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Confused About Him

As I sit here with so many things running around in my head, With noone caring how I feel. As I wonder am I really truely loved by the one who says everyday and night the he loves me?? As I sit here days and nights with the man that feel is the one or at least can be if we try hard enough. But if its true love do we have to try? Shouldn't it just come as it is? But will that day come that we have to be without each other? And maybe by or not by choice. But even as I hope it don't have to come down to leaving just by something bad happening or by us saying we give up on each other and say our goodbyes. But there has been times that one of us would give up on one, But the other wouldn't or couldn't let go. We would fight for the other ones love. Untill they gave in and came back. There was one time that someone said to me ''Let Him Go''. But its not that easy, Or is it? But like I said I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes writing this and so many things I feel that I have to worry about. But the thing that won't go away is I'm with the man that I should be happy with and that he should be happy with me. ?Right? But I know just as well as he does when we sit beside each other or even when we are laying in our bed together, I wonder is its all lies. I sometimes think to myself, Am I the one hes thinking about? Is it really me he wants to be loving and sayin those 3 words too? I mean I truely believed it at times before. But now its like we both hate more then we love. He starts fights with me, the same as I do, but its over and over again. All I want is to be the women that he care for and love so much that hes blinded but every other girls. I want him to be so happy with me and Tell everyone that I'm the one he has been waiting for. I want to know, That he loves me so much that he don't care who say what about us or just about me. I want to feel like I did once before that I could never be the wronge for him or with him. I want to feel once again that my past is my past and he has nothing to do with it. I want to know that he cares for me cause of who I am, Not what he wants me to be. I just want him to show that YES he really does love me. Why, do I have to be the bad one in everyone eyes? Why, Do I have to be the one that does and says all the bad things? Why, Do I have feel like everyone hates me? Why, Do I have to feel all the hate inside? I know I love him there is not a doubt in my mind but how can I tell if he loves me like he says he does? Why do I feel there is something missing?

I Will Always Love U

I can't imagine living one day without you, I'd rather just lay down and die, Cause all I care about is what I mean to you, I'll always want you in my life, I can't explain the way I feel, You are the rhythm of my heart, And every beat you give is how I make it, I swear nothing else could matter, Just stay here in my heart, And I'll always love you, Theres not a feeling in this world that can describe, All the joy that you bring to me, I can't believe you found a way, I want you to stay here in my life,

When U Sleep

WHEN YOU SLEEP I watched you fall asleep last night. As I sat by your side I looked at your face and started to cry For I knew I have to leave in the morning Slowly and sadly I looked away But yet I still sat by your side Once more looking at your face This time I smile and laugh For I remebered the good times we've had Soon I fell asleep Not but a few minutes pass I wake and sit some more I wait and watch I watch your sweet, gentle, child like face Once again tears roll down my face I know soon I will have to leave But as I wait for that moment I sit and watch you sleep So quiet and peacful So precious and gental you look As I leave a kiss goodbye I give Followed by I love you It helps me to leave you lover who sleeps For I know you wont be back for a long time But I will wait for that day Till the day when I die Isaac this is to u remember I love and I am so very sorry for all that hurt that I caused you

Dear Someone

Dear Someone, Have you looked in the sky lately, Have you noticed how it seems, The stars are driffing further away, It feels even when the sun is shining, That its dark and cold, It is cold and I don't know why, Life is flying by, I just have enough time to notice how much things are changing, A week feels like a day, The nights feel lonely, Even when he was holding me so tight, I want to leave it and not look back, But at the same time I want it all, I'm in a daze and I'm so confused, I don't know if I'm moving forward or moving at all, I stare at the ground, As the shadows cover it, I'm standing in the dark, I don't want to be here, But maybe this is where I just need to be, The world is such a small place, Heaven so far away, But all I can do is live, Maybe I'm wrong to feel the way I do...

