I am a Practicing Witch with thirteen years of study and still can not find enuf to read on the subject.I enjoy reading Tarot, Palms,studying herbology and love to make Elderberry Wine and Pommogranite mead! scrying in mirrors and crystals and can also scry within the flame of a fire or candle. I meditate as often as I can and completely believe in Yoga. I have lost 120 pounds in two years and looking and feeling sooo much better!
I am also a guidance counselor and Moderator for Immortal Covenant Vampire Community @ This is a site for real Pranic,Psy and Sanguine Vampires, NOT a Roll Playing site. We discuss topics of common interest and I help and give advice.Come by and check us out let's get some topics of conversation rolling and share some good information.

Free Comments & GraphicsI love to read Tarot,I love to read Palms,I live for Mabon Samhain and Yule, they are my favortite holidays above all. ON Yule in our family, all gifts must be made with your hands or you must find it in nature OR it can not be given.

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Free Comments & GraphicsI love the Full Moon, I love the New Moon, I love every aspect of the dark of the Moon. My Goddesses are many as well as my Gods' in honor of the Egyptian Pantheon I have an ankh tattooed on my spine. it's about nine inches long with the arms between my shoulder blades which are about five inches across.

Free Comments & Graphics I love the Fae, I leave plates of food for the fairies as well as leaving little tidbits here and there and love to make little houses for them and hang them on my walls.If any of my stones go missing, I call the Fae to help me find them.LOL! it works! they bring it to me or put it where I can find!

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