you excited about? More caressing 24. What did you do two nights ago? Hmmm, phone sex 25. Are any of your great-grandparents still alive? Killed em years ago thanks 26. Where do you keep your money? In my vagina, hoping for a robbery soon 27. Do you remember the most naughty night of your life? I don’t do naughty . . . lmao 28. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone? I would rather not sleep with someone else 29. What was the weather like on your birthday? Give me a week and I’ll let you know 30. Would you make out with anyone on your friends list? Better question is would any of them make out with me because I am always open . . . hehehe

Too Hot To Think Tonight

1. If your doctor told you TODAY that you were pregnant, what would you say? Oh god exactly how damaging is Jager? 2. Do you trust all of your friends? Are you sure I have friends? 3. Would you move to another state or country to be with the one you love? Fuck no they are brining their happy asses to me 4. Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? If not I can sure as hell make a reason later 5. Name two things you would NOT tolerate in a relationship? ~1. Farm animals (don’t question it just accept it) ~2. The refusal to hide bodies for me 6. Which one of your friends do you think would make the best doctor? Shit we can all be doctors we all got some people to deal with 8. Are you afraid of falling in love? Am I hitting concrete ? 9. Is there someone who pops into your mind at random times? Yes, but we will not discuss that due to the fact that the order has not been lifted yet 10. Would you stop talking to your friends because you hooked up with a new person? Can’t I just invite them to join? 11. When was the last time you flew in a plane? When was the last time I drove a plane? 12. What did the last text message you sent say? NO a fucking monkey and a tortilla get it straight 13. What features do you find most attractive in the opposite sex? A mouth that only opens when I want it to and can replace batteries quicker than the speed of lightening 14. Fill in the blank. I like _______ Strippers 15. What is a goal you would like to accomplish in the near future? I’m thinking about hunting humans for sport soon 16. If you were to wake up from being in a coma for an extended time who would you call? As if my friends would let me last for any extended time in a coma, they’d find a way to kill a bitch let me tell ya 17. How many kids do you want to have? None and that counts the one I have (highest bid gets him . . . .anyone, anyone?) 18. Would you make a good parent? Well the boy is still alive 19. Where was your default picture taken? On my couch dammit and it is no one’s business what was going on 20. Whats your middle name? BITCH 21. Honestly, what's on your mind right now? I bet I could beat down Dr. Phil and only Oprah would be upset 22. If you could go back in time and change something, what would it be? Hmm, oh yeah there are so many naked people flashing into my mind now 23. Shoe size? Just take me with you to make sure they fit 24. What are you wearing right now? Clear heels and a popsicle that’s right a cherry one at that 25. Righty or Lefty? Stuck in the middle 26. Can you make a dollar in change right now? Even Jesus could only turn water into wine dammit nothing with cash 26. Best place to eat? My pants 27. Favorite jeans? The ones you are taking off of me 28. Favorite animal? Human male 29. Favorite juice? Human 30. Have you had the chicken pox? Hmmm, pox pox pox, exactly what is pox? 31. Have you had a sore throat? I told him to not thrust so hard dammit 32. Ever had plastic surgery? I want paper surgery because I want to be biodegradable 33. Who knows you the best? The hooker on the corner of Main and Center 34. Do you get along with your family? Get along were? 35. Do you wear contact lenses or glasses? Have we met? 36. Ever been in a fight with your pet? Yep he gets an attitude and I have to knock his ass back down - gonna put him on e-Bay: slightly used 12 year old male good for child labor and entertainment 37. Been to Mexico? Been in a Mexican does that count 38. Did you buy something today? Human 39. Did you get sick today? What type of sick 40. Do you miss someone today? Yep I got pissed and left last night and I haven’t seen myself since 41. Did you get in a fight with someone today? That was last night, I screamed at myself for leaving the porn on pause instead of stopping it and I stomped out and haven’t been back since 42. When is the last time you had a massage? What year is this? 43. Last person to lay in your bed? How loosely are we defining person here 44. Last person to see you cry? Fuck tears they are not worth my effort 45. Who made you cry? They have been taken care of 46. What was the last TV show you watched? I only watch porn nowadays 47. What are your plans for the weekend? PORN lots of PORN 48. Who do you think will repost this? Oh as if 49. Are you happy ? Are you dead? 50. Who was the last person you hung out with? Parts of me are always hanging out
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