My Life

My life style is messed up. I'm stuck in this game, My life compared to yours could never be the same. I just want out! Life these days seems like it matters if your broke or upon life with your pockets fat. I just want to feel good and happy. But at this point I don't feel at all. I'll ever reach that. To reach that I have to let go and let God. It would help if I had a strong back bone. My life style is messed up for my back bone was heart of stone. Who always left me standing alone. Hes not the only one. So I can't blame him. I'm just playing the cards as I was delt. I just wish maybe sometimes people could see how I really feel. I don't express my feelings to people. You see so I put my words on paper for you to read. I hope the words I write may help someone in there life to let them see I have a good heart. Although my life style isn't right. I have always been there for people in need and I was once told I have to good of a heart to be in this game. So why am I here in missery? I can only ask God. But I don't even do that for I know theres a reason. Just like theres a reason for the seasons. I just sit back back and pray to God that one day I may escape this cage. Escape with my heart. A tru heart instead of a pistol of rage. For that would not be me. The real me who I am about, What I stand for. I pray to you God to keep my head strong and my heart stout. For all this pain will show what I'm really about. I wonder if I will ever finished the game? But I feel the answer to that is NO. Beacuse all that I have ever had is not here

They Say

They say life is what you make of it. But when it makes you. It makes you want to take it. I never saw myself being like this! But now all I know is I don't want to stay. To think I can live like this way forever there are only few answers like hell no and noway ever!!! The drugs are what I'm addicted to, but the only people that will understand are few. For the few who know what I'm saying you should know there is no such thing as staying. If you stay then you will eventually die alone. So my advise to you is to get up and at least try!! If you keep trying you will one day make it. You'll be someone you love and noone can take it. I can now say I tried and I made it out of satans hands. I beat the devil and standing alone I'll never have to do because God has beed here the whole time with me!!! Helping me pull trough allowing me to survive this disease. I also need to return the favor to someone that is hurting to and by doing this I may help someone by getting their life back. I might have some knowledge that they didn't know and lacked. I just might be the one idea that kept forgetting to pack. Now that their luggege is all put together the words that I say will go on forever. They will go on to someone in need and not only did I beat it myself I have now planted a good seed. A seed that may grow to help others like me. Because like I said these who are understand are few!!!!!

