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Dr Turi's blog: "Dr. Turi's Blog"

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1/31/2007 Hello all: Well between "And The Rest Of The Secret" and the recent Sylvia Browne dilemma my mail box is literally exploding with all sorts of feedback. It is impossible for me to answer every one of you personally so I picked a few interesting topics and will share them with you. Again remember I am not here to bash anyone including Sylvia Browne, I am much too confident and secure with myself to do so with anyone. I am here to expose the truth and as mentioned many times before people can only relate to me because of their experiences, education and most of all their natal UCI (or Unique Celestial Identity). You may perceive my work negatively because all of the above but it seems that people do not read my newsletter to the end or with an open mind and let their own ego or fears interfere with my message. So read my work objectively, use common sense and don't let your own personal feeling interfere with your good cold, and critical judgment. Realize that each time you are "offended" you are reflecting your own inner fears and with my help you will be able to auto analyze yourself correctly and be more aware of your own self. That is a FREE Astropsychology service to all of you. Note also that if I pick your email (either negative or positive) its because it has good value and will help you and other in the process. Realize that I am very concerned with your privacy and your own inner fears are coming from losing power, or control by being exposed. This is totally ridiculous because I DO RESPECT you privacy and will NEVER give your name or email address to the world. This attitude shuts down your opportunity for fame as very famous people (including myself) cannot and will not be able to keep their life under cover. Call it the "Law of Attraction" and if you want privacy rest assured your subconscious powerful magical forces will make sure you stay in the dark! Learn something yet? I always take constructive criticism very well but for those who knows me well my 3rd house of communication (ruled by Mercury - The Messenger of the Gods) located in the direct, honest, child like sign of Aries (the Leader) makes a huge different between the way I express myself and the way you do. I can guarantee you that any of my students fully understand the way I express myself and many of them felt the way you do before taking my course. Once Cosmic consciousness has been established any one of you will be finally be ABLE to really relate to my teachings and me. Note also that my 3rd house of communication, including my Mercury (dignified) is into the futuristic original sign of Aquarius. So until you "raise" your own celestial awareness you will not exactly be able to "detach" yourself from yourself and fully conceive the way I (directly) express myself. Once "educated" (DON'T TAKE THIS PERSONALLY) you will be much more forgiving in your judgments especially your own self. I may have spoken Chinese for some people but no more mental gymnastics for now, just read and enjoy all those feedback. Again I will attempt to answer a few of you as my busy schedule permit. Best to all DT ----- Original Message ----- From: //FRANCES//.com < Beginning/Ending of Important Portion of Life! Sylvia Browne Psychic Powers Exposed on CNN! "Changes Imposed Pray For Souls" Whoa! ----- Original Message ----- From: Cana/// Hello Dr. Turi; Your classes are very expensive......... last night on the radio I heard that there is a bill in congress to reinstate the draft......just like you predicted.....that is frightening... Thank you DT's answer - There are VERY easy way to take it... read on and thank you. Call Samantha with your credit card or send your payment. SPECIAL DEAL #1: Mail only - If you don't want to use your credit card and pay too much interest I have an even better deal for you and if you have bad credit NO PROBLEM! You will STILL receive ALL that you need to start the course, this mean books/DVD/CD/printed material/exam/Internet files/audio tapes etc. Simply send $75.00 each month or at your own pace until you purchase the full album course package of 16 CD then when you are ready send me your exam and graduate. This deal will allow you to see and feel if you like Astropsychology without the full program if you decide to stop the tuition. This SUPER DEAL is only available by mail using US postal money order ONLY. Call for information 602-265-7667 ----- Original Message ----- From: mz////@aol.com Subject: Re: The Fate Of Sylvia Browne Dr Turi, I do believe that it is very negative to put down another, while rising yourself up to others. Negative attracts negative....... Please just talk of the good you do, not the unfortunate works of others. Lets see if this is also put in your news letters Thank you, DT - Did you read this section in my newsletter? "I