Cherry ice Fan me Please

@ fubar

I try to return all love even if you just stop by,but as my status rises and I make more fiends it's getting harder and harder to do.If I don't return the love let me know and I will make your page a priority.I love making new friends and would hate to miss out because I was overwhelmed.

Get Your Sexy Name
Special Friends of Mine
Dee*Just Me* my first and eternal owner.Show her some love,she does have to put up with me after all.
@ fubar Katie's been my owner a few times and if I'm lucky a few more times too.You couldn't ask for a greater friend,and no matter what she'll always be there for you.
@ fubar Jasmine's my owner for September 2009 and again for July 2010.She's a wonderful person and a great friend.
Jasmine~~Protected by Holydiver~~
@ fubar NuevaJess Je garde lespoir vivant bought me in two auctions at the same time,that's the kind of friend she is.A more beautiful friend you could never find.
NuevaJess Je garde lespoir vivant
@ fubar Northern Girl is my first Canadian owner for the month Of August 2011.
Northern Girl
@ fubar H3rbal R3m3dy has been a long time friend and was a big spender in a Summer Auction.I can't wait until she owns me again which happened for Valentines Day through March 2012
H3rbal R3m3dy
@ fubar Dee75 is one of my closest friends and she owns me from September through October 2011
Dee75 owner of CTL
@ fubar Secret Huntress has been a longtime friend and she owns me September/October 2012.She is a very,very beautiful woman and a greater friend you could not find.
Secret Huntress AO by tmaxx5
@ fubar WiLdMaN41 won me in H3rbal R3m3dy's Love Me or Love Me Not Auction.His very nice bid gets me for a month starting February 14th.Go check him out,he's a great friend.
@ fubar Candy Apple owns me for the month of April 2013.I'll be her Easter Bunny any day
Need NEW friends Candy Apple SGR
@ fubar Pandora had me for the end of November and the start of December.I couldn't have asked for a nicer or more beautiful owner.
@ fubar Babygurl6281 owned me from the middle January to to the middle of February 2014.She is definitely the kind of friend everyone should have.She's beautiful,and funny,and I am so glad that she wanted to bid on me.If you don't have her on your friends list you should send her a request right now.
Babygurl6281 FM2 Louie357
@ fubar