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Battle Of Lions

If you want to read the rest of this important forecast and Obama's prediction sign up for Free Newsletter http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/ Blessings to all Dr. Turi Battle Of Lions 8/28/2008 Dear Reader; If you are a VIP just a little note to let you know that another “Cosmic Code” has gone to your mailbox today. Out of thousands newsletters sent out we have 53 returns which means some of you did not get it. If you are a VIP ONLY and did not receive it please but call your ISP “internet Service Provider” to accept Dr. Turi’s large files and submit your request to Mike at dr.turi@cox.net to catch up. Even though I gave away the 2008 Moon Power a while ago some old people are not computer literate or are using Web TV making the downloading very difficult if possible at all. Thus I have to do it the regular way by submitting the “Daily and Monthly Forecast For all” until the end of year 2008. Also I want to thank you and welcome both old and new “Cosmic Code” VIP subscribers to keep my newsletters coming to your mailbox in 2009. Subscriptions are poring everyday making the filing process much easier for Mike. Once more make sure to save $25 by calling 972-623-7689 or emailing Terania before January 1st 2009 because after this date ALL email addresses will be automatically deleted from our system and the standard price will be raised to $100 and $35 for Senior citizen. teraniapromodir@peoplepc.com I gave the 2008 Moon Power for free very early this year but I will not do so in 2009. Terania has been working editing it for days now and this UPDATED version took me a considerable time and its content and pictures will make this Moon Power very large and indeed the best one I ever produced. My new 2009 Moon Power (Ebook version only), will be available soon from my order page http://www.drturi.com/orders3.html or by clicking on the banner from www.drturi.com Note also that all my past and future VIP “Cosmic Code” newsletters and my new 2009 Moon power (thanks to my good dedicated friend Craig) will be available both on Ebook and hard cover from www.lulu.com The idea is to give the option to precarious readers to get a sample of my work by ordering 20 of my 2008 VIP “Cosmic Code” newsletters for $25 and check the values of my work before becoming a 2009 VIP “Cosmic Code” subscriber and investing $100. The purpose is also to “crystallize” my wisdom by explaining how and why “God’s order” through the “Cosmic Code” produces world wide daily news and how it affect’s humankind’s affairs. All sorts of tips pertaining to health and thousands of other interesting topics will help the reader to build his own “Cosmic Consciousness” and find in my work, some of the answers we all so desperately seek. Also make sure to sign up to the FREE Dragon Newsletter even if you already are a VIP from http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/ because I always make announcement to the general public trying to minimize the space used for advertisements to accommodate your ISP. Lastly keep a positive attitude and remember this nasty Dragon’s Tail is still in the 2nd house of money of the US and produces a lot of stress and problem for many of us. Once this Dragon moves out (read Universal Predictions in my FREE 2008 Moon Power for dates) http://www.drturi.com/moonpoweroffer2008.php all will return normal for all of us financially. Before going in detail in Your Day - to - Day Guidance For September 2008 let me say something about the fate of Barack Obama being the first African American to lead major party ticket and talk about the Clintons’ failure. Battle of Lions! Hilary was born in November and her 10th house (career)in Leo is receiving the Tail of the Dragon also in Leo and denunciate her disappointment to become the 1st women to become US President. Of course none of our Leaders possess “Cosmic Consciousness” and paid the price of ignoring God’s celestial rules. President Clinton is a Leo receiving the Tail of the Dragon right on his face but getting some of the stage because the Head of the Dragon (positive) is in Aquarius (television) right on his 7th house (marriage/partners). Thus because of Hilary runing for the Presidency he still “shines” on stage (Leo). Now Obama is also a Leo born with a Leo Dragon’s Tail, (short life) and Bill Clinton (a Leo) is right on Obama Tail (born mortal enemies / karmic position). Like Clinton, Obama had to battle the Dragon’s Tail in Leo right on his face too but Obama’s natal Dragon’s Head (luck/growth) is also on his 7th house (the public/popularity) in Aquarius (television). Obama Tragic Stars Will Speak in Time - Help Me To Save Him! Many of you have read my sad predictions in previous newsletters about Obama’s very high probability of assassination and/or plane crash or abrupt end. Regardless of my unarguable well documented proof of predictions, as of today (8/28/2008) NO ONE in power or in the secret service has yet taking me seriously. I have exchanged some emails with some concerned US Ambassadors, even US Senators but I am working through generations of religious programming and trying to convince a group of older men that anyone besides Jesus can lead them to salvation or protection is a tough nut to crack. The Bible dissuades numerology, astrology, soothe sawyers etc. and not knowing better they can only lump me with this deceiving crowd. Not understanding God’s true celestial order and signs can only lead anyone to disaster. These high placed politicians were raised and poisoned in the Catholic school/church for over 20 years. Some of them are just now beginning to see the impact of that brain-washing, but hey, its been their lives life for nearly 50 years. Let’s hope I can make the impossible and offer real SALVATION to Obama’s protection before its too late. Menatime realize that I am NOT into politics or religion thus regardless of whom you endorse, Jesus or Obama, Hilary, Mc Cain or Elvis, I DON’T CARE! LEAVE me OUT of it, because I am just a Messenger ready to help anyone and everyone because we are ALL children of God! This country does not need more drama or shocking news and I must try all I can to “enlighten” ALL of you with his TRUE celestial order. Without “Cosmic Consciousness” NONE of our political, religious or scientific Leaders will ever be able to do a good job for us PERIOD! Its like a Christian trying to read and respect the Koran or a Muslim trying to read and respect the Bible, ALL of them are BLIND and can not read the signs and NOT listening to the TRUE language of God through his creation, the stars signs above! LET'S STOP EVIL WHILE WE CAN! Now you can still help me and forward this newsletter or offer the dates I will channel today that will be printed in my new upcoming 2009 Moon Power where I “foresee” when Obama will be in serious danger to your congressman? The sad reality is that “the future has and will always be my true witness” but those that could help me to save the children, bring sanity, love and respect back to this world are doing NOTHING and wait for my prediction to COME to pass…What a shame! Lastly please be very careful on August 7/8/9 I am expecting very serious drama then! Be safe, use Moon Power wisely and help me to pass on my message to the world. Stay safe, blessings to all Dr. Turi Your Day - to - Day Guidance For September 2008 September 1, 2008 — Venus enters Libra: With the love planet in her own sign, the opportunity to concentrate on your partnership (business or emotional) will be given to you. The lucky ones will start a lifetime commitment blessed with love and happiness. Some lucky souls will be receiving and giving presents and lots of flowers these days. Souls born now will be quite gifted in matters related to love. They will concentrate and achieve perfection in many of their artistic endeavors. Blessed with such a positive location, Venus will grant them a “perfect” and loving partner willing to work hard to promote their married life. Some karmic souls will have to learn to be more critical and stand up, or suffer abusive partners and loneliness. This position makes for one of the most beautiful and loving partners. Usually artistic talent and an interest in beauty matters are present with this position. These souls are born to experience love on an emotional and intellectual level. Indeed a good position for those involved in the artistic or psychological fields. Note: Even though it is a New Moon, Pluto is back and caution is a necessity. As always with the Lord of hell in charge of this trend, better think twice before saying or acting on impulse. Expect secrets to be divulged, affairs of sex, and nature’s devastating forces to be at work. The police and blackguards will make the news. More than ever, use diplomacy, as whatever you do now will have very serious repercussions in your life. MON., TUE., WED., THU., FRI., SAT., SUN., MON. — SEPTEMBER 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6, 7, 8: RULERS —Venus (love/relationships) Pluto (secrets/drama) and Jupiter (foreigners/religion). Work, Career and Business: This a long and difficult trend. You are now walking on a fine razor blade and it’s also very windy. You know what I mean! You must use all the “savoir faire” you know. A serious wake-up call will come to many unaware skeptics of predictive Divine Astrology’s powers. The possibility to lose it all (and rebuild it) will be a serious matter for some karmic souls. You will be able to see exactly what’s wrong in your business life soon. The New Moon will help you make all the changes needed. Have faith in yourself. Partnerships: Many ugly secrets may surface now. You could learn something sexual or financial about a partner. Keep his trust; do not divulge the secret. Money will play an important part of this trend; listen to your intuition in all you do. Venus will help tone down the stress induced by Pluto. Family and Friends: Be patient with all. Do not expect anyone you care about to be diplomatic to you during this trend if Venus (diplomacy) is weak in his or her chart. Again, do not fall for Pluto’s destructive or sarcastic remarks; words of love will pay off in the long run. Be ready for some dramatic news from someone close to you. Whatever happens, be strong; life must go on. Pluto will work to your benefit. Love Affairs: Passion is in the air. Secret affairs involving sex and passion may be publicly divulged, forcing people to take stands to destroy and rebuild relationships. This might happen to you too. In any case, use tons of diplomacy to save unwanted trouble in your love life. If you are a water sign such as Scorpio, Pisces or Cancer, this lunation will touch you directly. Leos must take it easy at home and avoid traumatic experiences involving the police force. Travel and Communication: Expect news pertaining to the police force and crooks. Nature’s destructive forces will be obvious in some parts of the world. Be careful of what you do or say during this trend. Drive carefully, and stay clear of weird strangers and strange places. Again, if you learn about someone else’s secret, do not tell, you may be asking for trouble. Your intuition will be accurate; listen to the little voice within. Environment: Pluto belongs to the Divine family and has specific regenerative work to accomplish, and his impact on earth and its people is needed. As Pluto destroys it all, he also gives the opportunity to rebuild stronger and better. Be ready for all sorts of dramatic news everywhere. Stay safe; don’t try the devil. Many people will lose their precious lives. Expect such news as on October 11, 1999 - COLLEGE STATION, Texas -- Had Brandon Kallmeyer dozed off and let his truck slide onto the shoulder almost anywhere e Full Moon – September 15, 2008 in the religious sign of Pisces: Important Memo: The same Neptunian energy produced the terrorists WTC destruction of September 11 in New York. Note also that on March 26 1995 I made this prediction on Coast To Coast with Art Bell. “The US will undergo a religious war with the Middle East in a few years from today an d President Clin to will be RE-elected!”. Check the proof at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zGIqWjnau8 Two years prior to the attack this is what I wrote in Moon Power. This exact portion of Moon power and its deadly message was posted on my site www.drturi.com two weeks prior to the destruction of both towers. EXACT WORDS PRINTED IN MY BOOK MOON POWER! Pisces rules the Middle East, religion, drugs, alcohol, deception, the difficult abortion dilemma, the Pope, the church, oil, etc. This could also mean bad news for denominations where religious figures will “pass over.” Deception, illusion and secret affairs are on the agenda. This lunation marks a significant point involving the US and the Middle East conflict and will negatively affect the young generation. Many souls will suffer this disturbing lunation. Just be ready to provide as much help as needed and do not lose faith in the future. More devastating forces producing destructive weather and floods will make themselves known in the very near future. Expect a general feeling of hopelessness to plague the media and church authorities. Deceiving news will take place and affect many of us; some desperate souls will fall for Neptune’s suicidal tendencies, and some will end up in jail or mental institutions. This trend will be very difficult for some, but do not lose faith in yourself and trust the Universe; get all the help you can to fight Neptune’s depressing tendencies. Amuse yourself, keep busy and let go of the past. Life must go on. Anticipate shocking news about volcanoes, earthquakes, tornadoes, etc. Expect anything surprising, even incredible to happen soon; see in action the real power of both Uranus ruling sudden releases of energy, and Saturn FORCING THE GOVERNMENT TO TAKE DRASTIC ACTIONS. Lunation impact on all signs: Aries - Forget the past and build new confidence. Many love you. Taurus - A friend could become a problem, stay clear of deceiving people. Gemini - More challenges involving your position in the world, be patient. Cancer - Some foreigners could prove to be burdensome, learn their differences. Leo - Don’t get sued, do the right thing, drama is ahead but you’ll do fine. Virgo - Use your head, let go of your heart, wrong people are around you. Libra - Don’t put stress on your health because of your work. Relax your feet. Scorpio - Love, romance and children need serious attention, if not-you’re history. Sagittarius - Stress coming from home, family or real estate is ahead. Capricorn - Avoid depression and stay clear of Prozac, sad mail is ahead. Aquarius - You’ll experience financial stress, be more practical with money. Pisces - The stars are against you for a while, swim upstream, have faith. Don’t drink. SUN., MON., TUE., WED. — SEPTEMBER 14, 15, 16, 17: RULERS — Neptune (alchool/deception/religion) and Mars (antagonism/aggressivity/danger) Work, Career and Business: You still have a few days in front of you to push forward, but then be ready for the impact of the Full Moon. An important decision involving a business situation will have to be made. Wait patiently for the next New Moon (positive) to restructure or sign important documents. Don’t let Mars show his aggressive face to those close to you. Try to be nice to others. Partnerships: Just before the Full Moon, expect interesting news coming your way via your telephone or mailbox. It’s time to realize the truth about yourself, a situation or a person whom you trusted. Make the most of what is left of the waxing Moon, get out of the gloom and do something interesting this weekend. The Dragon’s Tail will bring consternation and needed changes to you soon. Family and Friends: The family circle could be quite the dramatic place for a while. Again do not let aggressive Mars and the Full Moon take over your words or your attitude. Keep emotions in control and be ready for secrets to surface. You can still have a good time, enjoy life and friends, but be aware of what you say or do. Do not lend money to anyone. Love Affairs: Mars’ and Neptune’s captivating personalities will stimulate sexual activity; your magnetism will improve dramatically. As always with Neptune take precautions if you are sexually active. If you’re married, plan a romantic dinner with a great French wine and soft music. You have a few more days to enjoy what’s left of the good celestial energy; make the most of it. If you are an air sign such as Aquarius, Libra or Gemini, you may feel a strong sense of independence and freedom enveloping you. If you’re a Cancer expect some stress in your relationships soon. You may be in for a long over-due change where you could experience real love. Travel and Communication: You may uncover a clandestine relationship or a secret about someone who travels a lot. You may be forced to look inside yourself and see your own strengths or weaknesses. Don’t take any chances on the road and avoid flying after the Full Moon. You’d better stay away from anything that moves, as this lunation will take many lives. Always plan your trips before the Full Moon and you will save yourself much unwanted trouble. Use the power of Starguide and help those in trouble with life. Environment: In time of a Full Moon and with ruinous Mars around we can only expect nature’s destructive forces. Drama and demise are around the corner; protect your self at all times. Do a candle ritual if you feel down or if you want to protect someone you care for. Burn white, green, and blue candles. Use nice incense and pray for your Guardian Angel protection. Famous Personalities: A serious wake-up call is in for some. More secrets, more drama, more doom is on the way for famous people. This upcoming Full Moon will be nasty for some well-known people. Germany will make some stressing news and a famous Army figure will be called close to God, having terminated his work on earth. Events: The powerful Dragon’s Tail in Scorpio (death/drama) will start to exert its power on earth. Religious fanatics will get out of hand. Their own hell making could come loose; pray for the safety of your loved ones, as this lunation will be extremely difficult. Stay home and watch a good movie is my best advice; let the drama reach the unaware souls. You will see and appreciate the power of Starguide and the importance of letting others know about my work. Expect news such as Oct. 30, 1999 - EgyptAir jet plunged rapidly before crash, radar data shows - Preliminary radar data shows that an Egypt Air 767 jet made a rapid plunge before crashing into the Atlantic Ocean about 60 miles (96 kilometers) off the coast of Nantucket early Sunday morning. And on Nov. 10, 1999 - MEXICO CITY (CNN) -- All 18 people aboard a Mexican DC-9 jetliner were killed Tuesday when it crashed shortly after takeoff in a mountainous region of central Mexico. Shopping: Now is the time to buy pesticides and things of this nature. If you want to get rid of something, now is definitely the time. Make absolutely no investment in weapons, sharp tools, or anything that could explode. Let this nasty energy dissipate; stay safe. September / October: Third SUPERNOVA window - From Sunday September 21st through Monday October 20th 2008. EXPLANATION OF A SUPERNOVA WINDOW There is a concentration of negative celestial energy approaching so be extremely prudent in driving, and expect chain-reaction accidents. Be prepared for delays, strikes, and nature producing awful weather, including hurricanes and tornadoes. The same energy that produced the Titanic disaster, the Asia tsunami the Northridge Los Angeles and Kobe Japan earthquakes and major other calamities is approaching again. Remember the thwarted terrorist attack of August 2006 in the UK where the BA canceled thousands of flights just because all passengers did not check ALL handbags before boarding their planes. Those people did not have a copy of Moon Power and paid the price of ignorance and suffered serious delays and frustrations that could easily been avoided had they travel before or after those dates. Double-check all your appointments, and if you can postpone traveling and flying during this Supernova "window". If you must fly like I do very often simply make sure to purchase your ticket and make your reservation during a waxing moon and the stars will not bother you. Remember the Universal Laws do not care for birthday or religious holidays or else, simply think of crossing the street while the light is red or ignore a stop sign, then see what will happen to you. Those laws are impartial and written by God not men and messing them up will bring about serious penalty. Note that; I flew only a few days before the Full Moon in August 2006 to Thailand during a “Supernova Window” to write this book and I traveled safely and avoided all trouble. Remember knowledge is power ignorance is evil! Communication and electricity will be cut off, and a general loss of power is to be expected. Appliances, computers, telephones, planes, trains, cars, all of these "tools" will be affected by this energy. They will be stopped in one way or another. The people of the past will make the news and will reenter your life. Expect trouble with the post office, education, students, strikes, prisoner’s escape, newspapers, broadcasting industries and computer viruses may bother us again. Many a failed mission and expensive electronic equipment (Mars probe etc.) and our tax dollars have been wasted because of the scientist's lack of knowledge of the stars. As usual NASA, which is not aware of the science of astrology, will waste our tax money with failed missions due to bad weather and electronic malfunctions. In the name of ignorance a few years ago, in the Challenger explosion seven astronauts lost their lives when NASA launched the shuttle under a "Supernova Window". Note: Regardless of Dr. Turi's expectations posted on his website for the second time and his desperate attempts over the years to make NASA officials aware of dangerous Super Nova Windows, the Columbia was also launched during this window and re-entered the last night of it producing the death of all courageous astronauts. Marine life sharks, whales etc may also beach themselves due to Mercury retrograde affecting their natural inborn navigational systems. All these malevolent predictions and waste of lives and equipment do not have to occur. Those predictions do not have to affect you directly as they unfold. Instead, they are printed to prepare you for setbacks and frustrations, thus advising you to be patient and prudent during this trend. There is no room for ignorance, and those who are not aware of the celestial order, including the NASA space-program management team, will continue to pay a heavy price. In all mankind's affairs, ignorance is true evil. Why any scientists who are against my research do not honor the word science, which is based upon solid investigation, is solid proof of mental snobbery. By omitting any physical or spiritual laws can only bring penalty; for science's purpose is to explore all possibilities, even those laws written in light via the stars. THU., FRI., SAT., SUN., MON., TUE. — SEPTEMBER 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23: RULERS — Venus (love) Mercury (words) Mars (danger) and Moon (endings): Work, Career and Business: This long trend will be quite dramatic, emotionally stressful, and depression and difficulties are ahead for many of us. Work and career matters won’t please you much. Serious changes are on the way. Make the most of Mercury’s revitalizing energy to plan a form of rebirth in your working life. Be patient; anything weak or insincere must give way. Partnerships: A long-standing partnership could be coming to an end soon, possibly because you sense that you may do better by yourself, or maybe your partner lost his enterprising spirit. Avoid nurturing depressing thoughts and provide spiritual help for those who have been touched by these difficult changes. Mercury will help you to pass on the right words to those in need. Avoid complaining and hold back your negative words and thoughts. Family and Friends: Your maternal instincts will show and will be needed for your children. Share your knowledge with them. A friend needs help, reflecting the full impact of this difficult Full Moon. The subconscious response to the moon’s fluctuations upon humans is referred as “lunatic behavior or moodiness,” and right now you may realize this yourself. Expect the beginning or ending of important parts of your life. Anticipate some surprising news from children; some people close to you need serious attention and plenty of love. Help a close friend deal with a departure. Love Affairs: Ask yourself about your deep feelings for a person who seems to be moving away from you. An old lover from your past may surprise you soon. An old friend who lives far away may need to communicate with you. Don’t expect great news, and provide the help required, as long as you are not being used. Another person from your past will bring you relief but could also mean more trouble than anything else. If you were born under a fire sign, such as Leo, Sagittarius or Aries, don’t let the Full Moon depress you. If you are a Scorpio you will be forced to deal with some drama at work. Travel and Communication: A business deal that would have required you to travel may be postponed or canceled without much notice. Don’t let it get to you and avoid promoting important business just yet. Expect the mail and your telephone to bring you difficult news. Keep a strong spirit and face life’s difficulties with faith and courage. Remember if there is a hell, its right here on this dense physical world. Have faith in your abilities and face all that comes your way with courage. Environment: The Moon’s energy could also make the human race aware of its vulnerability against the shocking destructive forces of nature. It’s time for her to stretch herself and restructure her insides. Famous Personalities: The