can only wish Sylvia Brown the best of the best because regardless of her fate sure enough in her own right she must also have helped a lot of people. Furthermore.. "Souls who take my honesty and direct approach to wisdom as an oversized ego suffers both an insecurity and inferiority complex" Dr. Turi ----- Original Message ----- From: bour//ero.net Subject: Re: The Fate Of Sylvia Browne dr.turi:.........your right again, years ago went to one of sylvia brownes classes they had a lot of info.but i had my doutes, and on that show it showed!!, may be she should buy your moon book!...............g.bourne.............keep up the good work!.......... DT - In all honesty and without ego trip, you will get true wisdom in any of my books...and Cosmic Consciousness if you take my course by mail, that is a full week of heavy duty solid work teaching the Golden Keys of what it means to be human. That is not $700.00 for 30 mn telephone work but an investment that will change your life and teach you the "rest of the Secret". Join us in Sedona or Hawaii... http://www.drturi.com/2007-Sedona.php ----- Original Message ----- From: Th///aol.com To: dr.turi@cox.net Subject: Re: The Fate Of Sylvia Browne Dr. Turi, in all due respect, each time I read your emails it seems as if you are self-promoting to the point that I get scared you might be coaxing me and others to "just believe" when your success rate speaks for itself. I wanted to get a reading from you but lately I have been turned off by your air of passive/aggressive pushiness. I think you should change your sales pitch so that it's not a sales pitch but a genuine concern for your career and others who may be as real as yourself, if in fact, you are real. Now, I'm beginning to wonder. DT - Yes I am very real Hun...and also concerned and expose the truth about everyone, including myself...Honesty is a gift, stop taking my newsletters personally...for one "sensitive" soul email I get thousands of supporting ones.. Are you a minority? may be you should change your attitude because I will not, I am me, I am true an d as mentioned in my nesletters "You can only love me or hate me in any case let me prove you right or prove you wrong". A Full Life taped reading would tell you much more (about you!) "Souls who take my honesty and direct approach to wisdom as an oversized ego suffers both an insecurity and inferiority complex" Dr. Turi ----- Original Message ----- From: Patty Subject: Re: The Fate Of Sylvia Browne Dr. Turi- Sylvia Browne is a good psychic. But psychic cannot be all things to everyone. Let me give you an example. I would go to you in a heartbeat for information on astrology, music and even psychology. But I wouldn't want you working on my car! Why? Because I have no proof that you are good at such things! LOL! Perhaps you are-or maybe you can do wonders with French made cars like Renaults,etc. Fine. But I do not usually think of you when seeking a mechanic! I think good psychics kind of specialize as well. I have known many psychics and rarely do they claim to do equally well in every psychic area. Two friends of mine can locate missing kids, but they NEVEER try to do crime investigations for other things. And they never try to take on too much work at once. Psychics are no different than other workers. Throw too much work at them, and something suffers. Sylvia needs to step back and not take on more work. She needs to rest a bit. DT - Sylivia Browne is like you and I under the juridiction of the stars and especially the Dragon. Do people realy read my newsletter? I wonder...OK read agin Hun So what happened to Sylvia Browne? ( Changes Imposed Pray For Souls ) What it is in the stars that produced such a dramatic change in her life? Well it's the Dragon! Now I always said that the Dragon's location by house and sign has more power in itself than the entire complexity of your chart. Well the Dragons' Head and Tail are right now and since last June 2006 into the sign of Pisces Virgo axis. "As I am writing this newsletter Sylvia has the Dragon RIGHT in her 6th house of work and service to the world regulated by the psychic sign of Pisces. Thus the Dragon karmically imposed her celestial will on her for drastic and dramatic changes. The Dragon's Tail is now cruising through her 12th house (the subconscious) and induced serious psychological stress due to the imposed transformation. My book "2007 Moon Power" and "The Power Of The Dragon" have all the nuts and bolts about YOUR own Dragon and the changes it will impose on you and those you care GET THE BOOKS NOW! Do yourself a great favor! http://www.drturi.com/books.php Lastly I am sure many of you heard of the "The Secret" (Law of Attraction) and what this great movie's teachers did not talk about is that this very law can also attract DRAMA and changes. Maybe Mrs. Sylvia Brown nurtured some fears and/or guilt and the "Law of attraction" did the rest? " ----- Original ----- Original