Only God judges me

This is Johnna, Me, Where is everyone? Seems like everybody forgot about me. Left me standing here alone! HELP ME! I am screaming out for help, Someone just anybody, help me! I'm in trouble now. I don't know what to do. I'm hurting, my heart is broken. Where's the person or machine to fix and help things for me? I have always been there for my friends or even my so-called friends. I have always listened when they talked. I always try to help them. Took time out of my day even if I didn't have the time really, I made it. Even if I wasn't in the mood to fool with anyone or anything. I'm people strong backbone. But it helps me and makes me happy that I can put a smile on someone's face. Or that they come to me when they have questions and I have answers, or just to talk to them or just listen to them, even when maybe I need to talk and someone keep quiet and really pay attention and listen to me. I am happy that I could be the strong one. I will always be whoever's strong backbone, arms, heart, ears, and tongue. No matter who it is and how dirty they done or do me. Cause the way I see it is I know how it feels to have nothing or noone. But my bones are cracking. The weight is getting heavy and my arms are getting weak. But my question is who's mine? I can't always be the strong one. The truth is I am getting very weak. I try not to say or show it. Its all gonna happen at once. So that's why I'm asking for help now. I need a strong backbone, a left and right strong arm. Now that I have a problem, and I am hurting it seems like theres noone around. When I think just maybe they're someone I'm wrong and they usually make things worse instead of helping. The only thing I ever ask is to be happy, loved and someone standing beside me helping me trough the hard days and nights. I don't need anyone in front of me so the can think their better then me and judge me cause their ahead of me. I need anyone behide me, watching every move I make. And acted me when I lease expect it. I don't want anyone to judge me for anything. Its been 2 years ago, I was really lost in so much pain and I cried to people. They didn't know what to say. The only thing they could say is Johnna turn to God, Put your faith into him. Give him your problems, He will take everything away. At that minute I thought they were stupid. That wasn't want I wanted to hear. I thought to myself instead of them talkin to me about God, why couldn't they just take me in their arms and hold me and tell me everything is goin to be ok? But no they just told me to do something that I really didn't know how to do, or talk someone that I didn't know how to talk to. I felt like I always do I just walked away cussing those people and saying screw it all! Went on and tried to forget about all of it. I soon figured out there somethings you can't forget about. So there I was sitting at home in my bedroom like always. I had it in my head that if I locked myself in my room noone or nothing could hurt me they had no reason to. Right? But then one day I was laying in bed crying about things that happened. Feeling sorry for myself. Not even trying to do anything for myself to make things better. Months go by I don't even notice life anymore. Days turn to nights and they all seems so fuzzy to me like theres no reason for life or living. But then one day while I was laying there the phone rung, not wanting to answer it why answer it? It just was goin to be someone wanting to complain or tell me some more bad news or yell at me. But then something told me to answer it. So I did and it was a true friend and he ask me to go to church with him. I started laughing and saying yea right that place isn't for me, I don't need to go there. But this person didn't think that at all and he told me it would help me and he begged until I gave in. I went that night. Then I remembered what people once said to me I was goin to turn to God, but how do I do that how do I talk to someone like that what was I goin to say. Before I knew it my eyes were closed and I was praying the best way I knew how, I was praying to the Lord. I left that night feeling the same as always knowing though someone maybe did listen to me this time. But I thought that I prayed for stupid things. I didn't think anymore about it. Days went by. Still I was heart broken still in pain and hurting. Well this one night I couldn't sleep I stayed up crying all night and talking to God saying things that I didn't know why I was sayin them for, but just how I felt is what came out. I didn't stop and think what I was goin to say next or even if it sounded right. I knew he understood even if noone else did. I found myself the next day not feeling to good sick at my stomach, but yet still kind different happy maybe? I was still sad but things seemed weird. Well I on about my business and the phone rings and what the person on the other line tells me was one thing I prayed for that night before. One down 100 to go I thought to myself. Then I find myself in a car talking to this same person that was on the phone an hour earlier. I seen that God did listen and helped me. He even gave me more then what I ask for. As I lay in this person bed and his arms around me while he sleeps. I lay there staring up at the cellen thinking why now not sooner? I ask for this how many months ago? It all hit me all the times I thought I was praying to God I really want I was trying to make deals with him and promises that I knew and so did he that I couldn't keep. When I would lay to sleep and wake up thr next couple of days, I wonder is I really was there for a reason and this worried me. I had no clue why I was there, even if I really belonged there or if I was really wanted there. So I made myself stop caring about every little thing. Still yet for some reason everyday something would hurt me and nothing seem to go my way. I didn't know who to turn to and talk to I was scared to. If I talked what if they thought I was stupid. Heck they would just walk away and leave this like all the others. So I turned to something that I knew would never leave something that made me happy and feel good something that wouldn't talk back and say something that I didn't want to hear. Then one night I was in so much pain I was up for four days and nights. Cut off I just wanted that needle I kept saying it helps me. It wasn't there I tried to sleep but it was everything it haunted me. It was like it had a mind of its own. I was afraid I was dyeing I felt so funny like a way I never felt before. I didn't want to die. There was noone but at the same time there was so many people around me in the same