rich and famous will be planning an event for the well being of many children of the world. Their artistic gifts will benefit numerous organizations. Some others may make surprising news trying to use Mercury for free publicity. An accident on the road could take a prominent person. Events: You will hear about the military performing deeds that will aid the general community and save lives from a disaster area. Thousands of people will be forced to relocate to start new lives. War and destruction is a part of this lunation. Memo from my website: MEMO - DRAGON WINDOW FOR SEPTEMBER *5th/07 (*)Beginning/Ending of Important Portion of Life/Forced Relocation/Destructive weather/A new Planned and/or Unplanned Life For Many. Life Is A Constant Process Of Changes Where All Man's Affairs Must Die and Rebirth Mothers, Children Home love Security No More Nature Upset Speaks Her Will Quatrain Written by Dr. Turi 08/31/07 DRAGON EYE FOR 09/05/07 Hurricane Felix death toll nears 100. Nature Upset Speaks Her Will ----- Original Message ---------- From: "Ed com> Dear Dr. Turi, I'm sorry to report to you that you have, again, had another hit - this one a very sad one for the world of music: Pavarotti died All Man's Affairs Must Die and Rebirth ----- Original Message ----- Subject: Luciano Pavarotti Greetings Dr, Turi, As predicted in Moon Power for 9/6/07 regarding famous personalities Luciano Pavarotti has died. Thanks again for your profound wisdom which has allowed me to let the "Stars" do there business as I have found positive alternatives while I undergo major "reconstructive beneficial sacrifices"...Much appreciated! E All Man's Affairs Must Die and Rebirth Shopping: Anything that needs to be replaced in the home or the garden may be bought now. Avoid signing anything related to real estate endeavors. Do not invest in appliances or a car just yet. September 24, 2008 — Venus enters Scorpio: With the love planet in the dramatic sign of Scorpio, secrets will come to light and may force you to rebuild your relationship. This trend will allow many souls to see clearly and do serious cleanup in the near future. The lucky ones will start lifetime commitments blessed with love and happiness. If your natal Venus is in a good aspect to Pluto, your sensuality will be extreme, and sexual relationships will be for the better. Souls born now will be given the opportunity to experience love on the emotional level, and much drama is to be experienced there. If Venus is badly afflicted, “La Femme Fatale” or the “Black Widow” will suffer many disturbing relationships (Elizabeth Taylor is a good example). A full commitment is needed with this position, and the soul will have to use its head in affairs of the heart. Blessed with such a powerful location, Venus in Scorpio will endow the soul with incredible magnetism. Some karmic souls will have to learn to be less emotional and more critical in their natural jealousy. This position makes for one of the most emotional but beautiful and loving partners. Usually artistic talent is present with this position. Those souls are born to experience love on an emotional and dramatic level. Due to the emotional Scorpionic intensity, this is a top position for those involved with the arts. New Moon — September 29, 2008 in the diplomatic oriented sign of Libra: Venus rules this sign, thus affairs of the law and politics will be on the rise. Expect an overwhelming feeling for peace and diplomacy instead of war to take over the world and your psyche. Many famous politicians will work hard to avoid dangerous conflicts during this trend. Stand firm on your decisions and do not let this lunation stress you, as balance and harmony must prevail. This trend will play an important part in the equilibrium of your physical and spiritual lives. This trend will affect some of your business and emotional relationships. The upcoming changes must be accepted as the New Moon (positive) has a great plan that you may not understand just yet. Some will be involved in the signing of very important documents, contracts or the legal system. You may be forced to realize the importance of evaluating a serious situation and making painful decisions. The emphasis is on balance and harmony in all, if we are to perform efficiently and live in peace with the rest of the world. Diplomats will be requested and busy in many parts of this crazy world to prevent future wars. Lunation impact on all signs: Aries - The New Moon will fall in your partnerships area, as changes are needed. Taurus - Important changes at work are eminent, and legal matters are on the way. Gemini - Love and romance will improve; a new deal is ahead of you. Cancer - Important decisions about home, real estate and the family soon. Leo - A new trip or a study is ahead of you, good news soon. Virgo - Great opportunities to improve your finances and your self-esteem is ahead. Libra - Try anything and everything. The stars shine on you, a new start. Scorpio - A secret relationship will start or finish, a secret will come to light. Sagittarius - A friend will bring about a good wish, a marriage or a contract. Capricorn - A great opportunity to further your career and make a new commitment. Aquarius - A far away trip or a publishing promotion is a blessing for you. Pisces - People in power will want to help you in your affairs, go out more. WED., THU., FRI., SAT., SUN., MON., TUE. — SEPTEMBER 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30: RULERS — The Sun (children) Mercury (mail) and Venus (friendship). Work, Career and Business: The few days left of the waning Moon is being felt by many. Keep a low profile at work; all the people around you are not exactly aware of the impact of the Moon upon their psyches and could become “lunatic.” Keep busy on Monday and Tuesday; use the waning Moon to shuffle a few things around. Not much progress can be made just now. Be patient and endure this tough trend with diligence. Don’t get mad with others and be ready for setbacks. Partnerships: Do not poison your mind with fears; use your own positive thinking to keep negativity from entering your spirit and your body. The future is based upon the creation of positive thoughts and lots of actions. You may feel like joining your local gym or enrolling in a weight loss program. Use Venus’ gentleness and Mercury’s power of articulation to communicate your feeling to someone you cherish. Family and Friends: Family matters will demand much of your attention and could make you feel tired or depressed. Use your will; do not to let her deplete your spirits or show your frustration with loved ones. A child may need some direction and could be impatient with you. A depressed friend also needs spiritual regeneration; as usual, provide help but do not let their problems affect your own spirit. You need to get away and retire from all the activity in the home. Have an early night and enjoy a great book; tomorrow may bring a surprise. Love Affairs: Use the sensitive touch of Venus and the light of the Sun to save yourself from a difficult situation. People are very sensitive and will be easily hurt. If you were born under a water sign a Scorpio, a Pisces or a Taurus may induce stress in your life. One of the fire signs has better to offer and may present you with an opportunity to develop your inner talents. Venus’ diplomatic nature will help to heal the wounded heart of an old lover. A secret love relationship may be found close to the water, and a great trip to Hawaii is in store for some. Travel and Communication: Mercury rules the mail, telephone and communication in general. During this difficult trend don’t expect anything great. Get rid of the extra stuff clogging the house or the garage. Your car may decide to give you trouble and may upset your trip. Take care of it before taking a long journey. Get up a little early as the waning Moon may throw some obstacles your way. Environment: Do not expect much from nature; bad news may be coming from the sea or the fishing industry. Water, ice, wind all is there to bother you. All the elements are there trying to stop you; be careful on the road. Famous Personalities: Many prominent people will be involved in a lawsuit that could seriously harm their emotional and social standings. Serious drama is ahead for some. Events: Sad news involving children is ahead. Under the same celestial energy, in September 1996, 1997 and 1998, President Clinton approved federal regulations that declare nicotine an addictive drug; this was a dramatic gesture aimed at curbing teen-age smoking. Expect more important regulations and signing to take place soon. Shopping: This is a great time to do a medical checkup, as the stars will make your physician very detail-oriented, helping him detect possible trouble. Stay clear from any psychics for now; unknowingly they could hurt your psyche. A practical approach to life will pay off for some. Need anything? Call Terania 972-623-7689 teraniapromodir@peoplepc.com DON’T MISS THIS SHOW! Listen to Dr. Turi and Todd on Nightwatch (45 MN in) recorded August 13, 2008. I am 45 minutes in. http://www.drturi.com/archives.php Sharing emails; My beautiful Nostradamus friend, Hmmm. I've been following your work for years and truly believe in it and honor your passionate intentions for the good of all of us. I don't take the words personally like some of these young souls, because I know whom they're coming from. You are wise beyond all of us and through your repetitions I do get it, thank you. Your work is priceless and with the new moon in Leo you are destined for greatness. Like you, my uci 11-14-61 makes me one of the Truthseekers who can handle the truth w/little tolerance for stupidity. My gentleness and loving nature allows me to teach and bond with children. Unfortunately for me, I deal with abuse daily 6-14-60. This Neptunian person alienates loving beings with his verbiage, lies and actions. I also have a famous friend who is an investigative reporter/author who exposes the truth 6-26-52.... if you read his works you will note he expresses himself like you do. People who can't handle the truth despise him and call him a liar... including Tony Blair! lol From my teaching and counseling psychology background, I've drawn the conclusion that people who cannot handle the truth are mostly insecure, liars in denial with very low self-esteem and yes, most have been abused themselves. It is evident you may never be able to light the path of a poisoned Neptunian... so please don't change your style... tell it like is... an imbecile is an imbecile. Maybe one day that imbecile will wake up from his denial and live the truth. Your loyal friend in NY DT- lolol Hun not only you are an advanced student and KNOW my UCI well you are also a TRUE Scorpio “stinging” others with the plain TRUTH as it is. Your Scorpio’s legendary sarcasm and true feelings can only be expressed in such a way. Born in February, (house #1/soul’s purpose) I become a DIRECT true Scorpio in my 10th house (career) where I KILL and REBIRTH people. But I also teach that where ever you find Scorpio ONE must Die and rebirth himself… I did that 2 days ago so the Eagle/Phoenix of the Zodiac NOT the Lizard leads me to save more lost souls. Love you Hun DT Hello Dr Turi, Thank you, I've received Beyond the Secret, hypnotherapy tape and ACG. You've had an amazing life and the more I read about Astropsychology, the more I see how accurate it is. I play the hypno tape each night and I'm sleeping better these days. I've read the printed material and looked at the maps of the Astrocartography, which I've found very interesting. I'm living right under my moon on IC line and the explanation for that is spot on. Regards Jene DT- Thanks for your feedback Jene, yes Astro-Carto-Graphy and my Hypnotherapy tapes are very valuable tools and everyone should do it. Thanks for your feedback. Now any reader if you happen to need such a service (and you read me so far) it’s your lucky day! Call Terania at 972-623-7689 tell her you read this hidden deal and that you want your Astro- Carto- Graphy 35 pages of printed material, 4 fully explained maps, your 90 mn tape and ANOTHER 90 m Hypnotherapy tape to find the best place in this world for you to reside, start a career or find true love for only $110…Hurry you have only until September 7th to use the hidden deal! Dr. Turi; Airline removes life vests to lighten planes*Story Highlights* - Airline says passengers have flotation devices, don't need life vests too- Canada doesn't require vests for flights within 50 miles of shore, carrier says- Air Canada regional carrier, Jazz, flies over Great Lakes and Eastern seaboard- Each life vest weighs about a pound, so Jazz is saving 50 pounds per flight- http://www.cnn.com/2008/TRAVEL/08/28/airline.vests.ap/index.html Craig DT - Thanks for your observation my friend, yes my prediction of the Airline forced to RE-structures is indeed passing by! Blessings to all Dr. Turi SIGN UP FOR THE FREE DRAGON NEWSLETTER NOW! Sign up for the FREE Dragon newsletter at http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/ but remember what you are reading NOW in the FREE DRAGON NEWSLETTER is a reflection of 99% of the world’s total IGNORANCE of God’s Universal Laws. Thus mess up with the “Universal Code” and you and the world must pay a heavy penalty. But ALL my Cosmic Code newsletters are not only free of advertisements but also FREE of depressive, negative current news. When you become a VIP you will enjoy great tips on health and financial tips, highly educational positive, progressive material and the Cosmic Code’s regulations are offered in my writings. My work will raise your vibrations and help you build “Cosmic Consciousness” and indeed provide food for thought and total spiritual regeneration. Join us don’t miss any important “Cosmic Code” future newsletters, and all the great deals and monthly transits. You will get them all from the first day I created them, get them when you are ready for me because there is so much more about my work that could really change your life for the better. Don’t be a victim be smart knowledge is power ignorance is evil… Do you like my work? Do you want to become a 2008 ‘Cosmic Code” VIP? Its ONLY $35 until the end of the year! Sign up for the 2008 VIP “Cosmic Code” newsletter and get them ALL (over 45 of them so far and much more before the year end). Learn all about natural Healing, the “Cosmic Code” in action with so many different and very interesting topics that will make you think and even change your conception of life. Get the special deals, personal, daily monthly forecast and the so very important TRANSITS until the end of the year. I may get too busy and stop writing the FREE Dragon Newsletter any day and you may miss so much in the process. Be smart, learn and grow with me and make a good use of my special SOS To The World when they occur. ACT NOW! Do you want to become a 2009 “Cosmic Code” VIP? USE THE DEAL RIGHT NOW WHILE YOU CAN AND SAVE MONEY! Sign up for the new 2009 VIP “Cosmic Code” newsletter before January 1st 2009 for $75.00 and save $25.00. As of January 1st 2009 the only way you will be able to sign up will be through my website and the price will be $100 FLAT rate and $35 for Seniors citizens. ACT NOW! Save money and if you need information email Terania or call her at 972-623-7689. Dr. Turi's 12 Cosmic Code Newsletter entitles you to: · Get all the exact dates and accompanying quatrains and be prepared for all major disasters in 2009 on the first day each months of the year. · Be informed of ALL 2009 Monthly Universal/Personal Transits · Be informed of ALL 2009 Supernova Windows · 2009 DAILY Personal Forecast For All Signs. · 2009 MONTHLY Personal Forecast For All Signs. · 2009 ANNUAL Personal Dragon Forecast For All Signs. · 2009 DEALS and large discount on Astropsychology Courses by mail. You are promised a minimum of 12 “Cosmic Code” Newsletters and as of today 8/13/2008 I wrote 43 of them and much more will be written before the year is over. BE SMART, BE PREPARED, RESPECT AND USE THE COSMIC CODE! http://www.drturi.com/orders3.html#newsletter 2009 Moon Power will be available soon. You will be able to order it from my website then. "And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:" - Genesis 1:14 in King James Version of The Bible. If you are in Arizona, join me September 26th – 27th - 28th http://www.hauntedcon.com/guests.html

SOS To The World!

SOS To The World! CHECK ALL THE PICS IN MY BLOG...http://www.myspace.com/drturi THIS NEWSLETTER MAY STOP ANYTIME SO SIGN UP ITS FREE AND GET IT DIRECTLY IN YOUR MAILBOX. Free Newsletter http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/ http://www.drturi.com Order And Services http://www.drturi.com/readings.php 8/27/2008 Dear Reader; Memo to all my VIP's: "Cosmic Code" newsletter 8 Booklet 3 Titled: PERSONAL AND UNIVERSAL TRANSITS FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 2008 has gone yesterday to your mailbox. Email Mike at dr.turi@cox.net if you did not get it. I hope this newsletter will find my worldwide readers happy and healthy. I received TONS of emails from so many of you and elected only a few of them with your valuable opinions, I want also take this opportunity to thank you for expressing yourself in your feedback. But before here is another SOS To The World I can only hope to be wrong! Three years ago, almost to the day, residents of New Orleans watched nervously as Hurricane Katrina formed in the Gulf of Mexico and headed their way. Now, they're hoping the anniversary won't bring a similar encounter with a potential hurricane named Gustav. "This is a serious storm," Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal told reporters. Now do you want to know what's next? From my 2008 Moon Power FRI., SAT., SUN., MON., TUE., WED. AUGUST 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6: CAUTION CAUTION THIS IS THE MONTH OF TROUBLE. Environment: Expect difficult news about the ocean or a chemical accident. News of medicine and hospitals may also come your way. The weather will not be too cooperative and many thousands of people might have to relocate due to nature�s devastating forces. I wish the NWS or NASA sucking our precious resources building expansive electronic very valuable devices or anyone involved in weather forecasting would honor the word science and investigate my methodology. They have the location I have the TIMING and both study can only benefit the taxpayers and save precious lives. One day in the future my Astropsychology schools will created a new crowd of Cosmic Conscious scientists or wise "Astrogeologists" and the weather pattern and / or natural disasters, Earthquakes etc. will be accurately forecasted predicted months even YEARS ahead of time. Lets hope my reality show The Cosmic Code takes off soon because I will be CNN before CNN with the news and will do a much better job in predicting, forecasting the weather. Memo - Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, Louisiana, on August 29, 2005, causing massive flooding. Just a little note to let you know that I DO NOT predict anything really but with "Cosmic Consciousness" I know that nature, the weather and even history has a regular pattern. Understanding and using The "Cosmic Code" accordingly allows me to perceive the "Language of the Gods" and the "surprising" energy producing the shocking news. In this show I "saw" when the pattern would return and very confidently announced to George Noory in this show! Listen to the show and the Katrina prediction. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bccRX_Op0k Incidentally August 13, 2008 I was on the air with Todd on nightwatchradio and as usual gave my predictions and dates. DON�T MISS THIS SHOW! Listen to Dr. Turi and Todd on Nightwatch (45 MN in) recorded August 13, 2008. I am 45 minutes in. http://www.drturi.com/archives.php From Amanda - Thank you so much for your return visit to the Night watch Show! You sounded great and it is always a pleasure to have you on. I wish you well with your life and am glad to hear you have met your goals. Kudos to your girlfriend as well for all the hard work. I am especially glad to hear about Gary Busey. Great job on the show and once again thank you. It was a real eye opener. Amanda Co-Producer nightwatchradio.com Download a FREE copy of my book 2008 Moon Power and pass the book to everyone you care. http:// http://www.drturi.com/moonpoweroffer2008.php be safe, be smart understand, use and respect God� signs and his celestial creation. Let me now make a few interesting announcements: I will doing a taping for my (in progress) Cosmic Code reality show in the Senator's room at the San Carlos hotel in Phoenix, AZ on Saturday September 27th. If you are in Arizona and if you want to be part of the televised show and endorse me please contact the movie producer J.C. at mailto:fuelwhisperer@yahoo.com You may also call him at 480-234-7100. Now as you know another of my many projects is to work very hard with Dr. William & Kathlyn from Wisconsin to start the process of building my first Astropsychology school and reverse the damage done to the human psyche and help the children of tomorrow to FREE their spirit from fears and find the vital solution to clean up the mess science and religion did to this world. Note also that Terania my sweet girlfriend, Don at the BBS Radio and myself are working hard to bring you with LIVE teachings and build your Cosmic Consciousness http://www.bbsradio.com/education/courses/cosmic_codes.php Email Don with your ideas or for more information at mailto:donald@bbsradio.com About my upcoming LIVE course in Hawaii next February 2009, I was introduced to a famous musician and good friend of Gary Busey, Tony Savage and Tony resides in the BIG Island in Hawaii. We spoke for a while and he offered my students and I to use his HUGE DOME built for spiritual purpose next to his wonderful home only 25 minutes away from Hilo. Gary, him and I have a meeting in Los Angeles in September to discuss it all and spend some time together. Gary is also planning to attend and take the course so this LIVE tuition will be VERY special because of his celebrity status. Gary is the coolest man on hearth, funny, always joking and very sociable when NOT working. To know Gary and be his close friend must have enough Cosmic Consciousness to really understand the man and many of my other famous friends gave up on him because they cannot perceive his complex UCI. Indeed Gary is a true artist, a true genius and extraordinary spiritual and I will make sure to let him express himself and teach you a few things of his own. Thus reserve your seat early by calling Terania at 972-623-7689. You will find all the information you need once we have it all secured at http://www.drturi.com/astroclass.php As always one of my best friend and supporter Craig came up with a brilliant idea to make ALL my VIP Cosmic Code newsletters available to the public. I literally captivate ALL major news and using The Cosmic Code I clearly explain how and why people do things and Mother Nature act or PERFORMS as intended by God's higher order. You may download and read booklet one or two to check my work before becoming a VIP and investing in all future Cosmic Code newsletters. Note also that THE HARD COVER 2009 MOON POWER and that EVERY single "Cosmic Code" newsletters I did and will ever write are and will be available to the world from http://www.lulu.com/content/3652192 If you are an existing VIP please POST A REVIEW there for me! I thank you in advance for your support in helping me passing my vital message to the world at large. Incidentally in my last newsletter titled "Can You Handle The Truth" I was referring to religion, politics and the truth! MERCY - Was I right or what? A pastor who claimed terminal cancer inspired him to write a hit evangelical pop song has been exposed as a fraud. Now this does not mean ALL Pastors are deceptive! but with a badly aspected Neptune in the UCI the "Lord of Deceptions" that rules religions and ANY AND ALL FORMS OF CHEMICALS / POISONS / DISHONESTY AND DECEPTION will lure you to its lowest Neptunian form of expression! Nine Network's Caroline Hillman reports on a pastor who lied about having cancer to cover up his sexual addictions. But Christians are so nice, so considerate, so big hearted and so perfect and with one single confession the vile Pastor of "truth" or God's messenger saved his butt and he will keep the money poring for his congregation�INSANE INSANE! I need this money to teach the truth and really save the kids! Do you think this FORGIVE MY SINS GOD is also a mind set to help God's vile workers to keep their position? Remember "When you control someone source of information you control this person's entire life" (and their decisions). Its entirely deceiving from the getgo but set this way and I can only expose this mascarade as truly and respectfully as I can. You MUST watch a Neptunian at work! http://www.cnn.com/video//video/world/2008/08/26/hillma.australia.pastor.lies.ninenetwork Memo of my last newsletter titled "Can You Handle The Truth?" Note I was not "converted" then The church Inc., politicians, very successful business corporation have adopted this "SUCKER" attitude for ever and refrain from verbalizing the TRUTH to the sensitive ignorant souls and this is why they all are, endorsed, supported and winning all FINANCIAL RELIGIOUS AND POLITICAL BUSINESS ORIENTED contests today. So I finally come to realize that like them, I will have to ignore and lay the TRUTH to rest because too many young souls CANNOT HANDLE or even PERCEIVE my work, my true self and THE TRUTH itself. Some lost Neptunian souls have also tortured and killed children while Rev Jim Jones poisoned thousands of his followers. Had those departed lost God fearing souls possessed "Cosmic Consciousness" they would have know that their "Leader" was a Scorpio and this worse manifestation of this sign (the Lizard) rules SEX, DRAMA, DEATH and HYPNOTIC POWER. Remember the story of the little innocent Frog and the deadly