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Carolina Dreams

When dawn fades, into early morning light. Cudzu on the vine, dew drops crystal bright. Moisture drips, from the weathered edges. Creeps up the wall, and faded window ledges. Here thier love was borne, right at the break of dawn. In the shadows of, The Willow's song. Dark claws touch her face, with exquiste release. He senses her aura, no need to even speak. His translucent wings wrap around her, with infinte grace. She steps close to his chest, and touches his face. Tendrils of golden curls, and eyes of striking green. Talons so shiney and black, in the morning sun do gleam. With fluidic motion, there could be no deciet. reaching down, he swept her, completely off her feet. Together and Etherial, the dragon and she. Have journeyed through time, for endless eternities. They found that love, had surpassed it's bounds. it has no limits, it completely surrounds. In liquid grace, it fills the mold. And Love ...well... It's the greatest story ever told. Written By: Ruth Anna Brown- Weems Copy Right, All Rights Reserved August 2007

The Darkest Of Loves

The Darkest of Loves Category: Writing and Poetry Your darkness surrounds me, completely lost in the depth of your eyes. Empassioned kisses, 'neath star filled skies. Your touch... I feel it on my skin. Opening our hearts, to where shadows have been. I can heal the hurt, I can heal the pain. With strength of soul brought to you, upon the wings of the Rain. A connection so deep, that it scares you to the bone. Your thoughts draw to me, when you're all alone. You see my eyes, look through your soul. Knowing smiles, of moments we've stole. Your darkness I crave, with every breath that I take. Heal the pain, that has made this heart break. Bound at your feet, Head bowed low. There's more to me, than anyone could ever know. Torture that burns, through the depths of my mind. Shattered pieces of what was once whole, sewn together with thread so fine. Born upon the silken feathers, of the beast within. I feel it crawl through my skin, asking to be let in. Entranced by the energy, that ends with a kiss. My hair pulled back, I'm screaming in bliss. The power, of your darkest hand. I have the strength within, to heed your command. White cranes scream, in the dark of the night. Moonlit wings, they do then take flight. Skin so soft to the touch, burns me to the core. Lying on my back, I can't help but scream for more. You can go where , the dark thoughts go. Take me by the hand, lead me to the path I should follow. This mask you see? it hides me from my thoughts. That scar my mind, so intricately wrought. That twists into a cage, that binds my soul. Waves that crest , upon the rocks of the shoals. Yearning to speak the words, that I'm so afraid to say. I don't even believe it myself, it's wrong to feel this way. Forbidden, Taboo, what else can I do? But to hope and pray, that it's me you'll choose. This is my cross to bear, these feelings I feel. I pinch myself, wonder if this is real. The brightness of your Moon, breaks through my darkened heart's door. In crystaline visions that let me see, You can mend what They have torn. Written By Ruth Anna Brown-Weems Copy Right, All Rights Reserved August 2007
Sprites, Sprites, come now to me. Bring to me your, bright energy. Aloft are thee, in the Elder Tree. Where the Gnomes do hide, and the fairies sing. Tiny voices that, ring through the air. Pointed ears, long flowing hair. Sprites, Sprites, come now through me. In the garden of Time, incantations wispered secretly. Come join with me, and let us sing. The coming of Autumn, before winter's cold sting. Nestled within, the wood of the Elder. Sleep you will , and while away the hours. Hearthstones that burn, emberless fires. Beetles high on, watchtower spires. That stretch high above, her great old Boughs. So many times she's seen, Death's great shroud. Protector, enchantress, was she. And vowed to protect them, for eternity. So the Sprites, and the fairies, Took from her berries, and made the finest wine. And plant each seed, in the sacred grove. Children of, the Great Mother's love. A love, that can never die, as long as the trees still stand. There in grove, tended by the fairies hands. Written By: Ruth Anna Brown-Weems Copy Right, All Rights Reserved August 14, 2007