Message ----- From: Craig Subject: Deathwish generation DT, Deathwish generation You are correct. You can see the empty eyes in those children. Sad but true. And only wisdom can help them in the form of teachers, examples, and parents. And well, that is very rare. Very. But there is hope. Craig ----- Original Message ----- From: dt - Some people are simply dum and will never get it... Sorry! I must agree with these people. Universal laws are for everyone and NOT for making money. They belong to everyone and are information that everyone should have along with a "how to" manual for our bodies. You may know what you are doing as far as astrology is concerned but you are very full of yourself! and Crystal is right, the more you give, the more you get. It can be said many ways...what goes around comes around, do unto others as you would have others do unto you, we only get what we give. In some respects I know, people don't appreciate what they don't pay for but that's not always true. I think people have a right as spiritual people on a human path to know what the universal laws are so that they can be implemented. I don't think anyone has the right to say, you can't have them unless you pay for it. I don't think you even know what they are. Oh yeah, and it doesn't "work entirely for" just YOU! Another one... but before read this please... I must agree with those that posted. I was very excited when I first Heard you on Coast to Coast, I have received and read your newsletters, yet I am not left with a sense of real learning. I am happy for YOU that this knowledge has been revealed, studied, etc, and I also appreciate the many years you have put into your gift. I do not believe tho that you understand "giving". I believe we are here to "share" what we know and when we do so we understand the real meaning of "receiving" I do believe that if you have information that would aid others it should not be for sale, but given to all that are willing to receive. You have asked us to email differnet web sites;, such as George Noorey, and I did once. Now you are asking people to put you on Oprah. It seems to me that you have found a way of using others to promote yourself. DT - YES SO THAT I CAN HELP MORE OF YOU! You have kept this "secret" dangling email after email. There are many who would love to be taught, and so they search, such as I, hoping we have found someone who does know something, as we could use the help, yet do not have a large bank account. That should not not be the reason for imparting knowledge to others. Regard, Jaynee DT - I dont think these people are reading or able to assimilate my newsletters, didn't I said MANY TIMES NOW, THAT IT CAN NOT BE DONE on the net? ----- Original Message ----- From: C Dr. Turi, American saying, "Shoveling shit against the tide" Without respecting the Moon, that is what people are doing. C Subject: Secret universal code From: Ingrid/// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Actually Dr. Turi, I was quite interested in your post. I loved the following words you had to say: "Victimizing yourself with your own thoughts is misusing the power of creation against you and God himself." I can remember how many times I do that. I sometimes think I am my worst enemy and have been working on that since I learned about the Secret. It is interesting that you mentioned that there are other laws because that was my second thought after watching the Secret. I wondered what other laws governed the universe and have searched the internet for these answeres. I came across one website that state there are seven overall laws that govern the universe. I don't know if there are seven laws or more or less. Thankyou for making the post you did. It has confirmed what I have been suspecting for sometime and I am becoming more aware of not just manifesting material things but also bringing about my best self. ----- Original Message ----- From: Michael Thank You For Posting My Comment,To Me,Its Not An Issue Of Charge Or Dont Charge, I Believe as The Bible States The Workman is Worthy Of His Hire,So Sell The Fruit Of Your Labor Or Give it Away,Its Yours To Do with As You Please, But When I Think Of All The People Who Want it Free Or Something For Nothing Another Verse Comes To Mind......Do Not Cast Pearls Before Swine. At Any Rate Best Of Luck in All Your Endevours-Happy To Have You as a Fellow Phoenician= Michael ----- Original Message ----- From: "Ed // //.com> Subject: Re: And Now The Rest Of The Secret Dear Louis, I read your last message, and was truly puzzled by some people's attitudes. If you want to give something away, that should be *your* choice, not a "choice" forced upon you by people who want to manipulate you into doing something that *they* want. Besides, I'm sure they work for a living, and get paid for doing so - why should it be any different with you? In other words, why shouldn't you be paid for what you do? The idea that if one