Scorpio asking for a ride to cross the river? "NO way" said the frightened frog "You will sting me and we will both die". He persuade her to get him on her back and right in the middle of the river the Scorpio stung her to DEATH! "Oh my God what did you just do?" she terrefied asked him. "We now are going to DIE!" "Well" the Scorpion replied, "THIS IS WHAT I DO"! Of course not all souls born in November are "Lizards" but ALL criminals are, while the "Eagles" or the "Phoenix" of the zodiac will work tirelessly to battle death in all its forms. Cosmic Consciousness can only SAVE lives! Sharing emails; Dr. Turi; I read the file on your reality show The Cosmic Code and cannot believe this hasn't been swept up YET. I am flabbergasted at all the crap on TV/Cable and your show that will HELP people, teach them and inspire them, hasn't made it yet, but guess what? IT WILL. I know it. Lots of Love! Cassandra DT - Its happening Cassandra, its in the stars! Blessings DT Hey DT - *Dragons Tail in Leo (TB Scare At San Francisco Maternity Ward)* http://www.ktvu.com/news/17307769/detail.html Craig DT - As always on the outlook to help me to prove the stars don't lie Thanks Bro - DT The only way Dr. Turi-ffic that you can get your message across in such a format as email is to be blunt, direct, and FORCEFUL. If in fact, you were dripping honey in your words, the MESSAGE would not get across. It is funny, not ha ha funny, but ironically funny, that those who get upset at your manner of spreading the truth, are more than likely the same that sat in a college classroom, or a boardroom meeting and were talked to, or taught in the same manner! College professors can be BRUTAL all in their quest and their love for TEACHING and opening the eyes of those who do not know any better and need to learn. What happens to those poor teachers that teach without a spine? They are not taken seriously, and walk out of the classroom with spit wads in their hair. I for one understand your methodology, and those who do not understand are with out a spine and cant face the cold hard facts. Sadly, they need to be here that much more because they may fall prey to misfortune due to their own Lack of reasoning. Just my thoughts. C DT - Hi C, Thanks for your feedback but you know as well as I do that you can NOT please everyone because we are all so different due to our natal UCI or "Unique Celestial Identity". As mentioned so many times One can only relate to me (or you) because of his/her experiences, education, intelligence and most of all his/her UCI!. Sad enough I am not sure if young souls really do perceive or grasp the depth of the meaning of these words. Thus unless everyone build solid Cosmic Consciousness we will all "dance" to a very different tuneThe New Age of Aquarius will change all this confusion in time. Education is the key! Dr. Turi; I would be immensely pleased to find far fewer epithets in your letters. Indeed, you do have some wisdom to present, but to denigrate those who can't "get it" is not only useless, but it reflects very negatively on YOU. I was a high school teacher for many years. I learned very early, and from a sixteen-year-old girl (with a mental capability of about 8) what kindness and loving compassion meant. She was the kindest, most loving person I ever met. Everyone can be our teacher. It may be a mentally handicapped person, or it may be a professor in a university. It can be a dog, or a bird, or a flower. Everything in the universe is here for a reason. Therefore, everything and everyone, no matter how "unknowing" they might be deserves respect and love. Those who "get it" have the responsibility of trying day in and day out to share wisdom with others. Never does that give us the right to put others down. This, it seems to me, is the life lesson for Dr. Turi. Gayl DT - Dear Gayl I came to that conclusion to be softer with young souls because I realized that love and respect is somehow easily accepted than the rough truth or what your experiences, your education and your UCI perceives as epithets in my writings. Your heart or emotions and sensitivity are great and respectable feelings and in your UCI case seems to be the motivation factor to react negatively to anyone verbally "abusing" anyone, especially a child. Thank you for your feedback. Blessings DT. Dr. Turi; Why dummy yourself down to the dummies. Your newsletter is learning tool. We read, we evaluate and move on. Rosendala DT - Dear Rosendala, I wish every one's UCI were as tough and advanced as yours but as of now I want to pass on my vital teachings and God"s Celestial rules to anyone reading my work regardless of their natal UCI. Thank you for your feedback - Blessings - DT. DR TURI, MOST PEOPLE CANNOT WALK AND CHEW GUM AT THE SAME TIME. Don DT - lolo Don you cannot say that! True or not, many people may feel offended by your CAPITALIZED comment and think you suffer a "superiority" complex" lol. I wish every one's UCI were as tough and advanced as yours my friend but as of now and forever I want to pass on my vital teachings and God's Celestial rules to anyone reading my work regardless of their natal UCI. Thank you for your feedback - Blessings - DT. Hi DT; You crack me up. You do get on a roll but what I do is just realize that your passion for wanting people to "get it", over takes you. I don't let your words effect me but I do get the message of what you want me to hear. I did have a problem when I first started reading you but I heard your work on C2C and I knew your accuracy so that was it for me. Best of luck on the delivery of your new messaging. Yeah Oprah wouldn't let you on calling people "morons" hehehehehe Peace Nancy DT -Hi Nancy you are indeed very perceptive and yes my passion WAS blurring my words. The same perception realized my true value in predictive astrology when I gave the exact date of Katrina on CTC. The morality is "Walk my Moccasins" and gets to know me and most of all NEVER EVER ASSUME anything about anyone unless you do your homework, and you DID it with me. This is why I am constantly asking my new readers to take the time to check my archived newsletters to get a sense of who I am (I was) and familiarize themselves with my work. Thank you for your feedback -Blessings DT. DT don't bother with the sheeepple. Tar DT � lolo Tar you can not say that! True or not, many people may feel offended by your harsh words, especially if they love animals. They may think like Don you also suffer a �superiority� complex. I wish every one�s UCI were as tough and advanced as yours my friend�but as of now and forever I want to pass on my vital teachings and God�s Celestial rules to anyone reading my work regardless of their natal UCI. Thank you for your feedback � Blessings � DT. Dr. Turi: As feedback, I think it's a wise decision not to upbraid, bad-mouth or name-call humans who you are trying to bring to a higher spiritual level. Like the old adage, "you can get more flies with honey than vinegar", we 99% imperfect humans have a tendency to get distracted from the real message by what we perceive as a negative onslaught to our emotions. It will be so much easier to follow your message presented in a more affable manner. I'm looking forward to the change. Marie DT- Dear Marie � I am glad you agree with me in �building� the new more sensitive, more receptive more palatable Dr. Turi. Many people did not read my newsletter explaining my personal UCI and my Aries (direct/childlike) 3rd house (general communication) symbolize the straightforward way I express myself. As mentioned so many times �One can only relate to me (or you) because of his/her experiences, education, intelligence and most of all his/her UCI!� Sad enough I am not sure if young souls really do perceive or grasp the depth of the meaning of these words. Thus unless everyone build solid �Cosmic Consciousness� we will all �dance� to a very different tune�The New Age of Aquarius will change all this confusion in time. Education is the key� Thank you for your feedback � Blessings � DT. Dear Dr. Louis... My mother's maiden name was deGrancourt so I share some of your French proclivities. Your blunt, arrogant way of dealing with people has never bothered me because I am the same way. I have learned to tone it down, however, and still get my point across. It is not necessary to tell someone the sky may be falling, and then say if they don't get it they must be a moron. It puts people off who might eventually understand. You strike an adversarial pose with your readership and people don't do well in that kind of situation. You must not, however, distill yourself to the point that you are no longer Dr. Turi. That would be a sad loss to the world, especially in these times. I can't help but note how sarcastic and acerbic your latest newsletter to us plebians was. It makes me wonder how sincere you really are about mellowing down a little. But whatever, I simply cannot afford the price of your VIP Newsletter. I'm a disabled vet on a fixed income and things are tough. So I read what I can for free. Trust me, you do not offend me personally, and I know exactly what you're talking about. I do cringe, however, for the masses not sufficient unto themselves yet , who read your harangues. I kind of feel sorry for them. I know the moment is late, but remember, one can catch more flies with honey that with a fly swatter. Cordially yours, a faithful student... William Dear William when you wrote �I share some of your French proclivities, and your blunt, arrogant way of dealing with people� I must once more emphasize that you and I may very well share some fiery signs (Leo/Aries/Sagittarius) moon, rising or Dragon making up a �similar� UCI and form of communication. Once more �One can only relate to me (or you) because of his/her experiences, education, intelligence and most of all his/her UCI!� Sad enough I am not sure if young souls really do perceive or grasp the depth of the meaning of these words. Thus unless everyone build solid �Cosmic Consciousness� we will all �dance� to a very different tune�The New Age of Aquarius will change all this confusion in time. Education is the key� Thank you for your feedback � Blessings � DT. Dear Dr. Turi, I think that is a wise decision on your part to become more sensitive to the "masses". Instead of calling us IMBECILES, MORONS, and IDIOTS, you can get the same message across by simply referring to us as UNEDUCATED, UNKNOWING, UNAWARE, UNSURE, etcetera! You can also gain a greater following in my opinion by referring to the masses as SEEKING, SEARCHING, DESIRING and other more positive words. Throughout history, all animosity toward their fellow man has stemmed from treating another human being as something less than oneself. There is an old American saying that might help you remain POSITIVE as you write your newsletters. It goes like this..... "YOU GET MORE BEES WITH HONEY THAN YOU DO WITH VINEGAR". Take care, Dave DT � Hi Dave yes I finally recognized my own limitation and hammering the truth �as you are I perceive it) is not the right way to go. Your own 3rd house, rising, moon or dragon may be indeed located in water, emotional, sensitive sign depicting your �smooth� attitude to avoid offending people and their feelings. Once more �One can only relate to me (or you) because of his/her experiences, education, intelligence and most of all his/her UCI!� Sad enough I am not sure if young souls really do perceive or grasp the depth of the meaning of these words. Thus unless everyone build solid �Cosmic Consciousness� we will all �dance� to a very different tune�The New Age of Aquarius will change all this confusion in time. Education is the key�taking my course would answer much of your own questions and drastically help you to understand yourself and everyone around you. I always teach my students that the truth is NOT within but outside the self and I have to forget ALL about ME in order to help you! That�s all. P.S. Does this reply qualify me for a FREE UCI reading? (September 3, 1954) :) Lolo I was right, your 3rd house of communication is in the water sign of Scorpio (power freak and ultra perceptive). Sure get my free book 2008 Moon Power and read all about Scorpio then you will know how you really think! Thank you for your feedback - Blessings - DT. Hehehe....what a great newsletter Dr. Turi! It is very hard job to waking up the moronic mass. If people could take only 10% of your VERY VALUABLE suggestions they could improve their lives 110%....(whatever the number could be, infinitely!!!). I miss your talks on Coast-To-Coast AM radio, what happened to George Noory that he hasn't invited you again??? SALUD! Jana DT- Dear Jana Thank you so much for your support and smart quote depicting indeed a very advanced UCI but we are all so different! I don't think George is avoiding me; I am not sure what's going on maybe too many negative emails from jealous young souls are poring to him and not enough like yours lolol. If you want me there you will have to forward him your email and more people like you should do the same.here is his email George@coasttocoastam.com and he does read them. Thanks again. Blessings DT Dr. Turi; The truth is we don t like to be talked down to.....no Master ever insults his students. what you do to one of us is perceived subconsciously as an attack on everyone. The subconscious does not identify the other. Don't be surprised if many others follow suit........... D Dear D, your fist sentence depict more of a fiery 3rd house or a strong Leo (ego) rising, moon, dragon etc. I am sure if you read previous comments you already got the message. However your UCI is indeed also very perceptive. Once more "One can only relate to me (or you) because of his/her experiences, education, intelligence and most of all his/her UCI!" Sad enough I am not sure if young souls really do perceive or grasp the depth of the meaning of these words. Thus unless everyone build solid "Cosmic Consciousness" we will all "dance" to a very different tune.The New Age of Aquarius will change all this confusion in time. Education is the key.taking my course would answer much of your own questions and drastically help you to understand yourself and everyone around you. I always teach my students that the truth is NOT within but outside the self and I have to forget ALL about ME in order to help you! That's all. Thank you for your feedback - Blessings - DT. Dr. Turi; LMAO most people are absolutely ignorant and blind to our "world", they're happy with their flat screen tvs and their "reality" shows. Just today there was a news story about a 9 year old pitcher who is too good, and the other teams in the league won't even face him. PATHETIC WEAKNESS! We live in a society where people who are driven, talented, and successful are chastised. MEDIOCRITY AND CONFORMITY ARE ENCOURAGED SO NO ONE FEELS LEFT OUT! So much for rising to a challenge... Challenges have been canceled indefinitely! Except for the Chinese of course, but we'll stay "politically" correct! Mat DT - Nothing will change with the lesser mass' attitude Mat - We all MUST be, or appear "Politically correct" to the mass. I need to "change" because the goal is to reach and educate the mass. Blessings DT Hi Dr. Turi, I love it, tell it like it is. I have enjoyed and learned a lot from your teachings. I look forward each day to open my email to see if I get one from you. Thank you very much for what you do on a daily basis. Yvonne DT - Hi Yvonne yes I tell it like it is in a different way now but the message will be passed on and perceived in time. I am glad our UCI is similar and you could not only handle me but benefit from my teachings. Blessings - DT Cynthia Dear Dr. Turi, Please don't change a thing about you. I get you - a fresh breeze blowing away the stale, dusty cobwebs. This world needs much more hard-hitting, honest truth, not less! My Mom and sister hear me talking so much about you they say it would be great for me to go and work with you! Maybe this will come true! Blessings, Rebecca, Student and VIP - Sacramento, CA/Tonawanda, NY Hello Rebecca - Trust me there is nothing you or I can change about the truth, just the method needs "polishing". I would be honored to meet you and make your dream a reality.remember the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thoughts! Blessings - DT Dr. Turi; I agree with your student. You cannot help anyone if you cannot relate to them. If you cannot be thoughtful of another's feelings, then you should let your students do the newsletter. The newsletters have become all about you and how angry you are and about how lowly we are. In your mind, I have an inferiority complex. Yes, I do because of horribly abusive parents, but I have "learned what love is" ----not from the church, from others, from my dogs, from history. But not from you, yet I follow your predictions and work because it has a resonance of truth. However, you are not a good sales person for it. I am a VIP. I respect your work: I buy your books and your newsletters and the Moon power Series. But, as someone trained in Psychology, Marketing, and Law -- you come across as a Bush-type con man. You are better than that. I agree you should show it by BEING better than this. The minute you talk down to us --you lose us, that is if we are being honest. And you can hurl all the insults you want at me, but it will not endear you to me or anyone else. Bush is almost out of office and we no longer live in a "FEAR" environment. All I am saying is: TRY being nice and running the risk of SEEMING self absorbed. We will like it better. Now...we endure because underneath your INSECURITY, you truly are a brilliant man. With love...(you know you want it from us) Deborah (5-1-48), head in Taurus, tail in Scorpio. In traditional astrology, I am a Taurus, moon in Aquarius, Libra Ascendant. Hello Deborah; I hope my change of "attitude" will bring you relief and peace. As a Taurus your 3rd house is located in the over emotional sign of Cancer (food/America) and depict your very strong sensitive nature and obvious insecurity but this is NOT an attack on you, more of a perceptive statement of your true UCI. Again as mentioned in previous newsletters you "associate" me with President Bush "Bush-type con man" an d assumed the worse because your very strong insecurity complex and accompanying political fears is fueled by your Scorpio super drive for control and power. Again this is not an attack on your character but more of a mini "free" Astropsychology reading. Auto analyzing one self is indeed the most difficult thing anyone can do and by doing so I was able to "hear" you and became more humble in the process. I am glad you can also perceive the good about my work and thank you warmly for it. Blessings DT Dr. Turi; Thank you for this email. I have been struggling with the same issues with speaking out. These people's perception is their reality; even if you speak the truth to them it seems to only make it worse. Sad state, it really is when the truth offends so much John DT - We can not agree more my friend and it will be a challenge to me not to SPEAK (or write) openly about the truth as I used to do. Call it an intellectual "upgrading" I must perform in order to still pass on the truth in a nicer manner. Blessings - DT Dr. Turi, I will welcome the "new Dr. Turi". As a regular reader of the free newsletter (thank you for that), I do not take your comments personally, however, I would like to cut to the chase and just get the truth (without all the insults). I do not want to hear lies, however, I think you can spread the truth without the sarcasm and get through to many more lost souls. The woman was correct - we are all on different paths and at different levels in our learning - just state the truth, and leave the rest of it in the Universe's hands as to who can and cannot absorb it. . .all in due time. I was contemplating subscribing to your VIP newsletter, and may do so now. The only thing holding me back was wondering if I would have to cut through all the sarcasm to get to the good stuff. You asked for feedback, and I gave you my honest take on it. I think you have your moments of brilliance, and I do believe you know your astrology and the Universal Code. So please - deliver your truth so that others might awaken - but don't beat them over the head while delivering it - "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink" - be content with the leading, and spare the sarcasm! Sue DT - Hello Sue, again being sensitive is NOT a weakness but conflicting 3rd houses of communication by house and signs do not rationalize. I have learned that the smarter one MUST compromise and level up to others then raise with the tide of love, respect and understanding. If everyone would take my course and build full "Cosmic Consciousness" EVERYONE would understand and laugh at himself or herself and never think of taking Dr. Turi 3rd house in aggressive, direct, innocent, blunt Aries so personally! But this is NOT the case.Education is the only answer so as your spiritual Leader I have to show the way, don't I? Blessings - DT. Don't change Dr. Turi, don't change! I like you just the way you are. There will always be those who won't like what you have to say no matter what. Me personally I like the straight forward you may not like what I'm about to tell you but I'm going to tell you Anyway Dr. Turi. Blessings Felicia DT- lolol Felicia as a student of mine you KNOW me well, VERY well others don't. I am not changing for the worse but for the common good. Welcome the new Dr. Turi because he is STILL Dr. Turi. Luv - DT Hello Dr. Turi. I know you to be a thoughtful man who has in mind the betterment of society. I see what you are talking about when you purposely chip and chink out at the lower personality. It makes them aware of their being. And if they are going to use their mind, to combat those negative feelings they feel, they are going to have to incorporate their higher minds, which is the aspect of a person to look at all sides of the situation, instead of only the personal part. The selfish part is all right, as long as it performs its duty toward its rights. After that though, it is no good. And therefore a higher perspective must be incorporated into a human being for them to smooth out those ruffled feathers. Like for example, love should be developed. A love for others, since they already have that love for themselves and know how it's used. Time to love another and send some good thoughts to them as well...no matter what they are saying, haha, or going through. Huh? Yea. Like you said: "The sad reality is that the common person takes my words personally and textually and totally misses the entire truth by alienating themselves to the messages I am trying to convey. " We all need to distance ourselves from our self to help another. Thanks! M Dear M - Indeed your UCI is well balanced objective and sensitive. I have NO problem of humbling myself because I have said so many times that I am NOT driven by spiritual pride but the plain truth only. I was then able to perceive the truth and I am still able to perceive it toady, what changed is my inappropriate way of passing on the truth. Thus I had to seatback, think deeper and take a minute for me, for my spirit and remove the thick cloud of passion and sandpaper down my verbal much too honest Aries UCI attitude. Mission accomplished I hope anyone who "suffers" the same rough diagnostic learn from my wise decision to be more receptive, more sensitive and more positive in all my future newsletters! Blessings to all Dr. Turi Could there be a bigger smoking gun then this after a Full Moon in Aquarius that it IS NOT A GOOD TIME TO FLY. http://www.nationallampoon.com/thezaz/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/smoking-gun.jpg As predicted:FAA computer problems causing flight delays FAA facility south of Atlanta, Georgia, having problems processing data * All flight-plan information must be processed by facility in Salt Lake City, Utah * Unknown number of flights delayed by glitch http://www.cnn.com/2008/TRAVEL/08/26/faa.computer.failure/index.html Craig SIGN UP FOR THE FREE DRAGON NEWSLETTER NOW! Sign up for the FREE Dragon newsletter at http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/ but remember what you are reading NOW in the FREE DRAGON NEWSLETTER is a reflection of 99% of the world's total IGNORANCE of God's Universal Laws. Thus mess up with the "Universal Code" and you and the world must pay a heavy penalty. But ALL my Cosmic Code newsletters are not only free of advertisements but also FREE of depressive, negative current news. When you become a VIP you will enjoy great tips on health and financial tips, highly educational positive, progressive material and the Cosmic Code's regulations are offered in my writings. My work will raise your vibrations and help you build "Cosmic Consciousness" and indeed provide food for thought and total spiritual regeneration. Join us don't miss any important "Cosmic Code" future newsletters, and all the great deals and monthly transits. You will get them all from the first day I created them, get them when you are ready for me because there is so much more about my work that could really change your life for the better. Don't be a victim be smart knowledge is power ignorance is evil. Do you like my work? Do you want to become a 2008 'Cosmic Code" VIP? Its ONLY $35 until the end of the year! Sign up for the 2008 VIP "Cosmic Code" newsletter and get them ALL (over 45 of them so far and much more before the year end). Learn all about natural Healing, the "Cosmic Code" in action with so many different and very interesting topics that will make you think and even change your conception of life. Get the special deals, personal, daily monthly forecast and the so very important TRANSITS until the end of the year. I may get too busy and stop writing the FREE Dragon Newsletter any day and you may miss so much in the process. Be smart, learn and grow with me and make a good use of my special SOS To The World when they occur. ACT NOW! &l

Can You Handle The Truth?