A Talk With Cernnunos

A Talk With The God On the banks of the river, where lush cat tails grow. On the edge of a wood, covered in snow. Water rushes swiftly by, pieces of ice bobbing in the flow. Right there, beside the tree, a magestic stagg with a bright aura glow. The passage of Time, slowed then became still. In the stillness He came to me, completely in his will. Pale beams of moonlight, glistened off his silky fur. As I stand in his presence, head bowed and demure. His body shifts to human form, no longer stag with cloven feet. His wizened eyes touch my soul, making my heart skip a beat. With a voice soft but firm ," With every breath you take, even if you stumble on the way. Do not take life gifts for granted, and you must cherish every single day. You my child, Even if it seems to be, You will never be alone, as long as you are free. Freedom of choice, like the river flows out to sea. You can either block yourself, or change to what must be. You have the strength of , Dragon and Lion within your heart. Even when you're completely depressed, and your heart is torn apart. Stillness of your heart and mind, will help you find your way. It won't be easy, or is that what you thought I'd say? Control your emotions, keep them at bay. For in the darkness my child, they'll lead you astray. Look for the beauty, in things you thought you'd never see. Contemplete the path of the Earth, Peace and Tranquility. The journey my child, has just begun for you. Be true to your soul, do what you must do. A bright light shines forth from his soul, and opens a temporal door. "The only way you'll truly win, is to stop keeping score. Relax into yourself, fit within your skin. Never mind what other people think, Seek what you need from within." Written By: Ruth Anna Brown-Weems Copy Right, All Rights Reserved August 2007
Pain and Unhappiness are misconceptions to the nature of Reality. Which bring me to the four noble truths of Lord Buddha, which are: Truth of suffering Cause of suffering Cessation of said suffering and it's causes The path to that cessation I, as I am sure all of us at one time or another in our lives need to take stock of mental, emotional and Spiritual stability. We need to develop a single pointed concentration of meditative stabilization to be able to recognise these Truths and heal the pain that causes us to shut down. One can not love if thier own glass is only half full. We must learn to fill that "Glass" within ourselves so that we can give the love that we wish to give to the people in our lives. The first most basic step in meditation is to alighn the chakras. You can do this in any position you wish. I usually sit cross legged with my wrists resting on my knees, or in Proud Mountain pose. Begin by rolling your head three times on each side and breathing deeply then alighn your spine. If you are sitting, feel roots come from your tailbone and anchor into the floor or ground and sread out to draw the energy that you need. Feel the energy flow into your spine and travel up to your pelvic region. This is your root chakra and controls the way you feel about yourself and sexual passions. It is the color Red. Then feel the energy flow up your spine to your sacral chakra which is located two inches deep beneath your navel. and it's color is Orange. Then feel the energy flow to your Solar Plexus Chakra which is located directly beneath the Solar Plexus. and it's color is Yellow. Push the energy up your spine further to the Heart chakra which is colored green and is the heart it's self. Controls the flow of blood and energy through your body. Then push the energy further up your spine to the Throat chakra which is located between the thyroid glands and controls the hyper Thymus glands. It's color is Blue. Feel the energy flow up to your third eye or Brow chakra and open to spiritual enlightenment. It is the color Purple. Now feel the energy flow to the top of your head at the crown, Your Crown chakra and feel the energy burst forth from that spot and fountain down into a puddle around your legs. Then draw it back up through your body again. Do this for as long as you can hold focus. Do not be discouraged, it does take time but once the chakras are alighned everything else falls into place. Your body begins to feel better and your mind as well. This is how healing begins it's slow process. it's not a quick heal, this takes time and patience and dedication. We have to learn to heal ourselves and find our Joy, or Nirvana if you will. Peace Be The Journey, Blessed Be and Namaste' Lady Raena

Never Again!

This came from a soulful hurt caused by a lover who did not feel the same. Soul confused, it's so often misused. It's worn completely thin , and more than a little bruised. Confusion runs rampant, in pragmatic scenes. Alone in my thoughts, as it should be. A karmic bond, is not a light thing. You must open yourself, to the joy it could bring. I feel..like a fool, that has taken a leap of faith. Only to find out, that it was a just a mistake. Man, just fucking close yourself off. You're never gonna find it, it's Never how you thought. I was never meant, to be a solitary soul. Watch the coy swim, in a gold fish bowl. Of never understanding , why Love equals pain. The lightening flashes, followed by Rain. Cold and gray, as dark as my soul. Because the one has gone, that made me feel whole. I knew I should have never said I love you. I should have never cared. I opened myself, there were secrets shared. I made the mistake, it won't happen again. I just close myself off, Never again. Written By: Ruth Anna Brown-Weems Copy Right, All Rights Reserved September 11,2007

From Darkness To Light

I began writing this poem one year after the death of my oldest child in '93. So It was '94 . Then in one of my moves a couple of years ago, I lost it and finally found it like some thirteen years later to the day.Coincidence ? or fate? I read it and thought back over how I had changed in all these years and decided to add a lighter note to the end of the piece. And I changed a few things from the original but I think I like this version just as well. " From Darkness to Light" Jaws, tearing at my flesh, as pieces fly into the wind. Teeth, ripping at my breast, blood dripping from his maw. Snakes slither through empty skulls, that once held eyes with tears. All love and joy stollen. alone through the years. As blood pours from my veins, I see a single ray of light. I ask it "Why?" " Why was she taken from my sight?" With a hideous cackle, unknown to human ears. "It's the payment of Karma, ecrewed through the years. You were a fool to think, that we would work for free. Even in the spirit world, you must pay a fee." Flash of flame, heated fire. " Do not dispair, you will have all you desire." The pain of death, worse than a punch. I never knew , that I could love so much. The loss of , any child. Will drive the sane, nearly half-wild. Thirteen years have come and gone, and the years have brought me to this place. Of all the things I would have done, once more to see her face. Take this life, for all it's worth. All of the sadness, all of the mirth. Rosemary, Mugwort, Hyssop and Thyme. I need something, to take away the pain tonight. Flash of lightning, brings on the rain. Here comes the damn, nightmares again. Let the sadness, mold you stronger. As they say," What doesn't kill you, makes you live longer." Here's some things , that you should know. To love, to create, to teach and to know. I feel her spirit on the wind, no other spirit would have that smell. She comforted me, when I wasn't well. Crawled back from insanity, out of the crevice's jaws. A triumphant Polar Bear, with prey in my claws. Shaken and alone, lost and undone. I prayed to the Goddess, and the bright shining one. Silver strands, of silky Moon light. Guide my soul, in the inky , dark of the night. Never give up, don't let your soul die. Wake up and realize, there's so much more to life. Make the right choices, the right ones for you. The Goddess will guide you, in all that you do. Written By: Ruth Anna Brown- Weems Copy Right, All rights reserved July 4th 2006