asks for money then one is somehow unspiritual is complete nonsense! Even throughout history, sages and wise men were paid for their efforts - either by the aristocracy or by the people whom they performed services for. Last time I looked, they weren't giving away groceries or places to live for free - one needs money to live in today's world, unless one wants to live in a cave or forest on public land and hunt, fish, or grow one's food, which would leave very little time to provide services for other people! The way they should look at it is, you making money for your services is making it possible for you to provide services to even more people, and that's a good thing! ----- Original Message ----- From: C////l.com Subject: Re: â?oAnd Now The Rest Of The Secretâ? Hello Dr. Turi, I read your newsletter, and I must say I am so tired of people who want everything for NOTHING. People today want it all and want to do NOTHING for it, they will not work for it and they will not look at themselves in hopes that they themselves do have the answers with in themselves, they simply say, PEOPLE SHOULD GIVE THEIR GIFTS AWAY FOR NOTHING, which generates NO RESPECT for the person WHO IS TRYING TO HELP THEM. I do sometimes in frustration look at the world and say WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO PEOPLE TODAY, they are so FULL OF NEGATIVITY, and they don't even know it. They are going by the OLD TEACHINGS, that SPIRITUAL TEACHERS do not CHARGE for their WORK., but they do not look at the times. In Ancient times, people gave to the Teacher, anything that they could, FOOD, CLOTHING SHELTER, WHAT EVER THEY NEEDED, IS THAT NOT PAYMENT FOR THEIR WORK, so why should PEOPLE NOT BE PAID FOR THEIR GOD GIVEN GIFTS .......TODAY....... I do not always have the money to pay the price, if not I search for the answers myself, or save my money and pay for it when I can get the information. SO I SAY TO ALL OF YOU WHO WANT ALL FOR NOTHING, REMEMBER THAT YOU WILL GET NOTHING BUT NEGATIVE FOR THE LAW OF ATTRACTION DOES APPLY................. Thank you for letting me know in the Newsletter you were on the Radio. Peace to you, Celine ----- Original Message ----- From: Anne//ie // Subject: about 'The Secret' and everything for free Hello Dr. Turi I agree with you fully, if you get something for free you are bound to let it go as easy as it came. We have a shop and see many people everyday and sometimes people come in and they do not have enough money or they left their money at home and they ask you "please" if they can get it and they will come straight back to pay you, well 90% of the time you never see them again. If you had said "no" they would be angry at you but for some 'strange' reason they will keep on supporting you but not when you give goods away for free, it's a human trait, easy come easy go. The best of all is that if people will only read your letters very carefully they will find that you have already told them what the rest of the secret is, but I think just as wanting it for free they skim over your letters and don't read them for what they are worth. Keep up the good work. Kind blessings - Anne-Marie ----- Original Message ----- From: Edly Subject: RE: "And Now The Rest Of The Secret" This letter shows why this system as I see has to be destroyed. There are doers and then there are just sit on my ass give me my beer and potato chips with a fresh supply of batteries for my remote so I don't have to do anything. Many do not want to work for things of value that may benefit them. I have been researching what is called the redemption process and there are others that laugh at me but they are there waiting for me to accomplish my goal so they can get the same benefits for doing nothing, if people aren't willing to make some sacrifices for things, then they don't deserver it and will have noooooooooooo appreciation for it. There are others selling this same type of product so let them go BUY IT, that is what I have done or others I know have done and then we share the information amongst us, let this guy do the same. I am sure he gets paid for doing what ever he does to survive, Matthew 7 (King James Version) 6Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you-------------------6"Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces.----------I think this is self exclamatory because when I get my project finished, I will probably be discreet about giving it out to people who do no deserve it. ---- Original Message ----- From: Rebecae Subject: Re: "And Now The Rest Of The Secret" I believe there is nothing more valuable than life experience and there is nothing wrong in asking money for it regardless if one had to write a book or not. If you had wrote an e-book, maybe people would not have gotten there feathers so ruffled in your asking for re-numeration for it. I am so happy to hear you are doing a DVD of the "decoding the secret" !! Love, Rebeca ----- Original Message ----- From: Kle///l.com Subject: thanks for the newsletters Thanks for your newsletters and the rest. I for one, after having your full life reading, am thinking in ways not possible even a few years ago. At least you're not charging 750+ like Sylvia and then saying someone's kid is dead, only to have them reappear later (as an example). You are one of a few that I value their input. And yes, better than 10% of gross for life (or burn) than some out there. Take care, and thanks. Robert K ----- Original Message ----- From: //@aol.com Subject: Re: The Fate Of Sylvia Browne Hello Dr Turi, My name is Dr. ///// my doctorate is in Parapsychic Science. I have ordered your readings, as I do all practicing psychics, numerologists, astrologists, and others that profess a talent of forecasting the future. I spend large sums of personal money, without any sponsoring from outside sources, on this research. My interest is in separating the talented from the actors. That is just a summary of who I am. I forgot to mention I also have a doctorate in Psychology. I have a limited person to person counseling practice and a online site for the public, at rates that people can afford. I felt there was a great need for this, and it turns out the need was greater than I anticipated. I turn no person in need away, doing many without payment. I counsel those with obvious problems in the normal fields, along with all paranormal subjects, such as OBE's, Abductions, etc.. The later is where my true interests are, but I make myself available for all forms of counseling. The general public lives in a fog, following whoever will tell them something to give them hope or a purpose to live. Now that I have given you some background, and my interest in your work, I will tell you why I am writing. I just finished reading your email concerning Sylvia Browne. I have a story to tell you, and a warning about your quest to prove yourself to "The Amazing Randi'. In 1998, I was on a trip to Egypt with Sylvia, along with a few other people that hosted the trip. I did past life regression and other hypnotic sessions, without charging anyone a fee. Sylvia did private sessions, as well as group sessions where she would pick out people among the 400 people that had paid in excess of $ 5000 each for the trip. I tried to attend all the group sessions, as an observer, to see what she would tell the different people. I made it a point to acquaint myself with everyone that was attending this trip. Some of them I got to know well, others were like groupies that waited like zombies for Sylvia to appear, and did not want to talk to anyone but her. I will sum up Sylvia's 'readings' for you. I cannot describe them in one word, it takes several to make you understand. Hateful, spiteful, ridiculous, and completely out of touch with the person, those are just a few of my impressions. I have one story in particular to relate, one that the memory stays with me, as if it happened yesterday. Sylvia was doing a group session, and her hit rate was zero. She did about 5 that my Granddaughter could have done better, she gave them no information, simply repeated the information she would get them to tell her. Everyone has dead relatives, they usually have both male and female dead relatives, so that's a no-brainer. She would prompt them to tell her who they wanted it to be, and she flew with that, letting them fill in the details. Then she picked this very nice woman, who thought Sylvia walked on water. She did her normal routine of telling her there was an older woman, deceased, who was standing behind her. She took the physical features of the woman, an described what this deceased relative looked like. The lady says that sounds like my Mother. Sylvia verified that the lady said she was her Mother. The lady then said, "It can't be, my Mother is living." Sylvia answered, "Maybe your Mother was alive, but she is not now." The lady started crying and ran out of the room. Sylvia explained to the group, sometimes you have to tell people things they don't want to hear, and proceeded with her group session. The lady immediately went to her hotel room and called her Mother's house. There was no answer! She called her throughout the night and the next day. The group went to the Valley of the God's that day and I noticed the lady was not there. When we returned to the hotel, I went to her room to check on her. She had been continuously crying and looked ready to collapse. She was trying to book a flight to go home, and I suggested that she call someone to go check on her Mother. She was so distraught, she had not thought of that. She had a Brother that lived approximately 200 miles from her Mother, but traveled in his job and was hard to reach. She called his home and fortunately he was there. She explained to him the situation, and he agreed to drive to check her. I waited with her until he called back, which was 5 hours later. Their Mother was