YOU MUST CHECK THE PICS AT http://www.myspace.com/drturi 8/26/2008 Dear Reader; Dr. Turi will be doing a taping for his “Cosmic Code” reality show in the senator’s room at the San Carlos hotel on Saturday September 27th. If you are in Arizona please contact the movie producer J.C. at mailto:fuelwhisperer@yahoo.com if you want to be part of the televised show and endorse Dr. Turi. You may also call him at 480-234-7100. http://www.hauntedcon.com/guests.html HUMILITY REDEMPTION and/or STRATEGY? Once every blue moons I receive an email from a reader that decides to cancel her subscription from both the 2008 and 2009 Cosmic Code newsletters. After reading it my first reaction was to think I was dealing with another very insecure member of the “moronic” mass making up the 99.9% of this world’s population once more was mistaking my honesty and direct approach to life for rudeness and that was it. But after reading her “mental disposition” (remember I am also a clinical Hypnotherapist) I answered her email to the best of my ability explaining logically the subconscious reasons why she would make that decision. But I also realized that the chance of her or any of the 99.9% of the moronic mass to understand my message or me was somewhat NON-existent. After reading her words and my feedback I am sure ONLY my spiritually advanced readers will understand the title I used in this newsletter. Thus I will use this next upcoming new Moon in Leo (the light) on my 7th house (facing the public) at my advantage and REBIRTH myself, REMAKE myself and PRESENT myself to those 99.9% of people hoping to reach them and “save” them from themselves and ignorance. The reality is that the truth has never served anyone’s purpose really and always produces a very negative reaction, thus alienating myself from the mass and those who really need my help. So like any refined politicians running for President, or any wise business CEO,s FCO’s financial tycoons running a very productive business including the master of all the “Church Inc. I have decided to ADAPT to the need of the people. I cannot ignore any longer my highly placed successful friends many requests literally begin me to “change my attitude” because what I know to be ME and the PLAIN truth is perceived as a huge ego and rudeness by the moronic uneducated mass they say. The church Inc., politicians, very successful business corporation have adopted this “SUCKER” attitude for ever and refrain from verbalizing the TRUTH to the sensitive ignorant souls and this is why they all are, endorsed, supported and winning all FINANCIAL RELIGIOUS AND POLITICAL BUSINESS ORIENTED contests today. So I finally come to realize that like them, I will have to ignore and lay the TRUTH to rest because too many young souls CANNOT HANDLE OR EVEN PERCEIVE my work, my true self and THE TRUTH itself. YOU LIKES TO BE REMINDED? Showing the reflection of their stupidity and ignorance on a daily base has not and will never work, PERIOD! When I write about the “moronic mass” this is what I mean! ARE YOU A PART OF THE MORONIC MASS? DO YOU SEE YOURSELF THERE? SO STOP TAKING MY WORDS PERSONALLY! NOW PLEASE YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO LAUGH and be above “Joe six pack” mindless UCI. For if you do not and feel victimized something is definitely very wrong with you too! Just in case this is also a test to find out if you are you part of the 99.9% of the moronic mass! I might as well make the most and hit you hard today with this last “NASTY” FREE newsletter but remember you can also UNSUBSCRIBE anytime because a cave man can do it! Doing and adopting this “nasty” attitude serves also as a cleansing of my FREE newsletters and remove those that can never be helped. The fact is my so very important message to the world reflects the TRUTH and is based upon the God’s celestial truth ONLY. But again the truth is not easily assimilated and definitely NOT accepted as a valuable procedure for progress to reach the ignorant God fearing mass. JOE' SIX PACK'S WIFE! is this what I am trying to "educate?" Ignore the physical or spiritual laws and you will CRASH! That’s all I am trying to do with you. So as of today I have decided to RE-evaluate my “Plan of attack” or my STRATEGY in order to reach THE MENTALLY WEAKEST MEMBERS OF OUT SOCIETY I am trying so hard to wake up! We all know the truth HURT we also know that anyone in the public eye MUST strategically diplomacy USEEVEN IF THIS MEAN hiding or ignoring the truth in order to get the “votes” needed to succeed in any field and deal with any large and successful company dealing with the media. The sad reality is that the common person takes my words personally and textually and totally misses the entire truth by alienating themselves to the messages I am trying to convey. Stopping being truly me in my message instead using more diplomacy “adapting” will save me precious time because religious or insecure souls keep allowing themselves to get hurt by my “statements” missing the forest of my wisdom. Instead of “catching” me they subconsciously regurgitate deep wounded emotional feelings and are totally unable to comprehend that I am far from being the reason of their mental problem and obvious limitation. Their reaction and lack of education prompt them to see me as evil and make the mistake to exit the TRUE door of wisdom. The only chances they had to grow spiritually is misread, misinterpreted and lost because I am too much of the truth to deal with or can not auto analyzes themselves properly. Thus with this New Moon in Leo (love and light) in my 7th house (facing the public) the NEW DR.TURI IS BORN! I hope the new light I will project in all my future newsletters will help those in need of perceiving God’ signs through my writings. Read a VIP email to me and my initial response and realize why I have NO other alternative but to adapt to the mass and be ONLY positive in ALL my newsletters. This new Dr. Turi will save more lost souls and refrain from people self-inflicting old subconscious pain to themselves. I have nothing to prove to any advanced souls and I hope you will enjoy the new me in all my future VIP “Cosmic Code” newsletters. READ ON! I am canceling because the newsletters I have been receiving from Dr. Turi refers to the majority of the people as imbeciles, morons and idiots which I think is highly disrespectful. Everyone has a right to their opinion as he has a right to say whatever he wants to say. That is everyone's free will but I also know that everyone is going through their particular stages of learning and development. I came to the conclusion to cancel after reading several of the newsletters. Thank you. Judith Hello Judith this is Dr. Turi; I am so sorry you took the words I used to represent the intellectual incapacity of the moronic mass in my FREE Dragon newsletter, personally. This FREE newsletter is a reflection of man’s affairs ignoring God’s language that produces much of the dramatic NEGATIVE news experienced by humankind. But NONE of this NEGATIVE energy or what you perceive as “offending or disrespectful” is to be found in any of my VIP “Cosmic Code” newsletters. As a matter of fact I offer ALL my subscribers not only tremendous astrological information, health tips etc. but also TOTAL RESPECT. Incidentally you are also ONE OF THEM but your “selective” mind omitted to perceive this fact too. To respond to my FREE Dragon newsletter with such a victimized attitude and offended ego indeed clarifies to me your current mental cerebral disposition leading to your decision to “exit” my world and indeed reflect your intrinsic part within the majority of the moronic mass. What a way to thanks me for offering you FREE and EDUCATIONAL material! Updated – OOPPSS! another blow, the truth hurt, I should not have written that fact! But with all the respect I owe you the fact of the matter is indeed you do have some internal growing to do and I surely hope you will soon exit the idiotic mass' mind-set and GET MY MESSAGE and join the large majority of my advanced readers who can grasp my work. Taking my honest words personally was a test on your own self you indeed failed to recognize. Updated – OOPPSS! another blow, the truth hurt, I should not have written that fact! Now please read and try to assimilate those words carefully because even if you do not agree or can't auto analyze your self, your ego and your sensitivity just yet those words are now written for you. Updated – OOPPSS! another blow, the truth hurt, I should not have written that fact! "Those young souls who take my direct approach to life, my honesty my words and comments PERSONALLY do suffers both a deep inferiority and/or insecurity complex..." Updated – OOPPSS! another blow, the truth hurt, I should not have written that fact! Once you "wake up" to your own "perceptive" mental blockage you may be able to grasp my vital message to the world instead of responding selfishly to your bruised ego or hurt feelings. Updated – OOPPSS! another blow, the truth hurt, I should not have written that fact! Chances are you were taught as a young girl that you were a nobody or may be dealt while growing up with too many truly rude, inconsiderate adults and lost a serious dose of self-esteem in the process. Updated – OOPPSS! another blow, the truth hurt, I should not have written that fact! But again your "reaction" is a purely subconscious one and unless educated on the subconscious matter "reflex" you may not once more be able to acknowledge your own mental reception, reaction and action to EXIT the pain I rekindled in your heart and it deeply hurt you inside. Updated – OOPPSS! another blow, the truth hurt, I should not have written that fact! Another phrase I often wrote in my newsletters that once more confirm my theory, "ONE (that would be you in this case) can only RELATE to me, because of his/her experiences, education and UCI" things that may again not mean anything to you just yet. Updated – OOPPSS! another blow, the truth hurt, I should not have written that fact! *You cannot teach a man/woman anything. You can only help him/her discover it within himself."* *- Galileo Galilei:* But be sure it is NOT Dr. Turi hurting you but YOUR OWN SELF! Lastly hundreds of thousands of newsletters are sent and read everyday world wide and may be once every 2 or 3 month someone like you needs to "unsubscribe" to what you perceive erroneously as the most horrible, selfish, unconcerned, rude person you have ever met (or read) for that matter. Updated – OOPPSS! another blow, the truth hurt, I should not have written that fact! But this man or the real Dr. Turi you can not see because both your ego and/or pain blinds you SPENDS days after days writing for the mass, works tirelessly for their children's future, give out his books and newsletters for FREE every years and will always try to save a lost soul, including yours! Updated – Will she get that? I can only hope! So now the question is; Is Dr. Turi really a bad selfish, soul working tirelessly to HURT people like you purposely? Or someone trying once more to EDUCATE you, point out your mental conception and help you to FREE you from your past, your pain, your own ignorance, and your own subconscious fears? Updated – OOPPSS! another blow, the truth hurt, I should not have written that fact! The truth has never meant to be nice Judith and unless ONE (that would be me) is pure, honest, direct in words and actions there is absolutely NO reason for you to "erase" yourself from the purity of the light I generate in my honest expressive, almost child like way and my pure drive to help the children. Is it about YOUR feelings, YOUR bruised ego or the children of tomorrow? Did you miss that obvious message too? Its all about energy and "a magnet will not attract a piece of wood" or like can only attract like and indeed I must be a TERRIBLE man for you to "exit" my TERRIBLE teachings and my constant drive to help the children, am I? DT- Will she get that? I can only hope! I hope I was able to help you just a little today Judith because you really need it. Updated – OOPPSS! another blow, the truth hurt, I should not have written that fact! Blessings DT Continued – Now when you look at my response ALL that I wrote is WRONG! All that I expressed is WRONG, because she did NOT or cannot get it just yet! She indeed needs to exteriorize herself and get rid of all the subconscious soup blinding her spirit to my message. Updated – OOPPSS ! another blow, the truth hurt, I should not have written that fact! But why did I change my position up a sudden? And why a NEW Dr. Turi is born today? Because the words she so simply used at the end of her note reached my heart and like her I was NOT READY TO FEEL, understand and acknowledge the TRUTH in her sentences. She wrote - “Everyone has a right to their opinion as he has a right to say whatever he wants to say. That is everyone's free will but I also know that everyone is going through their particular stages of learning and development” So yes I got you my friend and I will give you all the time you need to heal away from me. Hopefully some spiritual soul who vibrates like you will cross your path and do a better job spiritually all the while soothing your wounded soul and gives you faith and courage to learn, growth and forgive disgusting people like Dr. Turi… Am I that really bad? I let you my advanced reader be the judge of that! Meantime I really heard you lost souls out there today and I hope you will hear me better now because I will never hurt anyone’s ego or be insensitive to anyone ever again in any and all my future newsletters. People would rather be lied to and pay for it than to hear the truth, mostly because 99.9 % of the people walking this earth cannot handle the truth! "If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; but if you really make them REALLY think, they'll hate you." "The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity." Harlan Ellison Lastly, please give me your feedback on my decision! mailto:dr.turi@cox.net Blessings to all Dr. Turi The Dragon’s Tail (negative) in Leo (children) at work! 12-year-old suspended for hair - A middle school student is suspended because of the color she dyed her hair. KYTV's Marie Saavedra reports. http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/2008/08/22/saavedra.pink.hair.KYTV This little unruly “brat” was born in 1996 with the Dragon’s Tail (negative) in Aries (unruly). Note also that Mars “The Lord of war” rules war, man’s world, the animal kingdom and Mars color is RED (blood) or pink and denote once more how the “robotic” subconscious drive took over this child’s innocent psyche. I took this “red” example from the Internet to prove to you that Mars’ energy is “bloody” red! EVIL UCI+ EVIL SOUL! http://www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/08/21/duncan.slayings.ap/index.html?iref=mpstoryview The videos and photos taken at the cabin show Duncan forcing the boy to perform a sex act, whipping him with a belt and hanging him with a wire noose until the boy passed out. "The devil is here, boy, the devil himself. The demon couldn't do what the devil sent him to do so the devil came himself," Duncan yells in one video. "The devil likes to watch children suffer and cry." This evil soul was born in the constellation of Pisces and his sick UCI is overloaded with Neptune religious energy. Born in 1963 Duncan inherited both a Moon and his Sun in karmic Pisces with a cold and calculated Dragon’s Tail in Capricorn (head of evil) in the 12th traditionally ruled by Pisces. This celestial affliction gave him a more powerful and deceiving dragon’s Tail (vile) in Pisces too! Duncan covered his face as parts of the video were shown, and jurors frequently shot him looks. Two of Duncan's standby attorneys also avoided looking at the screen. Only education will allow humankind to acknowledge God's Universal signs or how God made your celestial body mind and soul but sad enough NO a single organization or college, university or church teach these ancient laws, apart from my students and I. This world is so young where religion, education and science rule but miss the biggest picture of all...and God we all know how BIG the universe is… SIGN UP FOR THE FREE DRAGON NEWSLETTER NOW! Sign up for the FREE Dragon newsletter at http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/ but remember what you are reading NOW in the FREE DRAGON NEWSLETTER is a reflection of 99% of the world’s total IGNORANCE of God’s Universal Laws. Thus mess up with the “Universal Code” and you and the world must pay a heavy penalty. But ALL my Cosmic Code newsletters are not only free of advertisements but also FREE of depressive, negative current news. When you become a VIP you will enjoy great tips on health and financial tips, highly educational positive, progressive material and the Cosmic Code’s regulations are offered in my writings. My work will raise your vibrations and help you build “Cosmic Consciousness” and indeed provide food for thought and total spiritual regeneration. Join us don’t miss any important “Cosmic Code” future newsletters, and all the great deals and monthly transits. You will get them all from the first day I created them, get them when you are ready for me because there is so much more about my work that could really change your life for the better. Don’t be a victim be smart knowledge is power ignorance is evil… Do you like my work? Do you want to become a 2008 ‘Cosmic Code” VIP? Its ONLY $35 until the end of the year! Sign up for the 2008 VIP “Cosmic Code” newsletter and get them ALL (over 45 of them so far and much more before the year end). Learn all about natural Healing, the “Cosmic Code” in action with so many different and very interesting topics that will make you think and even change your conception of life. Get the special deals, personal, daily monthly forecast and the so very important TRANSITS until the end of the year. I may get too busy and stop writing the FREE Dragon Newsletter any day and you may miss so much in the process. Be smart, learn and grow with me and make a good use of my special SOS To The World when they occur. ACT NOW! Do you want to become a 2009 “Cosmic Code” VIP? USE THE DEAL RIGHT NOW WHILE YOU CAN AND SAVE MONEY! Sign up for the new 2009 VIP “Cosmic Code” newsletter before January 1st 2009 for $75.00 and save $25.00. As of January 1st 2009 the only way you will be able to sign up will be through my website and the price will be $100 FLAT rate and $35 for Seniors citizens. ACT NOW! Save money and if you need information email Terania teraniapromodir@peoplepc.com or call her at 972-623-7689. Dr. Turi's 12 Cosmic Code Newsletter entitles you to: · Get all the exact dates and accompanying quatrains and be prepared for all major disasters in 2009 on the first day each months of the year. · Be informed of ALL 2009 Monthly Universal/Personal Transits · Be informed of ALL 2009 Supernova Windows · 2009 DAILY Personal Forecast For All Signs. · 2009 MONTHLY Personal Forecast For All Signs. · 2009 ANNUAL Personal Dragon Forecast For All Signs. · 2009 DEALS and large discount on Astropsychology Courses by mail. You are promised a minimum of 12 “Cosmic Code” Newsletters and as of today 8/13/2008 I wrote 43 of them and much more will be written before the year is over. 2009 Moon Power will be available soon. You will be able to order it from my website then. "And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:" - Genesis 1:14 in King James Version of The Bible. If you are in Arizona, join me September 26th – 27th - 28th http://www.hauntedcon.com/guests.html
Be Aware Of The Moon Power 8/20/2008 Dear Reader; Here is a little discussion pertaining to my predictions and my newsletter titled Fly At Your Own Risk! It's amazing how accurate you are in hindsight, Dr. Turi. However, I don't recall you predicting specifically that there would be a Spanish airliner crashing on Aug 20th and that a 153 people would die. Or some of the other 2008 air disasters, for that matter: CY DT- what difference does this make, the end results is CLEAR people are dead...I can only tell you the probability and the timing and in many of my newsletters I mentioned countless times that I DO NOT PREDICT ANYTHING! The weather has a regular patter and so the seasons, history repeat itself and so are the news… Meantime don’t expect NASA or the NWS to give you ANYTHING AT ALL (or take a chance) at all in term of earthquakes/natural disaster’s TIMING while I do it constantly and accurately and all without your tax dollars! Check CTC links from my website www.drturi.com for proof or check any of my Moon Power “earthquake prediction” section. There you will read emails sent directly to NASA and the NWS giving the EXACT DATES of numerous huge earthquakes well before they unfolded! Important note to all newcomers. Please newcomers DO YOUR HOME WORK AND READ PREVIOUS NEWSLETTERS ABOUT NASA, THE MOON, PLUTO, PREDICTIONS, SCIENCE and hundreds of other interesting topics before writing to me. ANY and ALL of your questions HAVE ALREADY been dealt with, be sure of that and MANY people have already brought your questions to my attention. You are forcing me to repeat myself countless times, so one more time PLEASE DO YOUR HOME WORK READ THEM ALL TO FIND YOUR ANSWER BECAUSE IT IS THERE WAITING FOR YOU IN ONE OF THE TWO ARCHIVED NEWSLETTERS LINKS! Thank you. DT http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/ - http://www.drturi.com/newsarchive/ Continued - It’s all about timing and we all know that the weather as a regular seasonal pattern, history repeats itself and so are the news. The same apply with men's physical laws; it’s your choice to ignore the stoplight or the red light in the street and with it the high probability to get killed. But I am offering you the option (with education) to apply your FREE WILL by offering you the RIGHT timing so that YOU can make the (right or wrong) decision to stop (fly) or not! There is an order above and the Universal Mechanics have also a regular pattern! I know about it and 99.9% of the world does NOT! 20 August: Some 153 people die and 19 are injured when a Spaniard plane with 172 people on board, including 10 crew, skids off the runway on take-off at Madrid's Barajas airport. It's always easy to see where you've been when you're looking back. Perhaps this is one of the reasons police, politicians, and other officials don't pay attention to you. Telling people to hide under their beds because the moon is full is something most administrators would be loathe to do. DT- first and foremost never EVER assume anything about “big People” not paying attention to my work, you would be amazed who read my work CY. Very powerful governmental figure you see daily on TV dealt with me but I cannot “drop” famous names for Internal security purpose. This does not mean they do not understand or support my work but ALL are afraid of the “ridicule” and understandably would rather keep our relationships very private. Wrong I never said to anyone to "hide under his or her bed" that is your prerogative, not mine! I am only asking people to acknowledge and be aware of the “Universal Code” and the fluctuations of the moon is a big part of it because she is so close to the earth. The world including the police, politicians, and other officials are doing exactly this with the enforcement, teaching, safety and driving rules (physical rules) but the world including the police, politicians, and other officials are NOT acknowledging, understanding teaching or respecting the Universal/spiritual rules (Cosmic Code) because NO ONE has raised their awareness to do so. WATCH THE MOON RAISE YOUR AWARENESS OF PAY THE PRICE! One has to be really blind not to see the damage being done during a full or waning moon. I have for years collected solid example “predicting” the news well ahead of CNN. Why would someone plan a trip after the full moon and nearly lose its life? http://www.drturi.com/forecasts.php WHY USING my book Moon Power? So that you DO NOT propose or take your wife to be on a trip AFTER THE FULL MOON and die before the wedding ceremony! Flood overshadows proposal because those two young souls were at the wrong place at the wrong time! A man took his girlfriend to a romantic spot for his proposal and got caught in a flood. http://video.aol.com/video-detail/flood-overshadows-proposal/2828857258/?icid=VIDLRVNWS05 COUNTLESS AMOUNT OF PEOPLE DIED BECAUSE OF IGNORANCE! RESPECT GOD'S UNIVERSAL LAWS (SIGNS) AS HE INTENDED YOU TO DO OR PAY THE PRICE BECAUSE HIM AND JESUS DON'T CARE - PERIOD! The world would come to a screeching halt if it caved in to fears generated by your visions. DT - My "vision" is neither apocalyptic nor negative but designed to bring more safety through true spiritual/cosmic education and would save countless lives but I am the only one who does not need to wear "vision/prescription" glasses because I possess Full "Cosmic Consciousness" and in the process perceive what the majority do not. Paranoia would ensue. DT- No education eliminates Paranoia, fears and brings reason, order and safety if the world would respect God's TRUE SIGNS! Paranoia is the seat of ignorance fueled by unfounded fears. Paranoia is for religious people born with a defective UCI expecting “the end of the world” or UFO to comeback before Jesus does and it is all induced by apocalyptic poisonous teachings. And you wonder why the reality of UFO is kept under? If it’s not mentioned in the bible, then it does NOT exist in the mind or a religious poisoned soul. Nothing would get done. DT Wrong again, all that I am and done to build the real American dream was done in respect of God' Universal rules. The engine of a car will not work properly unless it is "FINE TUNED" properly! Anything and everything MUST be done in a sane safe manner in accordance to natural physical and spiritual laws...Omit one of them and pay the penalty, it is that simple. Would you go swimming in the winter in Antarctica or expect to collect fruits in the winter? Farmers do not plant crops when they feel like but they MUST respect the seasons! Surgery, traveling, signing contracts and ALL human affairs are under the jurisdiction of the stars and all would be done in accordance to the cosmic clock for better and safer results! This is GOD's order! "And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:" - Genesis 1:14 in King James Version of The Bible. 