Marrukkah the Dragon

Yearning to seek fortunes, long since gone. In caverns deep, below the stone. Nestled at the foot of the mountains, in the lee of the Fae. He was there before time was, the ancients did say. Walk upon , a dragon's lair. Shiney gold, and things so fair. Mountains of rubies, covered in dust. Jewel encrusted swords, that will never rust. he sees a , single flash of light. As the dragon catches him, in his sight. He flexes his wings, and snaps his jaws. Cobb webbs clinging, to his outstretched claws. " Speak now! Why are you in my lair? On your knees, How do you dare?" With contrite grace, the man bows low. " There are just some things, I yearn to know." The dragon flexes his wing, see the tip snap. " Beware human , there are traps. You have one choice, so take it now. To save your life, or walk the clouds." He thought for a moment , as he looked over the room. The safest path, through the lair, the chamber of doom. He choses a sword, with hilt of blue. From a valiant knight, who fought so true. The dragon sighed, a ragged breath. "With this choice, you have escaped your death." " My name is Marrukkah, and I am as old. As all the stars, that begin to grow cold. I come from a land, long since gone. Covered with water, and filled with whale song. But I a creature, of the air. Could not go with them, with much dispair. So I took my treasure, before she sank. Now all that is left, has grown cold and dank. Atlantis, is what they called my home. Now I am left, the world to roam. Now you must go, go with peace. So I may feed, then go to sleep." He turns to go, with tears in his eyes. As the dragon moved forth, to take to the skies. Heart felt pain, in the screams and roars. Catches the jet stream, above the shore. It calls to him, this voice he hears. A young woman alone, trapped in her fears. She pulls her cloak, up high. As Marrukkah, draws nigh. With a great thud, he lands on the sand. Bids her to come , with outstretched hand She walks his way, then jumps on his back. Just behind the wings, all shiney and black. The great dragon, takes to the sky. Singing a song, just like a lullaby. Of a time and place, long ago. That speak of a Goddess, and her sorrow. So back they fly to the foot of the mounatins, in the lee of the Fae. No more fear or sadness, for the rest of her days. Written By Ruth Anna Brown-Weems Copy Right, All Rights reserved August 4th,2006

Too much Thinking

In the dawn, of the early morning dew. Again my thoughts, drift back to you. Somehow I can't help, these feelings I feel. Or even if the visions, I've had are real. Candles held high, the circle 'round. Two lover's entwined, upon the ground. Seeking, Searching, wanting so much more. You've stirred feelings, felt only once before. What does it mean? What can we do? It feels so strange, I think I'm starting to love you. My knees get weak, and my hands start to shake. This fire's inferno, I can not slake. I want to feel, your kiss on my lips. The rush of our pulses, as we find our bliss. Again, again, my thoughts drift to you. The marvelous, maleness, the wonder of you. Written By: Ruth Anna Brown-Weems Copy Right, All Rights Reserved October 06

Touched By The Goddess

Touched By The Goddess Current mood: contemplative Birds in flight, catch my sight. As I drift into, dreams of the night. The veil of shadows, catches my breath. I feel like.. I'm on the verge of death. Creation sings, of the Goddesses might. Giving to me, power of the Night. As I seek the , greatest of illuminations. Visions so grande, awesome incantations. Of sights the vision sends, into the depths of my soul. Some how, some way, the Goddess will make me whole. At Odin's table, we laugh and sing. " Look forth," He said, " Look to the Tree." Freya leans forward, and grabs a flask. And I ask my Goddess, " What is thy task?" With a smile on her lips, and Odin's Raven's by her side. " Look forth within yourself, for the things you can not hide. And write my child, for that is what you do. Do not fear, I will always guide you." With a peircing scream, the Ravens flew. To the strands of fate, with golden hues. Each bird went forth, and drew a strand. Brought them back, to the Goddesses hand. Holding them out, she smiles and says, " Choose. In Valhalla you stand, with us to guide you, you will not loose. Your payment to me is thus, for every black bird you meet. Say, "Good morning your magesty, your song is so sweet. Just take to the sky, and soon you will be. Back to your world, upon the Tree." Written By: Ruth Anna Brown-Weems Copy Right, All Rights Reserved October 23, 2006
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