fine, she had been at home the entire time, but the phone line had come out of the wall plug. She owned a frisky cat, that played with a yarn ball. They concluded the cat had probably pulled the line out. The lady was so relieved she just collapsed. I gave her a Xanax and she was sleeping, still in the same clothes from the night before, when I left her. The next morning she confronted Sylvia. Sylvia pushed her away and told security(who travel with her) to remove her. We were only on the 4th day of a 10 day trip, but the lady made arrangements to fly home. At the end of the trip, there were only a few fans of Sylvia left. Everyone had seen enough to know, she was a complete fraud. What started out as 400 paying guests, ended with about 250 that completed the 10 days. The others had left, at various times during the 10 days, with no kind comments of Sylvia. A lot of people wanted their money back, but they had neglected to read the disclaimer on the booking contract that covered NO REFUNDS. It was a long flight back, with a plane of unhappy people. We had left NYC on 2 planes and returned on 1. It was an experience I will never forget, there are many other stories, but the one I disclosed to you, was the one that effected me the most. On to "The Un-amazing Randi." He is a fraud as well! I have met him and attended a session as an observer, while a psychic was being tested. No one can have a 100% hit rate, repeated over and over again. I don't care how accurate a person is, it would be impossible to hold up under his testing. He is not out to find a psychic, he is in the game for the money. Sceptics fund him nicely and he wants to keep it that way. Please do not fall for his scam, you will lose in the end. You are building a good following, don't take a chance on losing it. You won't win and he will use you as a scapegoat, until everyone drops off your list. I hope you will benefit from this information. I would appreciate it if this stayed between the two of us. I do not want to advertise my research, until I am ready to put it all in a book. I only have one more thing to add. I found out after returning home, and communicating with some of the people I had met, Sylvia had charged for every Hypnosis session I had done. I did not charge, but she did, without my knowledge. She collected $200 per hour, and I did about three sessions a day. I paid a discounted rate for the trip, in exchange for providing my service. There were 3 other people that provided services, but did charge, and Sylvia took a commission. They did not pay for the trip, as that was part of the incentive. I did not charge, because I thought the people were paying enough as it was, just for the trip. I pass this information to you in good faith, hoping that it will shed some light for you personally. Be careful about what you publicly say about Sylvia, she is a very vengeful woman. If you dwell on her too much, she will retaliate, and she has plenty of money to back her. You should not spend you time degrading someone, just point out the difference in your work and hers, as you did in the email. Prove yourself to the people that pay for your services and don't concern yourself with people like Randi. In wish you all the best in your business, I will continue to follow your progress. In love's enduring embrace~~~~Dr. /// TDT - hank you for your feedback and I am not here to degrade or expose anyone but the TRUTH. Note als that your privacy and every one's else is kept private thus NO ONE will ever know who you are. Thank you for your feedback. Did you read this section in my newsletter? "I can only wish Sylvia Brown the best of the best because regardless of her fate sure enough in her own right she must also have helped a lot of people." Blessings DT Join me and learn more about "THE SECRET UNIVERSAL CODE" I will explain to you in great detail why very famous people like Oprah Winfrey or unlucky victims of crimes do also ATTRACT good or bad deeds in their lives. I will explain the importance of knowing your Divinity so you can use this power constructively and heal yourself or reach any of your dreams. UNLOCK the Universal Code and learn about the true Celestial laws written in light by God himself. http://www.myprema.com/prem015.php Want to Master The Universal Code? Join me in Hawaii and Sedona http://www.drturi.com/2007-Sedona.php Blessings to all Dr. Turi http://www.globalenquirer.com/~20061103-1-Celebrity_Astrologer_Dr_Turi.html WORLD WIDE http://cherrytap.com/drturi - CHECK THE PICS! http://www.myspace.com/drturi http://www.drturi.com Order And Services http://www.drturi.com/readings.php Free Newsletter http://www.drturi.com/news/ Astropsychology, Hypnotherapy, Cabalistic Healing, Motivational Speaker, Author, Marriage Counselor. Telephone: 602-265-7667 - Fax: 602-265-8668 - " Your Future is Nothing Else Than the Reincarnation of Your Thoughts." - Dr.Turi
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