25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; 26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. - Luke 21:25-27 in the King James Version of The Bible People would look to the stars for approval for all their actions. DT - They should in an intelligent educated manner! The cops will NOT approve people who do not stop at the light, drink and ignore any physical laws! People MUST look at the light and if it is green ONLY then they KNOW that the system approves because it is SAFER to proceed. A drunk or doped criminal would not care about YOUR approval to kill you but respond to his unstable criminal oriented UCI (Pluto. death and Mars aggression) location and the current waning (depressive) moon placement and ACT ANIMALISTICALLY! UNLESS ONE BUILT SOLID COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS HE IS NOTHING ELSE THAN A ROBOT OF THE STARS! Dr. Turi Thus you would know the probabilities are AGAINST YOU that night (better read moon power) and avoid to itch hike at 3.30 AM in a deserted road to go back home because you had a fight with your boyfriend WHO ALSO ROBOTICALLY responded to his UCI and the waning depressive moon affecting his MOOD! Do I have to exaggerate to make you understand that you can only apply your WILL if you know the WILL of the Cosmos (or the moon impact upon your and other’s psyche). This type of decision and awareness is the difference between ignorance and wisdom and life and death. They would become slaves to the cosmos. DT- You already are slave of the cosmos because your ignorance of the “Cosmic Code” does not allow your will to be used accordingly! Go out during a waning moon or a full moon and if you have built enough "Cosmic Consciousness" you will be much more cautious in all you do, say (and expect depressed drunk drivers to be on the road more than usual) and in the process avoid becoming a casualty. Have you heard being at the wrong place at the wrong time? If you had read my book Moon power for years like some of my faithful readers there would be NO wondering about the fact that the moon play a very IMPORTANT part on your emotions and EMOTIONS WILL ALWAYS TAKE OVER YOUR LOGIC. The moon is a little bit more than a dead rock hanging above your head… did you read the section “The Universal Law of the Moon” in my book yet? Apparently not, so you can only assume and that OK but wrong. Do you home work please, the book and so very valuable information are FREE Alas, we're doomed to chance, as we've always been. Risky though it may seem, the alternative would be incredibly constricting. There is NO SUCH A THING AS CHANCES with proper tuition that is where you and I are different, you think we are doomed I think NOT. Only education will allow humankind to acknowledge God's Universal signs but sad enough NO a single organization or college, university or church teaching these ancient laws, apart from my students and I. This world is so young where religion, education and science rule but MISS the biggest picture of all...and God knows how BIG the universe is… For if the Sun would not faithfully return tomorrow as he did for billions of years chance are you and the world would realize how important those stars above really are. Man is made is made of the essence of all the stars but humankind has not yet understood it direct relationship with them... Only time will fix this deplorable situation and I am just a little ahead of everyone in this matter... Time will tell and time always tells because time is my only true witness. I wonder why Einstein and only less than 1% of the world population are agreeing with me…but again as you said “police, politicians, and other officials will not pay attention to me or Albert Einstein because they think or “ASSUME” they know better than a genius. "We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyzes of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives." Albert Einstein Now I am working very hard to build my schools and reverse the damage done to the human psyche and help the children of tomorrow to FREE their spirit from fears and find the vital solution to clean up the mess science and religion did to this world. Stand by Terania, Don at the BBS Radio and myself are working to bring you LIVE and build your “Cosmic Consciousness “ on http://www.bbsradio.com/education/courses/cosmic_codes.php Please Email Don with your ideas or for more information at http://donald@bbsradio.com Blessings to all Dr. Turi 2009 Moon Power will be available soon. You will be able to order it from my website then. If you are in Arizona, join me September 26th – 27th - 28th http://www.hauntedcon.com/guests.html Sharing emails: Dr. T, As a loyal reader of your newsletters, I worry every time you warn people about flying during certain times because my husband travels via plane at least two times per week and has very little control over when the flights are booked or when he travels. What can someone do to protect themselves if they have to fly every week and don't book the flights themselves? Thanks! M DT- Again this is the result of ignorance and its like having a drunk pilot flying the plane…And you wonder why large supremely wealthy corporations fail? Check this! http://www.drturi.com/ceo.php However other areas of the chart especially Jupiter (luck/protection) will play an important part in your husband’s chart or carrying specific Uranian “talisman” will also help to avoid death. You will find more valuable information in the upcoming “Cosmic Code” newsletter #8. Blessings DT Dr. Turi; Incidentally, USA Today is reporting many children dead in Madrid air disaster. BTW, Dragon Windows are great!! Take care! Robert DT- Thanks Robert yes the personal Dragon windows do work.. Sad enough the Dragon is still very dangerous to children... Blessings DT Dr. Turi; I want to say you taught me well via the tape. I feel great emotion both in you and in me. For me, you are some sort of Divine catalyst who challenges me forward. I am evolving; Dr. Turi, and I have the Courage now to ACT from the Light. Blessings, Trude DT- that’s the purpose, bringing wisdom, faith, eliminating fears and ignorance and using God’s signs properly! " Your Future is Nothing Else Than the Reincarnation of Your Thoughts." Good luck DT Hello Dr. Turi; I can't stand it any longer. I just had to reply to your style of writing. I absolutely love it. It is so cathartic! Your last two email updates have been hilarious in their less than succinct manner and as a result hauntingly powerful. You take the ongoing stream of dramatic vignettes from the global news community and you weave the truthful tale of your Astropsychology wisdom throughout the daily chaotic mess out there and each time deftly prove that Natural Law rules. I really get you. Thanks for your dedication and devotion to high TRUTH. Be Well, Be Blessed Sharon - Vancouver, BC. DT- Yes you are a part of the 1% of advanced souls who can relate to my teachings lol Blessings and thanks for your support DT Dear Dr. Turi, thank you so much for your newsletter. I'm so happy for you and the up-coming visit with your parents. They should be very proud of all that you are doing for the world. God Bless All Of You! Wilhelmina DT – Thank you Wilhelmina I am sure many people feel the same and it’s good to know how you feel because I really give my best shot! Blessings DT Dr. Turi your parents are very happy and you really get to see the beauty in your Mother in this picture. I enjoyed the other emails you have shared with us on her - I can see why you fell in love with Terania - who also is very beautiful. Thank you for all your loving support for us. Eileen DT- Thanks yes Terania is the best thing that could ever happen to me, her and I were much too busy to go home to France so this year so they are coming instead and we will have a great time for sure. France will be next year for sure because my 7 other siblings are pissed off and want to meet her too lol. Blessings DT Dr. Turi - I want to respond to Cynthia about this picture-Chewbacca. That is good examples for UFO can link with Big Foot. Big Foot pix is same idea w Chewbacca pix of star war. B DT- indeed my friend thanks for your spiritual observation! Blessings DT Dr. Turi; I listened carefully to what you had to say to me via the reading on tape. It was a revelation and a Lesson. I feel things deeply. My sympathy on the recent passing of your friend. It is all about The Light, yes. Thank you, DT- Thank you I am glad you enjoyed my work, I know it to be very regenerating for the spirit. Sad enough the waning moon took a very young life, she was a close friend to another friend of mine and only 22 years old but drugs and depressions did the rest. I wish she had accepted my guidance and help when I offered her a reading for free but it was already too late for her. Blessings DT Dr. Turi. DT - YOU WILL LOVE THIS. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjWtaTtiZEg&feature=email Effie Indeed I did Effie thanks Hun DT Dear Dr. Turi, I am without employment and am struggling very hard to find work with very little luck. It has been a very long time for me to be out of work. Things are very difficult. I receive a newsletter in the email from you but it is not the VIP one. I am gaining an understanding of what you write about. I do gain inspiration and from what I read in your emails to carry on and continue my daily battle in finding work. I have also gained respect and admiration for what you are doing. I wish I could afford your services. Perhaps then, I would know where to find work. But presently, the dragon tail you speak about continues to haunt me, if that, indeed, is what is going on. I wish you could take on a pet project, but saving a person from misfortune just might be harder once embroiled in it. What do you think? I suppose I already know the answer to that and it is in the negative. I am sending you my birth date and time. Maybe you will get a sense of my dire condition and situation. 16. January 1952, at 3,14 PM in New Britain, Connecticut USA. Thanks for taking the time to read my email. Sincerely, Ron DT- Too much to say about you and too many people making the same request everyday…Let me do my job right, invest in me and I will take good care of you. Order a 90 mn taped full life reading and trust your future with my guidance. http://www.drturi.com/readings.php DT I have been trying to search the net for the DOB of that Casey Anthony to see what sign she is and her Dragon-head & tail position... Has DT looked this up as well? I sure lovvveee to know her DOB . P.S. I love all your newsletters, and your very informative info as i use to believe Jesus was coming back. but it is not so..I just got to get your paid newsletters. As I have been kept in hidden to your great INFORMATION and TEACHINGS! Hugs, love Willa in TN Thanks Willa I am glad you cased your religious fears away and free yourself from spiritual limitation. Blessings DT Hi Louis, I am so glad I took your course this last July, because I told a friend that there would be trouble with airplanes during this Moon in Aquarius, she was traveling to Spain and then onto Romania yesterday, I’m so glad she wasn't going to the Canary Islands liked that doomed jet. Also my son John's plane ticket was changed from last Monday 18th to this Sunday the 24th, because of the tropical storm Fay hitting Florida where he is, I hope he will be well, because the ticket was changed during a full moon. Let me know what you think. And of course you were right again with your aeronautical prediction. Love ya, Cheryl DT- Hello Hun there is so much more about the moon and soon I will write in another “Cosmic Code newsletter” on this subject, stand by. Thank you for being a great student Love Louis SIGN UP FOR THE FREE DRAGON NEWSLETTER NOW! Sign up for the FREE Dragon newsletter at http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/ but remember what you are about to read NOW is a reflection of 99% of the world’s total IGNORANCE of God’s Universal Laws. Thus mess up with the “Universal Code” and you and the world must pay a heavy penalty. But ALL my Cosmic Code newsletters are not only free of advertisements but also FREE of depressive, negative current news. When you become a VIP you will enjoy great tips on health and financial tips, highly educational positive, progressive material and the Cosmic Code’s regulations are offered in my writings. My work will raise your vibrations and help you build “Cosmic Consciousness” and indeed provide food for thought and total spiritual regeneration. Join us don’t miss any important “Cosmic Code” future newsletters, and all the great deals and monthly transits. You will get them all from the first day I created them, get them when you are ready for me because there is so much more about my work that could really change your life for the better. Don’t be a victim be smart knowledge is power ignorance is evil… Do you like my work? Do you want to become a 2008 ‘Cosmic Code” VIP? Its ONLY $35 until the end of the year! Sign up for the 2008 VIP “Cosmic Code” newsletter and get them ALL (over 45 of them so far and much more before the year end). Learn all about natural Healing, the “Cosmic Code” in action with so many different and very interesting topics that will make you think and even change your conception of life. Get the special deals, personal, daily monthly forecast and the so very important TRANSITS until the end of the year. I may get too busy and stop writing the FREE Dragon Newsletter any day and you may miss so much in the process. Be smart, learn and grow with me and make a good use of my special SOS To The World when they occur. ACT NOW! Do you want to become a 2009 “Cosmic Code” VIP? USE THE DEAL RIGHT NOW WHILE YOU CAN AND SAVE MONEY! Sign up for the new 2009 VIP “Cosmic Code” newsletter before January 1st 2009 for $75.00 and save $25.00. As of January 1st 2009 the only way you will be able to sign up will be through my website and the price will be $100 FLAT rate and $35 for Seniors citizens. ACT NOW! Save money and if you need information email Terania teraniapromodir@peoplepc.com or call her at 972-623-7689. Dr. Turi's Cosmic Code Newsletter entitles you to: · Get all the exact dates and accompanying quatrains and be prepared for all major disasters in 2009 on the first day each months of the year. · Be informed of ALL 2009 Monthly Universal/Personal Transits · Be informed of ALL 2009 Supernova Windows · 2009 DAILY Personal Forecast For All Signs. · 2009 MONTHLY Personal Forecast For All Signs. · 2009 ANNUAL Personal Dragon Forecast For All Signs. · 2009 Service DEALS and large discount on Astropsychology Courses by mail. You are promised a minimum of 12 “Cosmic Code” Newsletters and as of today 8/21/2008 I wrote 44 of them and much more will be written before the year is over. BE SMART, BE PREPARED, RESPECT AND USE THE COSMIC CODE! Email or call Terania at 972-623-7689 teraniapromodir@peoplepc.com Remember this negative Dragon Tail in Leo is also right in the second house of money in the chart of America producing worries and serious financial problem to some of us. Because of my constant drive to help others make sure to check the super deal I offer all of you in this newsletter. So many desperate people have called me for help and I realize my services are not exactly cheap, but again you will get what you paid for. I am offering TWO 90 mn tape for the price of one AND A CAREER PATH. The first one is your Full Life Reading, so you can find out what to do to better your financial situation by following the Dragon’s Head (luck/growth) and regenerate your spirit to avoid depression then sickness caused by fears. The second 90 mn HYPNOTHERAPY tape is designed to BOOST the creative forces of your subconscious and accelerate the process of changes but again realize that my work has very much more to offer you in both recording. The Career Path is designed to tell you where all your planets, natal dragon and all signs/houses are and ALL about your best choice for a career! This investment will save you a lot of money by avoiding costly medical bills and provide you with my undivided attention and solid guidance. Knowledge is power ignorance is evil go to http://www.drturi.com/readings.php to order your Full Life Reading and MENTION your 90 mn tape gift and / or your FREE CAREER PATH FILE in the area for you to write. You may also email or call Terania for faster service. “He is wise who understands that the stars are luminaries, created as signs. He who will conquer the stars will hold the golden keys to God’s mysterious universe.” —Nostradamus Blessing to all Dr. Turi

Fly At Your Own Risk!

CHECK PICKS IN MY BLOG OR MISS A LOT! BETTER SIGN UP AND GET THE NEWSLETTER DIRECTLY IN YOUR MAILBOX... http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/ Fly At Your Own Risk! 8/20/2008 Dear Reader; Sad enough another of my predictions came to pass today and I can only refresh your memory and make all my readers aware that “THE FUTURE HAS AND WILL ALWAYS BE MY TRUE WITNESS!” My work is REAL and solid and I wish I had the opportunity to pass on my FREE forecast to MILLIONS of people and not only on CTC but in ALL major magazines and news media carrying their regular “horoscope junk”. It amazes me that such a rare badly needed mystical science is used for “entertainment only” while legitimate work in predictive astrology is either denied or ignored by the people that could make the difference between life and death. Why would anyone in position to HELP ME to reach the media and offer TRUE wisdom is NOT budging is amazing to me. But we all have our own reasons I guess. Thus again I am asking to recognize the daily efforts I put to “enlighten” you for FREE with God’s tools and help you to use them exactly as he intended us to do. Once more here is the link of my 2008 Moon Power and PLEASE submit it to anyone, everyone, post it anywhere, everywhere you feel my message will be heard. Help me to make the difference and bring back sanity in this world. Remember if the big public radio and TV well respected personalities out there are not interested in offering and promoting God’s TRUE celestial tools through my gift in predictive astrology and save lives YOU my reader become the ONLY ONE I trust and hope to do for me. Thank you. DT 2008 FREE Moon Power - http://www.drturi.com/moonpoweroffer2008.php When I profess that I am CNN before CNN I foresee the future I once more and UNARGUABLY proved my point. The sad reality is all the Spanish travelers that have lost their precious lives did NOT have to die! Now they are millions of people flying everyday and they can ONLY trust their luck or the pilots with their lives. I have more to offer because had those European travelers knew about the current WANING moon read my FREE 2008 Moon Power or my assimilated my newsletter titled SOS To The World they would be ALIVE today! I can only ask the new reader to catch up and never assume anything about my work and me unless you INVESTIGATE my claims. From: http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/ Subject: SOS To The World! Date: Aug 10th 2008 5:20pm MEMO Full Moon — August 16, 2008 in the explosive sign of Aquarius: — CAUTION – THIS IS THE MONTH OF TROUBLES…BE CAUTIOUS! Expect some serious surprising or shocking developments to take place in the near future. A Spanish plane with more than 170 people on board went off the runway Wednesday at Madrid's Barajas Airport, killing at least 90 people, officials said. All those now gone souls did NOT have the opportunity to apply their will because they had no idea of my heeding pertaining to the last FULL MOON in Aquarius! I can guarantee you that many of them would NOT have flown today after reading this! I spent last 35 years mastering the “Universal Code” and I am saddened because my message did not get to those wasted souls. But what people do not know is WHY this plane went down just yet but when you read the memo I clearly mentioned EXPLOSIONS! In one of my next educational “Cosmic Code” VIP newsletter I will EXPLAIN in great details what to do or not do when booking your plane as to avoid the worse of the “Universal Code” penalty. Yes airplane goes down even in a waxing positive moon but there is SO MUCH more about it and you my reader do not know the main ingredients at play and ignorance may very well, in time kill you. SEE YOU SOON IN AMERICA MOM AND DAD! My parents are flying from France to visit me in Phoenix soon and trust me with my wisdom they are VERY safe to do so. Now is your life or the one of your loved ones worth your investment in my “Cosmic Code” VIP newsletter? If so email or call Terania at 972-623-7689 and use the current deal! I understand the “Cosmic Code” and spent nearly ALL my time writing my heeding for you so God’ signs can finally be understood and respected by all. MEMO – 2008 Moon Power Book - Expect some serious surprising or shocking developments to take place in the near future. NASA could make interesting restructuring news soon, especially if they chose to ignore the power of the stars and suffer another shuttle disaster. This is the same energy that produced many mishaps with expense electronic equipments and the death of many courageous astronauts regardless of my many emails to heed the Universal rules. Sad enough fearing the ridicule or they religious poisonous upbringing they did not and are FULLY responsible for the death ALL astronauts. Uranus rules all affairs taking place in the universe, black holes, and debris from outpaces, meteorites, solar flares, UFO, the secret of the stars (astrology), the future of mankind etc. Also under Uranus power the Middle East suffered the "US surprise bomb attacks" on Saddam Hussein's forces in Iraq. This energy can affect sophisticated electronic equipment and could produce bad aeronautic accidents. Unlucky children could suffer this lunation; keep an eye on all of them. Just be ready to accept the upcoming changes with faith in Uranus’ desire to restructure the earth's crust. Uranus rules Universal love, Universal understanding and support/promote peace in the world by eradicating differences and by bringing back brotherhood between all humans. Still be ready for nature's devastating forces, producing destructive weather, tornadoes, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Expect anything surprising, even incredible including out space manifestation to take place soon. Be ready to see the real power of Uranus, the planet of sudden releases of energy, in action. Explosions, volcanoes eruptions, large quakes, viruses, news of nuclear devices, terrorists or even extraterrestrial manifestations are also expected. The US, Japan or France may make interesting news soon. http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/08/20/corporal.punishment/index.html · Evangelical leader's group says spanking "can be useful" in elementary schools More than 200,000 children were spanked or paddled in U.S. schools during the past school year, human rights groups reported Wednesday. "Every public school needs effective methods of discipline, but beating kids teaches violence, and it doesn't stop bad behavior," wrote Alice Farmer, the author of a joint report from Human Rights Watch and the American Civil Liberties Union. "Corporal punishment discourages learning, fails to deter future misbehavior and at times even provokes it." DT-Sure knowing that they used the stake for centuries to “punish” and kill pagans they made quite a lot of progress in human rights! But be aware of the results because any and religions can ONLY KILL at the end - Cops Say Mom, Cult Starved Boy to Death – A Maryland woman accused of murdering her son was brainwashed by a religious cult and only acted at the group leader's will, her mother and lawyer say. Court papers say Ria Ramkissoon, below, and members of a group called 1 Mind Ministries starved Javon Thompson to death for not saying "Amen" after meals. http://news.aol.com/article/cops-say-mom-cult-starved-boy-to-death/130396 FORT WORTH, Texas (CNN) -- Bishop Kenneth Spears always thought gifts from God came from above. He never imagined that the gifts would be hiding under his church in Fort Worth, Texas. "The Bible says, 'Every place the sole of your foot should tread upon, I'll give it to you,' " said Spears, of the First St. John Missionary Baptist Church. "I walked and believed that if I prayed over that ground, if I walked over that ground, something good would come of it." In 2006, he learned that all 15 acres of the church's property are on one of the largest natural gas fields in the country, known as the Barnett Shale. Spears' church received a $32,000 bonus and receives between $3,000 and $10,000 a month in royalty checks. The money is helping pay for a multimillion-dollar expansion and a new sanctuary. "What a God we serve," Spears said, followed by great laughter. YOU SERVE NEPTUNE "THE GOD OF DECEPTION" BISHOP! DT- you bet you can laugh all the way to the bank Bishop! But if we ask you where does this land come from would you answer us with the truth? Was it a donation from one of your old, very wealthy lost God fearing soul wanting to “buy” his place in paradise? Did you work hard for many years like anyone of us and save and stuck yourself with a 35 years loan to repay the creditors for this land? Is the deal to get this land exonerated of taxes a common practice by the “Church Inc.” deceiving investment to spray its cancer of ignorance (and reach the wallets) of more God fearing souls? It’s a Neptunian Deal -The Law Of Attraction? “A magnet will not attract a piece of wood!” But again the stars don’t care do they? Nope, they just do what they have to do and will promote oil evil (or ignorance and deception) all the way. Thus God or the Stars are the reason of your “luck”. It is obvious that the original owner of this land was a true Neptunian (or fanatical Christian) at the core of his soul and the planet Neptune (ruler of Pisces/Christianity’ symbol) rules not only churches, synagogues, temples, but also OIL, the Middle East, jail, asylum, illusion, chemicals, hospitals, drugs, alcohol and DECEPTION. This planet rules also the cinematography industry, the arts in general, imagination and indeed ACTING…thus you have to be a great liar or be able to deceive others (art or not) by MAKE believe acting/lying and own yourself a great dose of Neptune do so. Wanna Know More about Neptune, acting, deception, religion or oil? Go to http://www.drturi.com/newsarchive/ Look for - Fri Jul 28, 2006 Mel Gibson's Pisces Mind Sharing emails: Thank you so much for your response. It's funny, I woke up to a text message from my best friend telling me they found out bigfoot was a hoax. Without even thinking I replied with "bullshit someone is just trying to cover it up now I'm positive". Then I get online and read your newsletter and it gave me a great smile! Your words are very reassuring, I didn't want to take up smoking again anyways, it's so useless! I myself refuse to watch television, and always change the channel on the radio when commercials come on, that could be why when I first started reading your newsletters I was somewhat offended by your brash way of supplying information, stating there are so many morons all around us, at first I took you for a simple hate-monger. Fortunately for me, I know that all these morons your talking about are not me, but many of the people I meet and hear about lol and that yes, they really are all around me! That, bound with your (common sense) belief in ufo, and hatred for how controlling the common religions and government are, immediately solidified you in my book as not a hate-monger, but a light-bringer. If only more people were like me and would do their research, before discounting things, I'm sure you would be a lot higher up, in fact, I'm sure you would have been