room even. I just pushed then all away cause I don't know how to ask for help, or what to say. Well I got to bed. Then one night me and some other people was sitting around getting high, and staying up all night. Taking turns getting messed up. Well I was last in line and finally my turn came around, I couldn't wait make it a big one, make it a head ringer, I kept saying. I could tell they didn't want to but they did. As the needle went into my arm I kept thinking heck yea!!!! As he pushes the coke into my vanes slowly little at a time. I was like heck with this it's a waste, you messed. But then all at once everything went black I could hear nothing but a loud buzzing sound and I could feel my chest getting tight and my heart going slow then fast. Then I finally got out in a low voice I can't breath. What do I do and I feel back on the bed I got so scared and so did they. You would think that if you got that scared and that stuff happened to you. You would want to stop. Its weird but at the same time I loved that feeling! Than all at once I could see again and this person was standing over top of me saying in and out are you ok? I set up on the bed with my hands in the air saying hell yea I feel great, better then ever, I love it, give me another. Right then and there I knew I was hooked. The needle and the damage done. Days went by and I forgot about everything and everyone, my mommy, my daddy and even my bubby, and friends. The only thing I cared about was the needle and the buzz. Then when I got this great hit, I said it would be my last. But after I said it, that one just couldn't be. The reason was I only let one person do it for me and that one wasn't by him. Cause right before it was my turn he gave hisself a hit and it done him good and there was no way that he was able to do me. I didn't want to wait on him I wanted mine. So I let someone else. So I said that the one that did my first would be the one to do my last. The next couple of days we didn't have anything so we all got some sleep. Until it came and when it did dang. I'm sitting on the bed and I got a real good hit. Boy was I high and everyone knew it. But then my strong backbone my strong arms that I have been asking for and wondering were they were at came to me takes me by the hand and I look away and say I'm not high and started laughing. Then he takes my face and makes me look at him. And for once I really looked into those eyes of pain, regret, hurt. But still yet they were so true he look back at me and right into my eyes and then he says Johnna you don't love me, I kept looking into his eyes with tears running down my face but I could not speak. Those eyes still looking at me he tells me everything that I needed to hear. It was all the truth. He told me " I was better then this life, that he loves me, that I was addicted, and he was going to get me off the needle before it was to late, and I ended up like him"! Then it all came to me I was sent there for a reason. We were there to help each other, be each other strong backbone and strong arms. But what if it was to late. This man sitting infront of me almost died in my arms over what we was doing all those days. I would sit there while he put that needle in his arm and the tears rolled down my face. I felt pain everytime he did that. But I gave in I just gave up! Now that I'm gone from there. I don't know what to do. I need the drugs I want them. They are apart of me. People yell at me and say things that hurts. Cause they say they want me to stop. Well then love me be my strong for me stand beside me holding my hand until I am strong enough again to do it on my own. Help me stop pushing me to the drugs. I can't live life like this anymore. I just want to run and never look back at this life style. Only if it was that easy. I just can't figure out how you can love something so much but hate it even more. I am one of the lucky ones!!! I got away from it all. To this day it still isn't easy. I haven't touch the needle in over 2 years. I'm not saying there hasn't or wasn't been time that I wanted it and times that I have done others. But I will never get that bad again. I didn't think I could turn away from it if someone ask me if I wanted any. I didn't think I could do it. But one day when I was about to get high once again my phone rung. I didn't want to answer it I just wanted my buzz. But I did answer it cause I didn't know the number. But I did know the voice on the other line. Here are the words I heard." Thank you Johnna, I don't know what I would have done without you, Thank you its been 2 months since I have had anything and the only thing that keeps me away from it is that night when you where in my room and you where packing your things to leave. After I told you that it wasn't to late and when you where done packing and walking out my door I was making a fix. You stopped and turn around with tears rolling down your face you said, you know its not to late for you either. This isn't what you need and you can get out also and I will always be here to help you. You have your strong backbone you told me. And you told me that I was wrong earlier that you do love me. The kind of love that will never fade and that will always be there when you need it most. Then Johnna you where gone like an angle. You left, and I wont lie I did that one last fix that night but I missed. Thank you Johnna and I know you love me. And I love you to the kind of love that will never fade that will always be there when u need it most. and then he hung up and he was gone like an angle like my angle. I haven't talk to him in a long time. But I heard from our friend about 4 months ago that he is clean and he is doin great. I am to I look at the sky when I want the drugs when I feel like I need to get high then I think about those words I love you to the kind of the love that will never fade that will always be here when you need it most!!! Thanks for helping me that's all I ever wanted!!!! You know who you are! And everyone that reads this remember never judge anyone no matter what they are doing or what kind of trouble they are in!!! just be strong for them let them know that you were there for them that you love them no matter what!!!! This story is a true story about my life almost 3 years ago, and I know prolly a lot of you people that read this is goin think bad of me and some might not ever talk to me. But that was my life and I cant take it back what is done is done and theres no changing the past. But remember my past is what made me a better person to this day!!!!! ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! Johnna Higgins