found by someone who wants you all to themselves! Then we wouldn't even know of you anymore! Dr. Turi, it's the universe's natural balance to keep you where you can communicate with the most worth-wile people, and guiding you into government might end up being detrimental in some way for what the stars have planned. Of course the main goal I imagine is to help as many people see the light, but trust in the universe to take you where it needs you! -Travis H. P.S. Doberman are my favorite! DT- Hi Travis - Thanks for your feedback, did I tell you that many of my top students were all born in September? Not surprising you can relate to my advanced spiritual material! Blessings DT Hey Dr Turi, hope you are well. I definitely believe that Bigfoot,aliens and crops circles are real. It is just a shame that there are people out there pulling hoaxes and screwing up things for the real researches and investigators. I cant believe that those people thought they could pull this off. From the first news report I could tell that it wasn't real. Many things didnt fit. It is sad that these people have nothing better to do. It is even sadder that they feel like the only way to get attention is to pull a stunt like this. Cathee DT- You and I know better Hun! Stand by! the future has some surprises for those young souls! Hi DT - As you say, people believe in Jesus and God because taught at a very young age that the Bible and it's contents is FACT. Now, if I told my son at age 4 while riding a carnival ride that "we rode to the moon" my child, not knowing better, would tell everyone "he rode to the moon" and swear its true because Mommy told him so! People dare not question the religious beliefs they were taught out of fear that either they will offend their family and peers and more importantly fear the God they were brought up to believe in. I find more faith, light and love outside of the church then I have fond within the walls as the churches are filled hypocrites, non-believers and those who have ulterior motives. Please don't get me wrong, NOT everyone in "church" falls into one of those three categories, but as we know, majority wins! C DT- indeed you can see though and that is a blessing to your life in itself. DT Hey DT - A mentor once told me that, "Nothing dies harder then a bad idea" This is a good life lesson, and has been good for me. So many times I have seen this, over and over again. It is a wise person who can "Let go" of the Cobra that is spitting venom in their face. Nothing wrong with trying something, even something stupid, just don't keep at what does not work. To me this is an ULTIMATE LIFE LESSON in video format that someone is teaching us at great expense to them selves. Please Enjoy "Nothing dies harder then a bad idea, knowing when to let go" http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/weather/2008/08/19/florida.kite.boarder.wfor DT- Only donkeys don’t change their mind Craig! Lol SIGN UP FOR THE FREE DRAGON NEWSLETTER NOW! Sign up for the FREE Dragon newsletter at http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/ but remember what you are about to read NOW is a reflection of 99% of the world’s total IGNORANCE of God’s Universal Laws. Thus mess up with the “Universal Code” and you and the world must pay a heavy penalty. But ALL my Cosmic Code newsletters are not only free of advertisements but also FREE of depressive, negative current news. When you become a VIP you will enjoy great tips on health and financial tips, highly educational positive, progressive material and the Cosmic Code’s regulations are offered in my writings. My work will raise your vibrations and help you build “Cosmic Consciousness” and indeed provide food for thought and total spiritual regeneration. Join us don’t miss any important “Cosmic Code” future newsletters, and all the great deals and monthly transits. You will get them all from the first day I created them, get them when you are ready for me because there is so much more about my work that could really change your life for the better. Don’t be a victim be smart knowledge is power ignorance is evil… Do you like my work? Do you want to become a VIP? USE THE DEAL RIGHT NOW WHILE YOU CAN AND SAVE MONEY! Email or call Terania at 972-623-7689 teraniapromodir@peoplepc.com

Big Foot Is Very Real! #2

Check the pics in my blog or miss a lot! http://www.myspace.com/drturi Big Foot Is Very Real! #2 8/20/2008 Dear Reader; (Based on a line from the film "The Matrix) You took the RED pill. I took the BLUE pill. We live in different worlds. Your world is the world of illusion that Big Brother and the Church want you to see. My world is the world of reality that Big Brother and the church want you not to see. Modified by Dr. Turi As expected ATLANTA, Georgia The Bigfoot in the freezer is made of rubber, a Web posting asserted Tuesday. The frozen creature reputed to be Bigfoot turned out to be made of rubber, enthusiast’s reports. The initial promoter of two hikers' claim they found the body of Bigfoot in Georgia said he has determined the discovery was a hoax. HOAX? NOT SO FAST! It amazes me how gullible the moronic mass is to simply accept as the plain true what a “Web posting" writer asserted Tuesday.” Of course the gullible mass is once more being manipulated into DISBELIEVING that not only Big Foot but also UFO and crop circles are just HOAXES but don’t you dare touching Jesus because in their nutshell mind the “savior” can only be real. But what really blows me away is the so sure “attitude” of the immature, skeptical and ignorant common person ACCEPTING a “web posting” as the ultimate truth. This either scientific oriented or religiously poisoned kid had nothing else to do that day than to write about Big Foot and ASSUME that the impossible, the incredible, the amazing reality of Big Foot, crop circles UFO etc. is only a hoax. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that (like many others mindedness people) this writer has NEVER seen anything out of the ordinary and with such an attitude never will. I wrote many times that “a magnet will never attract a piece of wood” or “like attracts like” and this very limited mental “attitude” could NEVER attract the extraordinary. But do not ask any young soul to either understand or appreciate plain common sense as I teach though… That is too much mental gymnastics for some dim members of our society concentrating only on making sure not to miss the next “Simpson” show! You see the only problem here is that the moronic mass has been deeply programmed for centuries by both the Church Inc. and Big Brother to plainly accept religious doctrines and Jesus as the ONLY true facts and the “natural” reflex to accept the scriptures AS IS happens to be almost omnipresent and won’t be challenged. But again do not expect "Joe" to understand the mechanics of the subconscious or how Joe's little brain has been programmed/manipulated by the ruling/controlling parties. But in any case not only common Joe but also any religious lunatics or skeptics “scientific mental snobs” will never be able to remotely understand their inner self because they are simply incapable of auto analyzing their own reflective human nature. Plus the majority of dim people would rather be lied (and pay for it/Church Inc.) and feel secure in the “promised” heaven than to upgrade their lethargic mind and FREE their spirit on earth with my work. "Nothing is so firmly believed as that of which we know least." — Montaigne. HOW FAR CAN YOU SEE? DON’T WORRY DON’T THINK ABOUT IT! DONT ASK QUESTION JESUS OR ELVIS WILL COME BACK SOON AND SAVE ALL OF US! Blame this phenomenon on a sluggish UCI and the expertise of both the Church Inc. and Big Brother to “hypnotize” the credulous easily manipulated moronic mass. Again don’t you dare DEMANDING the proof of Jesus walking on water please because that is an ACCEPTED FACT and a MORTAL SIN! (make me laugh!) if you ask that type of question! It should never been challenged because it is written in the bible so now you have the easy deceiving answer… INSANE but true but don’t you dare believing in anything else like Big Foot, UFO or astrology or be radicalized as a pagan going straight to hell…Well after 2000 years of HAMMERING this bull on the human psyche since birth what do you expect? But will Joe EVER be able to grasp this fact? NO - I Don't think so, Joe is part of 99.9% of the moronic mass making up our crazy world's population. Now if you are still reading (and understanding me) then you qualify as a ADVANCED soul in my book! BY THE WAY DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS? DON’T WORRY YOU DID NOT SEE THIS PIC, ITS JUST YOUR IMAGINATION! The Pope (YES ALL POPES TOO!) Being Taught Astrology By The Vatican Council...did they teach you that on Sunday School or at any "Christian Science center? THINK! And here we are again dealing with mindless jealous, envious, God fearing young clueless IN DENIAL souls victimized by a supremely adept “political, religious and scientifically oriented system”. Mind you I would probably think like anyone reading my material if I had never experienced the extraordinary myself but at least I would keep an open mind to anything thrown at me. When I write; anyone can only relate to me because of his/her experiences, education, intelligence and UCI I wonder if, after reading this type of email I received today, if the common sarcastic, envious “ Six pack Joe” young soul reading me does really grasp the depth of the meaning? Trying to help such a dim soul to auto analyze herself or accept the reality of the “impossible” is a formidable and much too often an impossible task! HERE WE GO! “ hey know it all dr., that big foot was a costume.........you did nt fore see that coming hmmmmmmmmm? i believe they exist too, but with your special sight , not working?” Cynthia I can only try to “reason” with such lost character but ... “You cannot teach anyone anything. You can only help him discover it within himself." — Galileo Galilei She was real close to graduate in the famous “Dr. Turi Monkey Bandwagon” but I gave her credit when I spotted her grammar and “i believe they exist too” lol…innocence and ignorance painted a better portray of this young soul. So now you are left with the challenge to find out where Cynthia (or someone you know) fit in the “Morons Diagram”. Not let’s move on to another religious but certainly more morbid news. CHAINING THE HUMAN SPIRIT TO RELIGIOUS AND.OR POLITICAL SUBMISSION? This picture speaks tons pertaining to religion and politic at work against innocent people. BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- "There are the bloodstains on the wall, and here it is dried on the floor," Abu Muhanad said as he walked through a torture chamber in a Baghdad mosque where more than two dozen bodies have been found. YOU CAN KILL BUT YOU CANT DRINK? The presidents of about 100 colleges and universities say current alcohol laws may actually encourage binge drinking on campuses. They say U.S. lawmakers should consider lowering the drinking age from 21 to 18. DT – So now in the US an 18 years old kid can undergo the dramatic war zone and be taught to kill for Big Brother and the Church Inc. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ interests but cannot feel the buzz of the booze? Where is the right or wrong in that one? I wish I had the answer… Another 2008 Universal Predictions came to pass “Expect bad news from France in August” KABUL, Afghanistan (CNN) -- Ten French soldiers were killed Tuesday in fighting near the Afghan capital of Kabul after 100 insurgents attacked a patrol, and 21 other soldiers were wounded in the fighting in the Sarobi area in Kabul province, about 30 miles northeast of the capital authorities said. BE AWARE OF THE DOG DRAGON’S TAIL (NEGATIVE) IN LEO (CHILDREN). The Dragon will melt into anything at all even animals to get to your children…Have you noticed lately how many children died this way? An 18-month-old is attacked by a pit bull in the yard of his daycare center. http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/2008/08/19/md.pit.bull.attacks.toddler.wmar Sharing emails: This Big Foot carcass was NOT real. We were duped, as was the media. It's all a scam. I believe there IS such a thing as a "Big Foot" species out there, but these guys who came up with this hoax have to be the dumbest people in the world, to think they'll get away with this. When the real Big Foot is found one day and identified, WHO will believe it then? A real shame. CD-Missouri DT- Hello CD – Do not assume this “disinformation” is real my friend, Big Brother did the same in 1947 with the Roswell flying saucer by telling the US population it was only a weather balloon, be smarter than the common 6pack Joe out there. Note also that if you watch television programs about Big Foot I do not think the thousands of solid witnesses some of them from very reliable source including cops etc. are all potheads making UFO or Big Foot stories. Use common sense and trust the Age of Aquarius, the age of the incredible or the impossible to make UFO Crop circles and Big Foot to become soon a reality! Blessings DT From RS - Hey Doc. for not believing in Jesus you sure quote him a lot. Make up your mind. RS DT- Hello Joe you need to read some of my previous newsletters you for sure missed this important comment! The after 2000 years the Church Inc still uses it and it still works, so why blaming me, at least I am truly "saving" people from ignorance and religious fears! But you probably missed that one too? No I am NOT double standard! This is for ALL the Christians reading my work! I will try ANYTHING that I feel is suitable to reach ANY lost soul and offer them freedom of the spirit through TRUE spiritual education! Jesus says "go to the town and find the man with the WATER PITCHER, the sign of Aquarius to follow the sign of Pisces"... I was born February 26th on the cusp constellations of Aquarius/Pisces "Knowledge is Power Ignorance is Evil. Ask And You Shall Receive" From my dad – Louis au moins 45 morts dans un accident d'avion à Madrid - MSN Actualités:Louis es ce que ça rentre dans tes prédictions? Salut http://news.fr.msn.com/article.aspx?cp-documentid=9276792 Translation - MADRID, Spain - A Spanish airliner bound for the Canary Islands swerved off the runway and caught fire during takeoff from the Madrid airport on Wednesday, killing at least 45 people, the Interior Ministry said. Dear Dr. Turi, How do you feel about the supposed 2012 conspiracies? I'm talking about the ones that state humankind will see its end. I keep trying to tell my retarded brain that we as a species are capable of stopping a war that could/would extinguish us, but then again it's possible, and I myself cannot create any kind of worldly peace that is guaranteed to last as long as I live. I keep catching myself say in thought things along the lines of "It's not fair that I won't get to live my whole life like everyone before me, I wanted to live as long as I can!" But with more and more evidence leading to our ending happening in my lifetime, I can't help but think If I should take up smoking again, I loved it so much, and although I haven't had a cig in 3 years, if I'm not gonna be a able to live long enough to get cancer, why not smoke? I'm a Virgo, and I love learning about healthcare and helping people with problems, all of the typical Virgo traits, but I'm looking for some solid guidance. I don't know whether to believe in got or gods or what. At the moment I believe that there are universal laws that guide everything, like how you claim. It's the most realistic probability to me. I'm more likely to believe that aliens exist, and that we maybe saw one long ago that we mistook for "god", than I am to just believe there’s some "god" up there watching everything, judging us. I know your ridiculously busy, and that’s great for you, but if you could just shoot me a link maybe to a video of yours or something, that sums up what you believe is going to happen in 1012, or at least something that tells me, that I'm not at the mercy of politicians and presidents errors, if I follow the laws of the universe? Thanks for your thoughts. -Travis DT- Hello Travis thanks for your note, you too indeed missed many of my newsletters in the past where I elaborate so much about 2012 end of the days talking heads. I wrote so many things of this topic (and so many others) and this is why I am always asking new readers to catch up and go to the archives to catch up. My next Cosmic Code newsletter will be dedicated to ease the spirits of people about “the end of time” BULL. In so many of my radio and TV shows I also give serious feedback even on CTC where I asked George to be cautious with his religious lunatics guests poisoning the fragile psyche of kids listening to his show. To summarize there are thousands of talking end out there promoting the “Apocalypse” but how many of them should you trust in their predictions? Well again use common sense my friend, if the “talking Head” has like me a solid record of prediction then you should listen to his warnings…but rest assure I really think I am the only one who does this on the Internet lolol. Also stay clear of cigarette smoking your fears should not be an excuse to start up again, as a Virgo (health) you know better. Now there are million of kids out there that do not regenerate because of the dreadful news poring from TV and many like you are afraid and lost hope for the future. DON’T…You badly need a 90 mn taped full life reading my friend so I can patch up your wounded spirit and give you true hope and true predictions. Blessings DT From http://www.myspace.com/drturi DT - Time for an update on Coast-To-Coast AM! August has definitely been a little crazy... Dan DT-Yes George will have me there in time... DT, This guy has been on C2C and has the entertaining site comebackalive.com. Interesting: His Ascendant is Gemini, and he is a great writer. Also that is his tail, so I will take it he is drawing positively from it. He has made his living going to "dangerous places, and writing about it". And that fits a head in Sagittarius, since it offers safety in travel. Craig Greetings Dr. Turi Mr. Phelps was born june 30 - the cut off every month is the 20th or 21st. so I guess he was a cancer born. i can see how he could be a gemini winning all the medals so what makes him a gemini? your grandma told you about the moon how did that affect you and phelps. my moon is my 8th house, so does that mean that i would find myself and prosper in a state that is governed by cancer? are you doing well because you are an aquarius and arizona is also aquarius. trying so hard to understand am i close to understanding Kathy DT - Kathy there is are so much more involving the study and explanations of Astropsychology , start with any of my books and do it right! I can only teach so much in my newsletters! Blessings DT I sincerely hope many of you will INVEST in this incredible rare Divine science and join us in Hawaii next February 2009. Anyone interested in taking the course should NOT waste time and take the course by mail right now for $850.00 then come to the live course and learn all about Nostradamus Cabalistic healing the Astro-Tarot and master all about the creative forces of the subconscious. Taking the course by mail will put you a step ahead of all the other students and assures your graduation. I am offering the FULL course on 11 –90 MN audio tapes for $550 with all books, CD and 4 DVD OR you may take the Advanced course for $850 on CD’s and get all books, audio, CD and printed materials. Note the LIVE course in Hawaii is priced at $1500 as of January 1st 2009 BUT $1050 for my VIP’s if you sign up before then. SIGN UP FOR THE FREE DRAGON NEWSLETTER NOW! Sign up for the FREE Dragon newsletter at http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/ but remember what you are about to read NOW is a reflection of 99% of the world’s total IGNORANCE of God’s Universal Laws. Thus mess up with the “Universal Code” and you and the world must pay a heavy penalty. But ALL my Cosmic Code newsletters are not only free of advertisements but also FREE of depressive, negative current news. When you become a VIP you will enjoy great tips on health and financial tips, highly educational positive, progressive material and the Cosmic Code’s regulations are offered in my writings. My work will raise your vibrations and help you build “Cosmic Consciousness” and indeed provide food for thought and total spiritual regeneration. Join us don’t miss any important “Cosmic Code” future newsletters, and all the great deals and monthly transits. You will get them all from the first day I created them, get them when you are ready for me because there is so much more about my work that could really change your life for the better. Don’t be a victim be smart knowledge is power ignorance is evil… Do you like my work? Do you want to become a VIP? USE THE DEAL RIGHT NOW WHILE YOU CAN AND SAVE MONEY! Email or call Terania at 972-623-7689 mailto:teraniapromodir@peoplepc.com Blessings to all Dr. Turi

Religions and Politics

Cosmic Code # 7 Booklet 3 8/19/2008 Dear VIP: I really hope this educational sample “Cosmic Code” newsletter will reach the core and heart of all my readers and sound the alarm of reason. I have decided to offer it as a FREE “Cosmic Code VIP newsletter sample because of its so very important content, so if you are a paying VIP subscriber I am sure you will understand my gesture for the common good of all. Thank you DT. (Based on a line from the film "The Matrix) You took the RED pill. I took the BLUE pill. We live in different worlds. Your world is the world of illusion that Big Brother and the Church want you to see. My world is the world of reality that Big Brother and the church want you not to see. Modified by Dr. Turi God’s Warriors Elites Those young souls who take my direct approach to life, my honesty my words and comments PERSONALLY do suffers both a deep inferiority and/or insecurity complex... Dr. Turi In my constant drive to EXPOSE the truth as I perceive it I can only once more mention that the reader can only RELATE to me, my intuition, my work, my views, my mission through HIS/HER own education, experiences, intelligence but most of all through HIS/HER UCI (Unique Celestial Identity). I compiled this work in the name of freedom and critical thinking hoping for your own spiritual freedom and accurate judgment. Greg Boyd is the pastor of Woodland Hills Church in St. Paul, Minn. He believes that politics and religion should not mix. DT - Politics and religion stinks and are an intrinsic part of the human experience designed to grab as much power, wealth and control over the ignorant God fearing mass. But Greg Boyd’s UCI seems to be much more advanced than the majority (not surprising) of this Army of religious Mignons. President Jimmy Carter has been an outspoken critic of what he sees as the dangerous growth of religious fundamentalism in the world today. DT – Indeed President Jimmy Carter is a man blessed with a very advanced UCI that stands well above the moronic mass and was the 39th President of the US. Only smart people can reach such a powerful position and make history but I am afraid the mentally lazy moronic mass will not heed his serious warning! Religion is a very sensitive topic where President Jimmy Carter had to carefully choose his words while realizing the dirty game politicians must play to get elected. Mandy and Megan Chapman are twins and students at Liberty University, a Christian school in Lynchburg, Va., founded by the late Rev. Jerry Falwell. DT- Mandy and Megan Chapman are indeed looking for themselves and lost young souls digging into the codification of thoughts (bible) for their identities. A week with their lost spirits would find grounding and solid answers. Their immature UCI does not allow them to perceive the danger and deception of any and all religions just yet. Richard Cizik is Vice President for Governmental Affairs of the National Association of Evangelicals. He is an environmental activist and believes saving the planet needs to be as important an issue for evangelicals as abortion, same sex marriage and prayer in schools. DT – Richard Cizik is one of the very dangerous and committed Church Inc. and governmental elite. A supremely conditioned and deceiving UCI working hard to establish a Christian ruled government. Belongs to the Middle East and depict the essence of a true religious fanatic. Richard Cizik is nothing less than a disguised Christian lawmaker terrorist. Waiting for Elvis or Jesus to comeback? The Rev. Jerry Falwell was the chancellor and founder of Liberty University and the co-founder of the Moral Majority. His interview with Christiane Amanpour was conducted the week before his death and is his last television interview. DT- The Rev. Jerry Falwell did his own damage in his own right in his own time to suppress the freedom of the true American spirit! A UCI totally poisoned since childhood and still waiting for Elvis or Jesus to comeback. He was hiding behind the “Liberty University” and “Moral Majority “ to manipulate your tax dollars for any vote that would give more power to the Church Inc. May God forgive him for his deeds and save his soul. John Green is a senior fellow in religion and American politics at the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, and he also serves as the director of the Ray C. Bliss Institute of Applied Politics and Distinguished Professor of Political Science at the University of Akron. DT – John Green is another very dangerous deceiving soul battling spirituality born with a limited but very manipulative logical UCI. The man swims as good and as fast as gold medallist Michael Phelps in the filthiest waters of all. Politics, religions and science are a deadly stinky power hungry potion mixture. John Hagee is the senior pastor of the Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas. He is a Christian Zionist, dedicated to protecting and defending Israel at all costs. DT - John Hagee is a totally lost soul dedicated to protecting and defending the birthplace of Jesus and the core of Christianity teachings that was born in Israel at all costs. This bullish attitude and combined ignorance of God’s Universal Law is very dangerous and can only bring more death in the region in a 2000 years old conflict that will never end unless all conflicting moronic religious parties are totally eradicated from the face of this earth. Russell Johnson is the senior pastor of Fairfield Christian Church in Lancaster, Ohio. He encourages Christians to vote their religious values, and in 2004, was active in supporting an amendment that defined marriage as between one man and one woman. DT – Russell Johnson is another lost puritanical Christian soul born with a very strong Virgo (virginal/critical/perfectionist) UCI. Russell Johnson must realize that this world and its horny residents are far from being perfect because gays and lesbians are God’ souls too and here ON HELL to stay. I am neutral in this case as long as this lost crowd stays away from my own butt! Ron Luce is the founder of Teen Mania Ministries. His organization holds events across the United States to encourage young people to turn towards Christ and away from what he describes as a poisonous secular culture. DT - Ron Luce is totally unaware of his and/or lost teens’ UCI making up for Christians moralistic, puritanical erroneous deceiving religious teachings. Nothing surprising when NONE of these Mignons” including Ron Luce possess “Cosmic Consciousness” and can not either perceive or hear God’s true signs through his celestial creation. Jennifer and Michael Nevarr are parents who are home schooling their five children to make sure they are educated from a Christian world view. DT - Jennifer and Michael Nevarr are perfect target for Mormons, Witness of Jehovah or whom ever religious lost souls will knock their door next. It’s just a matter of time before they change religion depending where the moon and their mood are on that day. A perfect example of over concerned badly informed parents trying to “save” their children from a dangerous dirty world. Who can blame them? Mindy Peterson is an intern with Teen Mania Ministries, an organization that encourages young people to turn away from what they see as a morally bankrupt secular culture and towards a Christian lifestyle. Mindy Peterson is totally unaware of his and/or lost teens’ UCI making up for Christians moralistic, puritanical erroneous deceiving religious teachings. Nothing surprising when NONE of these Mignons” including Mindy and Ron (and all others) do not possess “Cosmic Consciousness” and can not either perceive or hear God’s true signs through his celestial creation. Another blind soul trying to lead others but creating more confusion in the process. Ralph Reed is the former executive director of the Christian Coalition, a grass roots political organization that made Christian conservatives a political force in the United States. DT- RED LIGHT HERE! Ralph Reed like John Green is another very dangerous deceiving soul battling spirituality. He was born with a limited but very manipulative logical/political UCI. These men swim as good and as fast as gold medallist Michael Phelps in the filthiest waters of all. Politics and religions are a deadly stinky power hungry potion mixture. They are very wealthy and their empire or the “Church Inc.” was build with your tax dollars while manipulating the system to exempt themselves from collection. Given a chance this crowd would turn the US into a “Muslim” attitude or a Christian religiously poisoned country. They have NOT yet accepted the law or the “separation of Church Inc. and the state” and will fight to death to manipulate the God fearing political ignorant mass to put them in power. MERCY…Let’s hope for the Age of Aquarius to eradicate the deceiving Age of Pisces (religions) because if the Christian Coalition gets in power millions of advanced free spirits (including leaders like me) will be brought back to the stake and burned to hell… Rick Scarborough is a pastor and the founder of Vision America. His mission is to create an army of “Patriot Pastors” and churchgoers, who will vote their values and change secular laws to reflect a Biblical morality. DT – Scary but real, Rick Scarborough is part of this Army or religious “Mignons”. They are all lost in ignorance and dedicated to suffocate mankind free spirit. Their mission is to poison our children with archaic ridiculous religious doctrines and turn all of us into Christians lunatics “born again” more stupid and easily manipulated. This Neptunian leader is my direct opposite reflecting a latent UCI and one day my highly spiritually advanced students will have to battle this evil energy. As a teacher of the “Cosmic Code” and proud founder of the first “Astropsychology Universal School” (soon I hope) I am working tirelessly to produce a special crowd of “Mignons” too. Mine are called The “Teachers of Teachers Of Light” My mission is to free mankind from fears, ignorance and re-establish God’s True Message Through The Stars. Mathew Staver is the dean of the Liberty University School of Law, which has a classroom set up to replicate the Supreme Court of the United States. He is teaching a generation of lawyers to challenge legislatures and courts to reflect Christian values. DT – MERCY again… Mathew Staver is another dirty swimmer splashing happily in the polluted waters of politics and religions. I hope through my heeding and information you will realize how important it is for you to help me to save our children’s vulnerable psyche. Both Big Brother and the Church Inc. are working tirelessly to sap away our freedom by controlling and forcing down your throats fearful religious material. Controlling someone’s information means controlling this person’s life at the end! Dr. Turi Danille Turissini is a grass-roots activist from Washington State for the organization Positive Christian Agenda, which presents legislation that reflects Christian values. DT – MERCY again…Danille Turissini is also a part of this deceiving religious “Army of Mignons”. They managed so far to infiltrate into the core of our government structure, they are in our schools, in our city board of Directors, in the police and all branches of your local Government. They are everywhere and like an unstoppable cancer growth their malicious religious and political manipulation is designed to control the information available to the mass through the media and aiming for our children fragile psyche. There are millions of Christians schools world wide disguising their political agenda behind the “good word of the Lord”. They constantly produce and run religious TV shows, monopolize and own the majority of all main radio and television networks and they are in your face. All the while totally unaware of God’s Universal rules and dedicated to eradicate anything else non related to their belief system and their religion. And you wonder why this world will never find peace, love and respect? Because the same attitude and manipulation takes place in other parts of this insane world where the Christians will battle to death to convert everyone else to their religion. I WANT POWER! The Jews, Muslims, Buddhists and a myriad of other denominations will do exactly the same fueling the eternal religious and political war in global conflicts. Imagine if all of us spoke God’s Universal language and stop judging others because of race, color or religions? Imagine if all the pilots of this world were to talk their religious language only to land a plane in a foreign country? Is that why all airlines and all pilots crisscrossing this world 35000 thousands feet above your heads MUST learn English and use it as the main top language in the world? This common denominator is the SAFE key, the ingredient # one and thus this “universal” communication allows them all to fly safely. IGNORE ANY AERONAUTICAL RULES AND MEET WITH DEATH! This physical rule is imposed to all pilots because of education but God’s ultimate REAL spiritual rules and signs ON EARTH have been lost in time and replaced by a politically oriented, power hungry religious crowd of “Mignons”. These dogmatic religious doctrines are man made making up for a very dirty confusing soup of deception where God’s rules are omitted and ignored ET VOILA! YOUR CHILDREN ARE AT RISK TOO! The penalty is real where suffering, pain chaos, religious deception ignorance and greed rule! The New Age of Aquarius is moving in fast, and will make sure (as God’s divine order) we all speak and understand the same Universal rules and bring safety, love and respect to all in the process. Imagine for a second instead of total religious confusion plaguing this world mankind obeying God’ Universal TWELVE signs (zodiac/Apostles?) and all of us speaking this Divine language? DREAM OF REACHING THE LIGHT - YOU CAN, YOU MUST! Dream reader, and be a part of my important mission to free the human spirit from religious fears and ignorance because we must all raise our spirit to true wisdom through legitimate spiritual education and use God’s celestial tools as he intended us to do. Yes indeed the macabre Christian prophesy of the end of times is becoming a solid reality… But it is their own end they foresee, the end of the Age of Pisces and the age of deception, religions, and manipulation. Their chosen symbol; the fishes must give room to the new Age of Aquarius, technology, UFO, spiritual advancement, the age of the truth, the incredible, the impossible and the future of mankind itself. Jesus says "go to the town and find the man with the WATER PITCHER, the sign of Aquarius to follow the sign of Pisces"... I was born February 26th on the cusp constellations of Aquarius/Pisces "Knowledge is Power Ignorance is Evil. Ask And You Shall Receive" You took the RED pill. I took the BLUE pill. We live in different worlds. Your world is the world of illusion that Big Brother and the Church want you to see. My world is the world of reality that Big Brother and the church want you not to see. Modified by Dr. Turi SIGN UP FOR THE FREE DRAGON NEWSLETTER NOW! Sign up for the FREE Dragon newsletter at http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/ but remember what you are about to read NOW is a reflection of 99% of the world’s total IGNORANCE of God’s Universal Laws. Thus mess up with the “Universal Code” and you and the world must pay a heavy penalty. But ALL my Cosmic Code newsletters are not only free of advertisements but also FREE of depressive, negative current news. When you become a VIP you will enjoy great tips on health and financial tips, highly educational positive, progressive material and the Cosmic Code’s regulations are offered in my writings. My work will raise your vibrations and help you build “Cosmic Consciousness” and indeed provide food for thought and total spiritual regeneration. Join us don’t miss any important “Cosmic Code” future newsletters, and all the great deals and monthly transits. You will get them all from the first day I created them, get them when you are ready for me because there is so much more about my work that could really change your life for the better. Don’t be a victim be smart knowledge is power ignorance is evil… Do you like my work? Do you want to become a VIP? USE THE DEAL RIGHT NOW WHILE YOU CAN AND SAVE MONEY! Email or call Terania at 972-623-7689 mailto:teraniapromodir@peoplepc.com Blessings to all Dr. Turi
Hello My Space friends; Keep the dream alive ... " Your Future is Nothing Else Than the Reincarnation of Your Thoughts." - Dr.Turi Here is a copy of my books for you and your friends to help you reach all your wishes. Enjoy my guidance and pass the books to everyone you care. FREE BOOK - http://www.drturi.com/moonpoweroffer2008.php FREE BOOK - http://www.drturi.com/moonpoweroffer2007.php FREE NEWSLETTER - http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/ FREE DRAGON http://www.drturi.com/download/Dr._Turi_-_Asia_Dragon_Predictions.zip Watch Dr. Turi http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=drturistar&p=r WWW.DRTURI.COM The NEW and IMPROVED Moon Power 2009 will be available before the end of the year! Blessings to all DT
LAST FREE NEWSLETTER - Join us ASAP 7/16/2008 Dear Reader; I MUST concentrate on my new 2009 Moon Power and my VIP's only as of today! Many people have requested more information on the Dragon's Head and Tail including the dates to find yours or the one of those you care. Thus I inserted that link in this last FREE newsletter to you. Make the most of my gift to you and join us ASAP. Become a VIP "Cosmic Code" newsletter reader don't miss anything, it may save or drastically improve your life. Be aware of the facts, the latest news, my SOS predictions and rest assured you are in real good hands with my wisdom. Be smart use the current deal, sign up its towards the end of this last newsletter. With so much stress induced by the Dragon’s Tail (negative) in Leo (children) I can finally prove to my students that the same Dragon can also be very productive. After watching this amazing video you can only realize how much energy was invested in many previous lives by Yoo-Yeun to be able to play piano so well. It amazes me that science can not yet perceive the reality of reincarnation and the values of many past lives residue. Being so young (and blind) the “filter” is not thick enough to separate the soul’s hard work and musical legacy brought into this dense physical world for us to9 enjoy. Trust me I play piano myself and I am amazed with such small fingers how she can perform such difficult pieces effortlessly. Enjoy a positive manifestation of the Dragon for a change. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/07/13/blind-piano-prodigy-from_n_112387.html The sad reality now of the nasty Dragon aiming for your children, just trying to remind you to be cautious with them all. This Dragon will turn some bad mothers into killers. This celestial “energy” affects the human response towards children very negatively but without “Cosmic Consciousness” more bad moms will do serious damage to their kids. PITTSBURGH -- Pittsburgh police arrested a mother on charges she tried to poison her baby with table salt. Amber Brewington, 21, was arrested at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh Wednesday morning. Ex-child bride says, "I didn't want to sleep with him, but he forced me to" - Yemeni girl, 10, say she was forced to marry man three times her age - Now divorced, Nujood Ali is one of the few children to speak out against practice - International aid group: More than half of all Yemeni girls are married off before 18. http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/meast/07/15/yemen.childbride/index.html INSANITY AT ITS BEST Let children be children and all manipulative religious lunatic male chauvinistic rules (or traditions) MUST be eliminated. With time this ugly deceiving, religious Age of Pisces will decay and all the children will finally be allowed to be just HAPPY KIDS! Dragon''s Tail, Mothers, Kids and Dogs Dog attack ignites brawl - A mother attacks her neighbor after her toddler was bitten by a pit bull. http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/2008/07/15/dnt.oh.pit.bull.brawl.wnwo NASA TALKING S…AGAIN? A NASA contractor needs urine to test the toilets on the Orion space capsule The demand is voluminous: nearly 8 gallons a day, including weekends Need for urine donations is leaked in an internal memo posted on the Web Samples help NASA design better toilets because "you can't make fake urine" DT- Why would you spend millions to take a …on the way to the Moon? She is next door thus imagine what it would take to deal with Mars…the atmosphere on Mars consists of 95% CARBON DIOXIDE. The Martian surface temperatures vary from lows of about −140 °C (−220 °F) during the polar winters. The closest theoretical point Earth and Mars can be is when Earth is at its aphelion (or most distant point in its orbit), and Mars is at its closest. At this point, the two planets are separated by only 54.6 million km. ONLY 55 Millions km? In 73000 years on August 27th Mars will only be 34 million miles away lol. So you do not have to be a mathematician or a brain surgeon to realize that is the ONLY possible (or logical) way to reach Mars. Thus science has exactly 73000 more years to wait before this phenomenon happens again as Mars will start right away to move back away from Mother Earth to something like 163 million miles. What do you think will be left of our planet if NASA keeps wasting our precious resources (your taxes) instead to invest in bringing back her to health again? Again by then Earth will be very much like Mars so to all the moronic scientists “mental snobs” out there, just wait, save our money, save time, stop amusing yourself with robots, go to work like everyone of us and watch your results because Mother Earth is already living on borrowing time. FORGET ABOUT MARS LEARN TO LIVE HAPPILY ON EARTH BY RESPECTING THE “COSMIC CODE” - INVEST IN MY WISDOM MY BOOKS AND GET A MUCH BETTER DEAL ON YOUR LIFE! Many of you have asked me about the Dragon’ Head and Tail and how to find your own. It’s all there and FREE for you. Enjoy it all and in return I am asking you to please endorse my work with Larry King and Ophra Windfrey. My gift to you http://www.drturi.com/download/Dr._Turi_-_Asia_Dragon_Predictions.zip Go to http://www.drturi.com/moonpoweroffer2007.php and download your FREE copy then look for the section titled "The Universal Law of the Moon". While there check what the old Dragon in Pisces/Virgo axis did to your life and those you care by reading your personal Dragon forecast. I am working very hard to produce the 2009 Moon power and it should be available before the year is over Again do not hesitate to contact Terania mailto:teraniapromodir@peoplepc.com if you need the full TV file titled "Cosmic Code" with Dr. Turi we generated for you (and letter with links) she will email it all to you and you can forward it to Larry King’s people. MAGIC TERANIA PLEASE if you are a newcomer join us and help me. Here are the links and email addresses. mailto:larrykingguests@cnn.com VIEWER'S CHOICE! Let us know who YOU want to see MOST on Larry King Live! Oprah Winfrey Show's mailing address: PO Box 909715, Chicago, Illinois 60690-9715 Oprah Winfrey Show's street address: 110 N Carpenter St., Chicago, Illinois 60607-2146 O Magazine: 300 W 57th Street, Floor 36, New York, New York 10019-3741. Oprah's studio via telephone at (312) 633-1182, or (312) 591-9222 Also check this out, it is Oprah's discussion forum, and on it the staff posted a story about the Secret. It would be a great way to get their attention: http://www.oprah.com/community/thread/17177 They are telling me the best way to contact her is through the email page. Be sure to do so at least once a week. http://www.oprah.com/email/email_landing.jhtml Thank you Blessings to all Dr. Turi "And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:" - Genesis 1:14 in King James Version of The Bible. Full restructure of the US economy? Yes it’s happening U.S. Plans To Help Mortgage Giants. Steps to shore up mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, whose shares have plunged as losses from their mortgage holdings threatened their financial survival, were announced by the Federal Reserve and Treasury Sunday. Full restructure of all major airlines? Yes it’s happening http://www.kcra.com/video/16857144/index.html From http://www.coasttocoastam.com/shows/2008/04/29.html Closing out the show, seer Dr. Louis Turi said the "tail of the dragon" won't be leaving the U.S. for a year and a half. The low end will arrive around August with possible national disasters, heat waves, and fires. Things will begin to finally clear up and become more positive by February 2009, he predicted. From http://www.coasttocoastam.com/shows/2008/04/29.html Seer Dr. Louis Turi looked ahead to 2008, and warned that the months of February and August would be particularly difficult. Natural disasters, and stock market volatility are likely during these two months, he said. LOOK AT MY PREDICTIONS FROM 2006 AND SOME ARTICLES I WROTE THERE PERTAINING TO WHAT IS HAPPENING NOWADAYS. http://www.astrologyknowledge.com/index.php?zoom_cat=-1&zoom_query=turi Are you an investor? Here is a SUPER deal for you. Scottsdale AZ property. Located in Scottsdale, AZ. Built in 2008! 13324 Sq Ft - 8 beds - 6 baths - 6 car garage - Appraised for 7.1M in March 08. WHOLESALE PRICE: 3.69M (52% of Appraised Value) - Needs Landscaping. If you are interested email me at mailto:dr.turi@cox.net for pictures and all legalities. IMPORTANT NOTE LET US KNOW IF YOU WOULD RATHER COME TO SEDONA OR HAWAII FOR MY NEXT ASTROPSYCHOLOGY COURSE. Cast your votes please. Dear Dr. Turi; If you give your course in Hawaii, can you give it in a hotel on the beach in the great island of Hawaii so that we can swim and enjoy the ocean? As you saw in my Life reading, I am a very practical woman and I like to have pleasure and business... Brigitte Dr. Turi I'm casting my vote for Sedona. Although Hawaii would be an awesome venue as well, there is something very special and sacred about Sedona. I have put attending one of your classes next year on my dream board . . . so I will see you there for sure. I'll do whatever it takes! Warm smiles . . . Barbara Dr. Turi Keep the good job... of course until a better one manifests. Lol Just wanted to say that after some consideration I would like to cast my vote for Sedona as the location of the next course. However it's your Birthday so I hope you choose the one that you prefer. From the heart I ask and pray that Chief Sonne Reyna may commence all of your courses with the Sacred Ceremony. Thank you so much for allowing us to be part of such ancient and sacred traditions, which you both teach so well. Love you brother Yehete Adam You may read more endorsements about my teachings at http://www.drturi.com/monthly.php See what my family of “Teachers Of Teachers Of Light” look like. Sharing emails: Hi Louis. Well I have to admit, being your friend for 20 years and finally taking the Astropsychology course in Sedona, was a blessing and a cathartic experience for me. It was everything and more. You are an excellent teacher, so knowledgeable and your sense of humor makes the class so enjoyable. You really care about your students and you never get tired of answering a question. Chief Reyna was such an inspiring presence @ Sedona; I've learned a lot about life and mother earth that it has really changed my way of thinking as well as my life. I am so glad you are my friend and now colleague. I hope I can inspire and direct my future clients as you have done for me over the years. May God's special blessings come to you always. Cheryl RN Hello Dr. Turi, Thank you so much for everything you have given to all of us that attended the course in Sedona. I learned more in those days than I ever have from any other school, it is something that you certainly will not find anywhere else. It has been a blessing to finally meet you and learn the wisdom and understanding of the stars from you. As I move forward in my learning the books will be read till the pages fall out or I memorized each one of them. I look forward to attending the next course – for the fun of it – and to help you - as hopefully I will know everything by then – either Sedona or Hawaii would be great - as it is a blessing just to be with you and those that attend your courses. Thank you to Chief Sonne Reyna for teaching me something that I have been missing in my day-to-day life which is getting out in nature – listening to it and blessing the earth for all that we have. My blessings to all who attended this course and I look forward to keeping in touch. Also thank you for the Cabalistic Healing you gave to me and I am so glad that it was done before the course. Love & Light to you. Dear Dr. Turi; Just wanted to say how grateful I am for being able to attend your Astropsychology course. Got to meet exquisite people, have the time of my life, and learn advanced star knowledge. I'll be attending the course in February whether its in Sedona or Hawaii, not sure which I prefer. I'll be writing Oprah and others on a regular basis to help spread your message to the world. I would also like to extend a Personal Thank You for the attendance of Chief Sonne Reyna as he had invaluable wisdom to share. Truly the ways of the ancestors are still alive and well in his teachings and yours. Thank You and Blessings Yehete (with love from my heart) Adam Dear Dr. Turi; It was a pleasure meeting you in Sedona. I had such privilege to be one of your Star Students, and it was my pleasure to meet all other very special Star Students. There is no coincidences... I am always doing research and always seeking something that is higher than we can understand... Every experience that I had in your class in Sedona is like a premonition dream. I know I was there, I know I was taught by the most unique TEACHER the most unique subject. And I believe that all people were there are very special Soles, I hope they know that! I only regret that the rest of the world didn't have chance to receive your knowledge. I wish the rest of the world would know about you. They are not as lucky us we are. If more people would have this education, the world would be definitely closer to utopia. With knowledge that you give to the world Dr. Turi it is possible... God Bless you Dr. Turi, you should continue to spread the light for many, many years to come, and we will be your helpers to support you and enlighten as many people as possible. My deepest respect to you Dr. Turi, and regards to Chief and to all my special Star friends that I met in Sedona where I spend the most valuable time with all of you! Any one who wants to write to me, my email is: astropsychologist@consultant.com I Love you all, Cilia Hello Dr. Turi; Your course in Sedona was fun and uplifting. You gave us of your incredible knowledge and the simple tools for truth to use in our lives. It was indeed a great experience. Thank you so very much! Hugs, Janell Dear Dr. Turi, Again, I had faith and trust and allowed my intuition to bring me to the right place at the right time, and thus I ended up in Sedona and ultimately being one of your Astropsychology graduates. OMG, what an experience. It has changed my life forever. I am honored to have met you and Chief "laughing horse", and my new family of like-minded friends from all corners of the world will be treasured forever. Your course was intense but enjoyable and Sedona was the ideal location. Believe me Dr. Turi, you do make a huge difference in this world! We, your new graduates, now have the tools necessary to convey your message to all that are ready for the truth, especially the children of the world. You are very special and unique. Thank you for teaching me Divine Astrology. Namaste' Kathryn Hello Dr. Turi; I just wanted to say that being in your Sedona class this past week was most uplifting and enlightening.. i wouldn’t trade it for anything!!! i am honored to be one of your graduating star students and hope to be in touch with you still and i am determined to get you on Ophra!!! im going to be writing her this weekend. I hope to see and hear from you soon. Many blessings, Alyssa I want to thank you for raising my awareness about Astropsychology at the 2008 Sedona course last week. I'm very lucky to find you through the website and I will never forget about you. yes, you are my first teacher to sharing your wisdom about Starguide based on new moon and cosmic consciousness. I want to thank you for your empower on me. I feel of having such powerful truth and translate to use the stars as tools to help give deaf children. The other star students in the Sedona class really support me and shared my passion about give deaf children the Starguide. I understand your natural Dragon’s head in Aries and speak out your mind and natural leader. You are really guru of stars. I really enjoy your humor, your wisdom, your love for teaching cosmic consciousness to stars students. I look forward to see your new Astropsychology of dragon school in