Gone are my days of happiness, Gone are my days of bliss Now only remains my loneliness Days past to reminisce each step that I take Each time I take a breath Each scond that slips away Brings me closer to my death Of all the things I have I still feel so poor I have become more depressed Than I have eva felt before What am I fighting for? Not only what but why? When all I am doin Is delating the day I die!!!!

Hace U Ever

Me Just Sitting Here Thinking And Writing All My Thoughts Down Or Writing The Things I Feel For That Some One Special That I Have Learned From Him!!!!! Love Is Only A CHAPTER In HIS Life… But To Me It's The WHOLE Book!!! 1. I smile every time I hear his name… 2. I blush & get butterflies when he's near near by… 3. I always say I'm gonna talk to him… But when he's around there's a chance I'm gonna hide… 4. I can't think of >>NOTHING<< but Him 5. It takes >>ALOT<< to text/call him… 6. I'm always shy around him… 7. My every thought leads to him… 8. I don't know if I can trust him… Only because I'm afraid to loose him… You Make Me Fall In Love All Over Every Time!!!! ???We were givin 2 hands to hold… 2 legs to walk… 2 eyes to see… 2 ears to hear… But why only 1 heart??? I Only Have >>ONE<< life To Live! So I'm Gonna Live It To The >>MAX<< Deep Down I Can't Live WithOut You!!! I Can't Worry About Getting Hurt. It Is A Risk >>I<< Have To Take To Find The >>ONE<< Guy That Won't Hurt Me! I try not to worry about what people think about >>ME<< I got to be happy! They're just jealous! Most of all I live each minute like its my last! It was the first kiss that made it so special!!! If I love him I should have told him and showed him!!! Because what if now I may never get another chance!!!! I guess it wasn't meant to be?!?!?: [ I should have never made him my everything…Because now that he is gone I have nothing!!! Waiting for you is like waiting for the rain in this drought…Useless&Disappointing I never knew I was making memories!!! I will have my heart broken more than this once & it getz harder every time!!! I STILL LOVE YOU!!!!! I should tell him I love him…Because what if I don't and he'll find someone who will!! I was scared that I was going to loose him! Scared I'll do something wrong! Scared that he'll find someone so much better than me! Now I am scared…Because I finally realized how much he actually means to me!! I wish for the sweetest and the softest kiss from only you baby!! If it's meant to be then it will happen!?!? Real love stories never have happy endings… Because real love never ends!?!? Hearts are often broken by words left unspoken!! A boy&girl can be just friends. But at some point in the friendship…. They'll feel more the=an that towards each other… But are to afraid of ruining their friendship to tell each other! MAYBE YOU ARE STILL GONNA BE THE ONE THAT SAVES ME!!!! HAVE YOU EVER….. Everything has its beauty…But not every time do I see it…. I have woken up & realized the one I let go is my prince..But what if its to late to be his princess now!?!?!? I love you more than anything! You are my sunshine! Your kisses make me smile! No matter how far apart we are… Your always in my heart… I STILL LOVE YOU You mean every thing to me! You belong to me! I can't wait to see you again! HAVE YOU EVER??


Some gurls live a life of laughs…Others have to sit back and think…. He Lied He cheated Then he left… Guys are always gonne leave the one he loves for the one he likes….But what happens when the one that he likes leaves him for the one they love! ? ! ? I have no strength other than to go running right back into his arms…. The heart is not a play thing… The heart is not a toy…But give it to a boy and it will be broken… I should have just said to him here is my heart now break it…. Is it really better to have loved and lost then to not love at all? ? ? Would I honestly rather the happy times gone and memories ripped away just to save my tears? ? ? When the tears run dry and that they will! ! I'll still remember being happy! ! ! I wish my child days were back! I would cry over sharing my toys! The only jealousy I ever felt was that she had more ice-cream then me! Sex, Drugs, and responsibility were only words for old people! I truly believed in happy endings would come true! Story books never lied! All the characters were real! Their fairy tale castles would be my palace some day! The worst feeling in the world was grazing my knees! I could nag and yell and scream all I wanted cause with my mommy and daddy I could not do no wrong! But now My heart is broken, minds are lost, lines are crossed, and the truth revealed! I'm crying inside and nobody knows it but me! My hair didn't have to be prefect! My nails could be untouched! I couldn't spell peer pressure let alone feel it! I could eat anything I wanted and not worry about getting fat! The smile on my face was genuine more genuine then it will ever be again! I was an angel! I was a princess! I was who I wanted to be! Now everything has to changed because the world is becoming a very ugly place! Love should be what makes the world go around! But these days its money that makes the world go around! An artificial man made version of love! Now I want to curl up in a lil ball and hide from the world! I'M SCARED!!!! HELP ME!!! Life is meant to be good for some and bad for the others? ! ? Now I live in the shadows of my dreams! I will be fine!!! Pictures fade away but memories are forever! But your smart you'll forget about me! But I'll never forget you and what you did for/to me! I will get stronger! I'll learn off you! I cant tell the >>GUY<< that is gonna love me for a lifetime from the >>GUYS<< that are cheaters!! I wish I could fly high into the sky and pull Heaven down to earth! Or dive into the dept of the ocean pull Hell up to swallow all the evil! Theres meant to be a balance on earth I say bad is overcoming good… BUT OVER ALL MUSN'T GOD PREVAIL
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