the future. Again, I want to say thank you for empower your wisdom and teaching me. Light and Love, Britt & Emily DT- Hello Britt and Emily it was an honor for me to raise your cosmic consciousness and both of you were the chose one to be the “voice” for all deaf children. Your mission is as important as mine Britt and this is why God sent you to me to learn all about the Cosmic Code. Emily is reflecting her own Dragon’s Head (power) in Gemini (general communication) and be sure she is also a vital part of this mission. Blessings to you two, keep the message of the stars alive. DT Dr. Turi I wanted to THANK YOU for all your hard work and the incredible week we had taking your Astropsychology Class in Sedona! Alyssa and I had a wonderful and enlightening experience! I pray more parents come to realize how IMPORTANT your teachings are and invest, learn and share the power of the stars; it would really make this world a better place! Love you. Your New Star Graduate. Amanda. Hello Dr. Turi Sir, I'm so glad to have made it out to Sedona, what a wonderful healing experience to have so many old and young souls come together was an experience to never forget. The class was wonderful and intense in so many ways, and no one walked away empty all things will line up for all. Yes the air is under the wings and the spirits are present for I knew what I had to do again thank you for that. I was also so touched by Chief Sonne, talk about a wonder person all was good. Your message is getting out! Oh you all most beat me back to town! Thank you and many blessing, Scott Hi Dr. Turi: I have attended a lot of classes regarding the human body in my life as a pathologist and have conducted research, but this class was so informative about the energies that cause humans to develop into different actions within their life. I was so impressed how you are able to explain how these energies affect our reaction and behaviors in society. This is why this information is so important to share with the rest of the world. I feel so privileged and appreciate the information and highly energetic people who were in attendance. I feel like I have added new family members in my life. I was so energized that I still have not touched the ground and am waiting for the next advanced class. This is why I feel so compelled to get this information to children of the world so they can make the necessary adjustments to benefit themselves and the world. I fully understand why you are so compelled to get the information out to the people. I will work as hard as I can with Kathryn's help and everyone else we can to get the job started and completed. Thanks Dr. Turi for a wonderful experience in Sedona. Dr. William Thank you so very much, Dr. T for sharing the great class you had and the photos with those of us who could not be there. As always, you are thoughtful and generous! Blessings to all those new Light Warriors and to you! Ota Hi Dr. Turi, In reading your books and listening to your tapes I am hearing a great deal of repetition. I am understanding more and more with every day that passes just how all of this works. I also realize the learning never will end. And, with all that in mind, I am working with the Halloran software and practicing doing readings on people. In my travels today, I ran into this woman at the bank and we started talking. I mentioned Astropsychology to her and she was intrigued and said that she wanted a reading. The woman is a Pisces. We went to a Thai restaurant together for lunch and I talked off the top of my head about the sign of Pisces all through our little soup break. When we parted, I picked up the check, and she told me I'd better not do any readings for free, that my information was valuable and that I should be paid for my work, and then she gave me a hundred dollar bill. Aint that a kick? What fun! I'm going to be the richest Astropsychologist on my block! HA! HA! Ted DT - LOLOL GOOD DEED AND GOOD DEAL! Use your wisdom for guidance and for wealth my friend, I always said knowledge is power ignorance is evil and true wisdom brings emotional, financial and spiritual stability. Blessings my friend Blessings Dr. Turi WHO WINS AGAIN? THE OIL INDUSTRY! Hi DT; You are amazing, my dear Nostradamus... your predictions are uncanny! Now that the oilers got their way and will drill away.. How long before the price of gas comes down? Should I invest on a mo-ped? Lol Che “He is wise who understands that the stars are luminaries, created as signs. He who will conquer the stars will hold the golden keys to God’s mysterious universe.” —Nostradamus Remember this negative Dragon Tail in Leo is also right in the second house of money in the chart of America producing worries and serious financial problem to some of us. Because of my constant drive to help others make sure to check the super deal I offer all of you in this newsletter. So many desperate people have called me for help and I realize my services are not exactly cheap, but again you will get what you paid for. I am offering TWO 90 mn tape for the price of one. The first one is your Full Life Reading, so you can find out what to do to better your financial situation by following the Dragon’s Head (luck/growth) and regenerate your spirit to avoid depression then sickness caused by fears. The second 90 mn HYPNOTHERAPY tape is designed to BOOST the creative forces of your subconscious and accelerate the process of changes but again realize that my work has very much more to offer you in both recording. This investment will save you a lot of money by avoiding costly medical bills and provide you with my undivided attention and solid guidance. Knowledge is power ignorance is evil go to http://www.drturi.com/readings.php to order your Full Life Reading and MENTION your 90 mn tape gift in the area for you to write. You MUST join the file named “Cosmic Code With Dr. Turi” with your email or your regular mail and VOILA! If you have your copy of 2008 Moon Power be cautious and read how the “Universal Code” will touch you and your loved ones personally for the next few days and all the way up to the end of 2008. Get the book be smart be safe! www.drturi.com/books.php NO MORE EXCUSE BE PREPARED ABOUT YOUR PERSONAL AND UNIVERSAL PREDICTIONS, BE SMART5, SAVE YOUR LIFE, SAVE MONEY, SAVE TIME. http://www.drturi.com/orders3.html#newsletter The price of my " Cosmic Code" VIP newsletter is now only $35.00 until the end of the year. Note also you may order anytime and still get EVERYONE ONE of them and check your personal and Universal Dragon forecast, your daily guidance and benefit also from all sorts of good deals and large breaks on my services by doing so. Realize also that my rare wisdom and LEGITIMATE guidance is PRICELESS, thus for a quarter or less a day you will be taking care all throughout the year 2009 and get to learn a lot about the "Cosmic Code". The price for the 2009 "Cosmic Code" newsletters will be of a flat rate of $100 and $35:00 for senior's citizens and extended to anyone else born as of or before January 1955. Note that your personal Dragon forecast is based upon the year you were born thus lying on your factual age will not help you at all. I will ask every one of you to RE-submit your payment BEFORE January 1st 2009. My great Webmaster Alan will always accommodate me with the price variations (including the $35 new price as of today) and the new form with the new $100 price will be on my website in time so you do not miss your 1st 2009 "Cosmic Code" VIP newsletter. Join us NOW go to www.drturi.com click on ORDER and pick the STUDENT Rate Option for $35.00 and join my World Wide Star Family. Thank you to all my newcomers, DT. I know $1500 for my Astropsychology course is a lot of money and many people, especially in these days cannot afford the wisdom. Thus I am offering my course ON AUDIO TAPE by mail for $550 – DO NOT CALL the office please, send your payment to: Dr. Turi – 4411 N. 23Rd St – Phoenix, AZ 85016 11- 90 mn tapes Printed material Exams Hard cover Books (3) 2 DVD 1 CD Have you heard of the “Death Wish Generation” yet parents? Well some of those kids regenerate with sex, drama and rap music! Get the book and start understanding them before its too late for you and them – LEARN ALL ABOUT THE DRAGON- http://www.drturi.com/books.php http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8lK8QO0GkU EYE OF TRUTH The year 2012 will see a COMPLETE restructures of so many governments and established hierarchies where progress and changes will be IMPOSED on humankind. If you are in Arizona, join me September 26th – 27th - 28th http://www.hauntedcon.com/guests.html Do you know any UFO group? Contact teraniapromodir@peoplepc.com if you want me to lecture for your group. Check my lecture topics at http://www.drturi.com/events.php Dr. Turi' will bring you back to 1967 and his 1st dramatic abduction then all the way to August 11th, 2001 when he was abducted with his wife Brigitte on the sky of Los Angeles, CA. Dr. Turi's 4 solid experiences are of an incredible nature with the "downloading" of the "Universal Code" inside a flying saucer which left him with an undisputed incontestable well documented record of predictions including 911, the Asia tsunami, ALL specific dates for the Louisiana Hurricanes, California fires, Kobe earthquakes etc. Are you are a "Chosen One", and a candidate for mankind's future seed? Witness the truth about the incredible reality of extraterrestrials with Dr. Turi. Blessings to all Dr. Turi




6/11/2008 Dear Readers; I must make you aware of this approaching negative window before stopping this FREE newsletter. Please be more cautious than usual as we approach the "SOS To The World" deadly window for June 13th 14th and 15th. I gave a series of dates and predictions on the UK Alex Baker' show and so far ALL of my predictions transpired as predicted. BE READY FOR THE NEXT ONE! To the skeptics simply listen to a montage of Dr. Turi's Predictions alongside live news broadcasts of events! (Courtesy: Alex Baker) http://www.drturi.com/archives.php and watch for the upcoming dramatic news for June 13th 14th and 15th before CNN post them on their website. I made it to the "The Genius Book of World Records & The Brainiac Almanac" Dr. Louis Turi, Celebrity Astrologer - The most number of accurate predictions publicly documented in major media. http://www.GeniusRecordBook.com/ Contact Bryant at if you want to know more about Bryant's work and his great radio show. http://www.mcgillbroadcast.com/contact/ If you have your copy of 2008 Moon Power be cautious and read how the "Universal Code" will touch you and your loved ones personally for the next few days and all the way up to the end of 2008. Get the book be smart be safe! www.drturi.com/books.php Here is a quatrain I wrote for all my readers to summarize the upcoming energy, you are strongly advised to pass these on to all the people you care, then watch. Ugly Hidden Face Of Death The Tail Stings Evil Spirits A Mad Dance Secret and Shame Innocent Children Mother Cry Police Drama Reality Strike A Famous One To Die Written by Dr. Turi 11/11/06 With the Dragon right on top of Japan and China and the US expect the worse of this celestial energy to manifest stronger as we approach the lowest "THE PIT" In august 2008. Japan sees a rash of suicides and more devastating quakes are on the way. China is pretty much the same and already experienced terrible natural disasters and many deaths. The US keep suffering as the Dragon's Tail suffocate its economy with a myriad of "predicted" increases in various domestic department including extremely high gas price. Note that in 2009 and for 2 more years the very difficult Dragon's Tail will move in Cancer (America July 4th 1776" is on for a TOTAL restructure and it is going to get MUCH worse before it gets better! This will be my last FREE newsletter, as I have to produce the 2009 Moon Power and "channel" much more personal and universal guidance and predictions for all my VIP readers. Get the 2008 Moon Power book and order your 2009 version (when it is published) be smart be safe! http://www.drturi.com/books.php More children are targeted BY THE DRAGON each and every day- BE CAUTIOUS WITH YOUR KIDS! TELL THEM ABOUT THE DRAGON AND AVOID A FUNERAL. IT IS THAT SERIOUS! The Dragon's Tail is doing its usual rampage and I am sure many of you thought of my predictions when you learned about this dramatic news. Japan's suicide cliff - Japan sees a rash of suicides, as people jump off a famous cliff, and one man attempts to help - http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/world/2008/06/10/lah.japan.suicide.cliff.cnn 1 - 2 girls shot by roadside during sleepover 11 years old. Two young girls on a sleepover are found dead after taking a walk. http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/crime/2008/06/09/dnt.ok.girls.shot.koco 2 - Celebratory gunfire at a graduation party end with one teen shot dead by a police officer. 3 - PHOENIX -- A collision sparked a road rage shooting that left a grandmother dead and her young granddaughter wounded Sunday afternoon, Phoenix police said. Graham said the incident has left her shaken. "When I'm driving and I even tell my kids, 'Don't even look at people around you because you don't know if somebody might think you're giving them a dirty look or something and pull out a gun and start shooting you,'" Graham said. http://www.kpho.com/news/16544375/detail.html 4 - This is the 10th U.S. troop death in Iraq this month and the number of U.S. service member deaths in the war stands at 4,094. Lastly I know we are all suffering this terrible Dragon's tail in the US and all over the world and many of us are felling very insecure. Who is to blame? Those greedy powerful souls in power regulating our lives while they can't control theirs! Man means well for his fellow human at first being but without "Cosmic Consciousness" anyone in power, regardless of education, intelligence, position and accomplishments will NEVER EVER soothe anyone's pain or provide true healing or valuable solution for a person or a country. Fears turns into greed and creates abuses. And it is in this dance of madness and ignorance that I am trying to reach you my readers and insert some hope in your being and alter your fate in a positive way. Don't give up and know that "The future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thoughts". Regardless of what you are going through don't give up, be strong because after the storm always comes the blue sky and the shinning sun! The Divine awareness intelligence is so powerful it has the ability to believe anything into existence it so wishes. Being a portion of this awareness. It is your inherent right to believe anything into being that you wish, when you are a pure and clean conduit for this exhaustless ageless omnipresent intelligence. - Antarr My next "Cosmic Code" newsletter will be sent out soon so stand by VIP's and thank you for your trust in my work. Blessings to all Dr. Turi IMPORTANT NOTE I MUST CONCENTRATE ON WRITING MY NEW 2009 MOON POWER THUS THE FREE DRAGON NEWSLETTER MUST STOP ONLY MY VIP'S WILL STILL RECEIVE THE "COSMIC CODE" NEWSLETTERS. NO MORE EXCUSE BE PREPARED ABOUT YOUR PERSONAL AND UNIVERSAL PREDICTIONS, BE SMART5, SAVE YOUR LIFE, SAVE MONEY, SAVE TIME. The price of my " Cosmic Code" VIP newsletter is now only $35.00 until the end of the year. Note also you may order anytime and still get EVERYONE ONE of them and check your personal and Universal Dragon forecast, your daily guidance and benefit also from all sorts of good deals and large breaks on my services by doing so. Realize also that my rare wisdom and LEGITIMATE guidance is PRICELESS, thus for a quarter or less a day you will be taking care all throughout the year 2009 and get to learn a lot about the "Cosmic Code". The price for the 2009 "Cosmic Code" newsletters will be of a flat rate of $100 and $35:00 for senior's citizens and extended to anyone else born as of or before January 1955. Note that your personal Dragon forecast is based upon the year you were born thus lying on your factual age will not help you at all. I will ask every one of you to RE-submit your payment BEFORE January 1st 2009. My great Webmaster Alan will always accommodate me with the price variations (including the $35 new price as of today) and the new form with the new $100 price will be on my website in time so you do not miss your 1st 2009 "Cosmic Code" VIP newsletter. Click on the banner and pick the STUDENT Rate Option for $35.00 and join my World Wide Star Family. Thank you to all my newcomers, DT. http://www.drturi.com/orders3.html#newsletter Legitimate wisdom MUST be back! I really hope that many of you will soon realize how important it is to understand how the "Cosmic Code" affects people in power and our common fate in the process. Thousands of people have lost their lives in wars that did not have to die because of the wrong decisions made by those in power. I sincerely hope for you to understand important it is to reeducate the entire world about the "Cosmic Code" impact on humankind and with education apply the part of God in each one of us instead of letting the worse of Neptune (and all the other planets) turn this world into a unlimited war zone. I am years ahead of time and I can finally see when all this deadly religious junk (Age of Pisces) and all its deception and futile imagination is trashed to be replaced by education, respect, intelligence and the mastering of God's Universal tools (New Age of Aquarius). "WHEN MEN REALIZE THAT THE CHURCH AN DTHE TWELVE APOSTLES ARE A REFLECTION OF THE TWELVE SIGN OF THE ZODIAC GOD COMMANDMENTS WRITTEN IN LIGHT WILL BRING TRUE LOVE RESPECT AND PEACE TO THIS WORLD" Dr. Turi "God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a more productive life. Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom. ~ Paracelsus TO ALL MY READERS INVEST IN MY HONORABLE CAUSE PLEASE! I DON'T RUN A CULT OR A CHURCH AND WILL MAKE A REALLY GOOD USE OF YOUR HELP! Good News - Well so far the html page has seen about 800 emails sent from it by this point. Not too bad Craig and I say but we NEED you to keep sending them. Thank you everyone for helping us. WE WANT TO MAKE EASIER FOR YOU Craig updated the Email address. There is a link for C2C and one for Clear Channel. http://3rdstone.net/mailto.html So please realize that I am working VERY hard to help all of you and I can only count on you my faithful reader to keep writing and making your requests to Clear Channel Executives directly. PLEASE do so and enjoy more of my wisdom and real guidance - Use this link and tell them WHY you want me there, mention my predictions, talk about George endorsing me so many times, tell them that its OK to have a regular there talking about UFO regularly but my guidance is as important for their audience. Tell them to have a pool on Coast To Coast and ASK their listeners if they want me there regularly, use your imagination but HELP ME to reach more people. Please contact every one of them at the same time and do it regularly. Our efforts will pay off in time and I can do it only with your help. Once more use http://3rdstone.net/mailto.html to do so. Thank you so much for your needed help. Sharing Emails: Hi Dr. Turi! I want to thank you so much for the recent life reading you did for me. (I was the one with Libra sun, Aquarius Head) Your insights were totally accurate and I really appreciate the whole tone of the reading: sincere, caring, informed, personal. You clearly care deeply for the people you work with and I encourage everyone to take advantage of your obvious talents and gifts. I will take your suggestion and get a progressions reading soon. I really enjoy your newsletters and there is not a day goes by when I do not read the news and say, " Dr. Turi was right....AGAIN!!!" Bless you for your dedication and generosity!!!! I have a question: in March, I ordered a Comparison Chart. The birthdates given were accurate as was the birthdate for the full life reading. I noticed that on the comparison chart my sun sign was listed as Scorpio, Moon in Libra, Mercury in Sagittarius and so on but in my full life reading my Sun is in Libra, Moon in Leo, Mercury in Scorpio etc. Is that accurate that my signs would be different in the comparison chart? Just wanted to double check in case there was a computer glitch somewhere. Wishing you blessings in abundance! Joni DT - Hello Joni; Thank you so much for your feedback... Note that any Internet files are generated by software that uses modern astrology and I have nothing to do with it. I only use the wheel I designed with Halloran software, thus your reading is correct and the report is also correct. Realize that there are 85 different way to read your chart lol. I have mastered every one of them and none gave me the aptitude and accuracy thus there is now Astropsychology or the compilation of all ancient disciplines at your service. Blessings DT To those readers who are still skeptical of my true predictive gift in Astrology listen to my Prediction of the China Aftershock and the thousands of people to relocate on June 6th on Alex Baker show - "The Night Before" in London. http://www.drturi.com/archives.php LOOK AT MY PREDICTIONS FROM 2006 AND SOME ARTICLES I WROTE THERE PERTAINING TO WHAT IS HAPPENING NOWADAYS. Gas price will be skyrocketing, forcing the population to ask lawmakers to stop the constant rise of oil price. Expect a wet year with serious flooding and a series of super hurricanes and tornadoes that will destroy coastlines and some islands worldwide. http://www.astrologyknowledge.com/index.php?zoom_cat=-1&zoom_query=turi Have you heard of the "Death Wish Generation" yet parents? Well some of those kids regenerate with sex, drama and rap music! Get the book and start understanding them before its too late for you and them - LEARN ALL ABOUT THE DRAGON- http://www.drturi.com/books.php Remember this negative Dragon is also right in the second house of money in the chart of America producing worries and serious financial problem to some of us. Because of my constant drive to help others make sure to check the super deal I offer all of you in this newsletter. So many desperate people have called me for help and I realize my services are not exactly cheap, but again you will get what you paid for. I am offering TWO 90 mn tape for the price of one. The first one is your Full Life Reading, so you can find out what to do to better your financial situation by following the Dragon's Head (luck/growth) and regenerate your spirit to avoid depression then sickness caused by fears. The second 90 mn HYPNOTHERAPY tape is designed to BOOST the creative forces of your subconscious and accelerate the process of changes but again realize that my work has very much more to offer you in both recording. This investment will save you a lot of money by avoiding costly medical bills and provide you with my undivided attention and solid guidance. Use this New Moon in Gemini (duality/communication) accordingly because unless you do something by gathering true wisdom your situation will not improve or change. Knowledge is power ignorance is evil go to http://www.drturi.com/readings.php to order your Full Life Reading and MENTION your 90 mn tape gift in the area for you to write. 1 of 2 America and UFO predictions on Coast To Coast 2 of 2 America and UFO predictions on Coast To Coast http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8lK8QO0GkU EYE OF TRUTH http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/admin/public/images/Intro%20Dr%20Turi%20March%2020047.jpg The year 2012 will see a COMPLETE restructures of so many governments and established hierarchies where progress and changes will be IMPOSED on humankind. All was fully "predicted" on Coast To Coast and YouTube months ago. Try 01 of 04 "Cosmic Code"http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=drturistar&p=r If you missed my last show listen to it at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83j45l_wxdg If you are in Arizona, join me June 21st from 1:00 to 4:00 http://www.tucsonmufon.com/ UFO LEGACY Dr. Turi' will bring you back to 1967 and his 1st dramatic abduction then all the way to August 11th, 2001 when he was abducted with his wife Brigitte on the sky of Los Angeles, CA. Dr. Turi's 4 solid experiences are of an incredible nature with the "downloading" of the "Universal Code" inside a flying saucer which left him with an undisputed incontestable well documented record of predictions including 911, the Asia tsunami, ALL specific dates for the Louisiana Hurricanes, California fires, Kobe earthquakes etc. Are you are a "Chosen One", and a candidate for mankind's future seed? Witness the truth about the incredible reality of extraterrestrials with Dr. Turi. Check again http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=drturistar&p=r or listen to others and ANY of Last year radio shows at http://www.drturi.com/archives.php In any case if you did not order your 2008 Moon Power copy simply go to http://www.drturi.com/moonpoweroffer2007.php and download your FREE copy then look for the section titled "The Universal Law of the Moon". While there check what the old Dragon in Pisces/Virgo axis did to your life and those you care by reading your personal Dragon forecast. Remember my 2008 Moon Power is available to all of you as an E book for only $15.00. Send your check to Dr. Turi 4411 N. 23Rd ST, Phoenix, AZ 85016 and TYPE or PRINT your email address so we can email it to you. I am working very hard to produce the 2009 Moon power and it should be available before the year is over. I have also found a way for you to help me in my request to endorse my work and get me as a regular on Coast To Coast with a working combined link. So please realize that I am working VERY hard to help all of you and I can only count on you my faithful reader to keep writing and making your requests to Clear Channel Executives directly. PLEASE do so and enjoy more of my wisdom and real guidance - Blessings to all Dr. Turi BACK TO LIFE IN EXOTIC THAILAND MARCH 26 TO APRIL 9TH If you are interested to REBIRTH yourself physically and spiritually do it with us! My good friend Cyril and I created a very powerful Mother of ALL SECRET natural diet called "BACK TO LIFE". This all-natural healing methodology will indeed and totally CLEAN OFF all negative physical and spiritual condition. Thus if you want to BE BORN AGAIN, gain more magnetism, build "Cosmic Consciousness", learn all about the "Cosmic Code" Nostradamus Cabalistic Healing, lose weight, visit temples and the most exotic places in this world in Thailand contact him directly at mailto:ubbacktolife@aol.com Make your suggestions to Cyril he is in charge of this tour. Note we are also taking applications for February 26th to March 3rd 2009 if you can't make next July 2008. JOIN US, CHANGE YOUR LIFE, BUILD A WONDERFUL REWARDING CAREER ON THE INTERNET, DON'T DRIVE NO MORE GAS IS TOO EXPANSIVE, LET ME TEACH YOU AND BRING YOU EMOTIONAL, FINANCIAL AND SPIRITUAL STABILITY. http://www.drturi.com/astroclass.php dr.turi@cox.net)
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